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1、360度绩效评估版360度绩效评估版What is 360 Performance Evaluation (feedback)? 什 么 是 360度绩 效评估 ( 反馈)?What is 360 Performance Evalua360 feedback is an art, not a science 360评估不仅是科学,而且是一门艺术。360 feedback is an art, not aUpward上 级Downward下 级 (anonymous) (不记名的)Self 自己Colleague 同 级360 Evaluation 360 度评估Downward下 级Self

2、自己Colleague 同 Traditional Performance Evaluation Approach 传统绩效评估方法Evaluator/Manager 评 估 人 员/经 理Evaluatee/Direct Report 被 评 估 人 员/直 接 下 属Traditional Performance EvaluaHow 360 feedback impacts individual performance?360评估如何反映个人绩效?Evaluation 评估Anonymous peer 匿名的同事Anonymous subordinate 匿名的部属Anonymous cu

3、stomer 匿名的客户Supervisor 上级Self 自己360 feedback and follow-up feedback with rater group 360反馈以及经过交流的反馈Weaknesses identified 找出缺点Acceptance of feedback接受反馈Improvement Goal Setting 确定发展目标Organizationalsupport systems组织支持系统Greater Self-Awareness更深入的自我认识Improved Individual Outcomes(e.g., performance/attitu

4、de) 促进个人的进步How 360 feedback impacts indivPerformance Evaluation Process 绩 效 评 估 步 骤Performance Evaluation ProcessIdentify Evaluation Directors 确定评估督导Select Evaluators (ERF process) 选择评估人Input 360 Evaluation Feedback输入360度评估Complete Self Evaluation 完成自我评估Generate Year End Data Packet 生成年终评估数据包Firmwid

5、e Performance Evaluation Process全公司范围内的评估过程Evaluators 评估人Evaluatee 被评估人Identify Evaluation Directors Conduct Performance Review Discussion进行绩效讨论Sign on the E&D Summary 签署评估发展总结Return to PE Center 交还评估中心Write Evaluation and Development(E&D Summary)撰写评估及发展总结Firmwide Performance Evaluation Process(Cont

6、)全公司范围内的评估过程(续)Conduct Performance Review DisElection of Evaluation Director评估督导的选择Normally he/she is the direct supervisor of the evaluatee 一般就是被评估人的直接上级Election of Evaluation DirectoSelection of Evaluators评估人的选择Selection of Evaluators评估人的选择表格类型自我评估表上级对下级评估表下级对上级评估表同事间评估表表格类型自我评估表自我评估表商业目标和成就专业发展签名


8、。作为一位表达清晰并具有说服力交流者,她可以与不同类型的人协调关系。在X项目会上,她说服董事会同意财务总监利用税收优惠来获得有益的副产品,同时还提出了独立动声会成员对投资者反映的关心。为了恰当的发挥李莉在此方面的才能,我愿意看到她得到提升并指导部门里的其他人员。评估举例优势评估Types of feedback反馈的不同类型Confirmatory positive feedback: The individual receives high ratings from others, which confirm the individuals high self-ratings.共同的积极反馈

9、:员工的自我评估与他人评估都得到积极评价。Disconfirmatory negative feedback: The individual receives ratings from others that are lower than his or her self-ratings.单方面的消极反馈:员工得到比自我评估低的评价。Types of feedback反馈的不同类型ConfiTypes of feedback (Cont)反馈的不同类型(续)Confirmatory negative feedback: The ratings received from others are l

10、ow, and the self-ratings also are low.共同的消极反馈:员工的自我评估与他人的评价一样低。 Disconfirmatory positive feedback: The individuals self-ratings are lower than ratings received by others.单方面的积极反馈:员工自我评价低于他人评价。Types of feedback (Cont)反馈的不同书写评估及发展总结基于以上反馈,评估主任为被评估人书写评估及发展总结,作为绩效评估讨论的依据。反馈包含以下内容:在过去一年里,被评估人在业务方面的成就在过去一

11、年里,被评估人在个人发展方面的成就在未来一年里,被评估人在业务方面的目标在未来一年里,被评估人在个人发展方面的目标书写评估及发展总结基于以上反馈,评估主任为被评估人书写评估人力资源部在评估中的地位顾问地位:设计评估体系提供评估工具设计评估流程汇总评估数据协调评估程序法官地位?警察地位?人力资源部在评估中的地位法官地位?Keys for effective Performance Evaluations 有效的绩效管理的关键Support from Management- view it as a tool to enhance overall efficiency of the Firm管理层

12、的支持看作提高公司整体效率的工具Buy in of the staff - involvement and training员工的理解参与和培训Feedback be specific - provide specific example based on observable behavior rather than vague comment(coach, not judge)反馈要明确 提供基于行为的反馈,提供具体的例子,而不是空洞的评价(是教练,而不是法官)Keys for effective Performance为什么没有完成绩效评估?“I am too busy to do it

13、”“我太忙了,没时间做”Mangers fear of confrontation 害怕冲突Reluctance of employee员工不情愿为什么没有完成绩效评估?“I am too busy to “I am too busy to do it”“我太忙了,没时间做”Question: I am just too busy managing to be able to set aside the amount of time need to do performance management as you describe it. 问题: 我太忙了,没有办法安排出做绩效管理的时间Ans

14、wer: The managers job to to make sure that the staff can do their jobs productively. By this token, Performance Evaluation a tool to save management time.回答:经理人员的工作就是保证其下属高效地完成工作。由此说来,绩效管理帮助管理人员节约时间的工具。Suggestion: look at where the time is gone: micromanage, getting involved in all the little things

15、 that should be handled by your subordinates.建议:查看一下时间都花到哪里去了:是否管理太细了,卷入许多本该由你下属完成的工作。“I am too busy to do it”“我太忙了Fear of confrontation害怕冲突Question: Managers express concern about the difficulty of bringing up performance problems, because they feel that employees are going to fight back, and the p

16、rocess might turn ugly. 问题:管理人员不愿提出绩效问题,因为他们担心员工会争辩,从而使得评估过程变得令人不愉快。Answer:Performance interview is not about discussing poor performance. Its about talking about accomplishment, successes, and improvement. A focus on those three things reduces confrontation because manager and employee are on the s

17、ame side. 回答:绩效讨论不是讨论不好的表现,而是关于成就,胜利和进步的讨论。注重这三项,将有助于避免矛盾,因为管理者和员工站在同一边。When confrontation occurs or becomes ugly, its often because managers have avoided dealing with a problem until its severe. Early identification of problems helps in the resolution process 当冲突产生或是变得不愉快,通常是由于管理者在问题变得严重之前没有重视。早发现问题有注于防患于未燃。Fear of confrontation害怕冲突QuReluctance of employee员工不情愿Suggested approaches建议采取的方式Approach the process as a “We” exercise以“我们”开始这场谈话Dont give pronouncements on performance不要以告知的方式来进行First engage the employee in self-evalua


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