高中英语外研版高中Module 3 Music教学设计_第1页
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高中英语外研版高中Module 3 Music教学设计_第4页




1、Teaching planBook 2 Module 3Introduction and Cultural Corner学 校:旭川中学授课教师:张艺莹授课年级:高 一学情分析:经过了较长时间的初高中英语课程衔接和适应,高一学生在单词记忆和阅读能力方面有了一定的提高。但是学生对文本的理解还处于较为局限的范围,一篇文章读完后抓不住文章的重点内容以及要表达的情感价值观或者态度。总之,学生读完后没有养成联系上下文思考问题以及概括文章核心内容的习惯。英语课堂中如果有图片、音乐或者视频等教学资源的加入,学生们在该堂课上的学习兴趣会比平时高很多。“音乐”这一话题也是学生所熟悉且热爱的日常生活的一部分,而且

2、学生也了解一些有关音乐的词汇,因此单词的引入就较为容易。Cultural corner部分的文章内容是有关音乐界著名人士的传记。高中生对该类型的文章兴趣较为浓厚,但是如何把传记描述的内容有逻辑有条理的在脑海里清晰的呈现并形成完整的体系对学生们来说是一个难点。因此,教学设计时的重点就要引导学生剖析文章,联系上下文,对文章有一个全局的把握。教学内容分析:本堂课的教学内容是外研社高中英语必修二第三模块里的Introduction和Cultural Corner两个部分。本模块的话题是“Music”。通过对本模块的学习,学生可以了解古今中外的音乐家及其事迹,丰富音乐知识,提高学生的音乐素养。Intro

3、duction部分主要通过活动来让学生复习和学习一些与话题music有关的词汇,比如乐器、音乐家和音乐流派等相关词汇。学习单词的同时激发学生的学习兴趣。Cultural corner部分学习一篇有关于作曲家叶小刚的人物传记。该篇人物传记以时间线为线索介绍了叶小刚的生平经历与成就。通过学习了解他的音乐生涯、经历和成就,同时还能够增强学生的民族自豪感。Teaching Aims:Knowledge1). To learn some words about music 2). To understand the elements and structure of biography. Ability

4、 1). To try to express the likes and dislikes about music.2).To master the reading skills of skimming and scanning3). To understand how to write a piece of writing about a persons life.4). To improve the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Emotion and ValuesTo strengthen the natio

5、nal sense of pride. Important points: To master the words related to music.To learn to analyze and master biographical articles.Difficult point: To read with strategies of skimming and scanning.To analyze the text with a mind map.To learn to write a biography.Teaching steps:Step1 Lead-inStep 2 Intro

6、duction 1. Share some pictures about the comments of music and an interview video to inspire students interest. 2. Activity-competition Step 3 Cultural Corner- Ye Xiaogang 1. Pre-reading2. While-reading1). Skimming: choice question2). Scanning: draw a mind map3. Post reading 1). work with students t

7、o conclude the structure of the biography.2). Make a summary about “how to describe a famous person” (how to write a biography).Step 4 Homework Teaching procedures:Step1. Lead-in Listen to a song to relax the students and lead in the topic about music. Step 2. Introduction 1. Share some pictures abo

8、ut the comments of music and an interview video to inspire students interest. 2. Activity-competition The teacher will give students three topics about music and ask the whole class to think about words related to these topics. About the first topic, the teacher will divide the whole class into two

9、groups to make a competition. Meanwhile, the teacher will find out two students from both groups to come to the blackboard to write down words that their group members mention. The winning group will receive a prize.Brainstorming: 1. Types of music 2. musical instruments 3. people related to music S

10、tep 3. Cultural Corner-Reading 1. Pre-reading A brief introduction to Ye Xiaogang to stimulate students interest.2. While-reading1). skimmingListen to the tape and read the passage quickly, and then choose the type of writing about the passage Ye Xiaogang. 2). scanning a. Read the passage carefully

11、and find out the numbers in this passage. 1955:4 years old:1978-1983:1985:1986:1996:since 1993:b. Ask students to draw a mind map(思维导图)about the experiences and achievements of Ye Xiaogang according to these numbers. Then the teachers will share some productions with the whole class.3. Post reading

12、1). Give students a brief introduction about Ye Xiaogang according to the original text and work with students to conclude the structure of the biography.“Ye Xiaogang, who was born in 1955, is one of a group of Chinese composers known as the New Tide. From 1978 till 1983, He studied at the Central C

13、onservatory of Music of China. In 1985, there was a concert of Ye Xiaogangs symphonies in Beijing. In 1986, his album Horizon appeared and he is famous for mixing Chinese musical traditions with western forms and instrumentation. Besides, he is a members of Eclipse, perhaps the first independent mus

14、ic group in China which plays works by modern Chinese composers. Since 1993, he has worked part of the time in Beijing and in the US.”“who was born in 1955” - his date of birth“is one of a group of Chinese composers known as the New Tide.” - his social status“From 1978 till 1983, He studied atSince

15、1993, he has worked part of the time in Beijing and in the US.” - his experience and achievement. 2). Make a summary about “how to describe a famous person” (how to write a biography).Date and place of birthStatusExperienceachievements Family backgroundStep Writing: describe Lang Lang from at least

16、three aspects.板书设计:学生A头脑风暴写出与音乐类型相关的单词。如:pop music, blues 学生C和学生D:黑板上展示其思维导图教师板书Introduction部分提及的音乐带给人们感受的单词:inspiring,happy,sad, helpless.学生B头脑风暴写出与音乐类型相关的单词,如:light music, rock教学反思:对于高中阶段的学生,尤其是理科生而言,英语是一门较为枯燥的学科。本节课下课后我更加深切地感受到如果课堂教学中只是对教材照本宣科的话,学生学习英语就会渐渐的失去兴趣。因此,不管是对单词的学习,还是文章的阅读,抑或是语法的讲解,尝试使用小

17、组合作,小组竞赛,借助音频,视频等手段来实现教学目标会比单纯的使用教材要有效果的多。本节课的内容是外研社必修二模块三的Introduction & Cultural Corner部分。正式上课之前,学生听了由莫扎特创作的一首歌,该环节的目的是通过歌曲引入本堂课的话题,引起学生的学习兴趣,还能够扩展学生的音乐知识。但是课堂教学中听歌的时间稍微长了一点,我应该截取其中最具有代表性的一段,那样的话立刻就能抓住学生的兴趣。本堂课我还采取了小组竞赛,分组活动等形式来使学生融入课堂,参与学习中。学生们都积极配合,集思广益。而且,这是我第一次在教学中让学生自己画思维导图,学生们展示出来的成果让我非常惊艳。通过画思维导图,学生们自己能够准确抓住文章的重点内容,并且清晰地用文笔和图画等展示出来。不仅完成了知识层面地教学目标,还提高了学生


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