《新目标英语》教材教法探讨 人民教育出版社中学英语编辑室 熊金霞_第1页
《新目标英语》教材教法探讨 人民教育出版社中学英语编辑室 熊金霞_第2页
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1、?新目标英语?教材教法探讨 人民教育出版社中学英语编辑室 熊金霞xiongjxpep September, 20211研讨要点一、新课改理念二、教材特点三、教材体例介绍四、教材使用建议五、教学建议听;说;阅读;词汇 2英 语 课 程 目 标综合语言运用能力国际视野祖国意识合作精神自信意志动机兴趣语言知识话题功能语法词汇语音语言技能听 说 读 写学习策略资源策略交际策略调控策略认知策略文化意识文化知识文化理解跨文化交际意识和能力情感态度综合语言运用能力的基础影响学生学习和发展的重要因素提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的先决条件得体运用语言的保障3九级目标体系示意图八级七级 六级五级九级二级四级三级

2、一级普通高中毕业要求高考要求 小学毕业要求义务教育毕业要求4新课标精神一、五个转变二、三个重视5教师的学生 学生的教师 students of the teacher teacher of the students 教师学生 学生教师 teacher student student teacher The Pedagogy of the Oppressed?被压迫者教育学?1 From Teacher-centred to learner-centred 6The teachers primary responsibility is response-ability. (The Lexical

3、 Approach)Knowledge begins from asking questions. / inquiry (Why dislike (afraid of) questions?) (Learning to Question)2 From answers to questions73 From explanations to explorations? Its quicker if I explain.探究、发现学习语音、单词构成、语法8教师讲授5学生阅读10视听并用20 教师演示30学生讨论50学生实践70学生教别人95 教学方式 记住率教学方式采用率教师讲授95学生阅读80视听

4、并用70教师演示65学生讨论45学生实践20学生教别人59学生最喜欢的课堂教学方式 86.7%的学生表示喜欢有较多的动手操作或亲身实践、讨论交流或自学等课堂教学方式,12%的学生喜欢以老师讲授为主的方式。引发较多的讨论交流其他有较多的动手操作或亲身实践大量的书面练习自学老师讲授为主104 From knowledge to skill重语法知识传授 重能力培养 (integrating skills: listening & speaking, listening and writing, reading & writing, reading & speaking )Aim:综合运用语言知识的

5、能力 Use the right words in the right place.115 From product to process“纸上得来终觉浅,要知此事须躬行Involve them to experience it! 12听:听前激活背景知识;听中训练听力策略听关键词、记笔记、调控自己、听后结合听力材料说或写读:读前、读中、读后评价:终结性评价 形成性评价13三个重视1 重视学习策略 调控、认知、交际、资源策略2 重视文化的双向交流143 重视情感因素 (affective factors) Teachers need to feel successful.Students ne

6、ed to experience regular success.Interest is the best teacher. 15二、 教材特点 话题贴近学生生活,有趣,学生喜欢 语言地道、真实有趣 任务型语言教学。任务真实;可操作性强;任务链由易到难controlled half-controlled open 语法循环安排,为交际效劳插图信息丰富,传神16话题:有趣、信息丰富异国文化休闲活动:度假安排:Canada, speak French; Great Lakes; go to the countryside; love nature谈个性,对交朋友的不同观点:I like to ha

7、ve friends who are like me; Its not necessary to be the same; I dont really care.烹饪:banana milk shake; fruit salad, sandwich学校组织的旅游:camping, aquarium, yard sale名人介绍个人人生目标自己生活的地方(cinema, restaurant, peoples talent show: play the guitar upside town, sing with a dog)17语言真实地道、有趣B1 U2 Is this your pencil

8、? Lost and Found U3 This is my sister. (These are my parents.) 比较:This is a pen. Those are pencils/black dogs.I cant stand it. Would you mind doing sth? 18 对话富含口语特征19任务链controlledHalf-controlledopen20语法循环安排,为交际效劳七上:一般现在时 be (How much is ?) have, like (Do you like bananas?), want (Do you want to go t

9、o a movie?) can七下一般现在时 be like (Why do you like koalas?) want (I want to be an actor.) What does he look like? what do you think of game shows?would like 现在进行时 一般过去时 互相穿插,循环安排 Dont 21“研究说明间断的训练比集中训练更有效Larsen-Freeman, 2003 语法训练要 “细水长流,不要单打一、一次完成陈国华导读,2005 要多读、多听、多说,培养语感 eg:高考136分,不知什么是表语22三、教材体例:全套书框

10、架学段单元数附录七年级上册英汉指示语3 starters12 units2 review unitsTapescripts; Pronunciation;Grammar; Word list七年级下册12 units2 review unitsTapescripts; Pronunciation;Grammar; Word list八年级上册12 units 2 review unitsTapescripts; Grammar;Word list; Irregular verbs八年级下册10 units 2 review unitsTapescripts; Grammar;Word list

11、九年级15 units3 review unitsTapescripts; GrammarWord list; Irregular verbs23重要语法分布七上一般现在时(be, have, like, want), can;可数名词与不可数名词七下复习一般现在时(like, want); there be; 现在进行时;would you like; 一般过去时;What do you think of ?; Dont 八上现在进行时表将来;比较级,最高级;一般过去时;be going to八下Will表将来;过去进行时;宾语从句;if从句;现在完成进行时;would you mind d

12、oing ?; 现在完成时;附加问句(Its a nice day, isnt it?)九年级动名词by doing sth; used to; should be allowed; what would you do?定语从句;不定式;被动语态;过去完成时24单元结构Section ASection BSelf check为目标句型提供分步例如和指导性练习使学生对学过的目标句型运用自如使学生对自己的英语水平有明确的认识25262728293031符合学生认知规律,循序渐进Input output先听 后说(PW, GW)先读 后写仿写,自由写作根底 扩展1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 1c 2

13、c 3b 3c 432四、教材使用建议1. 对教材的认识1教材不应该成为控制和标准教学的“法定文化;2教材不是“圣经;3教材是效劳教学的工具和材料;4没有完美的教材;5教材不可能完全满足学生的需要; 刘道义,2004332 ?英语课程标准?就教材使用的六点建议 1对教材内容进行适当的补充和删减2替换教学内容和活动。3扩展教学内容和活动步骤。4调整教学顺序。5调整教学方法。6总结教材使用情况。343. 对?新目标英语?教材使用建议Generally1合理安排课时,做好Section A 和Section B两局部的 统一、协调、整合2. 对教材内容进行适当的补充和删减。3. 调整教学顺序4. 扩

14、展教学内容或活动步骤35单元课时安排举例B2 Unit 1 How often do you exercise?五课时第一课时:P1-2(Section A: 1a, 1b, 1C, 2a, 2b, 2c) 听说课第二课时:p3 (Section A: 3, 4) 读说课+语法第三课时:p4 (section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c)听说课 第四课时:p5 (3a, 3b, 3c, 4) 读写课第五课时:p6 (self-check & workbook) 综合复习课36五、教学建议1、听力:常见问题学生害怕听英语听力能力弱难得发现自己有进步教师对听力重视不够,更加重视说的

15、教学 教学目标:能说出,能用进行表达,没有听的教学目标 没有充分利用听力材料,放几遍了事三部曲:听两遍录音对答案再听一遍或全班朗读重、难点不突出,不管难易一样对待没有渗透听力策略指导 37建议听前:预热、准备,词汇,背景听中:Take notes. Ask questions.听后: 听说结合:分角色表演、复述听力内容; 听写结合 :仿写对话;将听力改写成 叙事短文 38Examples: Section A, 1bQuestions:What are they talking about?Does the boy like to exercise?Does the girl like sho

16、pping? What about the boy?Does the girl like watching TV? What does she like to do?What does the sentence mean “I cant stand shopping?How many activities are mentioned?39Section A, 2a, 2bQuestions:How many people are talking?What is their possible relationship? Does the man like watching TV?Does the

17、 man love reading? Does the man like to exercise?What kind of man do you think the man is?40Section B, 2a, 2bQuestions:How many people are talking?Why do you think Katrina is healthy and Bill is not healthy? What differences are big as for their habit?As for their habit, what habit is the same?41阅读:

18、常见问题学生读得慢理解正确率不高心里读出声回读教师只见树木,不见森林重视语法和词汇知识点,忽略文章本身传达的信息 “挖金矿忽略阅读策略和好的阅读习惯的培养42建议培养学生好的阅读习惯读前:预热;预测看标题、看插图读中原那么: 先快读、略读 ,后慢读、细读 先理解大意或关键信息,后理解细节 先默读,后朗读 读后:读说结合;读写结合43问题的层次字面理解层:plain facts; read in the lines推断层:infer meaning between the lines评估层:read beyond the lines; What do you think of ? Do you

19、agree with the writer? Do you think ? 44Example: Unit 1 Book 5 P5First fast readingIs Katrinas lifestyle healthy?What is the key word for the passage?Second reading5 questions at p5.45课外阅读课标要求:三四五级:4-10-15万选择适宜的材料浅、薄、有趣指导学生写阅读日志46建议读物精读,背诵 ?真实趣味读物?人民教育出版社 ?新概念英语?第2册,96个故事可选背 外研社 ?泰西50轶事?上海泛读Teens 中国

20、日报社 47泛读任务 Date Title New words I learn Phrases and sentence structures I learn Good sentences I like Summary My opinion48口语任务前:活动目的,分组,组员角色安排任务中:充足时间演练任务后:给学生展示的时机,有效评价好课的特征: 一定有心与心之间的交流 一定有学生创造性的产出example49词汇:常见问题学生不会读记不住孤立记单词教师 第一天学第二天要求默写不分重难点,每个词平均用力不重视语境不重视词的搭配50两大原那么:语音是单词记忆的线索 bathtub effect

21、 int_ _ _ _ting, fes_ _val 拼读规那么重音弱读;连读512 语义是单词组织的中心原那么Test: A Name a fruit that begins with p. B Name a word that begins with p that is a fruit. NS联想salt pepper, sugar water, foodNNS联想expect exceptassist resist 52启示: 按语义场组织单词mind map) 重视搭配,语块教学53Book 3, Unit 6Describing PeopleHeighttallshortHairPe

22、rsonalityBodylongshortstraightcurlythinlightoutgoingquietfunnyseriousfatheavy54Continued 1 Brainstorm words that connect with English learning.2Make a mind map with vacation.3Make a mind map with family members. 55搭配语法搭配词汇搭配语法搭配be interested inThanks for It is nice/thoughtful/stupid of you to do sth

23、.56Verb pattern 1I gaveTracy the book.passedhandedthrew57Verb pattern 2Subject + verbitComplementTo do sth / that clauseI thinkWe all consider ititwisewrongto finish the work soon.that he cheated in the exam.Common verbs used: believe, feel, find, know, take, prove, countHornby A. S. A Guide to Patt

24、erns and Usage in English582 词汇搭配pretty girl/womanhandsome manbeautiful lady/womanblond hairaccident happenread aloud592 Write as many correct pairs of verb + noun phrases as possible.put on go take tidysightseeing a holiday my room a photo a coat for a walkher desk a posterTypical 60方法用实物用图片 A _ is worth one thousand words. 简笔画 动作表演 动词、


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