



1、 广告合同北京 广告有限责任公司独家代理 CO., LTD. CONTRACT客户Advertiser 合同号No. 产品 Product 签署日期 Date 年 月 日联系人 Contact Person 本刊联系人 Contact Person 电话/手机Telephone/Mobile 电话/手机Telephone/Mobile 法定代表人Legal representative 传真 Fax 传真Fax 刊出时间Time of issued位置Position广告形式Style尺寸Size次数Times单价Unit Price备注Remarks:1、客户应于每期出版前 天交付广告软片,

2、或于每期出版前 天确认软片;若客户未按期交付或确认,我方有权直接发布(包括但不限于延用旧片)且不构成任何违约;The Client shall deliver the advertisement film days prior to each publication thereof, or deliver its confirmation on the film days prior to each publication; if the Client fails to deliver the film or make confirmation thereof within the requi

3、red term, Our Party has the right to make the advertisement distribution (including but not limited to using prior films) directly, which shall not constitute a breach of contract;2、客户若需调整广告发布(包括但不限于撤单、变更刊出时间、减少广告次数等),应于出版日前50天书面通知我方, 否则须向我方支付所调整广告费用的50%作为违约金;若出版日前10天未书面通知我方,则须支付100%违约金。Where the Cl

4、ient needs to make adjustment to the advertisement distribution (including but not limited to order revocation, modification of publication date and reduction of advertising frequency), the Client shall, 50 days prior to the publication, notify Our Party in writing, or pay Our Party 50% of the adver

5、tising fee of the adjusted advertisement as liquidated damages; if not notify Our Party in writing 10 days prior to the publication, the Client shall pay 100% as liquidated damages.3、广告发布后10日内未向我方提出书面异议,视为认可我方的发布效果。If no objections are delivered to Our Party in writing within 10 days following the a

6、dvertisement distribution, it shall be deemed that the Client is satisfied with the advertisement distribution effect.4、客户未按约定支付广告费用,每逾期一天按照未支付金额的 %支付违约金。逾期付款超过 日,我方有权解除合同。If the Client fails to pay advertising fee according to the terms agreed upon by both parties hereto, payment of % of the unpaid

7、 advertising fee shall be made as liquidated damages for each delayed day. If the advertising fee is delayed for more than days, Our Party has the right to rescind this Contract.5、本合同背面一般条款是此广告合同不可分割的组成部分,具有同等法律效力。The General Provisions set forth on the backside are integral parts of this Advertisem

8、ent Contract and bear the same legal effect as the Contract.总价(小写)Amount实付(大写)Total Payment折扣率Discount付款时间Payment Time 北京时之尚广告有限责任公司签署:_客户签署:_ Signed by Trends Communication Co., Ltd.Signed by the client 地址:北京朝阳区光华路9号时尚大厦24层 Address: 24/F Trends Building, 9th Guanghua Road Chaoyang District, Beijing

9、 P.R.C地址:_ 人民币开户行:工商银行北京分行北京北京站支行Address Bank of RMB: Industrial And Commercial Bank Of China, Beijing Beijingzhan Branch 帐号 Account No: 02018754帐号:_ 外汇开户行:华夏银行总行营业部Account No Bank of F.E.C: Hua Xia Bank, Banking Department 帐号 Account No: 40200000153广告合同一般条款General Provisions根据中华人民共和国广告法、中华人民共和国合同法及

10、国家有关法律、法规的规定,在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的基础上,客户(或广告代理公司)就委托北京时之尚广告有限责任公司发布广告事宜,同意遵守以下一般条款:In accordance with the Advertisement Law of the Peoples Republic of China, the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and other related laws and regulations and on the basis of equality, free will, fairness and good

11、faith, the client (“Client”) agrees to abide by the following general provisions concerning its entrustment to our party (“Our Party”) for advertisement distribution. 一、广告主或广告代理公司承诺其在签署广告合同时应提供真实、合法、有效的下列证明文件:Concurrently with the execution of the Advertisement Contract, the Client undertakes to pro

12、vide the following certificates that are true, legitimate and valid:1、营业执照以及其它生产、经营资格的证明文件;2、质量检验机构对广告中有关商品质量内容出具的证明文件;3、确认广告内容真实性的其他证明文件;4、按规定需经有关行政主管部门审查的相关批准文件;Business License and other certificates for its qualification of production and operations;Certificate for the quality of the advertised

13、commodity issued by quality inspection institutions, andOther documents certifying the truthfulness of the advertisement contents;Other approval documents to be examined by competent administrative authority under related regulations; 二、客户或广告代理公司承诺其所交付的广告软片等物料及其它相关文件资料均不存在任何权利瑕疵。The Client undertake

14、s that such materials as advertisement films etc. and other related documents delivered by the Client involve no defects of right. 三、广告公司有权按广告管理条例等相关规定,审查上述全部资料的真实性、合法性、有效性。若客户提供的广告内容或相关文件资料经查验或核实确有不真实、不合法的情况,广告公司有权拒绝广告合同的签署和履行,并保留追究其相关责任的权利。Our Party has the right to examine the truthfulness, legit

15、imacy and validity of all the above mentioned materials in accordance with the Regulations on Control of Advertisements. If the advertisement contents or related documents provided by the Client are found untrue and illegitimate following examination or verification, Our Party is entitled to refuse

16、to execute and perform the Advertisement Contract and reserve the right to claim relevant liability against the Client.四、违约责任:Liabilities for Breach of Contract:1、客户应按合同约定履行,否则,广告公司享有向其追究违约责任的权利,并可要求其赔偿由此遭受的实际损失和依据本合同可获得的预期利益。2、客户提供虚假证件或资料,应承担违约责任,由此广告公司、广告发布期刊及其他广告载体遭受的一切损失,客户应承担全部赔偿责任。The Client s

17、hall perform its obligations hereunder, otherwise the advertising agency has the right to claim liabilities for breach of contract against the Client, and may claim compensation from the Client for any losses incurred thereby and for the anticipated interests which, according to this Contract, could

18、 have been satisfied. In the event that the Client provides false certificates or materials, the Client shall be liable for the breach of contract, and therefore undertake the compensation liability for all the losses suffered by the advertising agency, advertisement distribution periodical and othe

19、r advertisement carriers. 五、争议解决:双方就本协议的解释和履行发生争议时,应首先通过友好协商解决,协商不成,双方一致同意将该争议提交北京仲裁委员会,按其仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局性的,对协议双方都具有约束力。本协议适用中华人民共和国大陆地区的法律。Dispute Resolution: In case of any dispute between the two parties hereto arising out of the interpretation and performance of this Contract, both parties hereto shall first s


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