人教版英语七年级下册Unit 6 I'm watching TV. SectionB(2a-2c)教案设计_第1页
人教版英语七年级下册Unit 6 I'm watching TV. SectionB(2a-2c)教案设计_第2页
人教版英语七年级下册Unit 6 I'm watching TV. SectionB(2a-2c)教案设计_第3页
人教版英语七年级下册Unit 6 I'm watching TV. SectionB(2a-2c)教案设计_第4页




1、英语教案设计Unit6 I am watching TV . Section B 2a-2c一Teaching Aims三维目标知识目标识记以下单词和词组 race host study state American any other child delicious still livingroom.2能阅读有关谈论人们正在进行的活动的文章,感受现在进行时的应用,并完成练习。技能目标:掌握阅读技巧。情感目标:培养学生的阅读能力和阅读技巧。教学重难点掌握重点短语及句型。正确使用现在进行时。教学方法:情景教学方法,任务型教学方法。教学资源:PPT, 教材。教学步骤:Step1 ReviewChe

2、ck the homework.用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1 Look! The cat _(run) up the tree.Her parents _(have) breakfast now.-he_(clean) the room?-_No,he cant.4 .It s eight oclock.Tom _(have) class.Listen! They_(sing) in the classroom.二Student finsh the exercises then teacher and students. Check the answers.Sep2. Lead in 2a利

3、用2a时差问答引入本节课的阅读。例如A:What s the time in Beijing?(Tokyo,New York,Sydney)B:It is 8:00 in the moring.Step3 Reading (3b)学生快速阅读2b,完成2b的阅读任务。Why are Zhu Huis family watching boat races and making zongzi?Does Zhu Hui like his host family ?3) What does he think about his home in China ?Careful Reading (Readi

4、ng the artical again then fill in the blank below).)Palace Shenzhen)Jim )Zhu Huis dad and uncle )Zhu Huis mom and aunt Finish 2c .Match the verbs in column , A with the wrds in column B,Then use the phrase to write sentences according to the TV report.(阅读指导:1)先看选项中的动词词汇,通读全文去寻找这些重点词汇。2)在短文中找到含living

5、,reading,making,talking,等的句子,然后准体看这个句子,确定词组的内容。3)最后,再完整地读一遍课文,看有没有选错的词组。4.Check the answers.Write some sentences with living.Step4 Language pointsrace/game 2.any other 3.miss 4.wishNo place like home.Step5 Exercis像其他小孩一样,杰克喜欢冰激凌。Just like_ _kid likes the cream.李雷的父母正在包粽子。Lileis grandparents _ _Zongzi.你想念你在中国的家人吗?Do you


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