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1、Chapter 9International Cargo Transport Learning Objectives1. To learn the modes of transport, especially, ocean transportation;2. To understand the nature of liner transport;3. To understand the various kinds of B/L;4. To understand the contents of transport clause. 1 An Overview of the Modes of Tra

2、nsportModes of TransportOcean transport 海洋运输 Liner 班轮Tramp 租船Land transport 陆地运输铁路国际铁路运输国内铁路运输公路Air transport 航空运输Scheduled airline 班机Chartered carrier包机Consolidation 集中托运Air express service快件 Inland waterway transport 内河运输 Mail transport 邮包运输 Multimodal transport 联合运输陆空,陆海,海空联运集装箱运输大陆桥运输国际多式联运Facto

3、rs to be considered when choosing modes of transportCharacteristics of the commoditiesQuantities of the commoditiesDistance between the place of departure and destinationMarket demand for the productFreight levelRisks level Conditions of loading and unloading placeWeather conditionsInternational eco

4、nomic and political relationshipsEtc.1. Sea transport /Ocean transportOcean transport is the most widely used mode of transport in international trade. It accounts for 90% of international transport. Characteristics of ocean transport:Large capacity 运量大;Low cost 运费较低;Vulnerable to bad weather 受气候等自然

5、条件影响大,航期不稳定;Risk 风险较大; Slow 速度较慢;Etc. Liner transport班轮运输Characteristics of liner transport (1) “四定” Fixed sailing date 固定船期:船期表经常分送客户以招揽货载,并在专业报纸或刊物上登载船期表; Fixed route 固定航线: 各航线多有航运公会组织,船公司可加入公会,接受公会所订运价及货运规则,也可不参加。 Making calls at scheduled ports 固定停靠港口:为便于管理船舶、控制船期、承揽货载,在固定航线的港口设立分支机构或委托长期性的代理行,有

6、的甚至有专用码头及仓库。Relatively fixed freight rate运费率固定: 运费表对外公开,受政府监管与认可,不得随意变更。Characteristics of liner transport (2) “一负责” The carrier is responsible for the loading and unloading 承运人负责装和卸船方管装卸、理货、丈量等,故运费中包含装卸费。船货双方的权利、义务和责任以船公司签发的提单条款为准。班轮承运货物的品种、数量灵活(只要有舱位,就可运输),运输质量较好,一般在码头仓库交接货物,货主较便利。Freight rate 1.

7、班轮运费是按照班轮公司制定的班轮运价表(liners freight tariff) 的规定计算的。 确定基本费率的两种运价表: A. 单项费率运价表(标出每一个商品的运费) B. 等级费率表(常用) 2 班轮运费=basic rate (基本运费)+surcharges (附加费用) 附加费用一般以基本运费的一定百分率计收,也有以每运费吨若干金额为基础计收的。Basis for freight calculation (基本运费计算标准)按货物的毛重(重量吨,W1公吨或长吨)按货物的体积(尺码吨,M1立方米或40立方英尺)重量吨和尺码吨统称 运费吨Freight Ton按货物的FOB总值(A

8、.V.)A.V. - AD VALOREM ACCORDING TO VALUE 从价费率 按货物重量或尺码从高计收(W/M)按货物的重量、尺码或价值三者从高计收 (W/M or A.V.) 按货物重量或者尺码选择其高者,再加上从价运费计收(W/M plus A.V.)按每件货物作为一个计费单位收费(PER UNIT )临时议定运价(open rate)SURCHARGES(附加费)(1)燃油附加费(Bunker surcharge or bunker adjustment factor-B.A.F.): 在燃油价格突然上涨时加收.(2)货币贬值附加费(Devaluation surcharg

9、e or currency adjustment factor-C.A.F.).在货币贬值时,船方为实际收入不致减少,按基本运价的一定百分比加收的附加费.(3)转船附加费(Transhipment surcharge).凡运往非基本港的货物,需转船运往目的港,船方收取的附加费,其中包括转船费和二程运费.(4)直航附加费(Direct additional ).当运往非基本港的货物达到一定的货量,船公司可安排直航该港而不转船时所加收的附加费.SURCHARGES(附加费)(5)超重附加费(Heavy lift additional)超长附加费(Long length additional)和超大

10、附加费(Surcharge of bulky cargo)。当一件货物的毛重或长度或体积超过或达到运价基本规定的数值时加收的附加费。 (6)港口附加费(Port additional or port surcharge)。有些港口由于设备条件差或装卸效率低,以及其他原因,船公司加收的附加费。(7)港口拥挤附加费(Port congestion surcharge)。有些港口由于拥挤,船舶停泊时间增加而加收的附加费。SURCHARGES(附加费)(8)选港附加费(Optional surcharge ): 货方托运时尚不能确定具体卸货港,要求在预先提出的两个或两个以上港口中选择一港卸货,船方加收

11、的附加费。(9)变更卸货港附加费(Alternation of destination surcharge): 货主要求改变货物原来规定的卸货港,在有关当局(如海关)准许,船方又同意的情况下所加收的附加费。(10)绕航附加费(Deviation surcharge):由于正常航道受阻不能通行,船舶必须绕道才能将货物运至目的港时,船方所加收的附加费。 SURCHARGES(附加费)(11) PSS(peak season surcharge)“旺季附加费”: 在每年运输旺季时,船公司根据运输供求关系状况而加收的附加费。这是目前在集装箱班轮运输中出现得较多的附加费用。(12) AMS (自动舱单系

12、统录入费): 9.11事件以后,因反恐需要,美国海关要求2003年2月1日开始启程运往美国港口的集装箱货物,其承运人必须在国外港口装货前至少24小时以电子方式通过美国设置的“自动舱单系统”,向美国海关提交准确完整的货物申报单。(13) ISPS:国际船舶及港口设施保安规则的英文缩写, 某些港口为转嫁引进和执行此规则所增加的成本,而向货主收取的安全附加费。(14) DOC“文件费”: 船公司对每一票货物都要收取的制作文件和文件流动的费用。班轮运费的计算方法 (1)先根据商品的英文名称在货物分级表中查出该商品所属等级及其计费标准。货物分级表是班轮运价表(liners freight tariff)

13、的组成部分,它有“货名”、“计算标准”和“等级”三个项目,如棉布及棉织品的货物等级为10级,计算标准为M。 货 名计算标准等级农业机械(包括拖拉机)W/M9 棉布及棉织品M10 小五金及工具W/M 10 玩具M 20 班轮运费的计算方法(2)根据商品的等级和计费标准,在航线费率中查出这一商品的基本费率,如上例中棉布及棉织品到东非港口的费率为443.00港元。(详见下表:中国-东非航线等级费率表)东非基本港口:路易港(毛里求斯)、达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚)、蒙巴萨(肯尼亚)等 中国-东非航线等级费率表(港币:元) 等级(Class)费率(Rates)1 243.002 254.00 3 264.0

14、04280.00 5 299.006 314.00 7341.008 367.00 9404.00 10443.00 11 477.00 201,120.00 Ad Val 290.00 班轮运费的计算方法(3)查出该商品本身所经航线和港口的有关附加费率。 (4)商品的基本费率和附加费率之和即为该商品每一运费吨的单位运价。 以该商品的计费重量或体积乘以单位运价即得总运费金额。 EXAMPLE上海运往肯尼亚蒙巴萨港口“门锁”(小五金)一批计100箱。每箱体积为20厘米30厘米40厘米。每箱重量为25公斤。当时燃油附加费为40%,蒙巴萨港口拥挤附加费为10% 试计算该货物的运费。 ANALYSIS

15、(1) 查阅货物分级表。门锁属于小五金类,其计收标准为W/M,等级为10级。 (2) 计算货物的体积和重量。 100箱的体积为:( 20厘米30厘米40厘米)*100箱=2.4(立方米)。 100箱的重量为:25公斤*100箱/1000=2.5(公吨)。 由于2.4立方米小于2.5公吨,因此计收标准为重量。 (3) 查阅“中国-东非航线等级费率表”,10级费率为443港元,则基本运费为:443*2.5=1,107.5(港元) (4)附加运费为:1,107.5*(40%+10%)=553.75(港元) (5)上海运往肯尼亚蒙巴萨港100箱门锁,其应付运费为: 1,107.50+553.75=1,

16、661.25(港元) Charter Transport 租船运输Charter Transport 租船运输Charter transport(租船运输),是指租船人向船东租赁船舶用于运输国际货物的业务。Characteristics of charter transport 租船运输的特点(1)不定航线、不定船期、不定装卸港口、不定费率(2)适合大宗货物运输(3)租船合同条款由双方自由商定 Charter Transport 租船运输租船运输的分类(1)定程租船 定程租船(Voyage Charter),又称航次租船,它是由船舶所有人负责提供船舶,在指定港口之间运行一个航次或数个航次,承运

17、指定货物的租船运输。 (2)定期租船 定期租船(Time Charter), 它是船舶所有人将船舶出租给承租人,供其使用一定时期的租船运输,承租人也可以将此期租船充作班轮或程租船使用。外贸企业多用定程租船。Voyage Charter(定程租船)Major contents of voyage charter contracts 定程租船合同的主要内容a. 合同当事人。包括出租人和承租人。 b. 船名和船籍。 c. 货物。承租人需对载运的货物作出具体的说明,并应按约定的货物供货装船。 d. 装卸港口。装卸港口可以被具体载明,也可以被笼统地订为一个区域,由承租人任选其中的港口。但承租人在宣布其选

18、择港口时,必须承担该港口是“安全港口”的默示责任。e. 受载日和销约日。受载日是指承租人接纳船舶装货的最早日期。销约日是指承租人交船的最迟日期。从受载日到销约日这段时间称为受载期。 Major contents of voyage charter contracts 定程租船合同的主要内容f. 运费。 g. 装卸费用 。h. 许可装卸时间:出租人在合同中规定承租人必须在规定的时间内完成装卸作业。 I. 速遣费和滞期费 。J. 佣金 。Freight 定程租船运费 Rate of freight: 规定每运费吨的运费额,按装船时或卸货时总的运费吨计费; Lump-sum freight: 规定整

19、船运费,船东保证船舶能提供的载货重量和容积,不管租方实际装多少,按整船付费。运费支付方式:预付启运港付:按惯例,不论船货灭失,概不退还;到付目的港付:船方有留置权 (lien on cargo)按比例预付/到付Loading and unloading charges - voyage charter It should be made clear as to who will bear the loading and unloading charges. If the ship owner is not prepared to bear these charges, the deadline

20、 or rate of loading and unloading should be set down. Liner terms / Gross terms: 船方负担装船和卸货费用Free out /FO : 船方管装不管卸Free in/FI : 船方管卸不管装Free in & out/FIO :船方不管装卸,适用于散货 ( “F.I.O.S.T.”:船方不管装卸、理舱及平舱)Scale Load and Scale Discharge: 出租人、承租人平均分担装卸费 Lay time / Lay days - voyage charter (程租船装卸时间)Lay days are

21、the days that a charterer(承租人) may keep a chartered ship idle for the loading and unloading of the goods without payment of extra charge. 装卸时间的起止算法应在合同中订明。惯例:收到“装卸准备就绪通知书( N/R, Notice of readiness)后经过一定时间起算;止算时间通常指货物实际装卸完毕的时间。Lay time / Lay days - voyage charter (程租船装卸时间计算方法)1. 规定具体天数(1) Days(日)or c

22、onsecutive Days(连续日): calculating on calendar day, no matter Sunday or holiday. 指时钟连续走过24小时作为一个计算日。 (2) Working Days (工作日):Sundays and holidays excluded.(3) Weather Working Days (晴天工作日):Days or certain hours of a working day, not including Sunday, holiday or bad weather days. 指不包括星期日、节假日、恶劣天气的日数或一个工

23、作日中的部分时间。因船方原因导致装卸作业中断,装卸时间应中断计算。在工作日内由于天气原因导致工作停止或中断而产生的时间损失不计为装卸时间。(3-1) Weather Working Days of 24 Hours ( 2 4小时晴天工作日): Good weather, 24 hours accumulates a day. 以晴天工作日累计24小时作为一个计算日。E.g. suppose the port operates 8 hours per day, and within 5 days, raining for 2 days, then these 5 days are regard

24、ed as one weather working days. (3-2) Weather Working Days of 24 Consecutive Hours(连续24小时晴天工作日): it is suitable for those ports which operate day and night. It means in good weather condition, 24 hours are regarded as a working day. It is widely adopted throughout the world. 按晴天工作日内时钟连续走24小时作为一个计算日。

25、2.规定装卸效率以确定装卸时间。E.g. * tons/day,*bales/hour3.以专用术语表示:(不定时间量,对船东不利) CQD(Customary Quick Dispatch) 按习惯速度FAC (As Fast As the Vessel Can Receive or Deliver)按船舶尽可能快地接受或交付货物速度 According to the Custom of the Port 按港口习惯Demurrage and dispatch money滞期费及速遣费Demurrage (滞期费): if the charterer fails to load or unl

26、oad the goods on time, he will be punished by paying certain amount of money to the ship owner. 滞期费(实际使用的装卸时间许可使用的装卸时间)滞期费率Dispatch Money (速遣费): if the chaterer advances loading or unloading, the ship owner will give him money award.速遣费(许可使用的装卸时间实际使用的装卸时间)速遣费率Commonly, dispatch money is half of demu

27、rrage. 按惯例,速遣费为滞期费的一半。CASE STUDY某港商以FOB条件从加拿大购进60000公吨矿产品。贸易合同规定:卖方每天应负责装货4000公吨,按连续24小时晴天工作日计算。租船合同规定:每天装货5000公吨,按连续日计算。在以上两个合同中,速遣费为每天5000美元,滞期费每天10000美元。结果卖方只用13天(其中包括2个星期天)便将货物全部装完。请问:该港商在签订以上两个合同时有何失算之处?Time Charter(定期租船)Major contents of time charter contracts 定期租船合同的主要内容船舶:船舶的技术指标、性能应在合同中规定,如

28、吨位、载重量和容积、船速、燃油消耗等使用限制货物限制:船东限制租船不得装易燃、易爆、活牲畜等航行区域限制:冰山区,敌对国等租期:由船、租双方商定,有伸缩性,如半年15天等船舶交接:交船、还船的时间、地点租金:按期支付。若到期不付,船主有权解除合同,撤回船舶若因船方出现失误,导致营业出现中断24小时以上,承租人有权停止租金,若租金已付,可按比例扣除无需计算滞期费和速遣费。Rail Transport铁路运输Rail TransportRail transport is a major mode of transport in terms of capacity, only second to o

29、cean transport. Characteristics of rail transport 铁路运输的特点Relatively high speed: 铁路货运速度每昼夜可达几百公里,远远高于海上运输。Less prone to interruption by poor weatherRelatively low riskRelatively low cost :运输耗油约是汽车运输的1/20.Rail transport can be divided into: 1. Domestic rail transport 国内铁路运输 2. International combined r

30、ail transport 国际铁路联运Air Transport 航空运输The features of air transport(1) Quick, reliable transits: this eliminates the need of extensive warehouse accommodation and reduce the relative risk. (2) Low risk and competitive insurance premium. (3) Ideal for consumer-type cargoes, e.g. fresh flowers and fru

31、its, fashionable articles, seasonal goods or merchandise of high value to low weight ratio. (4) High operating cost. (5) Limited capacity. Average aircraft is only 2000-25000kg. Types of air transport servicesScheduled airline 班机operate on a scheduled service, over a fixed airline and between fixed

32、airports. They are suitable for conveying fresh, emergent and seasonal goods. 在固定时间、固定航线、固定始发站和目的站运输的飞机,包括客货混合飞机和全货航班,适用于运输急需物品、鲜活商品等。Chartered carrier 包机hire of an aircraft by a shipper or several shippers to deliver cargoes. They are ideal for carrying cargoes of large quantities or cargoes of dif

33、ferent shippers to the same destination. Types of air transport servicesConsolidated consignment 集中托运the air freight forwarder assembles a number of individual shipments with common destination into one consignment(一批) and dispatches them on one air waybill. Many shippers prefer this kind of shipmen

34、t as the freight rate is 7% -10% lower than that of a scheduled airline published by IATA. Link IATA (International Air Transport Association) 国际航空运输协会: 世界航空运输企业的非政府、非赢利性的航空运输组织。总部设在加拿大的蒙特利尔。在全世界近100个国家设有办事处,280家会员航空公司遍及全世界180多个国家。Airline Rates 航空运费Airline Rates are normally based on actual weight f

35、or heavy cargo or measurement weight for large volume cargo. 航空运输的运费包括从启运机场到目的机场的运价,不包括其他额外费用。一般按重量(公斤)或体积重量(6000立方厘米折合1公斤),从高计收。在集中托运时,一批货物由几件不同的货物组成,有轻泡货也有重货时,其计费重量则采用整批货物的总毛重或总的体积重量,按两者之中较高的一个计算。 Container Transport 集装箱运输Container TransportContainer transport is a method of distributing merchandi

36、se in a unitized form, suitable for ocean, rail and multi-modal transport.集装箱运输是指将货物装载于标准规格的集装箱内进行运输,适合于海洋运输、铁路运输和航空运输等各种运输方式。在集装箱运输的基础上,发展了把多种运输方式有机地结合起来的国际多式联运。 ContainerContainer (集装箱):是指具有一定强度、刚度和规格,专供周转使用的大型装货容器。使用集装箱转运货物,可直接在发货人的仓库装货,运到收货人的仓库卸货,中途更换车、船时,无须将货物从箱内取出换装。Classification of Container

37、s名称规格配货毛重体积20尺柜5.69m*2.13m*2.18m17.5吨24-26立方米40尺柜11.8m*2.13m*2.18m22吨54立方米40尺高柜11.8m*2.13m*2.72m22吨68立方米45尺高柜13.58m*2.34m*2.71m29吨86立方米20尺开顶柜5.89m*2.32m*2.31m20吨31.5立方米40尺开顶柜12.01m*2.33m*2.15m30.4吨65立方米20尺平底货柜5.85m*2.23m*2.15m23吨28立方米40尺平底货柜12.05m*2.12m*1.96m36吨50立方米按规格尺寸分 :目前,国际上通常使用的干货柜(DRY CONTAI

38、NER)有Classification of Containers按用途分:干集装箱(Dry Container):也称杂货集装箱,不受温度变化影响的各类固体散货、颗粒或粉未状的货物都可以由这种集装箱装运。 冷冻集装箱(Reefer Container):分外置和内置式两种。温度可在-28 +26之间调整。这种箱子适合在夏天运输黄油、巧克力、冷冻鱼肉、炼乳、人造奶油等物品。 挂衣集装箱(Dress Hanger Container):用于高档服装挂装运输。 (to be continued) Classification of Containers开顶集装箱(Opentop Container

39、):也称敞顶集装箱,这种集装箱没有箱顶,可用起重机从箱顶上面装卸货物,装运时用防水布覆盖顶部,其水密要求和干货箱一样。适合于装载体积高大的物体,如玻璃板等。 框架集装箱(Flat Rack Container):没有箱顶和两侧,其特点是从集装箱侧面进行装卸。以超重货物为主要运载对象,还便于装载牲畜,以及诸如钢材之类可以免除外包装的裸装货。 罐式集装箱(Tank Container):专用以装运酒类、油类、液体食品以及化学品等液体货物的集装箱。集装箱的装箱方式FCL (fullcontainerload):整箱货。承运人对整箱货,以箱为交接单位。只要集装箱外表与收箱时相似和铅封完整,承运人就完成

40、了承运责任。整箱货运提单上,要加上“委托人装箱、计数并加铅封”的条款。LCL (lessthancontainerload):拼箱货。指装不满一整箱的小票货物。这种货物,通常是由承运人分别揽货并在集装箱货运站或内陆站集中,而后将两票或两票以上的货物拼装在一个集装箱内。对于这种货物,承运人要负担装箱与拆箱作业。 Receivinganddeliverysystem集装箱货物的主要交接方式Door : “门” 指发收货人工厂或仓库。 CY (containeryard) 集装箱堆场: 集装箱进行交接、保管和堆存的场所。 CFS (containerfreightstation)集装箱货运站: 是处

41、理拼箱货的场所,它办理拼箱货的交接,配载积载后,将箱子送往CY,并接受CY交来的进口货箱, 进行拆箱,理货,保管,最后拨给各收货人.同时也可按承运人的委托进行铅封和签发场站收据等业务 DOORCYCFSCFSCYDOOR集装箱运费集装箱运价基本上分为两个大类: 散货价:以每运费吨为单位 基本费率 附加费 包箱价:以每个集装箱为计费单位。 包箱费率(BOX RATE):(1)FAK 包箱费率(Freight For All Kinds):不分货物种类,也不计货量,只规定统一的每个集装箱收取的费率. E.g.中国新加坡航线集装箱费率(in US$) 装港 货类 CFS/CFSCY/CYper F/

42、T20FCL40FCL大连 杂货 78.501250.002310.00新港 杂货 70.001150.002035.00上海 杂货 70.001150.002035.00黄埔 杂货 63.00950.001750.00包箱费率(BOX RATE)(2)FCS 包箱费率( Freight For Class):按不同货物等级制定的包箱费率。 E.g.中国澳大利亚航线集装箱费率(in US$)基本港:Brisban,Melbourne,Sydny,Fremantle等级 计算标准 20(CY/CY) 40(CY/CY) LCL(per F/T) 17W/M1700323095813W/M1800

43、34201001420W/M19003510105包箱费率(BOX RATE)(3)FCB 包箱费率( Freight For Class Or Basis):按不同货物等级或货类以及计算标准制订的费率。E.g.中国地中海航线集装箱费率(in US$)基本港:Algiers,Genoa,MarseillesFOS 等级 LCLper WLCLper MFCL20(CY/CY) FCL40(CY/CY) 17131.00100.002250.004200.00813133.00102.002330.004412.001420136.00110.002450.004640.00Internatio

44、nal Multimodal Transport 国际多式联运Definition: International Multimodal Transport means that the carriage of cargo by at least two modes of transport on the basis of a Multimodal Transport contract from a place at which the cargoes are collected in one country to a place designated for delivery in anoth

45、er country. Although different modes of transport are combined, only one Multimodal Transport operator(多式联运经营人) is responsible for taking the cargo from the consignor(发货人) and delivering them to the consignee(收货人). International Multimodal Transport 国际多式联运联合国国际货物多式联运公约定义:“国际多式联运是指按照多式联运合同,以至少两种不同的运输

46、方式,由多式联运经营人把货物从一国境内接运货物的地点运至另一国境内指定交付货物的地点”须有一个多式联运合同,约定经营人和托运人间的权利、义务、责任和豁免须是国际间两种或两种以上不同运输方式的连贯运输须使用一份包括全程的多式联运单据,并由多式联运经营人对全程负责国际货运全程单一运费率。Other TransportRoad transportationInland waterway transportationParcel post transportPipeline transportationMajor Shipping Documents 主要运输单据Major Shipping Docu

47、ments运输单据(Shipping Documents)是承运人收到承运货物签发给出口商的证明文件,它是交接货物、处理索赔与理赔以及向银行结算货款或进行议付的重要单据。Major shipping documents:A.海运提单(Ocean Bill of Lading)B.海运单(Sea Waybill)C.航空运单(Air Waybill)D.铁路运单(Rail Waybill)E.货物承运收据(Cargo Receipt)F.多式联运单据(MTD)等。 Definition of B/LBill of lading, means a document which evidences

48、a contract of carriage by sea and the taking over or loading of the goods by the carrier, and by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender of the document. A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to the order of a named person, or to order, or to bear

49、er, constitutes such an undertaking. -汉堡规则提单,是指用以证明海上货物运输合同和货物已经由承运人接收或者装船,以及承运人保证据以交付货物的单证。提单中载明的向记名人交付货物,或者按照指示人的指示交付货物,或者向提单持有人交付货物的条款,构成承运人据以交付货物的保证。- 中华人民共和国海商法(1993年7月1日施行)第71条The three purposes served by B/L海运提单的性质和作用(1) Receipt for the goods 货物收据A bill of lading describes the goods put on bo

50、ard a carrier, states the quantity, and their condition. The form itself is normally filled out in advance by the shipper (see sample of B/L)As the goods are loaded aboard the ship, the carrier will check to see if the goods loaded comply with the goods listed. The carrier, however, is responsible o

51、nly to check for outward compliance. 提单作为承运人或其代理人出具的货物收据,证明承运人已收到或接管提单上所列的货物。The three purposes served by B/L海运提单的性质和作用(2) Evidence of the contract of carriage 运输契约的证明如果在提单签发之前,承托双方之间已存在运输合同,则不论提单条款如何规定,双方都应按原先签订的合同约定行事;但如果事先没有任何约定,托运人接受提单时又未提出任何异议,这时提单就被视为合同本身。(3) Document of title 物权凭证 提单在法律上具有物权凭

52、证的作用,承运人在货抵目的港后向提单的合法持有人交付货物。提单可背书(endorsement)转让,也可用于抵押贷款。 货物收据(Receipt of goods)运输契约的证明(Evidence of contract) 物权凭证(Document of title)出口国 海洋 进口国Types of B/L1. 按货物是否装船分类: Shipped B/L (已装船提单) Recived For Shipment B/L (备运提单) On board B/L, Shipped B/L (装船提单) Shipped B/L is issued by the shipping compan

53、y after the goods are actually shipped on board the designated vessel. Both the name of the vessel and the date of issue of the B/L are indicated on the shipped B/L. The date of issue is the date of shipment. The importer will normally require the exporter to produce shipped B/L . 国际贸易中,装船时间通常意味着卖方的

54、交货时间。而按时交货是履行合同的必要条件,因此,用提单来证明货物的装船时间是非常重要的。 Recived For Shipment B/L (备运提单) 通常此种待运提单上记载“received for shipment in apparent good order and condition”等文句。 The word “shipped” does not appear on the B/L. It merely confirms that the goods have been handed over to, and are in the custody of the ship owner

55、. 信用证项下银行一般不愿意接受这种提单。 将待运提单转化为已装船提单 若在签发待运提单后,货物已经装载于船只上,则承运人可在待运提单上加注“已装船”(On board)字样,注明船名和装运日期并由承运人签署,这时待运提单便转化为已装船提单。在此种情况下,货物的装运日期是加注的装船日期,而不是待运提单的出单日期。 也有承运人在待运提单上加注“I certify the goods described herein are loaded on board the vessel named herein at the port specified in the bill of lading on

56、or before the date of this endorsement dated”等语,并加签署,使这张待运提单具有已装船提单的效力。发货人亦可在货物装船后将备运提单换成已装船提单。Types of B/L2. 按有无批注分类: Clean B/L(清洁提单) Unclean B/L(不清洁提单)Clean B/L(清洁提单)A clean B/L provides the proof that up until the time goods were transferred to the carrier, no damage has occurred. 证明货物在装船时“表面状况良好

57、”,承运人在提单上不带有明确宣称货物及/或包装有缺陷状况的文字或批注的提单。按UCP600的规定,银行只接受清洁提单。Unclean B/L(不清洁提单)When the goods are received in damaged condition for shipment on a vessel, the master of the ship will note the damage on the B/L. 承运人在提单上带有明确宣称货物及/或包装有缺陷状况的文字或批注的提单。Unclean B/L is usually not acceptable to the buyer and ba

58、nks. E.g. 对货物与包装状况的批注,如:ONE BAG BROKEN (一包破) ONE BALE OF RUBBER STAINED BY WATER (一包橡胶水渍) THREE STEEL TUBES BENT (三条钢管弯曲) Types of B/L3. 按提单抬头(收货人)分类 STRAIGHT B/L (记名提单)BLANK B/L(不记名提单):“TO BEARER”ORDER B/L (指示提单):TO ORDER_。STRAIGHT B/L (记名提单)Straight B/L has designated consignee. Only the consignee

59、 at the destination is entitled to take delivery of the cargo. As it is not transferable, it is not commonly used in international trade and normally applies to high-value shipments or goods for special purposes. 记名提单的收货人可以是买主、开证行或代收行,但银行一般不愿接受以买主为收货人的记名提单。因为一些国家的惯例是记名提单的收货人可以不凭正本提单而仅凭“到货提单通知”(Notic

60、e of arrival) 上的背书和收货人的身份证明即可提货,风险很大。 CASE STUDY1997年4月上海某公司与美国一代理商签订了一份金额为$105,000的纺织品出口合同,6月初收到直接买户开出的不可撤销信用证,信用证要求出具记名XX公司的提单,并指定货物装运美国某船公司。货物出运后,正常的结汇时间已过,但货款一直未到账。我公司查货物下落,船公司告知货物已被提走。我公司要求船公司做出解释,三份正本提单仍在银行,我方也并无放货指令,凭什么放货?船公司告知,记名提单可不凭正本提单,仅凭收货人的身份证明即可放货,船公司无责任。我公司面临着手持正本提单却货、款两空的残酷现实。在要求船公司赔


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