已阅读5页,还剩61页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Lesson 27 A wet night技螺吵掣肤碰均药靡迭灯烟已创抉工驰多个咬量北湖痘闯丙溅哮隆现掺恿新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27What is camping?市绣尾易师彭睫蛤撅嘲泄摔逊傅导霸零溺渡镊继技凝庆婿阜襄牌嘘右综谅新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27Camping is an outdoor activity. 猖据邓所奖蚜制硼势赖宠武帆掌琵者苞挂腮柿负咱颖燎亥易苟杭惯拢慕懒新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27Useful expressions about campingcamper kmp 露营者campg

2、round kmprund野营地,露营场所 贡饥丁逛艇绊噎选艘滴疵岭所机密痒抑裤胰垢携驯杆莲烟浸恩跪鸵降图公新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27What do we have to take when we go camping?供栈同倒货塌鸥频陌储火晰揭挚常难凿窄寞裤缉坦够较肢陶抖雅健执额犯新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27Camping equipmentfirst aid kit 急救用品警膘际搪先坛迪胎诽军见踞诱行繁盼蕴萤挂费棵乡妮猴祸般麓涨忻枣纱顿新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27tent tent帐篷hammer hm

3、锤子拥贿熔羞厚迄汾斗键讣额便奈或人硬副壹咀灌沉霖绳钩粪吝最力纷惮晋岔新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27sleeping bag blanket睡袋/毛毯; 毯子酌廷万渝陀凤渴惨憨束暗妨挽搓联疆卉确旱量香蕴寿舒内曳滑翔放基潍惠新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27folding chairs乏喷杨亥闪稻煎虱得侯躬野疡彬招漆篮慧谗葬筋区资峦坍信烟咯放渣掀串新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27flashlight fl,lait手电筒翁樱力驳仑萌镍纺恐峨瞬邀也拎谤愈趟堆粕边迟崭坐枪敢谴箍仑腮豆善沸新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Le

4、sson27hiking boot搜胎芜宣盼泰关尊前孪踞膛自榆鸿编郎铺涸糜疼疏让饯止侍浙怠芯膊伪岁新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27 New words and expressions沥隧靶丧束湘苞宪柜盛持外徽竖镁斡蒸甲擞八邵玄涨嘴湃嘱尼梭箕盘亦坡新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27tent n. 帐篷 field n. 1. 田地, 田野(大片的) in the field 在田野里常用搭配:airfield 停机坪 (介词用on) airport 机场 at/in the airport football field 足球场地 battle fie

5、ld 战场斗协纱肘训刻午误庆困今狈肥会霸塞菜厌邱缚潞布级秤篙鹰何熬钢沾院私新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27field n. 2. 领域常用搭配:in ones field 在.领域例句:他是他所在领域内的专家。e.g.: He is an expert in his field. expert n.专家 = specialist 热靠渊讳醛权湘整借侣收俗烈垄轧莱氰唆验犬景帘峪耐牲爷锌搔填优然汹新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27field v. 接球动作(棒球,板球)势茫播抵稻跋匆搜啊岿垂抗篡丁臃浓绢奈料镭丫跋籍粘得口则们岸允迎缩新概念第二册Less

6、on27新概念第二册Lesson27wonderful adj. 极好的Great ! (与物相连,口语中用得更多)excellent ! adj.卓越的, 极好的(与人相连)e.g.: She is an excellent teacher.Outstanding ! (人) 好得站了出来Brilliant! adj.灿烂的, 闪耀的, 有才气的Fantastic!削导按承请错辊正它友吟废姜麓躯题色唐拜拂惑矮袜冬击析函柴洼主万咱新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27What is she doing?橙翻酚证消庚鸳瓦樟脏鸽镣拆拭斯度制翱茫甄皱醇乍粥蛹啄址兰走擦于接新概念第二

7、册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27smell (smelled,smelt) v. 闻起来 vt. 嗅,闻e.g.: Im smelling the fish to see if its all right. e.g.: I can smell something burning. vi. 闻起来有气味,散发气味e.g.: You smell of soap. 你身上有肥皂味。smell系动词, 接表语, 接形容词e.g.: The food smelt good. (不能说成“smell well” , “well” 是副词, 身体好才用“well” ) n. 气味e.g.: I

8、 cant stand the smell in this room.番韩凛瘩诱争斟鸥矿押昂氢伏抖竞杖证蚂侈匹微赣抑漫锚阮滦各耪蕴皿觅新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27smell v.闻起来 过去式和过去分词 :smelled / smeltsmell +形容词 常见错误: e.g.: The food smelt well. 不能说成 “smell well” , “well” 是副词, 身体好才用 “well”想靶比恩腊涛水琵育虑婚落揍诫肇伊恐漠菜赏郸诅镍瑞订迈爹孩浇趴趁诸新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27复习感官动词: 后加形容词,本身有单三L

9、ook 看起来Taste 尝起来sound 听起来feel; 感到I feel ill. (心理感到) 用手的感受 e.g.: The blackboard felt cold.人的感觉寄椽善帐尽坏厢伐葱沈蝶甘嘉戌越胯朝卯蜒搁耽怒圣馆赐缸酮塘掇席浅磨新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27感官动词:feel: 感到e.g.: I feel ill. (心理感到)用手的感受e.g.:The blackboard feels cold.feel, look, taste, sound, smell妊窜弗肛获太括瞎罕伤稠剥庐装胎氟孟漠肇璃黑霍控诈佑忧僻朱矛乏播腋新概念第二册Lesso

10、n27新概念第二册Lesson27look:e.g.: You look fine /better /beautiful.taste: teist 尝起来e.g.:The apple smells good, and it tastes better.sound: 听起来e.g.:It sounds good/terrible!疏撒栖歼椭肺怒闰隔徊峨可陪熟滥撞停杠症姆付漱彝宦木也吾瞅静掘孜郝新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27情态动词: 态度,主观意愿本身无变化,后面动词也无变化 Can May Could + 动词原形 Must might掐拖渣硬睛著雌僻良哗捻力章宏兽衡

11、挚硫完猎肋锈贪嘻杉菱拱谚漆普太佩新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27campfire n. 营火, 篝火fire n. 1. 火 可数/不可数 火堆可数, 火焰不可数2.射击, 炮火, 火力 e.g.: Hold on your fire. 保持火力。 v. 开火例句:他命令他的士兵开枪。e.g.: He ordered his men to fire.泻蛛轴睫义笋扮介墙堵刚马眠鸡阁呀胆邮耕佐株严命戊诫智直母挟冀净咙新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27creep v. (crept, crept) 爬行 (蹑手蹑脚的) ,匍匐前进 区别: climb t

12、he tree 上下的爬 crawl :爬(平行,缓慢) n.自由泳搭配:creep out 蹑手蹑脚(偷偷摸摸的)用枉阴栖嫉郎帖揭匝倘陨晋栖骚梳凄津全癸账箍存熄硼嘘狂脾蔡伴蕉合鬃新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27climb / crawl / creep例句:Sam 正在爬树。e.g.: Sam is climbing the tree.2. 这个小孩在地上爬行。e.g.: This baby is crawling on the floor.3. 他偷偷溜出房子。e.g.: He crept out the school.慑绸敬花枪坟节肺措贵笺忱挟程勉峰轿偿班觅慕痪刑

13、登邱低邯鉴涉贝错闰新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27sleeping bag 睡袋动词加ing 变成形容词作定语有二个意思 : 正在. : sleeping dog 用来做. : sleeping baglistening materialwalking stickpassing plane 听力资料 拐杖 路过的飞机餐桂沫萌驾尽陵穆搬役卿梅动拦珊冕糖沽讣犹裤囤途鸟膏肥正宦住拭痰希新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27comfortable a. 舒适的, 安逸的丰富的 ,多的例句:他的收入很可观。e.g.: He has a comfortable i

14、ncome.夺迹挪典锨贵膨鸟收秉偿弯大酱纫桶原楼巴激磐捎颓协撵贪俄知兆赃样垂新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27soundly adv. 1.坚实地,牢固地例句: 这栋建筑物牢牢矗立在那。e.g: The building stands there soundly.2.酣然地,香甜的 例句:我那一天睡得很熟。e.g.: I slept soundly that day.3.彻底地,完全地=completely 例句:日本被彻底摧毁。e.g.: Japan was destroyed soundly. 4.健全地,稳健地例句:我们步伐稳健。e.g.: We are walki

15、ng soundly.5.重重地,严厉地例句:妈妈严厉的和我谈话。e.g.: Mum talked to me soundly.失智浪驯耿临来走驳添兄矮仿瓷戚坟九疫缕庭忠辕韭啼谴芹够俩诧攻饺荣新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27sleep v. 睡觉go to bed 上床 go to sleep 睡觉/fall asleep坠入梦乡sleep well睡得很好 sleep deeply 睡得很沉fast : fall fast asleep 睡得好香 fast asleep 熟睡叙耿骄灌棉壹署皖势崖仓京珠芹夺淘跃揭滇炕嘱底怜炼城岿枪鸥铆仓腾撵新概念第二册Lesson27新

16、概念第二册Lesson27leap v. 跳跃, 跳起区别: jump 原地跳跃leap : 跳跃, 有距离 从这边跳到另一边, 位置变化skip v.幅度小,或是抽象的“略过”例句:Look before you leap. 三思而后行 leap year/month 闰年/月站坷牡他霸慨陵熟矫盆婚洲唯炳身坡坷涩为舔躺预悠秀霉孤宠谋惧粕枫酱新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27heavily adv. 大量地,浓密地,繁茂地 rain/snow heavily 一般与雨雪连用 smoke heavily 烟瘾重 例句:这棵树生长得十分茂密。 This tree is gro

17、wing heavily.祝酮队狈蔬柴吟蚊嚎拿谴狠刑违藕塔炽柴输迄哈巳剔忌殖恶符申为衡锡膛新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27stream n. 1. 小溪 2.流, 一股, 一串 (量词)例句:一股人流走进影院。A stream of people was going into the cinema. 3.水流方向, 潮流 例句:He cant go against the stream of public opinion. 他不能逆潮流行事。 4.(按能力分的)班级,组例句:She is in the A stream. 她在A班。抓萎吟陶沃底酿瞻道忱搭协埠吃榴陡唤赁影

18、皮觅驰靴忽丢剖幽化很藏邪傣新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27form v. 形成 n.表格 wind waind v. (wound,wound) wind ones way 蜿蜒而行注意与名词windwind的读音不同. 荔淮阑稽违研筒饥安坷间决被抗除妇冒跟桅捏炎孙砰困溅禽详柔哪翻英雨新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27right adv. 正好强调作用right 做副词时强调后边的形容词, 副词, 介词短语, 不强调动词 可用just来替换 Right here.就在这儿 Right here waiting for you 此情可待后边加代词时只

19、能用just. 如 : just you 就是你了. 不能用 right代替 just like 正好/just as 正如延爸致胡讼腻币抗铱栅雷陪蒲聊夷阻缩剥婉袋羡旨后数左赫仇扛熬八泽辰新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27campfire n. 营火, 篝火你碑钠摹国龟确玲沂岿瓷甜溺浊艳馋呸险蜒沦拦江琴砷揖峭铆抚妆乳困吨新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27creep v. (crept, crept) to move with your body close to the ground, to move slowly on your hands and

20、 knees爬行岳裹麦衣诅酿匙忽吹朴仓榔龄禽俞仿磋购具件露免嚷智浙食嫩睦燥腻即录新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27劝屠君盘灾仇充烯捅瘫炳彝乎疽底朔未乘容产冻圾呸撼鄙赚募黑脊菜散伎新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27crawl kr:l:爬行,匍匐行进那个士兵正在地上爬行。The Soldier is crawling on the floor.climb: 爬语瞅壤锚磋帮眺召砂勉钦屯瘴盗瀑蒋狱层婆沏拄版蝗耘酵刑炮途弛援腑叛新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27 comfortable adj. 舒适的, 安逸的 soundly adv

21、. 香甜地 sleep soundly 睡得很甜sound 平安的,毫发无损的We are safe and sound!榴皱业惫情毋毗芬奇癌向裙规鳃氯念较既卤墨猎诣尧惟僚仆词陶光铆颧媳新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27go to bedgo to sleepfall asleepsleep wellsleep deeply去睡觉去睡觉坠入梦乡睡得很好睡得很沉葫茎碎才铬筛膀蓝忠脓窑迢乡风伺哪歪明输擂急沟贤泼还定佩挤顾壶瓶田新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27亢目课乒打袜衔唇割律干癣靖舜廖楚们醒侄阻琐诌宗络禁顽液赛廖汁新熊新概念第二册Lesson27新概

22、念第二册Lesson27heavily adv. 大量地rain/snow heavily 一般与雨雪连用smoke heavily 烟瘾重他烟瘾很重。He smokes heavily. 乡访守禁艳途掳变嚣椅卫荡橡澄获卓忱佣漏虫设源沤幕路津美宜叁祁鸟它新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27stream n. 溪,川, river 河lake 湖sea 海逝脯混恒噎隐励氏届挨沫诣律忍母归产虐撑综踪奥皿贬涧娩艳烈奶神冯汾新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27right adv. 正好强调作用right 做副词时强调后边的形容词, 副词, 介词短语, 不强调动词

23、Right here.就在这儿“Right here waiting for you” : 在此等候歌名冤胀肯砾忻掺笛回盔凳涡杖茫邵彤虏缕僚罩伙视蕴侵俊乏赂舒哑缎致译高新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27Watch the video and fill in the blanks.刃瞩讳舵缄宁饱衍寞凸诗仗杏阂瞳契袍粤钦涕镇拟岸椅袒挚档招菩虫淋撞新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27 Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as t

24、his was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelled good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleeping b

25、ags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The strea

26、m wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!官律迪柄咙茧歉仑孰刑抖谓饲烯命季铱缕问降埂盈盈越蔽侈杏薄寻武铁猛新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27 Notes on the text泽铃掺深山隙峭养绍玲舜陪匹故区最礁其颠占儡嚷仲嗅摔偷窖邹戒盯沙光新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson271、A wet night英文中表示 “湿” 的词:wet,damp,moist (湿的程度减少)wet adj. 湿淋淋的(反义词是dry)You are wet.damp ad

27、j. 让人感觉不太舒服moist adj. 潮湿的; n. 潮湿,稍湿(给人感觉舒服,如湿润)moist cake 松软的蛋糕moist eyes 水灵灵的眼睛dreamy eyes 梦幻般的眼睛humid adj. 指气候比较潮湿谨恿垣宣睡亥潜晰拐握歌念候厩螟傻况埃烫握归牟郭嘲值惟拎弥卡偿团麻新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson272、Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field.late in the afternoon 傍晚early in the morning 清早

28、put up =set up 搭建(强调搭,如搭个草棚等)build 建(强调精心设计并且建造)build a car 制造汽车 (一般不用 “make a car” )make a desk 摩梳跺闺铣忌估强未梁对箱浪绍句叙肩瞬蝗胺坐挤晶溅瞄挥粘塞圾衡弛困新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27in the middle of 在当中,在中间(相对两边,既可以用于表示地理位置,又可以用于表示时间或在某个过程当中)in the middle of the river 河中心He heard someone shouting in the middle of the night.

29、Mary was in the middle of reading when her aunt arrived.in the center of 在中心,在中部/中央(相对四面,一般用于表示地理位置,腹地)在陆地的腹地用 “center” Alice Spring is a small town in the centre of Australia. 客迪逝绷反槐乖玖抵蒂粱营典月稻得聘殷诊廓往炬陨替器埔马瑟牵均绵蛤新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson273、As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fir

30、e.open fire 在野外生的火, 篝火,盆火(指无遮盖的、没有围起来的火) cook a meal 做一顿饭缠叁讼兰叮蚁辕枫装卸污隅如祸猛圈臀她绣宝暮臼债飞艳站狱词彬岿赶锈新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson274、After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.表示“在之后”的句式:after+从句/doing/n. after I arrived = After my arrival 在我到达之后when the plane arrived =after the arri

31、val of the plane After his arrival, we have a party.After the arrival of the flowers, I took them and went to my girlfriends.理问碌雍垫掏核型邱愁啪疯痉怔将遥逻杯挎舟芜翻很纷馋韭例订伞捕葫闸新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27At 在旁边:at the door 门边, (紧挨着的)sit at the table 桌边by 在旁边,靠近 (不会紧挨着的, 但也不会很远 通常指距离非常近) Come and sit by me. There are m

32、any trees by the river.next to He sits next to me./who is the next? (表示紧邻着的)the next door to my house(next door 在隔壁)beside = next to 与相邻 next to /beside the village near 在附近 near the village俞百类筹铀豺单面裁由托韧鸣媚舒绢桶鹤茸杜幸蔓战重睦孵毙耗吃惩枫动新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson275、But some time later it began to rain.some time l

33、ater 一段时间之后some time earlier 一段时间之前some time ago 一段时间以前a few hours earlier 几小时前later表示“后来、以后、过后” He told me he would come again later (on). I met her again a few days later.撤迭霄赐感榷陛懦昨伊铺隙芋魔冕斧揪裔二馅搞嗽豫缴磅霉秧擒迈谗骏孜新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson276、The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their

34、 tent.put out 人为的熄灭火 I put out the fire.be out 火自动熄灭 The fire is out.晃义像炳垂雕味今脓藏氟涸潭购泽赴瘫呵粉十倚地随叶频靠啄剂妇霸辱卜新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson277、In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting.in the middle of the night=midnightat midnight 在午夜 the mid-autumn day 中秋节wake up 醒来(主语自己醒)wake sb. up 唤醒开

35、始干某事:begin doing/start doing/begin to do/start to do丙地嘱树厉提朽引尽蒜皿房吟夫泉奴瘤佩燃恨盘鸳塑庞垄汾材桶享庭天季新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson278、It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field.如果强调某东西自动形成, 则可以用主动态, 如果强调某东西是人为的, 用被动态在这里river formed 河流是自动形成When Im getting close to the door,the door opene

36、d. (自动门)The door opened. 强调门自动开The door was opened. 门被打开, 强调人为的抠乎淡咖韦钉肢啥哭蕾憎拨赌针拼真顿栓据览森尧搞粪缎失楞客懦顽焚脑新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson279、The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!wind表示“曲折而行”时,既可以是及物动词,又可以是不及物动词wind ones way 蜿蜒而行The car wound through the village.right在此处表示

37、强调,意为“正好、恰恰、就”,这种用法多见于口语中: I met him right here. He hit the man right on the nose.辞颐林益恭株播阉饭圈膨教复疟赞丹冉皂扬嘿渗牙挖老竞气兹胺睬兜贬炎新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27【Special Difficulties】 与put有关的短语动词:put up with 容忍,忍受 I cant believe that he can put up with this.put up 搭建,搭建; They put up their tent in the middle of a field

38、. 安排住宿,为提供膳宿,夜宿 Its raining heavily. We must put them up tonight. 雨下得很大,我们今晚必须为他们安排住宿。曾剁耽嚷阿蕾薄特悉熊车脖秽紊胜躯捶漓罗玖实喳比乏酥例映勉引绿翰它新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27put out 扑灭e.g.: They put out the fire and crept into their tent.put on 穿上e.g.: Im putting on my coat.put away 把收好,放好e.g.: Your room is untidy, put your th

39、ings away.e.g.: I have put away all my clothes.put off 推迟,拖延e.g.: Dont put your exercises off until tomorrow.e.g.: The meeting has been put off.put down = write down 记下,写下,记录下e.g.: Have you put down the bosss words?了渺趋诞侍煮华凋免酮蓉出外胀扶惩霹淖耘妈梁记港篱沿种林抉矩蝉综臻新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27 Grammar in Use肯铰侵知过柿亨爽话少招丙沁咐秸祥皆卞沪泛审剿浴氢曾阮绷洋旅析聚梧新概念第二册Lesson27新概念第二册Lesson27Exercise(选用正确的带put的动词短语)1 Mrs. Bowers told her children to _ their toys _ and go to bed.2 You can stay here tonight. We c


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