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1、2021届高考英语一轮复习考点45语法填空二考点归纳2021届高考英语一轮复习考点45语法填空二考点归纳2021届高考英语一轮复习考点45语法填空二考点归纳考点45 语法填空(二)第三部分 特殊句式及固定搭配专题一 特殊句式考点一 倒装句1.在英语中,把谓语全部放在主语之前的倒装句,称为完全倒装句。常见的完全倒装句有以下几种:在there引导的句子中,谓语是be, exist, live, lie等表示状态的动词时,用完全倒装句。地点状语位于句首,主语为名词且谓语为不及物动词时,用完全倒装句。作表语的形容词、分词或介词短语置于句首时,用完全倒装句。表示地点和动作转移的副词,如:here, th

2、ere, up, down, in, away, out等置于句首且主语是名词时,句子用完全倒装。注意:当主语是代词时,不倒装。如: Here comes the bus./Here it comes。2。在英语中,把助动词、情态动词或be动词移到主语之前称为部分倒装。常见的部分倒装句有以下几种:当so/neither/nor位于句首时,可将其后的部分谓语置于主语之前,构成部分倒装。only+状语/状语从句位于句首时,主句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。表示否定意义的副词或介词短语放在句首时要部分倒装。此类副词或介词短语主要有not, little, hardly, never, by no mea

3、ns, on no condition, in no case, nowhere, seldom, nor等。在含有had/were/should的虚拟条件句中,可以省略if,将 had/were/should放在主语之前,构成部分倒装。hardly。.when。, no sooner。than.。., not only.but also.。.等引导两个分句,且hardly, no sooner, not only等提到句首时,前一个分句用部分倒装,后一个分句不变.在so。.that。句式中,如果so引导的部分位于句首,主句中的主语和谓语需要部分倒装。as/though引导的让步状语从句中,将

4、表语置于句首构成部分倒装.Only when he reached the tea-house _he realize it was the same place hed been in last year。【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处应该填助动词did,构成倒装句。句意:只有当他到达茶馆时,他才意识到他去年也来过这家茶馆.only修饰状语从句when he reached the teahouse放在句首,主句要用部分倒装语序,根据语境为一般过去时,所以填助动词did。【答案】did考点二 强调句强调句型的基本结构为:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who.。在这个句型中,it没

5、有词汇意义,只是引出被强调的成分。如果被强调的成分是表示人的词,用who或that来连接都可以。如果是其他成分,则一律用that来连接.被强调部分错综复杂,容易与其他从句混淆。区分的方法是把句中的It is/was和that/who去掉,如果句子成立,且句意通顺,就是强调句型,否则就不是强调句型。如:It is Jane that/who has been living in London since she left China.去掉It is和that/who,还原为Jane has been living in London since she left China.作为句子完全成立,由

6、此可以判断该句为强调句型。使用强调句型的几个注意事项:(1)被强调成分是主语,who/that之后的谓语动词应该在人称和数上与原句中的主语保持一致。It is I who am right. 对的是我。 It is he who is wrong。错的是他。 It is the students who are lovely.可爱的是学生们。(2)被强调成分即使是在句子中作时间状语、地点状语、原因状语等,也不能用when, where, because,而要用that。It was after the war was over that Einstein was able to come ba

7、ck to his research work again。正是在战后爱因斯坦才得以重返研究工作.It was in front of the bank that the lady was robbed.那位女士是在银行前面遭遇抢劫的.It was because of the heavy rain that he came late.他是因为下大雨来晚的。 (3)被强调成分是作主语的代词时用主格,是作宾语的代词时用宾格。It was he that helped me yesterday。昨天是他帮助了我.It was me that he helped yesterday. 他昨天帮助的是

8、我。(4)被强调部分既包括人又包括物,用that不用who。It was the things and people that they remembered that they were talking about。他们谈论的是他们记得的人和事。【易混易错】强调句型与主语从句、状语从句、定语从句的区别1.强调句型与主语从句的比较 强调句型将句子中的it is/was与that/who同时省去,句子仍然成立;而包含主语从句的句子用that从句代替it,句子成立。如:It was Li Leis brother that you met in the street yesterday。你昨天在街

9、上遇到的是李雷的哥哥. (本句若将It was 及that同时省去为:You met Li Leis brother in the street yesterday.句子同样成立,因此本句是强调句型。)It is exciting that we have succeeded in sending up Shenzhou = 10 * ROMAN X。我们成功地发射了神舟十号这件事情真令人兴奋.(本句若将It is 及that同时省去为:We have succeeded exciting in sending up Shenzhou = 10 * ROMAN X.显然句子错误,因此,本句不是

10、强调句型,that引导主语从句,it是形式主语。)2。强调句型与定语从句的比较 强调句型中的it没有实际意义,it is/was与that/who去掉后句子结构仍然完整。但定语从句中的it be和作主语的that去掉后句子结构不完整.3。强调句型与状语从句的比较 强调句型中的it is/was与that/who同时省去,句子仍然成立;而包含状语从句的句子it是主语。如:It was 8 oclock when they went home.他们回家时是8点。 (句中代词it作主语,指代时间,when引导时间状语从句)It was at 8 oclock that they went home.

11、他们是在8点回家的。 (本句是强调句型,at 8 oclock是被强调部分)It was not until near the end of the letter _ she mentioned her own plan.【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处构成not until的强调句型,应填that。句意:直到将近信的结尾她才提到自己的计划。本题为强调句型,被强调部分为not until near the end of the letter。原句为:She didnt mention her own plan until near the end of the letter。【答案】that考点

12、三 祈使句_(knock) at the door before you enter my room, please。【解析】分析句子成分可知,空格前没有主语,后面有before引导的时间状语从句,由此可判断,此处构成祈使句,所以填knock.【答案】Knock专题二 固定搭配考点1 常见词组as a matter of fact;be proud of; by the way;come from;according to;congratulate.。.on.。.;devote。to.。.;earn ones living;keep ones word; make up ones mind;

13、be concerned about.。;catch up with.。; keep an eye on.。;concentrate on.。等。考点2 特殊固定用法keep。.doing sth。;prevent.。from doing.;like doing.;need doing; feel like doing; get sth。 done; have sth。 done;have sb。 doing/do sth.;enjoy doing; succeed in doing等.考点3 常用句型so/such.that。.It is。.(for sb。/of sb.) to do st

14、h.There is no doubt/need that.There is no sense in doing sth.Its ( high) time that sb. did/should do sth.It is no good/use doing sth. not only.。.but also。. It is/was the first (second) time that sb。 has done/had done sth。 It is no wonder that.。. 特殊句型结构及固定搭配在语法填空中主要考查对其掌握的熟悉程度,所以我们要善于积累,牢记固定搭配和特殊句型,答

15、题时注意固定搭配的介词、名词、动词的形式和特殊句型的形式主语、连接词及相应时态的运用等。代词it在特殊句型中非常活跃,所以考生需要特别注意包含it的常用句型:1。用在动词 like, love, dislike, hate, appreciate等后作宾语。如:I hate it when people talk with their mouths full。我讨厌人们满嘴食物说话。2。作形式主语或形式宾语用于It is+adj。/n.+不定式或动词-ing形式或that从句中。如: It is certain that he will succeed。他一定会成功。用于It seems/ap

16、pears/happens/occurs to sb。+that 从句中.如: It occurred to me that I should ask the police for help。我突然想起我应该向警方求助。用于It looks as if/as though。中.如:It looks as if were going to miss the plane。似乎我们要误了班机了。用于It is+过去分词+that从句中。如:It is believed that he will be admitted to Beijing University.人们相信他将被北京大学录取.用于thi

17、nk/find/make+it+adj./n。+不定式或动词-ing形式或 that从句中。如:I make it a rule to walk two miles a day.我通常每天步行两英里路.用于 take it for granted that。., bring it to ones attention that。.,see to it that。.等句型中。如:We take it for granted that water is free at restaurants.我们认为在餐馆里水免费饮用是理所当然的事情.3。构成特定句型It is/has been.。since.It

18、 is almost ten years since he enjoyed himself so much.将近有十年时间他没这么高兴过了.It was (not)/will(not) be。before。.。It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.不久他就感受到此处的危险。It is sb。s turn to do sth.Its my turn to look after the baby。轮到我看孩子了。1.When a new day breaks, the walls have given up thei

19、r heat and are now cold enough _ (cool) the house during the hot day;_ the same time, they warm up again for the night。【解析】根据语境可知,第一空处应该用动词不定式,构成adj./adv.+enough to do结构,所以第一空填to cool;根据语境可知;第二空填介词at,构成短语at the same time,表示同时。【答案】to cool; at2. Keep_ (hold) your position for a while。 It helps develop

20、 your strength and flexibility。【解析】根据语境可知,此处作动词keep的宾语,构成固定搭配,keep doing sth.意思是继续做某事因此填动词-ing形式。【答案】holding3。It took years of work _(reduce) the industrial pollution and clean the water。【解析】It takes/took (sb.)+.。+to do sth.为固定句型,意思是做某事花费(某人)多长时间。所以此处填动词不定式。【答案】to reduce题组一(2020年高考真题)Cloze 1(2020年浙江

21、省高考英语试卷(1月))阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Something significant is happening to the world populationit is aging. The median(中位数的)age of an American in 195056(be)30today it is 41 and is expected57(increase)to 42 by 2050。 For Japan, the58(number)are more striking-22 in 1950, 46 today and 53 in 2

22、050。 In 2015, one in 12 people around the world were over 65;by 2050, it will be one in six。This aging of the population is driven59two factors. The first is declining birthrates, which means old generations are large60(compare)to younger generations, and so, on average, the population becomes61(old

23、)than before。 This is62(particular)true in the US。 The second reason is that people are living longer。 A child born in the US today has63very realistic chance of living beyond 100 and needs to plan accordingly。People tend to focus on the first factor. However, greater attention should64(place)on lon

24、gevity(长寿). It isnt just that people are, on average, living longer. Its also that they are on average healthier65more productive for longer。 Therefore, they can work for longer, consume more and in general be a boost to the economy.Cloze2(2020山东新高考卷)Many people have the hobby of collecting things,

25、e.g. stamps, postcards or antiques. In the 18th and 19th centuries, 36 (wealth) people travelled and collected plants, historical objects and works of art。 They kept their collection at home until it got too big 37 until they died, and then it was given to a museum。 The 80,000 objects collected by S

26、ir Hans Sloane, for example, 38 (form) the core collection of the British Museum 39 opened in 1759。The parts of a museum open to the public 40 (call) galleries or rooms. Often, only a small part of a museums collection 41 (be) on display. Most of it is stored away or used for research.Many museums a

27、re lively places and they attract a lot of visitors. As well as looking at exhibits, visitors can play with computer simulations (模拟) and imagine 42 (they) living at a different time in history or 43(walk)through a rainforest。 At the Jorvik Centre in York, the citys Viking settlement is recreated, a

28、nd people experience the sights, sounds and smells of the old town. Historical 44 (accurate) is important but so is entertainment. Museums must compete 45peoples spare time and money with other amusements. Most museums also welcome school groups and arrange special activities for children.题组二(2019年高

29、考真题)Close1 【2019浙江卷】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.There are several reasons why school uniforms are good idea. First of all, uniforms help the school look smart. The students feel that they belong to a particular group. When every pupil in the school wears the uniform, nobody _56_ (have) to wo

30、rry about fashion(时尚)。 Everybody wears_57_ same style of clothes。 Uniforms can be useful in unexpected ways, A school in Ireland has introduced an interesting new uniform. On the edge of the jacket, there is a piece of cloth _58_gives off light in the dark。 When the children are walking or _59_ (cyc

31、le) to school on dark mornings, car drivers can _60_ (easy) see them.But can uniforms help improve school standards? The answer _61_ this question is not clear. One study in America found that students grades _62_ (improve) a little after the school introduced uniforms。 But some students didnt want

32、_63_ (wear) the uniform. Other American studies showed no _64_(connect) between uniforms and school performance。School uniforms are _65_ (tradition) in Britain, but some schools are starting to get rid of them. Some very good schools dont have a uniform policy。 However, uniforms are still popular. P

33、upils at about 90 percent of British secondary schools wear uniforms.Close 2【2019北京卷】阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空,在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。AOn the first day of my first grade,I stood by the door with butterflies in my stomach. I _1_(voice)my biggest concern to my mother。 “How will I make fri

34、ends?” She handed me advice。 “Be yourself。” For the past 20 years. I have lived by these words。 Soon I will graduate and become part of the real world. Nervously _2_ (face) challenges, I know I will whisper to _3_(I) the two simple words “Be yourself”。BEarth Day,_4_(mark)on 22 April,is an annual eve

35、nt aiming to raise public awareness about environmental protection. First celebrated _5_ 1970,the Day now includes events in more than 190 countries and regions(地区). No matter what you like to do,there is a way to get involved in various _6_(activity) on Earth Day。 You can plant a tree,make a meal w

36、ith locally grown vegetables,or save powerthe possibilities are endless。CDoes the name of the college you attend really matter?Research on the question _7_(suggest)that,for most students,it doesnt。 What students do at college seems to matter much more than _8_ they go. The students benefitting most

37、from college are those _9_ are totally engaged(参与)in academic life. taking full advantage of the colleges chances and resources(资源),Students should have a proper attitude towards college before thinking about which college to attend, and its never too early to make necessary preparations for a healt

38、hy and _10_(meaning)college experience。题组三(2018年高考真题)【2018浙江卷】阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Few people I know seem to have much desire or time to cook. Making Chinese 56 (dish) is seen as especially troublesome. Many westerners 57 come to China cook much less than in their own countries once t

39、hey realize how cheap 58 can be to eat out. I still remember 59 (visit) a friend whod lived here for five years and I 60 (shock) when I learnt she hadnt cooked once in all that time。 While regularly eating out seems to 61 (become) common for many young people in recent years, its not without a cost。

40、 The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be 62 (afford) but doing this most days adds up. There could be an even 63 (high) cost on your health。 Researchers have found that there is a direct link between the increase in food eaten outside the home and the rise in 64 (weigh) prob

41、lems.If you are not going to suffer this problem, then I suggest that the next time you go to your mums home _65_ dinner, get a few cooking tips from her. Cooking food can be fun。 You might also begin to notice the effects not only on your health but in your pocket.题组四(2020年名校模拟题)Close 1(2020陕西汉中月考)

42、阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Since 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China 1(establish), and especially since 1978, Chinas transformation from a traditional 2(agriculture)society to a modern industrial society has been greatly accelarated by a rapid industrial restructuring。 Chinas industrial str

43、ucture developed according to the objective of industrialization, 3 aimed at the proportion(比例)of agriculture declining ceaselessly, and the proportion of the industrial and service sector increasing continually。 4(current), the industrial goods produced in China all range from capital goods to cons

44、umption goods.Chinas factory outputs extend from textiles (纺织业) to railway, planes and computers。 China is the largest producer of inexpensive cotton textiles in the world and exports large 5(quantity) of textiles and clothes。 Food processing is very important, and much farm produce is exported. Oth

45、er industrial products 6(include)television sets, bicycles, cars, trucks and washing machines are expanding in the world。China has become 7 industrialized country to some extent。 The auto and the housing industry, in the process of industrialization have developed by leaps and bounds。 The most impor

46、tant export products are machinery and electric equipment, 8 the most important import products are raw materials。 In recent years, Chinas industry 9(compete) internationally, and as a result, the 10(develop)of the countrys industry is increasingly influenced by international economic environments.C

47、lose2(2020四川省泸县第一中学开学考试)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with whats called a ”gap year In common with many other British teenagers, he chose11(take) a year out before settling down to study for his degree After doing various12 (job) to raise some money

48、, he left home to gain some experience of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia The more adventurous a young person, the13(great) challenge they are likely to set14(them) for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it can result in a thirst for adventureNow that his university course

49、15(come) to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a threeyear trip that will take him right around the world Whats more, he plans to make the whole journey16(use) only means of transport which are powered by natural energy In other words, hell be relying17(main) on bicycles and his own legs; and w

50、hen theres an ocean to cross, he wont be taking a shortcut(捷径)18flying aboardhell be joining the crew of a sailing ship, insteadAs well as doing some mountain climbing along19way, Nigel hopes to pass on to the people he meets the environmental message20lies behind the whole ideaClose 3(2020山东省邹城市第一中

51、学高三三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。People of all ages are concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, and teenagers, as a group, tend to experience intense fearfulness. Accordingly, their growing anxiety should be taken into21 (consider) seriously. Adults can help by making sure teens dont ove

52、restimate the dangers22underestimate their ability to protect themselves.Anxiety can be 23(health). But not all teens know that it typically acts 24 a useful and protective emotion. Adults can encourage teenagers to channel their discomfort into useful action, such as learning about and following th

53、e 25(recommend) health guidelines.We can also remind teenagers that we should wash our hands and follow other heath recommendations not only26(protect) ourselves, but also to help to ease the stress. Adults can note that27(make) personal sacrifices(牺牲) such as postponing a vacation or staying home i

54、f were not feeling well helps to reduce the chance of carrying illness into our own communities。Teenagers who are feeling28(high) anxious about Covid-19 should 29(encourage) to take a break from seeking, or even accidentally encountering, information about the virus. 30 we can do is to encourage fin

55、ding distractions, such as doing their homework or watching a favorite show, to protect them from noticing the increasing virus figures。Close 4(2020四川省绵阳南山中学高三开学考试)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A crater (环形山) on Mercury sat quietly for millions of years. Surprisingly, it acquired a name - Li Q

56、ingzhao, a Chinese female poet。 The International Astronomical Union named the first group of craters on the planet after 310 famous writers and artists in human history, Li31(include). What did she do to deserve such32honor? Compared with other male poets in China,33have left hundreds or even thous

57、ands of poems, she has only eighty-seven.34, her artistic creativity in her35(survive) works has earned her a permanent place in the Chinese literary circle.She grew up in a36(relative) relaxed atmosphere but her maiden (少女) days were so limited that the regret could be felt in her poem: Cant you se

58、e? The green leaves thriving (旺盛) but the red flowers fading overnight。 The arrival and disappearance of spring is one of the most frequent themes in Chinese poetry. Li had two marriages. The first ended up her being abandoned during the war. 37 (bad) still, she suffered physical abuse from her seco

59、nd husband. Bravely she charged him at the court and got the38(permit) to divorce。In the final stage of her life.even39no one to rely on, she never gave up hope and created many literary works that40(leave) for generations to appreciate to date.Close 5(2020江苏扬州中学高三开学考试)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形

60、式。If you come across an 85year-old woman walking slowly with a walker in the Childrens Hospital of Soochow University, dont take her 41 a patient。 Instead she is a doctor, 42 still insists on working in the hospital.Sheng Jinyun, born in 1935, a famous expert in pediatric asthma (儿科哮喘),43 (treat) ab


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