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1、土地使用权转让协议协议编号: TSHxx-17地块编号: 27-1-1面积: 60066 平方米签订日期: xx 年 11 月第一章总则第一条本协议各方:甲方:法定办公地址:xx号码:法 定代表人:乙方:法定办公地址:xx号码:法定代表人:甲乙各方根据中华人民共和国土 地管理法和国家及xx市关于法律、法规,本着平等、自愿、有偿的原则,通过友好协商订立本协议。国有土地所有权属于中华人民共和国,地下资源 和埋藏物以及市政公用设备均不在土地使用权转让范围。乙方对其按本协议规定受让的土地使用权,在其使用年限内,可以依法进行所有经济活动,但不 得损害社会公共权益,其合法权益受法律保护。第二章土地的位置、

2、面积和使用年限第二条乙方使用的土地坐落于xx高新技 术产业开发区 27-1-1 地块,面积为陆万零陆拾陆( 60066 )平方米,最终以xx市土地管理部门实测面积为准。其位置按本协议正本附图所示。上述陆万零陆拾陆( 60066 )平方米土地(以下简称 “ 整块土地 ” )乙方分两期受让和开发,首期受让叁万叁仟叁佰伍拾( 33350 )平方米土地(以下简称 “ 一期土地 ” ),第二期受让其余贰万陆仟柒佰壹拾陆( 26716 )平方米(以下简称 “ 二期土地 ” )。一期土地受让于本协议签署之日起生效,二期土地受让以乙方在本协议签署之日起十四个月内将注册资本增加至至少贰仟柒佰万美元( USD27

3、 , 000 , 000 ),并取得营业执照后生效。在上述乙方受让二期土地的生效条件未成就之前,甲方须从一期土地协议签署之日起为乙方保留二期 土地使用权十四个月。乙方如未按前款商定履行相关义务,甲方有权终止本协议中关于二期土地的商定。若甲方按本款商定终止本协议后,乙方仍希望取得二期土 地的使用权,各方应另行协商缔约。乙方可以从 xx 年 12 月项目xx开工时起,在整个陆万零陆拾陆( 60066 )平方米土地边界修建围墙。第三条本协议项下的土地使用年限为 50 年。第三章土地用途和交付条件第四条 本协议项下的土地的用途为xx生产和办公用房。乙方的土地用途必须符合xx高新技术产业开发区的土地要求

4、并按规划部门批准的要求使用土地。甲 乙各方已通过正本附图明确标明了一期土地、二期土地及整块土地的范围,并且整块土地适用甲乙各方已经确认的监控性规划详规。在本协议期限内,乙 方确需改变土地用途的,应依法向政府土地管理部门申请办理变更土地用途的手续。第五条 土地使用年限届满时本协议终止。乙方应向关于部门交还土地使用权证。如乙方需继续使用该土地,须在期满前六个月向政府土地部门提交续期用地申 请,经其同意后,方可使用。第六条乙方根据本协议取得的土地使用权,如需转让、出租、抵押,必须按国家关于规定向政府土地管理部门办理。第 七条甲方提供的土地条件为:供水通:自来水管道通至地块用地红线处雨水通:雨水管通至

5、地块用地红线处污水通:污 水管通至地块用地红线处供电通: 5000 千伏安电缆通至地块电讯通:通讯线路至地块周围道路,电讯通的项目包括电话和宽带网道路通:地块道路通(参见附图)供热到厂区边界。用电、通讯、供水的接通手续(甲方予以协助)由乙方自行到区内相应部门 办理,涉及费用由乙方自行交纳(包括开工xx期间临时用电,临时用水)。第四章土地费用及价款支付第八条乙方 同意向甲方支付土地转让费(含土地转让金和场地开发费)。土地转让费每平方米为柒拾伍( 75 )元人民币,陆万零陆拾陆( 60066 )平方米土地的土地转让费总额为肆佰伍拾万零肆仟玖佰伍拾元( 4 , 504 , 950 )人民币,其中一期

6、土地的土地转让费总额为贰佰伍拾万零壹仟贰佰伍拾元( 2 , 501 , 250 )人民币,二期土地的土地转让费总额为贰佰万零叁仟柒佰元( 2 , 003 , 700 )人民币。甲方承诺,上述土地转让费和应由乙方依法 支付的税金是乙方受让本协议项下的土地所需支付的全部费用。甲方应承担本协议项下的土地的征地、拆迁、界址定点等具体事务和相关费用。第九条若土地实测面积与本协议第二条所述面积有差异时,以实测面积(即土地使用权证所标注的面积)为准。其土地转让费亦随着土地面积的增减同时 进行调整,多退少补。第十条按国家关于规定,乙方必须依法向xx市关于部门缴付土地税。第十一条本协议项下的土地出 让费乙方分两

7、期支付。本协议签署后十 (10) 日内乙方支付一期土地的转让费,即叁万叁仟叁佰伍拾 (33350) 平方米土地的转让费计人民币贰佰伍拾万零壹仟贰佰伍拾元整 (RMB2 , 501,250 元 )当本协议第二条第二款商定的二期土地转让的生效条件成就后,乙方应在注册资本增加至至少贰仟柒佰万立于美元 (USD27,000 , 000 元 ) 后十 (10) 日内,向甲方支付其余贰万陆仟柒佰壹拾陆 (26716) 平方米土地的使用权转让给金计人民币贰佰万零叁仟柒佰元整 (RMB2,003,700 元 ) 。待乙方厂房竣工时,甲方应将本协议中第七条全部履行。在本协议签署之际,甲乙各方已就工程进度交换建议

8、或意见,甲方认可乙方关于 xx 年 6 月厂房竣工的计划。第十一条 除本协议另有规定以外,乙方应在本协议规定的付款日或付款日前将协议要求支付的费用汇入甲方银行帐户内。单位全称:银行名称:银行帐号:甲方银行帐号如有变更,应以书面形式通知乙方,由于甲方未及时通知乙方此项变更而造成乙方误期付款所引起的任何延迟付款,乙方均不承担担任任何违约 责任。第五章 土地交付及各方权利义务第十二条 乙方依本协议之商定向甲方支付了各斯土地转让费,甲方应协助乙方办理土地登记手续,领取土地使用权证。在申请各证的过程中涉及乙方应支付的费用,由乙方负 责交纳。甲方保证乙方在支付一期土地的转让费后 _270 日内履行一期土地

9、的作用权转让手续并取得相应的使用权证书。甲方保证乙方在支付二期土地的转让费后 90 日内履行二期土地的使用权转让手续并取得相应的使用权证书。甲方应负责协助乙方办理本项止xx、营运所需的各种政府批文和许可证书,包括但不限于规划许可证,xx用地批准证书筹。第十四条 甲方应将符合开工xx条件的土地交乙方使用。符合开工条件的土地是指:场地平:按规划标高平整场地,场地平包括但不限于;清除场内的草皮、树木及岩石;提供开工xx所需要的临时用电,临时用水。第六章 违约责任第十五条 如乙方逾期缴付土地出让费,从滞纳之日起,按日加收应支付费用额的千分之一的作为延迟履行金,如逾期六个月仍未能全部交付,甲方有权解除协

10、议,并可要求赔偿、。第十六条 如甲方将土地交付给乙方后二个月内,乙方未能在该土地上开工xx,则甲方有权解除协议,同时乙方应支付甲方实际付款金额的 2% 作主违约金,非乙方人为原因造成的工期延误不在上述条款商定范围。第七章 争议解决第十七条 本同订立、说明、履行及争议的解决均受中华人民共和国法律的保护和管辖第十八条 因履行本协议发生争议,由争议各方协商解决,协商不成的,任何一方均可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。第十九条 如出现不可抗力 ( 地震、台风、水灾、战争、国家的限制禁令以及其他未能预见并且对其后果未能防止或避免的不可抗力 ) 各方通过协商决议修改或延期履行本协议的关于条款。第二十条 本协

11、议未尽事宜,甲方各方可另行议定,其补充定书各方案章后与本协议具有同等效力。补充协议必须符合国家关于法规和规定,若有抵触,一律以国家关于法规和 规定为准。第二十一条 本协议一式陆份,各方各执叁份,具有同等法律效力,本协议于甲乙各方签章后生效。第二十二条 本协议于 xx 年 11 月 16 日在xx签订。甲方:法定代表人:联系人:电话:乙方:法定代表人:联系人:电话:Contract Number: TSHxx-17Land Number:27-1-1Area: 60066m2Chapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 Both parties to this Co

12、ntract are as follows:Party:Legal Address:Postal Code:Legal Representative:Party B:Legal Address:Postal Code:Legal Representative:This Contract is entered into by and between Party A and Party B under the principle of equality, voluntariness and compensation in accordance with the Land Administratio

13、n Law of the Peoples Republic of China and the relevant laws and regulations of the State and Nanjing Municipality.The state-owned land shall be owned by the Peoples Republic of China, and the resource underground, the treasure-trove and the municipal engineering and public utility facilities shall

14、not be within the scope of the assignment of land use right.After the land use right is assigned to Party B under this Contract, Party B may carry out various economic activities accordiring to law within the land use period, but shall not damage the public social interests. The lawfull interests of

15、 Party B shall be protected by laws.Chapter II Location, Area and Use Period of LandArticle 2 The land to be used by Party B is located in Nanjing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, its number is 27-1-1, and its area is 6066m2 which shall be determined eventually by the actual area surveyed by the

16、 land administration of Nanjing Municipality. Its location is illustrated in the map attached to the original of this Contract.The above said land whose area is 6066m2 (hereinafter referred to as the “whole land”) shall assigned to Party B and developed by two stages; for the first stage, the part o

17、f the whole land whose area is 33350m2 ( hereinafter referred to as “the land for the first stage”)is assigned to Party B, and for the second stage, the part of the whole land whose area is 26716m2(hereinafter referred to as “the land for the second stage”) is assigned to Party B. The assignment of

18、the land for the first stage shall become effective as of the date of the excution of this Contract, and that of the land for the second stage shall become effective after Party B adds its registered capital up to at least USD 27,000,000 within 14 months from the date when this Contract is executed,

19、 and obtains its business license.Before the effective conditions for assigining the land for the second stage to Party B are met, Party A must retain for Party B the right to use the land for the second stage for 14 months from the date when the contract for assigning the land for the first stage i

20、s executed. In the event that Party fails to perform the relevant obligations under the terms of the preceding paragraph, Party A shall have the right to terminate the terms of this Contract relating to the land for the second stage. In the event that Party B still wishes to obtain the right to use

21、the land for the second stage after Party A terminates this Contract under the terms of this paragraph, both parties shall enter into a new contract separately through consultation.Party B may build the enclosing wall on the border of the whole land whose area is 60066m2 at the beginning of the proj

22、ect construction in December xx.Article 3 The period of using the land under this Contract shall 50 years.Chapter III Land Purposes and Transferring ConditionsArticle 4 The land under this Contract shall be used for the construction and production and working offices. The land purposes of Party B sh

23、all be subject to the land requirements of Nanjing Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, and Party B shall use the land under the requirements approved by the plan deparment.Party A and Party B have illustrated clearly the scopes of the land for the first stage, the land for the second stage and the

24、whole land in the map attached to the original of this Contract, and the whole land shall be subject to the detailed provisions of the controlling plan recoganized by both parties.During the term of this Contract, in the event that Party needs to change the purposes for using the land, it shall, acc

25、ording to law, apply to the land administration of the government for following the procedures for the change of the purposes for using the land.Article 5 This contract shall terminate when the period of using the land expires. Party B shall return the land use certificate to the relevant department

26、.In the event that Party B needs to continue to use the land, it shall submit the application for the continuous use of the land to the land department of the government within 6 months prior to the the expiration of the said period, and may use it only after an approval is obtained from such depart

27、ment.Article 6 In the event that Party B needs to assign, lease or mortgage the land use right acquired under this Contract, it shall process the matter with the land administration of the government under the relevant provisions of the State.Article 7 The conditions of the land provided by Party A

28、shall be as follows:Water channel from running water piping to the red line of the land;Rainwater channel from waterrain piping to the red line of the land;Sewage channel from sewage piping to the rede line of the land;Power supply by 5000 kilovolt-ampere cable to the landTelecommunication by the te

29、lecommunication lines to the roads surrounding the land, and the telecommunication projects include telephones and broad-brand networkRoads leading to the land (see the attached mape)Heat is carried to the boundaries of factories.Party B shall follow on its own the procedures for making available th

30、e power, telecommunication and water with the relevant departments within the Zone, and the costs involved (including those for temporary power and water during the beginning of construction) shall be paid by Party B on its own.Chapter IV Land Use Fee and Its PaymentArticle 8 Party B agrees to pay P

31、arty A the land assignment price including the land assignment money and the site development expense. The land assigment price shall be RMB 75 yuan per square meter, and the total amount of the assigment price of the land whose area is 60066m2 shall be RMB4,504,950 yuan, of which the total amount o

32、f the assignment price of the land for the first stage shall be RMB2,501,250 yuan, and the total amount of the assignment price of the land for the second stage shall be RMB2,003,700 yuan.Party A undertakes that the above said land assigment prices and the tax payable legally by Party B would be all

33、 the costs that Party B needs to pay for purchasing the land use right under this Contract.Party A shall handle such affaires as requisitioning the land, demolishing and removing the building, delimiting addresses and locating points and bear the relevant expenses therefor.Article 9 In the event tha

34、t there is any difference between the actually surveyed area of the land and that set forth in Article 2, the actually surveyed area (the area specified in the land use right certificate) shall prefer. The land assignment price shall be adjusted by any increase or reduction in the area of the land,

35、and the overprice shall be returned and the shortage shall be supplemented.Article 10 Under the relevant provisions of the State, Party B must pay the land tax to the relevant department of Nanjing Municipality.Article 11 The land assignment price under this Contract shall be paid by Party B in two

36、installments.Within ten days after the execution of this Contract, Party B shall pay the assignment price of the land for the first stage, i.e., the assigment price of the land whose area is 33350m2 shall be RMB2,501,250 yuan.After the effective conditions for assigning the land for the second stage

37、 agreed upon in Paragraph 2 of Article 2 are met, Party B shall, within 10 days after adding its registered capital up to at least USD 27,000,000, pay Party A the assignment price, totaling RMB2,003,700 yuan, of the right to use the rest land whose area is 26716m2.When the construction of Party Bs p

38、remises is completed, Party A shall complete affairs set out in Article 7 of this Contract. During the execution of this Contract, Party A and Party B shall have exchanged the opinions on the project schedule, and Party A recoganizes the plan of Party B on the completion of the construction of premi

39、ses on June, xx.Article 11 Except as specified separately in this Contract, Party B shall credit the money required in this Contract to the bank account of Party A before or on the payment date specified in this Contract.Full name:Bank of Account:Account Number:In the event that there is any change

40、in the bank account of Party A, Party A shall notify in writing Party B of the matter. Party B shall not bear any responsibility of breach for any deferred payment arising from the payment by Party B beyond the specified time limit because of the failure of Party A to notify Party B of such change.C

41、hapter V Land Transfer and the Rights and Obligations of Both PartiesArticle 12 After Party B pays Party A all land assignment fees under the terms of this Contract, Party A shall assist Party B to follow the procedures for the registration of land and to obtain the land use certificate. Fees and ch

42、arges payable by Party B arising in applying for all certificates shall be borne by Party B.Party A assures that Party B completes the procedures for assignment of the right to use the land for the first stage and obtains the corresponding land use right certificate within 270 days after paying the

43、assigment price of the land for the first stage.Party A assures that Party B completes the procedures for assignment of the right to use the land for the second stage and obtains the corresponding land use right certificate within 90 days after paying the assigment price of the land for the second s

44、tage.Party A shall be responsible for assiting Party B to process the all governmental approval documents and licenses necessary to contruct and operate the project, including, without limitation, plan license and the approval certificate for the contruction land.Article 14 Party A shall transfer th

45、e land qualified for beginning the contruction to Party B for its use.The term “the land qualified for beginning the contruction” means flate sites evened by the planned level and such methods including, without limitation, clearing away the turf, trees and rocks on sites, and the available temporar

46、y power and water necessary to begin the construction.Chapter VI Responsibility for Breach of ContractArticle 15 In the event that Party B pays the land assignment price beyond the specified time limit, it shall pay the overdue fine, in addition to the payable price, which is 0.1% of the same every

47、day; in the event that it fails to pay the same fully within 6 months beyond the specified time limit, Party A shall have the right to rescind this Contract, and require Party B to compensate therefor.Article 16 In the event that Party B fails to begin the construction on the land within 2 months af

48、ter Party A transfers the land to Party B, Party A shall have the right to rescind this Contract, and Party B shall pay Party A the main penalty which amounts to 2% of the actual amount payable by Party B to Party A.The extension of the time limit for the project that is not attributable to Party B shall not be within the scope agreed upon in the preceding pragraph.Chapter VII Settlement of Disputes.Article 17 The formation, interpretation and performance of this Contract and the settlement of disputes shall be protected and governed by the Peoples Republic of Chin


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