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1、专题02阅读理解之记叙文(-)(2020河北武邑县高二期末)When a precious baby cow ended up in this family after losing its mom, little Kinley Gray took her in with open arms.“They are just so cute. My heart cannot even contain in all of that love, Lacey Gray, Kinleys mom said.Lacey is a professional photographer from Michigan

2、 City, Mississippi. She had reached out to her husbands uncle, who owns cows, to see if she could borrow a calf for a photo shoot she was hoping to do.Initially, her husbands uncle thought she could just borrow a calf without the mom. She hadnt thought about that aspect, but understood, and moved on

3、.But the next morning she got a phone call from him and he was so serious. He said, Do you really want a calf? The mama fell and she is not going to get up. She will die from this. Tm calling to see if you want this baby, but you have to feed it several times a day.Without hesitation, Lacey agreed,

4、not having a clue about what she was getting herself into with raising a cow, let alone a 3-day-old calf that had just lost her mom.“We brought her inside the first night, she slept in the laundry room/ said Lacey. “But Kinley ran in there and was kissing all over her. Kinley read her books and when

5、 it was time to walk her, Kinley would walk her all over the yard. Kinley wants to feed her all by herself. Ifs really sweet.Now, just two weeks later, the precious pair is completely inseparable.“I was almost in tears, shooting the two of them together/9 Lacey said. She just has a connection with h

6、er.She just knows thafs her family. This is just so crazy and so sweet. I just hope I can watch them grow all through Kinleys childhood.”Why did Lacey want to borrow a bay cow?A. To learn how to raise cows.B. To take special photos.C. To make it work for her family.D. To raise cows for making a livi

7、ng.What did Lacey feel the moment she agreed to take the calf home?She was a little hesitant when making the decision.She knew exactly what would happen next.She was super excited about having a calf.D. She was firm though not sure how to raise it.And for free! This showed me that the universe works

8、 in mysterious ways that we can never really understand but it is not our job to worry about how things will unfold.Why was the author shocked soon after making the purchase?A. The delivery took much less time than before.B. He was informed that his package had been lost.C. His package was mistakenl

9、y delivered elsewhere.D. There was a delay in the shipment of his packageWhat can we infer from Paragraphs 2 and 3?A. He was happy with the company where he made the purchase.B , He liked the items so much that refunding couldnt clear regret.C. The positive feedback from the company really comforted

10、 him.D. The courier and the company agreed to return the package to the US.How did the author feel about the arrival of his unexpected package?A. Thankful.B. Peaceful.C. Hurtful.D. Hopeful.What does the story intend to tell us?A. Good things come to those who wait.B. Time and tide wait for no man.C.

11、 Where there is a will, there is a way.D. Chance only favors the prepared mind.(九)(2021辽宁锦州高二期末)I was sitting in an airport when I heard a woman seated behind me say, Whats the best gift you ever got?”I closed the magazine and listened for an answer.“Well J the young man said. Probably the gold coin

12、 I got fbr graduation.Fighting off the urge to turn around, I thought about the question. When it comes to material objects, for me it was a high school graduation present.“Congratulations J my grandfather said.I tore open the paper. HWow,n I said. A shovel.“Its a spade (铁锹) J he said, gently but fi

13、nnly. From that moment on Fve known there was a difference. My grandfather said, nStay close to the land. Dont be afraid to dig in and get a little dirt on you.”“Oh, I wont, I said. I laughed at how it sounded.That fall, I went off to college, and that shiny new green-handled spade hung untouched on

14、 the wall in myparents1 garage. A few years later, I got an office job and married. Eventually my wife and I moved into our ownhouse, and that graduation spade made its way into my own garage. I dug gardens, planted trees and roses, the usual stuff. The spade was nothing but a tool. I was just glad

15、to have it. Glad I didn*t have to buy one.The years rolled by. I still dig hard into the earth, more often than ever. Its a reminder of my family, one proudly rooted in agriculture. It is a useful tool with a memorable message about staying close to the earth. Priceless.A few months from now my daug

16、hter will finish graduate school. I have something valuable to give her.Itll be wrapped, of course, and if she opens it and says, nWow. A shovel.nWhy does the author mention the gold coin* story at the very beginning?A. To give an example.B. To introduce the topic.C , To present the object.D. To mak

17、e a comparison.Which of the following best describes the authors attitudes towards the spade at first?A. Useless.B. Priceless.C. Dirty.D. Unfashionable.What can we infer about the author from the text?A. His daughter would refuse his gift.B. He knew nothing about shovel and spade.C. He was gradually

18、 interested in agriculture.D. His grandfather gave the shovel randomly. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. The Priceless CoinB. The Benefits of a SpadeC. A Memory that I ValuedD. A Gift that Kept me Grounded(十)(2021 重庆中高二期末) More than 25 years ago, Saroo Brierley was one of many poor child

19、ren in rural India. One day, he played with his brother along the rail line and fell asleep. When be woke up, finding himself alone, the 4-year-old decided his brother might be on the train he saw in front of him-so he got on.That train took him across the country to a totally strange city, where he

20、 did not speak the language. He lived on the streets, and then in an orphanage 01UL 院).There, he was adopted by an Australian family and flown to Tasmania.As he writes in bis new book, A Long Way Home, Brierley couldnt help but wonder about his hometown back in India. He remembered landmarks, but si

21、nce he didnt know his towns name, finding a small neighborhood in a vast country seemed to be impossible.Then he found Google Eartha digital mapping program. He spent years searching for his hometown in the programs satellite pictures. In 2011, he came across something familiar. He studied it and re

22、alized be was looking at a towns central business district from a birds-eye view. He thought, On the right-band side you should see the three-platfbrm train station,and there it was. And on the left-hand side you should see a big fduntain”and there it was.Everything just started to match.When he sto

23、od in front of the house where he grew up as a child, be saw a lady standing in the entrance. “Theres something about me J be thought-and it took him a few seconds but he finally remembered what she used to look like.“My mother looked so much shorter than I remembered. But she came forth and walked

24、forward, and I walked forward, and my feelings and tears and the chemical in my brain, you know, it was like a nuclear fusion (核聚变).I just didnt know what to say, because I never thought seeing my mother would ever come true. And here I am, standing in front of her.Which of the following statements

25、is NOT true according to the text?Brierleys mother grew shorter and weaker as she aged.There was a mix of feelings when Brierley saw his mother again.Brierley kept trying and didnt give up searching for his hometown.Brierley didnt recognise his mother immediately.Why was Brierley separated from his

26、family about 25 years ago?A. He was taken away by a foreigner.B. He was adopted by an Australian family.C. He got on a train by mistake.D. He got lost while playing in the street.How did Brierley find his hometown?A. By analyzing old pictures.B. By studying digital maps.C. By spreading his story via

27、 his book.D. By travelling all around India.What does Brierley mainly talk about in the last paragraph?A. His memory of his hometown.B. His love for his mother.C. His long way back home.D. His reunion with his mother.(十一)(2021 重庆南开中学高二期末)Ellen Kalish runs a center for rescued wild animals in New Yor

28、k. When awoman asked if she could treat an owl, she was happy to help. Then, the caller told her exactly where the tiny owlwas hiding out. It was the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center in New York City! Kalish said she has been helping wild animals for 20 years, but she has never heard a story lik

29、e that. The rescued owl has been nicknamed “Rockefeller”.When workers were unwrapping the tree which just arrived, one of them spotted the creature. It was buried in the base of the tree, Kalish said. At first the worker thought the owl might be injured. It would not let go of the trees base. One of

30、 the workers called his wife, telling her he was bringing the owl home. He asked if she could find a place that helps wildlife animals. She called Kalish.The owl is the smallest of its kind living in the Northeast. So how did Rockefeller end up stuck in the tree in the first place? Kalish offered a

31、few ideas. He could have gone to the tree to hide and got trapped later, she said. Maybe once the tree was loaded onto a truck, the branches squished (挤压)him into the trunk. He might have been too scared to move.Kalish met the woman who first called her at a gas station. The woman handed her a cardb

32、oard box with the owl inside. He looked up at me, and I was relieved to see that he was looking in relatively good shape J Kalish said of their first meeting. She was impressed that he didnt look worse.Kalish brought Rockefeller back to the wildlife center. She said she gave him plenty of water and

33、left two mice in the plastic pet carrier. They were gone by the next morning. Rockefeller spent most of his time at the wildlife center eating or sleeping. On Monday, he went to the vet (兽医)to get some X-rays taken. He has no broken bones, Kalish added.Rockefeller will not spend much time at the cen

34、ter, she said. She is preparing to release him soon. He will fly away at dusk. Thats the time when owls normally wake up. The release will be quick and quiet, she said, and she will bring a camera to take pictures of him flying away.“I will wish him a very long and happy liffej Kalish said. “For me,

35、 its the Christmas miracle of 2020.”What can we learn about Ellen Kalish in Paragraph 1?A. She is a vet in a wildlife center.B , She is an employee in a nature reserve.C. She was surprised hearing the owls story.D. She had little experience in treating animals.Which might be the reason for Rockefell

36、er found in the Christmas tree?A. It appeared suddenly as the tree was loaded onto a truck.B. It might have been too scared to move when trapped.C. It settled into the tree branches as home.D. It was locked into the trunk of a car.How did Ellen Kalish help Rockefeller the owl?A. She rescued him from

37、 a damaged Christmas tree.B , She drove him back to his home in the Northeast.C. She gave him water and food at her wildlife center.D. She performed X-rays on the owl before releasing him.Which word best describes Rockefeller life in the wildlife center?A. Unpleasant.B. Comfortable.C. Stressful.D. D

38、isappointing.(十二)(2021 重庆西南大学附中高二期末)A few years ago, I moved to Aurora, Ont. with my boyfriend and I longed to make friends in my new neighborhood.Where we lived the houses were jammed together so tightly. But the irony (挖苦)of living so close was that no one actually talked to each other; as in an o

39、pen-concept office, they pretend they cant hear or see each other to maintain at least an illusion of privacy.It was not so easy to make friends as an adult. I was about to give up when I caught sight of a beautiful, tall blonde taking out her recycling. She walked with confidenceeven her ponytail b

40、ounced. I gasped JT recycle too! We have so much in common!”The question was, how would we meet? What would I say? So I thought, What if I just happened to be jogging by?” I put on my running shoes, but after a few times around the block, dripping sweat, I didnt see her. I decided to seize on the on

41、e thing I already knew about her- she takes out her blue bin.The following day, I woke up a little earlier than usual. A little after 8 a.m., the garage truck appeared and the blonde emerged. I grabbed a bin and made my way to the end of my driveway. Just act naturally, Megan,1 told myself. Good mor

42、ning. How are you?” I said, cool as a cucumber. Good. And you? she replied. Doing well.I am a new comer, just a DJ. I talk for a living. Clearly!” “InterestingJ she said.As we both walked away, I turned and called out, “Oh, and by the way, Im Megan.” Michelle,“ she replied. I walked back inside, wea

43、ring a giant grin.Our coincidental recycling meet-ups continued for a few weeks until I finally gathered my courage to ask her to watch The Bachelor with me and she said yes.That night, after we got everything ready, we settled on the couch and proceeded to drink wine, binge from our buffet, dissect

44、 doomed television relationships, tell stories about our own and laugh our faces off. We found what wed been looking fbr”: a new friend to foil platonically in love with.What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?A. The author lived in a small house.B , The neighbors actually didnt have privacy.C. The au

45、thor lived in a very crowded neighborhood.D. The neighbors did not communicate with each other. What do we know about their first meet-up?A. The tall blonde pretended to be very cool.B , The tall blonde wore a big smile when talking.The author was quite satisfied with their first talk.The two friend

46、s met accidentally when the truck came.Which of the following words can best describe the author?A. Timid but kind-hearted.B. Shy but persistent.C. Hospitable and generous.D. Caring and modest.Whats the main idea of the passage?A DJ talking for a living began to recycle.A blonde watched The Bachelor

47、 w汕 a DJ.A new comer finally made friends with a blonde.Two women recycled together in the neighborhood.(十三)(2020海南海 口市第四中学高二期末)When I was in primary school, I got into an argument with a boy in my class. I have forgotten what the argument was about, but I have never forgotten the lesson learned tha

48、t day.I was convinced thatT was right and he was wrong and he was just as convinced that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to teach us a very important lesson. She brought us up to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her desk and me on the other.In the middle of her

49、desk was a large, round object. I could clearly see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. White,“ he answered.I couldnt believe he said the object was white, when it was obviously black! Another argument started between my classmate and me, this time about the color of the

50、object.The teacher told me to go to stand where the boy was standing and told him to come to stand where I had been. We changed places, and then she asked me what the color of the object was. I had to answer, “White. It was an object with two differently colored sides, and from his viewpoint it was

51、white. Only from my side was it black.My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: You must stand in the other persons shoes and look at the situation through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspective (看法).When brought up to the front of the class, the two students were sit

52、ting.A. side by sideB. face to faceC. back to backD. facing the blackboardFrom the authors classmates side, the first time he couldnt know.A. his side of the object was blackB. his side of the object was whiteC. the other side of the object was blackD. the other side of the object was whiteWhat can

53、we conclude from the text?We should imagine that we9re in the other persons situation.A teacher should give students a lesson before the class.A large, round object has two differently colored sides.A lesson learned in the past should never be forgotten.Which of the following can best describe the t

54、eacher?A. Patient.B. Wise.C. Rude.D. Kind.(十四)(2021胡1 匕高二期末)Laungi Bhuiyan, a pensioner from the Indian state of Bihar, has become known as “Canal Man“ after it was discovered that he spent 30 years of his life digging a 3-kilometer-long water canal, all by himself, using hand tools.The remote villa

55、ge of Kothilawa had always suffered water shortages, with most of the rainwater falling in the nearby hills flowing into the river, instead of towards the village. This was one of the reasons why some villagers moved away, but Laungi Bhuiyan made up his mind to take matters into his own hands, so he

56、 stayed behind. Noone offered to help, so for three long decades he dug the 4-feet wide and 3-feet deep canal himself, using only whatever hand tools he had.Kothilawa is surrounded by forests and mountains. During the rainy season, the water falling from the mountains used to flow straight into a ri

57、ver flowing through the area, but ever since Laungi Bhuiyan completed his 3-km-long canal, if s been collected in a pond near the village, allowing locals to raise animals and even irrigate crops, without worrying about water shortages.Ever since word of his impressive achievements started spreading

58、 on social media, Bhuiyan has been nicknamed Canal Man”. A Twitter user shared his unbelievable story and called Indian billionaire Anand Mahindra, asking him if he would support the Kothilawa hero by making a tractor available to him. I think his canal is as impressive a monument as the Taj or the

59、Pyramids. V d consider it an honor to have him use my tractor/9 the billionaire replied.While many have taken to social media to praise Laungi Bhuiyan for his perseverance (毅力),some said that had the Government done the job it was supposed to, the Kothilawa man neednt have worked hard for decades, a

60、nd locals would have benefited from the water canal much sooner. Others went as far as to suggest his work be recognized, and that he be provided with compensation.Why didnt Laungi Bhuiyan move away from Kothilawa with other villagers?A. He didnt want to have his way of life changed.B , He decided t


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