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1、第一章 导言数理经济学的性质1.0.1 数理经济学的定义mathematical economics(1)杨小凯数理经济学基础:“数理经济学是主要进行定性分析的理论经济学,它研究最优经济效果、利益协调和最优价格的确定这些经济学基本理论问题,为经济计量学、管理科学、经济控制论提供模型框架、结构和基础理论,它实在是经济学的基础之基础。”“现代数理经济学不但是一门应用数学的经济科学,而且很有点数学物理方法的味道,在其学术著作中,人们几乎分不清它究竟是数学还是经济学。”1.0.1 数理经济学的定义杨小凯:“在瓦尔拉斯那个时代,应用高等数学的经济学叫数理经济学,以示与自然语言进行分析的经济学之区别。但在

2、我们这个时代,经济学几乎已全部数学化,国际经济学术界中,完全用自然语言讨论经济问题的文献已经很少了。当代没有不应用数学的物理学,从这个意义上我们可以说,今天不应用数学的经济学也算不上经济学了。今天的经济学就是上个世纪人们称为数理经济学的东西。广义的数理经济学就是高级经济分析。它与初级经济分析和中级经济分析的区别在于更系统地运用高等数学来阐述经济理论。而初级、中级经济分析主要是用几何图形浅显(但不严格)地解释这些用高等数学推出的理论。”1.0.1 数理经济学的定义蒋中一(Alpha C. Chiang)Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics:数

3、理经济学“仅是一种经济分析的方法,是经济学家利用数学符号描述经济问题,运用已知的数学定理进行推理的一种方法” .Mathematical economics is not a distinct branch of economics in the sense that public finance or international trade is. Rather, it is an approach to economic analysis, in which the economist makes use of mathematical symbols in the statement o

4、f the problem and also draws upon known mathematical theorems to aid in reasoning.Using the term mathematical economics in the broadest possible sense, one may very well say that every elementary textbook of economics today exemplifies mathematical economics insofar as geometrical methods are freque

5、ntly utilized to derive theoretical results. Conventionally, however, mathematical economics is reserved to describe cases employing mathematical techniques beyond simple geometry, such as matrix algebra, differential and integral calculus, differential equations, difference equations, etc.1.0.2 数理经

6、济学的历史发展数理经济学的先驱是法国学者,他于1838年发表了以数学原理研究财富的理论,提出了需求函数理论,把人们熟视无睹的商品需求量与价格之间的关系写成了函数形式。W.S.Jevons (1835-1882)在其著作The Theory of Political Economy(1871)中将边际效用引入了经济学,引起了经济学的边际革命,从而将高等数学引入了经济学。1.0.2 数理经济学的历史发展L.Walras(1834-1910)于1874-1877提出了一般均衡理论,使用了效用最大化原则。熊彼特(Schumpeter)在其History of Economic Analysis(195

7、4)中写道:”Walras is in my opinion the greatest of all economists”。瓦尔拉斯在1870年成为瑞士洛桑大学政治经济学讲座的第一任讲座教授。于1892年接替瓦尔拉斯在洛桑大学的经济学讲座,扩展了一般均衡理论的数学条件,创立了效用函数的序数论,并提出了“Pareto最优分配律”。1.0.2 数理经济学的历史发展Von Neumann(1903-1957)将集合论、群论、拓扑学应用于经济理论。用线性规划发展出了竞争经济中资源分配模型,并对最优增长理论做出了重要贡献。提出了新古典综合体系。20世纪70年代以来,经济动态分析逐渐兴起和快速发展。1.

8、0.3 经济分析中使用数理方法的好处数理经济学与非数理经济学Since mathematical economics is merely an approach to economic analysis, it should not and does not differ from the nonmathematical approach to economic analysis in any fundamental way. The purpose of any theoretical analysis, regardless of the approach, is always to de

9、rive a set of conclusions or theorems from a given set of assumptions or postulates via a process of reasoning. The major difference between “mathematical economics” and “literary economics” lies principally in the fact that, in the former, the assumptions and conclusions are stated in mathematical

10、symbols rather than words and in equations rather than sentences; moreover, in place of literary logic, use is made of mathematical theoremsof which there exists an abundance to draw uponin the reasoning process. Inasmuch as symbols and words are really equivalents (witness the fact that symbols are

11、 usually defined in words), it matters little which is chosen over the other. But it is perhaps beyond dispute that symbols are more convenient to use in deductive reasoning, and certainly are more conducive to conciseness and preciseness of statement.1.0.3 经济分析中使用数理方法的好处经济分析中使用数理方法的好处The choice bet

12、ween literary logic and mathematical logic, again, is a matter of little import, but mathematics has the advantage of forcing analysts to make their assumptions explicit at every stage of reasoning. This is because mathematical theorems are usually stated in the “if-then” form, so that in order to t

13、ap the “then” (result) part of the theorem for their use, they must first make sure that the “if” (condition) part does conform to the explicit assumptions adopted. In short, we see that the mathematical approach has claim to the following advantages: (1) The “language” used is more concise and prec

14、ise; (2) there exists a wealth of mathematical theorems at our service; (3) in forcing us to state explicitly all our assumptions as a prerequisite to the use of the mathematical theorems, it keeps us from the pitfall of an unintentional adoption of unwanted implicit assumptions; and (4) it allows u

15、s to treat the general n-variable case. 1.0.4 数理经济学的一些批评不真实的批评Against these advantages, one sometimes hears the criticism that a mathematically derived theory is inevitably unrealistic. However, this criticizing is not valid. In fact, the epithet “unrealistic” cannot even be used in criticizing econ

16、omic theory in general, whether or not the approach is mathematical. Theory is by its very nature an abstraction from the real world. It is a device for singling out only the most essential factors and relationships so that we can study the crux of the problem at hand, free from the many complicatio

17、ns that do exist in the actual world. Thus the statement “theory lacks realism” is merely a truism that cannot be accepted as a valid criticism of theory. It then follows logically that it is quite meaningless to pick out any one approach to theory as “unrealistic”. For example, the theory of firm u

18、nder pure competition is unrealistic, as is the theory of firm under imperfect competition, but whether these theories are derived mathematically or not is irrelevant and immaterial.1.0.4 数理经济学的一些批评滥用和无用的批评英国经济学家艾克纳曾发表“经济学家怎样滥用了数学”一文。张五常对经济学中大量使用数学经常提出批评,认为数学在经济研究中毫无用处。JohnG ():To bring the old sayi

19、ng up to date, “There are four kinds of lies: lies, damnable lies, statistics, and economic models.”国内不少经济学者也对经济研究的数学化提出了不少批评。1.0.5 经济学中应用数学的方法数学方法的作用在经济学中,数学只是一个分析的工具(Mathematics is just a means to an end)。In sum, we might liken the mathematical approach to a “mode of transportation” that can take

20、us from a set of postulates (point of departure) to a set of conclusions (destination) at a good speed. Common sense would tell us that, if you intend to go to a place 2 miles away, you will very likely prefer driving to walking, unless you have time to kill or want to exercise your legs. Similarly,

21、 as a theorist who wishes to get to your conclusions more rapidly, you will find it convenient to “drive” the vechicle of mathematical techniques appropriate for your particular purpose.1.0.5 经济学中应用数学的方法经济分析中数学方法使用的步骤Alfred Marshall曾给出在经济分析中数学的使用步骤如下:First, set out the problem in words;Second, conve

22、rt the problem to mathematical form;Third, solve the problem in mathematical form;Fourth, convert the solution back into words.If the final step could not be implemented, the problem had not actually been solved, regardless of the elegance of the mathematical expressions which had been generated.1.0

23、.6 数理经济学与计量经济学的关系The term “mathematical economics” is sometimes confused with a related term, “econometrics”. As the “metric” part of the latter term implies, econometrics is concerned mainly with the measurement of economic data. Hence it deals with the study of empirical observations using statist

24、ical methods of estimation and hypothesis testing. Mathematical economics, on the other hand, refers to the applications of mathematics to the purely theoretical aspects of economic analysis, with little or no concern about such statistical problems as the errors of measurement of the variables unde

25、r study.Indeed, empirical studies and theoretical analysis are often complementary and mutually reinforcing. On the one hand, theories must be tested against empirical data for validity before they can be applied with confidence. On the other, statistical work needs economic theory as a guide, in or

26、der to determine the most relevant and fruitful direction of research.In one sense, however, mathematical economics may be considered as the more basic of the two: for, to have a meaningful statistical and econometric study, a good theoretical frameworkpreferably in a mathematical formulationis indi

27、spensable.1.0.7 教材和参考书目1 Brian S. Ferguson and G. C. Lim, Introduction to dynamic economic models, Manchester University Press,1998.2 Alpha C. Chiang, Fundamental methods of mathematical economics, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984.(有中译本)3Lars Ljungovst and Thomasj Sargent, Recursive Macroeconomic Theo

28、ry, The MIT Press,2004.4斯蒂芬.J.托洛维斯基:宏观经济动态学方法,上海财经大学出版社,2002。5 艾伦:数理经济学,商务印书馆,1988。6 蒋中一:动态最优化基础,商务印书馆,1999。7 杨小凯:数理经济学基础,国防工业出版社,1985。8 伍超标:数理经济学导论,中国统计出版社,2002。9 龚六堂:动态经济学方法,北京大学出版社,2002。1.1 比较静态分析ISLM模型1.1.1 模型构造封闭经济条件商品市场:消费需求:C=C(Y),CY0; 投资需求:I=I(r) ,Ir0, Lr0; 货币供给:M=M0; 均衡方程:L=M1.1 比较静态分析ISLM模

29、型1.1.2 IS-LM曲线由商品市场的均衡方程,可得IS曲线为: Y=C(Y)+I(r)+G由货币市场的均衡方程,可得LM曲线为: L(Y,r)=M式中Y、r为内生变量(endogenous variable),G、M为外生变量(exogenous policy variable).1.1 比较静态分析ISLM模型1.1.2 IS-LM曲线IS曲线和LM曲线都是关于内生变量Y和r的函数,分别在IS曲线和LM曲线中对Y求导,得:IS:1=CY+Irdr/dy 即:dr/dY=(1-CY)/Ir0这表明IS曲线斜率为负, LM曲线斜率为正。比较静态分析ISLM模型1.1.3 政策影响分析(1)财

30、政政策影响分析(2)货币政策影响分析1.1.4 均衡分析1.1.5 比较静态分析的缺陷1.2 动态分析ISLM模型调整方程微分方程商品市场:=C(Y)+I(r)+G-Y,0.货币市场:=L(Y,r)-M,0.调整方式(1)调整方向:如需求供给,则上升; 如需求供给,则下降; 如需求=供给,则不变。(2)调整速度:和1.2 动态分析ISLM模型1.2.2 相位图(1)商品市场稳定线(stationary locus): =0相箭头: /Y=(CY-1)0 /r=Ir0 /r=Lr01.2 动态分析ISLM模型1.2.3 相轨线(1)什么是相轨线:经济系统从旧均衡点向新均衡点运行的轨迹。(2)相轨

31、线的特点 轨线路径不能违反相箭头方向; 垂直穿越IS线,水平穿越LM线; Y和r的变化都可能不是单调的。(3)稳定点的性质 结点(stable node) 焦点(stable focus)(4)相轨线的斜率:dr/dy=/1.2 动态分析ISLM模型1.2.4 调整过程的经济分析假设经济系统原处于均衡状态(Y1,r1),若政府选择扩张性财政政策,增加政府支出G,则总需求增加,IS曲线向右移,新均衡点就成为(Y2,r2),原均衡点(Y1,r1)就成为了一个具有超额需求的点,经济系统开始向新均衡点调整。调整过程为:G 总需求 产出对货币的交易需求(spillover effect)行为人卖出债券以

32、获取更多的货币债券价格而同时利率投资需求抵消了G的部分效应调整过程中会可能出现调整过度(overshooting),从而引发经济波动。第二章微分方程2.0 导言微分方程的定义微分方程含导数的方程式,线性微分方程的一般形式为: 0y(n)+1y(n-1)+n-1+ny=g(t) 若y为一个自变量的函数,则为常微分方程;若y为多个自变量的函数,则为偏微分方程。微分方程的阶(order)方程中导数的最高阶;微分方程的次(degree)方程中最高阶导数的幂。2.0 导言微分方程的分类(1)齐次与非齐次微分方程 齐次(homogeneous): g(t)=0; 非齐次(non-homogeneous):

33、 g(t)0. 大多数微分方程的解由齐次解和非齐次解两部分构成,齐次部分的解控制变量y(t)的动态过程,而非齐次解则决定了变量y(t)运动的空间区域。(2)自治与非自治的微分方程 自治(autonomous):如=f(y(t),时间变量不直接出现;非自治(non-autonomous):如=f(y(t),t),时间变量作为自变量直接出现。在自治微分方程中,变量y(t)的状态与时间的具体值无关,只与动态过程从开始已经历的时间长度有关;而在非自治微分方程中,时间的具体时刻将影响变量y(t)的状态。2.1 一阶微分方程2.1.0 一般形式 +y=g(t)2.1.1 齐次情形 0+1y=0 或 +y=

34、0(1) 解法1: =-y 将=dy/dt代入,得:dy/dt=-y 即:dy/y=-dt 或 dlny=-dt 两边积分,得:lny=-t+c 即有: y(t)=Ae-t, A=ec .2.1 一阶微分方程(2) 解法2: /y=- 这表明变量y(t)的增长率为常数,满足此条件的函数即为指数函数: y(t)=Ae-t(3) 初始条件(initial condition)和未知常数的确定 若已知初始条件:t=0时,y(t)=y0,则有: y0=y(0)=Ae-0=A 即得微分方程的解为: y(t)=y0e-t 2.1 一阶微分方程(4) 动态行为分析 变量 y(t)的动态行为取决于系数的值。

35、若0,当t,e-t,称为不稳定或发散情形(unstable or explosive case)。 若0,则-0,则-0,当t,Ae-t0,y(t)g/=ye,ye称为稳定均衡值(stable equilibrium)。 若0,当t,Ae-t,y(t)远离ye而,ye称为非稳定均衡值(unstable equilibrium)。2.1.2 非齐次情形(4) 未知常数的确定及其意义 将初始条件:当t=0时,y(t)=y0代入通解,得: y0=y(0)=Ae-0+ye=A+ye 即得: A=y0-ye可见:A是系统的初值y0与其均衡值的偏差,即系统在初始时期的非均衡偏差。将A代入通解,得: y(t

36、)=(y0-ye)e-t+ye若0,则-0,当t,e-t0,非均衡偏差越来越小,y(t)ye; 若0,当t,e-t,非均衡偏差越来越大,y(t)远离ye而。2.1.3 时间依赖的情形如果强制函数g(t)是时间的函数,则微分方程的特解也是时间的函数,均衡值随时间而变。(1) g(t)=w+zt的情形 微分方程:+y=w+zt 特解形式:ye(t)=q+rt 代入微分方程:r+(q+rt)=w+zt 令两边同类项的系数相等,得: r=z, r+q=w 解出r和q,得:r=z/,q=(w-z)/2 特解为:ye(t)=(w-z)/2+(z/)t2.1.3 时间依赖的情形通解为:y(t)=Ae-t+(

37、w-z)/2+(z/)t将初始条件y(0)=y0分别代入特解和通解,得:初始均衡值:ye(0)=(w-z)/2 且有:y0=A+(w-z)/2即有:A=y0-(w-z)/2=y0-ye(0)通解为:y(t)=y0-(w-z)/2e-t+(w-z)/2+(z/)ty(t)的动态包含两个成份,一是均衡点的移动由(z/)t反映,二是向均衡点的调整,调整速度为-,若-0,则收敛。2.1.3 时间依赖的情形(2) g(t)=wezt的情形 微分方程:+y=wezt 特解形式:ye(t)=qert 代入微分方程:rqert+qert=wezt 令两边同类项的系数相等,得: (r+)q=w, r=z; 解出

38、r和q,得:r=z,q=w/(z+); 特解为:ye(t)=w/(z+)ezt 通解为:y(t)=y0-ye(0)e-t+w/(z+)ezt 其中,初始均衡值为:ye(0)= w/(z+) 可见,系统运动有个两方面,一是均衡点本身的变化,二是系统向均衡的收敛运动(-0) 。2.1.4 特解的函数形式有时,微分方程的特解与强制函数的形式并不完全相同,即特解ye(t)并不是g(t)的简单摹本。例1.求微分方程+y=wt2的特解。 此微分方程的一般形式是:+y=u+vt+wt2 特解形式:ye(t)=s+qt+rt2, 而不是ye(t)=qt2; 代入微分方程: (q+2rt)+(s+qt+rt2)

39、=wt2 同类项系数相等:q+s=0,2r+q=0,r=w; 解之得:r=w/,q=-2w/2,s=2w/3; 特解为:ye(t)=2w/3-(2w/2)t+(w/)t22.1.4 特解的函数形式例2. 求微分方程=g的特解。 此微分方程可看作是+y=g的特殊形式,其中=0,但在此情形g/不能是其特解。 若用ye=k作为尝试解,则有e=0g。 对此微分方程,可直接求解,即由: dy/dt=g dy=gdt y=gt+c 因此,有一般规则:若初次尝试解不合适,可将其乘以t后再试。 微分方程=g的特解形式为ye(t)=kt,由此得特解为:ye(t)=gt2.1.5 特征方程(1) 定义 对于一阶齐

40、次微分方程+y=0,其解的形式为: y(t)=Aet 于是有=Aet,代入原微分方程,得: Aet(+)=0 即有: +=0 此式就称为一阶微分方程的特征方程,其解: =- 则称为特征根。 特征方程给出了求微分方程齐次解的方法。2.1.5 特征方程(2) 特征根的经济含义对于齐次微分方程+y=0,有: /y=-= 特征根可解释为经济变量y(t)的增长率。对于非齐次微分方程+y=g(t),有通解: y(t)=(y0-ye)et+ye 移项,得: 特征根可解释为非均衡偏差收敛的速度,即经济系统向其均衡点调整的速度。2.1.5 特征方程(3) 非均衡缺口封闭一半所需的时间 若特征根0,随着时间的推移

41、,y(t)持续增长。在经济学中常计算经济总量翻一番所需的时间。由微分方程的齐次解,可得: 两边取对数,解出t得: 若经济增长速度为每年2%,即,则翻一番所需时间为t=70/2=35年。2.1.6 相位图(1) 相位图的概念 相位图就是描述系统运动过程的图形。对于一阶微分方程,相位图就是表示与y的关系的图形,即: =f(y,g) 对于线性情形,有: =-y+g,g,0; 或: =y-g,g, 相位图(2) 稳定均衡情形的相位图分析 微分方程:=-y+g,g,0. 均衡点:ye=g/ 纵截距:=g 横截距:ye=g/ 斜率:d/dy=-0 当y(t)0,y(t)增加,y(t)ye;

42、当y(t)ye时,0. 均衡点:ye=g/ 纵截距:=-g 横截距:ye=g/ 斜率:d/dy=0 当y(t)ye时,ye时,0,y(t)增加,y(t); 当y(t)=ye时,=0,y(t)不变。2.1.6 相位图(4) 系统调整幅度的变化在稳定均衡的情形,y(t)越接近ye,就越小,收敛的速度就越慢,y(t)收敛到ye需无穷大的时间,但可在有限时间内收敛到离ye充分近的一点。在非稳定均衡的情形,y(t)离开ye越远,的值就越大,发散的速度就越快。2.1.7 非线性微分方程利用相位图可不用求解而分析非线性微分方程中变量y(t)的运动。例:假设微分方程为: =f(y) 且:f(0)=0,f(ye

43、)=0; 当y0; 当y时,f(y)0; 当y=时,f(y)=0; 则y=0为非稳定均衡点,y=ye为稳定均衡点。2.2 经济例子2.2.1 价格调整模型(1) 模型结构单一商品市场 式中:Qd需求量,Qs供给量,Q交易量 P价格,Y收入,Z厂商数量2.2.1 价格调整模型(2) 模型求解 将需求和供给方程代入价格调整方程,得: 齐次解 齐次方程: 特征方程:+(1+1)=0 特征根: =-(1+1) 齐次解:2.2.1 价格调整模型特解由于Y和Z均为外生变量,可视为常数,故微分方程的特解也为常数,记为Pe。代入微分方程: 0+(1+1)Pe=(0-0+2Y-2Z) 解出Pe,得特解:Pe=(0-0+2Y-2Z)/(1+1)通解将齐次解与特解加总,并代入A=P0-Pe,得通解: 由于 =-(1+1)0,所以均衡价格Pe是稳定的。2.2.1 价格调整模型(3) 相位图分析均衡价格:纵截距: (0+2Y)-(0+2Z)横截距:Pe斜率:2.2.1 价格调整模型(4) 调整系数的影响分析调整系数增大,将使相位图的斜率的绝对值增大


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