已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、凹从 A B C凹 D 四个选项白中选出一个与其拔它三个划分读音跋不同的选项( 肮 懊 罢) 爱1. A. 暗 稗s耙ight 哎 B. 暗ca斑s白e C奥. no埃s盎e 爱D. li挨s耙t昂2. A. 挨 nei暗gh半bor B.爱 fi爱gh班t C巴. enou傲gh昂 D. 佰dau办gh坝t巴 凹3瓣 靶A俺. gr霸ou叭nd B败. ab绊ou按t C.盎 靶ou爱t D艾. w版ou拌ld唉4. 安A . l板oo澳k 八B. b斑oo胺k暗 般 C. g敖oo斑d D扒. 扒 m扳oo伴n拜 懊5. A. 埃 anothe扮r B. 癌 either伴 C.斑thou

2、gh 皑 D.th背rough懊6. A. 埃 g袄r把ow芭 B.坝 n班ow哀 C哀. l芭ow版 D.氨 sn阿ow矮7吧.按 拔 A. 岸th版ough 吧 B. 柏th疤rough 昂 C.ano拌th案er D 笆 ei癌th扳er疤 艾8. A. 捌 m隘i拜nd 扮B. lim拌i胺t 芭 C. s翱i扮nce 版 D. c芭i懊ty昂9. A. 扮 br柏o邦w班n B.翱 s白ou暗th 懊 C. l坝ou鞍dly 捌 D. b般ou哀ght挨10. A. 矮ex吧pensive碍 B. 埃ex吧ercise 案 C. 扳ex吧it 隘 D. te啊x白t搬11. A. 半

3、 哀g傲lory 爸 B. 耙g袄rammar 般 C.la摆r八g耙e D鞍. 疤g哀ay凹12. A. 暗 t百i拌me 靶 B. l艾i扒ght 隘 C. l拌i霸ke 挨 D. w澳i按th按13. A. 岸 offi败c扒e B柏. hor凹s跋e C哎. noi办s白e D哎. pla坝c爱e叭14. A. 邦librari哎es挨 B阿. grap拔es 癌 C. c跋hange啊s柏 D. t叭able颁s芭15. A. 邦 c巴o败ld 罢 B. 熬o胺ld 伴 C. w案h办o瓣le D巴. s半o把me盎16白 靶 昂A跋 s澳a背d 昂 B.m罢a翱tch 案 C. f

4、绊a八st 芭 D h凹a阿ve 奥17 A埃 south癌 B l凹oudly 隘 C bou哀ght 拔 D bro矮wn c埃18 A矮 match 佰 B fa隘st 板 C have邦 D s扳ad鞍 败B半19 A蔼 grap爸es B 皑changes叭 C ta巴bles 安 D libr皑aries 矮 D扒CCDDDBB拔ADACDCA耙DC靶 昂下面个划线部分绊中有一处有错,熬请指出吧 隘1. 巴 昂It按艾s 斑easier 袄for me 芭to go 拜there斑 on hot挨 昂than拌 癌drivng 班a car扒 ( 爱driving八 a car挨

5、)拔2. 霸Jim was扳 熬upset吧 last n安ight 翱because瓣he 芭had to 扒do袄 too 唉many ho袄meworks扒( many 坝homewor稗ks芭 )暗3. 艾 班H斑e found搬 碍it昂 imposs捌ible 艾to fini百sh安 the wo盎rk 百with吧 such 拌a隘 sjort 埃time( 安with霸 )爸4.爸Now扒 more 绊and阿 more y办oung pe疤ople 傲are癌 learni颁ng 傲for柏 the li摆ttle he皑ro. ( 白for拌 )柏5.Now 懊that拔

6、 the ne拜wspaper矮 arrive啊d按 we 凹can see隘 the sc碍ores 瓣of the暗 tennis疤 matche昂s. ( 碍arrived盎 )捌6.耙In扒 new to扒nian it霸 is 背not dif隘ficulty白 to wri暗te down稗 the 案basic傲挨that mu稗st be 昂solved叭 in巴版( 败not ief巴ficulty俺 )斑7.You s按hould b癌e 般working盎 in摆 stead 袄of澳 翱lie拌 there 八in bed邦. ( 啊lie跋 )阿8.He唉 speak

7、s霸 Englis伴h 熬more 耙flrenth颁y 吧than疤 his br般other 般is蔼. ( 斑is佰 傲)斑9.The i坝nstruct熬or had 板gone 暗over 拜the p拌roblems阿 罢many ti芭mes哀 昂befor熬 ths 板student癌s霸 凹will ta稗ke疤 the fi霸nal exa安minatio班n. ( 皑will ta胺ke捌 )碍 凹从碍给出四个选题中哀选出最适合句子瓣的选项肮1.The r败oad is 哎kept op暗e熬n_熬A摆_the y背ear.爱A.绊 摆through芭out懊 B tho

8、绊ugh C.颁thought矮 D.th阿rough案2.阿“澳I拌把m leavi拜ng now肮”“佰Make su拌re_柏D碍_the d拜oor鞍”百A for y埃ou to l哎ock B 啊to have扒 locked翱 C af罢ter loc鞍king D奥 you ha袄ve lock巴ed拜3. She 扳did not伴 feel_拌C奥_going胺 out,as拌 she ha拜d a sli背ght hea敖dache.邦A. fot 哀 B. abo澳ut C 鞍like 翱D. afte扮r矮4. _爱D捌_many凹 of the班 custom按er

9、s wor八k doing芭 the da巴y, Bill百y has t案o colle案ct the 艾money f坝rom the把m at ni唉ght.隘 A. Al捌though 袄 B. th绊erefore拌 C. f凹r懊om D.佰 since傲5.He is袄 very i拔nterest佰ed in t安he film阿,_爸D八_I do鞍n笆背t like.岸 A. wh唉en B. 傲which 版 C. how奥 D. t翱hat矮6.Inqui爸ries_啊C隘_the癌 condit拜ion of 坝the pat拜ients m跋ay be m凹a拔de

10、 pers癌onally 隘or by 败telepho澳ne氨.俺 吧 肮A. foll懊owing 扮B. reve隘aling 皑C. conc稗erning 碍 D. aff芭ecting板7.This 百is a _稗C哎_argu半ment.般A. conv办inced 扮 啊B. conv摆incing 半 C. in拜convinc耙ible D岸. convi阿nce罢8.The 懊governm啊ent昂 will h皑ave to 绊work ha坝rd_摆D办_the 暗confide佰nce of 翱the peo翱ple aft耙er the 芭terribl熬e

11、伴E半vent.按A. to w巴in thro般ugh B佰. to co稗me up w哎ith C.搬 to com案e at D耙. to wi版n back肮9翱.矮 败Un笆l昂ess he 巴is般 版C颁 唉intense绊 love. 按he 暗hardly 扳evers e暗yes for澳 very l傲ong摆 案 邦 A.哎 granti埃ng 斑 跋 B. c半overing凹 C. 般 confe柏ssing 班 D. re芭fusing吧10般.啊 If you艾 扳can斑摆t 跋pay the板 bill y蔼ou疤昂re goin阿g to盎(案 瓣B澳

12、八)按 蔼A. be 蔼in trou斑ble斑 埃 笆 B. 敖 fall i坝n troub案les蔼 C. d扒o troub皑les 蔼 D. 百take tr叭ouble巴11.The 扳observe拔r暗邦s state疤ment ab百out the背 accide皑nt was 白very_靶D拔_.we 爸know 俺almost爸 very t肮hing ab奥out it阿 皑now.安 A. spe袄cial 摆B. spec氨ific 凹C. espe班cial 暗D. exce熬ptional半 罢12.I_坝D阿_my柏 芭paper b芭ecause 按it

13、is t百oo easy背 for me肮.白A.have 盎handed 瓣out of 稗 B. h绊ave han哎ded ove耙r 艾C. have俺 handed暗 with 巴 D. hav傲e hande斑d in芭13. The般 noise 半of the 皑traffis唉 安 扳A败 八panl fo八rm his 案work.绊A. anno颁yed B暗. upset八 C.pr颁evented绊 D. d靶istract暗ed 昂14. He 傲is the 罢problem芭 昂 跋B邦 叭you sho氨uld pay拌 atte耙ntion.柏A. whic

14、伴h B. 百to whic奥h C. 颁on whic唉h D. 办at whic扳h 熬15.I kn盎ow that笆 either吧 you or安 you fa爸ther 拔 拔C班 板a copy.俺A. have把 had 案B. have百 C. h艾as D.暗 are to般 have 1.完型填空拔1. Wa昂shoe is啊 a youn鞍g chimp哎anzee. 扮She is 隘no挨 熬 笆 敖ordinar白y昂 把 芭 chi霸m癌panzee,爱 碍though.扳 S哀cientis背ts are 唉doing a芭 resear胺ch笆 盎on挨 爱

15、 邦her. Th巴ey want耙 to see矮 how ci八vilized败 she ca鞍n叭 阿become耙 爸.Alread袄y she d拜oes man叭y thing爱s a hum疤an bein埃g can d皑o柏 Fo胺r 搬 癌example败,蔼 she ha捌s been 办learnin傲g how t芭o excha唉nge矮 爸message皑s扳 瓣with pe靶ople. T凹he scie俺ntists 拜are tea鞍ching h白er搬 昂 般sign般 跋 斑languag癌e.When 俺she wan凹ts to b颁e pick

16、e氨d傲 芭up俺 傲,Washoe伴 points袄 up wit佰h one f爱inger. 阿She rub摆s her t扳eeth wi摆th her佰 finger翱 碍when半 斑 埃she wan坝ts to b胺rush he爸r teeth俺.碍 吧This is安 done a埃fter ev艾ery mea板l.坝 绊Washoe 艾has als案o bee班n版 哎trained按 拜 摆t耙o邦 吧think o澳ut and 奥find an颁swers t盎o probl疤ems.板 背Once sh澳e was p奥ut in a哀 熬room坝 霸 哀

17、with fo捌od hang百ing fro啊m the c矮eiling.疤 It was熬 too hi暗gh to把 澳reach跋 碍.After 胺she con靶sid熬e把red the敖 版problem傲 岸 瓣 拜S柏he got 版a tall 笆box to 敖stand拔 笆on蔼 按 傲. The f佰ood was澳 still 皑too hig捌h to be懊 reache颁d.Washo矮e found靶 a 埃 暗long澳 氨 矮pole.佰Then sh颁e climb伴ed onto澳 the 吧 拔box爸 叭 癌, garsp皑ed the 败

18、pole, a巴nd 拌k拔nocked矮 佰 跋 down坝 the fo柏od with扳 pole.柏 Wash把oe唉 矮 熬lives澳 罢 like a按 蔼h八uman,to爸o.The s暗cientis斑ts keep哎 her in班 a full胺y furni敖shed ho背use.Aft八er a ha叭rd佰 哀 捌day昂 碍 搬in the 版lab稗oratory唉, she g摆oes hom熬e傲 捌 昂there挨 吧 袄she pla搬ys with挨 her to阿y傲s.she扮 疤even巴 艾enioys 爸watchin班g telev胺i

19、sion b懊efore g捌oing to扳 bed背 柏S癌cientis澳ts hope挨 to 扒 拌 碍learn芭 皑 扳 more a笆bout pe邦ople by傲 studyi霸ng our 傲closest皑 relati盎ve chim板pan凹z稗ee2.完型填空盎 Yes凹terday 板was ( 翱 爱jim耙暗s澳 birthd罢ay办 瓣 )袄.He got安 a lot 案of p百re扒sents( 奥 岸from胺 碍 )his奥 friend叭s and f隘amily 般All the八 gifts 癌were wr暗apped( 坝 八 熬in盎

20、 )c摆olored 扒paper (半 艾some啊 版 ) O巴f ( 安 暗the pac俺kages岸 爸 ) 靶( 案are稗 )爱large b笆ut othe埃rs were百 very 罢small S办ome ( 案 凹 蔼were捌 敖 ) hea佰vy, and办 oth翱ers wer版e light扒 one sq百uare pa盎ckag巴e was b俺lue was隘 a book翱 in it 搬An败o鞍ther on皑e was l俺ong nad跋 narrow叭 it had八 an umb绊rella i疤n it ji拔m扒叭s siste艾r g

21、a蔼v按e him a百 big ( 拌 办round爸 昂 )packa办ge He t败hought 哀it( 霸 澳was般 摆 ) a 搬ball bu霸t it ( 艾 版was not岸 罢 )罢.碍When办 熬he( 板removed按 )the阿 yellow澳 paper 懊that co癌vered i扳t he sa靶w that 扳it was 摆globe o安f the w笆orld 埃After t昂ha肮t his b艾rother 霸gave hi百m ( 肮another按 爱 扳 ) gift绊 It was碍 a半 耙big box翱 ( 哀wrapp

22、ed百 in 翱 斑 )gr皑een pap摆er jim 般opened 案it and 翱found a矮nother 半box( 绊 唉covered颁 with爱 傲 )red芭 paper 按He remo哎ved the岸 paper 袄and saw隘 a thir胺d box t把his one拔 was bi颁ue colo爱r邦Everyon唉e laugh挨ed ( 袄as肮 ) ji安m opene巴d the b傲oxes Th半ere wer疤e six o搬f them 爸In the 拜last on叭e he fo伴und a s百mall wh邦ite en

23、v氨elope T扒here wa安s a pie般ce of p昂aper in瓣 the en巴velope 班which (绊 唉 背said案 按):GO to拜 the bi靶g bed-r啊oom Loo跋k( 扒 哀in蔼 )坝the clo啊set nea皑r the h拔igh win俺dow Y稗ou will拜 see th懊ree sui扒tcases 哎a black捌 one a 按brown o安ne and 霸a gray 隘one You靶r birth扒day pre八sent is捌 in one碍 of the碍se 捌Jim( 百 半went in背

24、爸 ) 皑t罢he larg稗e bed拔room斑. 扒He went败 to the版 closet凹 to the颁 closet笆 and be傲gan( 霸 颁opening懊 版 )th肮e suitc安ases He斑 had to盎 open a搬ll of t背hem ( 爱 袄before霸 ) 斑he saw 靶his bro凹ther袄芭s prese扳nt He w板as very爸 皑happy I袄t Was j按ust wha瓣t Jim W袄anted-傲-a po啊rtable 捌typewri办ter懊1.疤A搬 birth哎day of 皑jim 鞍B安

25、 Jim b艾irthday艾 邦C 扮 jim霸佰s birth笆day 把D 安 jim-bi阿rth-day吧2.把A AT 哀 啊 B 蔼away wi靶th 吧 C 蔼 back 绊form 凹 D fr岸om 罢3.矮A in 俺 安 B颁 BY 般 叭 C 般 with 盎 矮 D 拌 of 疤4.颁A mos摆t 扒 靶B some岸 靶 C 佰 many 熬 办 D 版much 5翱.埃A the罢 packag吧es 叭 B pac把kages 叭 C敖 the p佰ackage 跋 D 摆 pack按age6靶.案A IS 肮 靶 B鞍 are 暗 白 C 熬 was 班

26、 阿 D we唉re7.霸A was 扮 靶 B 袄 were 般 背 C 稗had bee败n 啊 D ha捌ve been8把A circ摆le 靶 凹B arou捌nd 败 C暗 roun把d 版 D r敖ing 9八A had安 been 拌 B拌 was 班 摆 C 案 were 拔 颁 D wo啊uld be 10佰A 艾 哎 hadn癌罢t been 耙 B 摆 would 把not be 摆 C 蔼 weren蔼办t 俺D was 暗not 11耙A 靶 爸removed拔 背 B to般ol out 稗 瓣 C to癌ok off 鞍 D 矮 took a百way 12矮A

27、the袄 pther 凹 熬B othe叭r 半 C鞍 an ot哎her 澳 D ano懊ther13柏A cov半ering w叭ith 唉B enve邦loping 耙 板C wrapp阿ed in 艾 D wra叭pped by瓣 14胺A wra霸pping i暗n B柏 cover澳ing in 绊 斑C cover靶ed with跋 D en跋velop i扳n 15 1617把A at 百 奥 B in 爸 C碍 for 案 D 扒 around吧 18伴A went拌 to B绊 came 柏ou氨t C 跋 went 凹in D 斑 came t白o19 板A open把

28、B 伴 openin霸g C爱 close 叭 D 阿 closin氨g 20 霸A捌 unles矮s B 霸 after 伴 C笆 until艾 D 跋 befor芭e3完型填空板 蔼It was 啊an earl袄y morni胺ng in s艾ummer. 芭In the 暗st氨r隘eets sl昂eep-eye百d peopl巴e were 癌moving 安quickly艾. 拜H皑eading 拔to扳w氨ards th胺eir( 爸jobs拔 板).this 癌was the碍 beginn按ing of 扒another八 ( 哎ordinar搬y拌 翱 )day 啊in t

29、he 扒N伴ew 暗Yor扮k city 凹( 疤but办 )t柏his day摆 was of霸 be dif邦ferent.斑 Wai矮ting( 按above靶 )the c阿rowded斑 昂streets邦,熬 耙on top 按of ( 艾 蔼buildin奥g疤 拔)110 st芭or扳e啊s high 稗was安 盎P版hilippe叭 鞍P搬etit.扮 岸This da拜ring Fr叭ench ma斑n was a稗bout to摆( 佰 傲walk挨 )唉a蔼 八tightro昂pe betw扮een the碍 two to翱wers of芭 the wo盎rld tr

30、a白de cent哀er.昂 Phi癌lipp半e哎 took h拔is firs般t( 扒step暗 )wi邦th grea颁t care.俺 拌The wir扒e held.敖 N佰ow he w吧as懊( 柏sure凹 )he 巴could d凹o it,(坝 挨with柏 八 )only 败a balan按cing po跋le. 斑P皑hil半ippe wa斑lked hi蔼s way a爱cross, 八a( 拔 耙distanc背e叭 叭 )of 1霸31 feet柏.吧 Soo搬n the r跋ush-hou拌r,( 芭crowds版 伴 )began懊 to not稗ice .

31、wh昂at a (扳wonder碍 扮 ), The班re,1350耙 feet a佰bove th办e stree肮t, a ( 捌 安t挨in昂y哎)figure袄 was wa霸lking o板n air.耙 Phi百lippe m佰ade sev斑en (癌 矮trips伴 败)back a疤nd fort斑h. He w碍asrit s哀atisfie敖d. 爸W唉ith jus俺t 袄(巴walking稗)拌. At ti斑mes, he埃 would 搬turn ,s版it down搬 and ( 佰even蔼)go on 叭his kne坝es once扒.按H矮e had t

32、按he asto扳nishing跋 ( 版courage办 )斑to lie 碍down on搬 the th班read. A俺nd thou搬sands o败f 稗( 白terrifi哀ed岸 邦 )暗watcher鞍s stare柏d with 背their氨 hearts白 fast.袄After t埃he fort八y-five-佰minute 捌(傲 肮show跋 )氨 班phil搬i蔼ppe w坝a爸s taken叭 to the胺 police伴 statio拜n. He w笆as aske扳d( 巴why瓣 邦 )he di版d it. 昂P爱hilippe敖 shrugg背e

33、d and 阿said! 暗W胺hen I s盎ee tall板 buildi隘ng I wa傲lk.4完型填空拔 When绊 办H版enry Al半ien cam懊e home 班 1 扒 败the off巴ice拌 2 按 捌he saw 跋a note 爱 3 伴 拌his wif跋e on th笆e kitc办hen tab盎l跋e 白.半Henry t白he note懊 4 挨 扒my moth吧er isn佰疤t well 佰and I胺 5 袄 碍home 吧 6 澳 奥her for坝 a few 拜days te啊re are 盎 7熬 唉things 稗that ou按gh

34、t to 搬 8昂 跋 while 把I瓣邦m away 哀 Firs肮t take 哀your bl搬ue coat摆 to the碍 dry板 9 氨 鞍and lea啊ve your百 shirts背 at the班 laundr扒y At th把e same 白time wo埃u邦l邦d you p般lease s埃top at 瓣the sho拔e repao盎rman八吧s and 哎 10 俺 挨my brow背n 稗s熬hoes?An扳d go to巴 the su翱oermark岸et and 皑get 皑 11 隘 奥coffee 罢. milk 败and but艾ter拜

35、 When霸 you ge般t home 败please 拌telepho罢ne Mary袄 Bickfo唉rd and 鞍tell he澳r won搬百t be ab氨le to g啊o to he坝r party奥 tomorr敖ow even扮ing tel鞍l her w败hy I ca扒n邦鞍t哀 12白 啊 There扳 are th伴ree thi白ngs tha氨t八俺 13 瓣 隘before 霸you go 爸to work佰 tomorr笆ow morn柏ing lea挨ve a no扒te for 邦milkman啊 14 哀 巴just on懊e quart跋 of

36、m傲i半lk not 八two啊,斑 put th拜e garba凹ge 般 15 暗 按the bac摆kyard g斑ive the扮 dog 熬somethi般ng班 to eat班 If yo按u have 笆on 奥S罢aturday靶 cut th巴e grass邦 Don岸鞍t forge昂t the f凹rass in扳 the ba拜ckyard 拔the new岸spaper 肮boy wil肮l come 暗 16 芭 八S鞍aturday罢 afte哎r敖noon Be敖 sure败 17翱 柏 him mo拔ney 把 I thi版nk that袄安s all I氨盎

37、ll tele埃phone t背his eve矮ning an耙d 暗 18 白 板 you kn板ow how 跋mot跋her is 阿;LOVE 颁ALICE盎 Henr安y looke氨d Out t叭he wind版ow 袄 19 澳 百 the gr爸ass 懊Alice白 wanted翱 him cu傲t His h八ad aske半d him t柏o do ma艾ny thin搬gs He h百oped h肮e班r mothe吧r 巴 20 颁 澳 well v办ery qui绊ckly 第一班Aout o斑f B b氨ack C 凹 from 稗 D ins半tesd of碍

38、 第二空 背A last敖 night 案Thursda疤y 疤B 稗 last T唉hursday芭 night 伴C Thun蔼rsday l板ast nig碍ht 半D Thur把sday ni澳ght las隘t1阅读理解 案 A man昂 on a l熬inely i巴sland c唉an act 盎as he l岸ikes be氨cause h蔼as no o班ne to c搬onsider拌 except叭 himsel芭f But w哎hen Rob啊inson C鞍rusoe d袄iscover安ed foot隘prints 矮in the 扮sand he癌 could 盎

39、no long傲er act 安pr邦ecisely坝 as bef耙ore He 扒had to 巴think o岸f the e背xistenc八e of a 版comanio埃n and t胺he poss翱ible ef啊fect of俺 his ac扮tions u半pon a s靶econd p邦erson .柏Two peo埃ele thu蔼s sudde背nly bro矮ught fa伴ce to f瓣ace can捌 not ig瓣nore ea熬ch othe霸r Eithe隘r one m凹ust ove霸rcome t半he othe唉r or th拔ey must爱

40、arrive碍 at som摆e form 斑of coex吧istence疤In the 半latter 肮event t板hey hav罢e first靶 to con肮vince e般ach oth埃er of t笆heir fr般iendly 哀intenti傲ons.板 爸When a 肮man com凹es upon笆 a trib半e whose柏 langu奥a颁ge he d捌oes not柏 know.昂 斑he will阿 nod sm半ile.搬 阿make fr班iendly 澳gesture办s and p奥erhaps 疤send th懊em smal矮l g芭i

41、扮fts If 班these o蔼ff皑ers are傲 succes拜sful th败e tribe熬smen wi矮ll take板 him to哀 their 爱village氨 and br胺ing him唉 food a扮nd drin凹k Moreo皑ver the熬 arriva澳l of an昂 import巴ant bis袄itor is奥 someth瓣ing out懊 of the胺 or din靶ary So 澳as an a疤nswer t摆o the f败eeling 捌that th疤eir gue班st shou阿ld be t跋reated 稗as well办

42、 as the颁y can s碍omethin坝g bette敖r than 奥the or 敖dinary 败food wi澳ll be p皑rovided挨 and th傲e meal 绊followe岸d by si隘nging a把nd danc阿ing The柏 host w搬ishes t柏o make 板his gue熬st feel把 at hom拌e the g阿uest to叭 show t胺hanks o懊f the k伴indness罢 he has熬 receiv癌ed 傲U坝estions邦 of goo邦d behav岸ior and靶 consid版eratio

43、n啊 for ot爸hers ma拜ybe hav扳e arise蔼n in on熬e form 颁or anot傲her sin罢ce soci疤al life胺 began 挨because哎 social凹 life i般s impos矮sible i凹f each 鞍person 扒thinks 耙only of瓣 himsel瓣f 瓣If men 罢are to 安live to板gether 绊in a co盎mmunity八 they m坝ust as 碍a measu按re of c败ommon s罢ense an靶d in th安e inter懊est of 叭all acc

44、熬ept a c安ertain 氨number 埃of r挨ul瓣es and 板convent爱ions Su扒ch agre佰ement i案s more 败than e扮ver n隘ecessar捌y Chaos俺 may re班sult wh阿en four唉 people阿 play b八ridge a办ccordin艾g to wi挨dely di肮fferent稗 conven叭tions T肮he same八 is tru翱e of so芭cial li蔼fe 敖1.A man拌 on a l百onely i扳sland c罢an act 佰as he l斑ike bec叭au

45、se埃 斑 颁 .奥2颁 Two st跋rangers挨 will n跋ever ge瓣t along扳 well u胺nless摆 巴 懊 .俺3.If yo隘u meet 背a tribe氨 whose 办languag把e you d稗on办氨t know 暗you can阿 offer 俺all fol扒lowings矮 EXCEPT挨4. The 吧arrival按 of an 伴importa靶nt visi班tor is 翱somethi拜ng out 版of the 翱ordinar拜y so th败ey will拔 百 爱 暗5. If y疤ou want罢 to liv懊e

46、 well 哀in a co唉mmunity隘 胺 霸A no o哎ne care八s for h拔im 俺 B no傲 one fe胺els it 瓣necessa板ry to w澳orry ab扒out him稗 熬C he f八eels it芭 necess搬ary to 胺take ca啊re of h氨imself 佰D he f澳eels it办 unnece凹ssary t奥o consi奥der 癌others 2阅读理解霸 Mann皑ers are耙 import办ant to 鞍happy r傲el扒a艾tions a敖mong pe扳ople懊.胺 Everyo扮ne l

47、ike把s a per按son wit扮h good 胺manners扳 颁.鞍NO one 熬likes a阿 pers拔o邦n with 扒bad man办ners笆.肮 But wh岸at are 班good ma澳nners? 耙How doe拔s one k败now to 伴do and 矮what no稗t to do昂?鞍 Wel败l here 阿are som捌e examp斑les 背A perso办n with 般good ma败nners n埃ever la翱ughs at阿 people敖 when t拜hey are敖 in tro扳uble般.白 instea版d

48、he tr拜ies to 矮h扳e鞍lp them伴.凹 氨he佰 is alw伴ays kin胺d to ot搬hers Wh佰en peop爱le are 绊waiting邦 for a 昂bus袄,案 he tak爸es his 佰turn He版 does n哀ot push唉 to the般 front 摆of the 跋line on熬 the bu扒s凹.笆 he giv败es his 癌seat to搬 an old矮er pers懊on or a耙 person隘 with a胺 very y板oung ch肮ild扮.版 If he 挨knocks 拌into so靶meo

49、ne o败r gets 绊in his 袄way hea颁v蔼ys Excu扮se me o跋f I半吧m sorry啊 癌 He sa班ys P哀l背ease wh坝en he a扮sks for败 someth吧ing and摆 Thank 背you whe哀n he re碍ceives 败somethi敖ng .He 疤stands 靶up when瓣 he is 胺spea扒k绊ing 肮to an o凹lder pe百rson an哎d he do佰es not 办sit dow澳n哎.柏 until 稗the oth半er pers把on take疤s his s埃eat芭.扳 H

50、e doe哎s not i背nterrup昂t other半 people啊 when t笆hey are罢 talkin埃g胺.把He does把 not ta捌lk too 胺much哀,办 He doe捌s not t坝alk lou板dly or 版laugh l拔oudly i坝n publi艾c When翱H胺e is ea癌ting 胺he does芭 not sp唉eak wit埃h his ,澳out挨 full o氨f food昂.昂 He use安s handk板erchief霸 when h埃e sneez安es or c翱oughs爱,八 He doe埃s not s

51、昂pit in 般public翱 AS a肮 studen肮t it is芭 a bad 肮manner 扳to come般 late t翱o class安 If you拔 are yo翱u shoul靶d make 昂an apol芭ogy to 肮the tea疤cher ei昂ther at暗 time o靶f after隘 the cl拜ass颁.奥 It is 啊also a 坝bad man爱ner to 绊keep si百lent wh拌en the 俺t翱eacher 盎asks yo搬u a que百stion皑.靶 If you扮 do not霸 know t岸he ans

52、w爸er say 皑so imme隘diately稗.办 If you按 do kno昂w answe胺r in a 邦loud en袄ough vo佰ice so 哀that al傲l the c暗lass蔼mate盎 hear捌.拌 It is 鞍polite 蔼for the跋 studen叭ts to h瓣elp the巴 teache啊r笆.耙 Someti瓣mes stu靶dents c澳an help百 their 案teacher傲s to cl爸ean the颁 blackb案oard to癌 close 盎or open盎 the do氨or or w败indows败.芭

53、Someti霸mes the芭re are 按papers 拌to coll绊ect or 败to hand昂 out Th疤is kind肮 of hel隘p is al哎ways Ap半preciat笆ed 安 Idea翱s of wh坝at are 胺good ma盎nners a昂re not 阿always 唉the sam拌e in di傲fferent瓣 countr笆ies按,白 But in癌 all co阿untries爸 it is 般impor般t埃ant to 伴be kind案 and he把lpful 搬 Ques办tion碍person 捌with go癌od

54、mann白ers is 爱popular颁 with o艾thers b版ecause吧 阿 矮A perso伴n with 安good ma懊nners w坝ill百 扒 俺those i白n troub扮le 唉When yo安u are w佰ith an 阿old man邦 you sh矮ould do案 all th败e follo瓣wing ex邦cept案 挨 芭Whice o奥f the f疤ollowin吧g is NO按T prope版r for a班 studen盎t with 扳good ma氨nners t办o do ?鞍You霸把d bette扳r keep 稗in

55、mind熬 that阿 暗 第二空佰A .feel搬 sorry 瓣for B.摆 laugh 哀at C 百.feel i埃t diffi巴cult to翱 hel半p八 百D .do w稗hatever搬 he can案 do hel爱p 第三空绊standin巴g up wh般en you 翱have a 罢talk wi埃th him摆giving 般your se把at to h跋im on t袄he bus 熬interru敖ptong t肮im if h笆e talks翱 too mu伴ch 矮showing稗 tour r挨espect 八to him第四白A . m扒aking n颁o sound班 all th癌e in cl奥ass摆B. comi盎ng to s扳chool o扒n time 俺C . Doi爱ng your败 best t坝o help 鞍the tea昂cher 埃D. Answ班ering t板he ques碍tions i俺n a lou扮d voice氨 to mak坝e him h搬eard第五隘A you c百an act 敖a


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