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1、试卷第 =page 16 16页,共 =sectionpages 16 16页试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页江苏省南京市六校联合体2021-2022学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题.docx江苏省南京市六校联合体2021-2022学年高二下学期期末联考英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、短对话1. What did the woman just do?A. She looked for a backpack.B. She did her homework.C. She took some exercise.2. What does the

2、 woman think of Janes leaving?It is surprising.B. It isnt unexpected.C. It is disappointing.3. How much will the man pay for the backpack?Three dollars.B. Two dollars.C. Four dollars.4. What time of day is it?Its breakfast time.B. Its lunchtime.C. Its bedtime.5. Why cant the woman meet the man?She h

3、as to get her car fixed.She is visiting a customer.She has a medical appointment.二、长对话听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6. What is the womans final destination?New York.B. San Francisco.C. Los Angeles.7. What do we know about the woman?She wants a direct flight.She neednt pay extra charge.She missed her flight to Ne

4、w York.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。8. Where does the conversation probably take place?In the office.B. In a restaurant.C. On the street.9. What is the mans opinion about the restaurant?It was too expensive.It was below expectations.It lives up to its reputation.10. What does the man suggest doing?Eating out.B.

5、 Attending a meeting.C. Ordering takeaway.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。11. What does the woman want to do?Rent a storage locker.Have some machines maintained.Deal with some documents.12. What is the woman concerned about?Whether the bins are secure.Whether a lock is available.Whether a truck is sent.13. How oft

6、en does the woman want a service?Daily.B. Weekly.C. Monthly.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。14. What did the man plan to do on the weekend?Go skiing.B. Go climbing.C. Work overtime.15. What is the relationship between the man and Silvia?Colleagues.B. Husband and wife.C. Neighbors.16. What can we learn from the con

7、versation?The police helped the man out.The mans office is on the 12th floor.The man was trapped in the lift for two nights.三、短文听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。17. Where will Dr John Smith give a lecture?In the Main Hall.B. In the Garden Room.C. In the Ballroom.18. When will a presentation of papers begin?At 9:00 a.

8、m.B. At 10:00 a.m.C. At 11:30 a.m.19. What does the speaker recommend the listeners to do?Grab some snacks at the Refreshment Stand.Walk around the town after lunch.Have the formal lunch together.20. What are the listeners expected to do at 2:00 p.m.?Attend a presentation.B. Take a break.C. Have a d

9、iscussion.四、阅读理解Job PostingWelcome to our school! We are excited that you are thinking about opportunities to work with us. See below for a quick glance at what the job is like and the impact you could have on the children.Job Posting Title: Assistant to Summer School StaffJob Type: Part-time/Full-t

10、imeWorking Conditions: Elementary school campusWeekly Scheduled Hours: Full-time 40 Part-time 20Earliest Start Date : ImmediatelyPosition Duration: Expected to continue until Aug. 31, 2022Salary: Part-time $ 15 hourlyFull-time $ 20 hourlyWorking Hours:9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Responsibilities* Watch over

11、and care for children in 512 years range.* Assist in implementing lesson plans, preparation and clean-up of materials, and watching over children both indoors and outdoors.* Maintain a healthy and safe environment for children that obeys child licensing, health requirements and guidelines for qualit

12、y care.* Other related functions as assigned.Application Requirements* Resume (简历).* High school certificate or above.* Mailing your application form to us by June 10, 2022.* Minimum of six months of experience working with children aged 5 12 years.* Three professional reference letters required; at

13、 least one from a teacher.21. What is an assistant required to do?A. Design lesson plans.B. Safeguard children.C. Work the night shift.D. Teach academic lessons.22. Which of the following will result in disqualification?A. Preparing a personal resume.B. Having work experience.C. Submitting one recom

14、mendation letter.D. Being an undergraduate student.23. Whats the weekly income of a full-time assistant?A. $300.B. $400.C. $600.D. $800.Most of us set a goal with energy and motivation. If it is achieved, we will feel we are on cloud nine. But in most cases, we cant reach our goals easily. Why do we

15、 often fail to hit the target? The answer lies in the disconnection between our brains evaluation of rewards and the “get it done” realities that influence our behavior.Our brains are reward-driven organs charged by neurotransmitters (神经递质) that fuel our drives and desires, and its easy for us to ge

16、t carried away in this chemical tsunami. So, when we set up a goal, our focus is on the reward. We picture getting the reward, and how well feel when we make it, which pushes us into action. But once we begin, we come face to face with whats really required to reach the goal and our focus shifts fro

17、m reward to effort.In other words, a focus on rewards fuels the pursuit, but a focus on effort takes over when the work starts. For example, getting up early to exercise for a new healthy lifestyle might seem like a good choice, but once your alarm goes off on a cold January morning, the rewards are

18、nt enough to get you up and out of bed. When we face the reality of our choices, we realize the effort is too much and give up.In fairness, though, we dont always have the best sense of how much effort something will require, especially if its a goal we havent pursued before. Getting better at setti

19、ng goals has much to do with figuring this out and not letting ourselves forget the lesson.Next time, begin our goal pursuits with as much realistic acknowledgment of the effort required as possible. Then, once we begin, refocus back to the reward and continue the efforts.24. What does the underline

20、d phrase “on cloud nine” mean in paragraph 1?A. Scared.B. Overjoyed.C. Restless.D. Weary.25. What may account for ones unachieved goal?A. Aiming high, working less.B. Speaking more, doing less.C. More efforts, less speed.D. More pains, more gains.26. What do people often fail to recognize in setting

21、 goals?A. Duration.B. Effort.C. Cost.D. Reward.27. Whats the authors advice to us?A. Refocus back to the goal.B. Achieve your goal step by step.C. Accept failure and learn from the past.D. Set practical goals and work consistently.Selena Evans had been down for days because she had no idea how to pl

22、ease those two girls. At first, Elizabeth Moretz just wouldnt hide her disdain (鄙视) for her. About a month ago, when Selena ran into her near a coffee shop, she called her name from afar. However, Elizabeth didnt show any kindness; instead, she scolded her, “You scared the hell out of me”. To apolog

23、ize, for several days in a row, Selena would buy some coffee and stand at the door of the cafe, waiting for Elizabeth to come, and then pass the coffee to her and say friendly, “This is for you!” But every time, Elizabeth would look at her doubtfully and then reject it.But one day before a math clas

24、s, Elizabeth sat down right next to her and said, “You know, I always speak out of turn without thinking. Sometimes it might hurt people. But youll realize Im a good person soon. Please forgive my rudeness.” Then she passed her a cup of coffee, “This is for you.” Selena couldnt believe it was happen

25、ing. She took the coffee excitedly.But soon she discovered she shouldnt have been happy like that because the coffee wasnt even for her. It was for Sara Crawford. Sara didnt show up that day, so Elizabeth gave it to her instead.Should I try to be one of a group where I dont belong?“No, I will spare

26、no efforts to be their friend!”The next day Selena went to the bakery and bought three loafs of bread, one for herself, one for Elizabeth and one for Sara. As she was walking to the cafe, she saw Elizabeth sitting at an outdoor table of the cafe, pouring some water from her thermos into a coffee cup

27、. After that, she put the cup lid back really quickly and then looked around alertly.Selena paused a little, and then called her loudly in the distance, “Morning!”Following the sound, Elizabeth saw Selena. She put the thermos back into her pack really quickly and stood up with that coffee in her han

28、d.Selena ran to her and passed her a loaf of bread, “This is for you.”“Oh, I” Elizabeth waved her hand, “I dont like bread.”“Then, what do you like?” Before Selena could finish, Elizabeth had run away with that coffee.Selena had been feeling down for two classes. The third class was lab course. She

29、went to the Girls room before that and when she came back to the lab, Elizabeth walked to her with a cup of coffee. She dragged Selena, shoved the coffee into her hand and turned away.Suddenly, she recalled what she had seen this morning, and was frozen there.28. What did the underlined part probabl

30、y mean?A. Selena was in a dilemma what to do next.B. Selena would continue to make them happy.C. Selena found them difficult to get along with.D. Selena was determined not to make friends with them.29. Why did Elizabeth put the thermos back into her pack quickly on seeing Selena?A. She wanted to pas

31、s coffee to Selena.B. She wanted to accept the loaf of bread.C. She hid the fact of filling the coffee cup with water from Selena.D. She was so excited to see Selena that she was at a loss what to do.30. What made Selena upset before the lab course?A. Elizabeth hated being with her.B. Elizabeth didn

32、t hand her the coffee at first.C. She was concerned about the coming lab course.D. Try as she might, it seemed hard for her to please Elizabeth.31. Whats the best title for the story?A. Peer pressureB. Flattering themC. A tricky girlD. A girls troubleSaturns rings are losing material every year.Inco

33、ming micrometeorites (微陨石) and the suns radiation disturb the small, dusty pieces of ring matter, electrifying them. The particles, suddenly transformed, become adapted to Saturns magnetic field lines and start spinning along those invisible paths. When the particles get too close to Saturns atmosph

34、ere, gravity pulls them in, and they vaporize (蒸发) in the planets clouds. Astronomers call this “ring rain”, and over time this and other phenomena will weaken the distinctive rings, until nothing is left.“This is us looking at Saturns rings at their peak,” said James ODonoghue, a planetary scientis

35、t from Japan. From our perspective, the magnificent sight seems immutable (永恒的), but, on the grand scale of things, it is fleeting.It might help to know that the process is going to take a while: ODonoghue and other scientists estimate that the rings will disappear in about 300 million years. The re

36、sidents of Earth still have plenty of time to appreciate the beauty of Saturns rings.The science community hasnt come to a consensus about the origin story of Saturns rings. But, it is a reminder that the worlds of our solar system, however still they might look from here, are dynamic places, with d

37、ramatic histories of their own. “We think that the universe out there as opposed to this, where we live, where everything is messy and changing all the time is this kind of crystal and never-changing thing,” said Jeff Cuzzi, an expert on planetary rings. From afar, Saturns rings look so solid, like

38、a wall you could swing your legs over. But they are anything but. The Voyager mission had spotted some evidence of ring stuff leaking into Saturn, but with Cassini, astronomers could really investigate the phenomenon, and make their best estimates yet for how long the rings would stick around.A few

39、hundred million years is a very long time. And yet I have a sudden sharp feeling of sadness about the idea of Saturn losing its rings. So do some astronomers Ive spoken with. Ive come to think of this reaction as “space feel”. It has no real bearing on our daily lives, and yet they tug at the hearts

40、trings in a cosmic way. “Its very, very sad that the rings will disappear in the future,” ODonoghue said. But “Im very happy that were lucky enough to see it.”32. What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?A. How Saturns rings are formed.B. What Saturns rings look like.C. Why Saturns rings will d

41、isappear.D. How “ring rain” comes into being.33. What can we learn about Saturns rings from the passage?A. The splendor of Saturns rings will remain the same.B. Scientists have known for sure about the origin of Saturns rings.C. We cant enjoy the beauty of Saturns rings unless we seize the chance.D.

42、 We can draw from Saturns rings that the planets in solar system are dynamic.34. What can be inferred from the last but one paragraph?A. The universe outside the earth is never changing.B. Saturns rings are so solid that they will not disappear.C. The universe outside the earth is opposed to what we

43、 think of the earth.D. Astronomers may calculate how long it will be before the rings disappear.35. How does ODonoghue feel about the idea of Saturn losing its rings?A. SorryB. LuckyC. HappyD. Indifferent五、七选五Should teens do housework after school? _36_ Some might claim that doing housework is a was

44、te of time, while others feel that housework is a good opportunity for teens to become more mature. As for me, I strongly argue that it is indeed necessary for teens to do household work to help develop a sense of responsibility.First of all, to be responsible, teenagers should learn how to manage t

45、heir time. _37_ When I was in senior high, I had to wash dishes every day. Therefore, I learned how to do my chores (家务) quickly to save more time for studying and relaxing. On the other hand, my little brother did not do any housework, so he always struggled to keep to his schedule._38_ Doing house

46、hold chores can train teens to become independent people. For instance, when my sister was in high school, she had to do her own washing and cleaning, and even cook her own food. As a result, she knew how to take care of herself. She rarely relied on anyone.Finally, doing household chores can help t

47、eens become better leaders. _39_ When my family clean the house together, I often give orders and see everyone do his or her own work. My sister is in charge of dusting the floor, I clean the windows, and my brother takes out the waste. _40_ Moreover, statistics show that a lot of students who are c

48、lass leaders often are responsible for the main household chores in their families.A. Take my personal experience for example.B. People adopt different stands toward this issue.C. Besides, being responsible means being independent.D. Parents feel angry if their teens dont help with the housework.E.

49、Secondly, it gives teens the sense that theyre part of the family.F. Doing household work can help them develop good time management skills.G. As a result, when I was selected as the leader in group projects, I felt confident about it.六、完形填空My early twenties were rough. I was housebound with a sever

50、e panic disorder that left me afraid of _41_ home. After four years, I got _42_, but there were still things I was avoiding. One day, I heard about a man who continued _43_ himself to get past his anxiety. The man lit a fire under me: “If he can go to Sweden by himself, I can _44_ to Florida with my

51、 family.”I was terrified. There was no _45_ if I did have a panic attack. But I used positive thinking to get myself _46_. First, I had to _47_ with all my worries and then I told myself, “I can and I am.” Those five words were _48_ over and over. No matter what _49_ cropped up in my mind, I would a

52、nswer them with that: my shorthand _50_ of “I can do it, and I am doing it.”During the flight, I did have a panic attack, but I _51_ thinking positive: “The hard part will be over soon.” I was right: the hard part ended as soon as we _52_, and I had a great vacation. Taking that trip _53_ the door f

53、or what was to come next. I took more flights and finally _54_ my panic disorder.Whenever I face a challenge now, I remember the _55_ of those five words and how far Ive come: I can and I am.41. A. headingB. owningC. improvingD. leaving42. A. betterB. fasterC. cleverD. worried43. A. doubtingB. exami

54、ningC. challengingD. injuring44. A. driveB. flyC. moveD. return45. A. excuseB. escapeC. questionD. plan46. A. freeB. healthyC. readyD. busy47. A. fightB. compareC. cryD. sleep48. A. noticedB. translatedC. changedD. repeated49. A. hopesB. fearsC. faithsD. instructions50. A. systemB. versionC. reportD

55、. record51. A. forgotB. enjoyedC. keptD. avoided52. A. turned upB. gave upC. calmed downD. touched down53. A. lockedB. openedC. enteredD. replaced54. A. overcameB. analyzedC. understoodD. admitted55. A. meaningB. authorC. powerD. order七、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。United Nations (UN)

56、 Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Saturday praised Chinas achievements in poverty eradication (根除) and other areas, _56_(urge) the international community to unite to address_57_are the common challenges.“I thank China for _58_(it) role in shaping and carrying out the Sustainable Development Go

57、als, _59_is evidenced by its strong _60_(commit) and significant progress to root out poverty in all forms and dimensions, one of the worlds leading _61_(challenge),” the UN chief told Xinhua in an email interview.“Chinas achievements provide _62_ (value) lessons in poverty relief that are being sha

58、red with other countries through South-South Cooperation,” Guterres said.He also pointed out, “the world _63_ (face) with major challenges rising inequalities, the climate crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, geopolitical tensions, human rights _64_threat and so on.”The secretary-general called for global

59、 unity to “bridge great divides and solve our challenges through cooperating _65_(international).”八、书面表达66假如你是李华,你的美国朋友David上个月在杭州旅游期间品尝了西湖龙井茶,对中国茶文化表现出了非常浓厚的兴趣。回国后他发来邮件,希望你介绍中国茶文化,请你写一份邮件,内容主要包括:1. 中国茶文化历史悠久、茶叶种类丰富;2. 茶在中国人生活中的重要性;3. 希望世界上有更多的人品尝中国茶,了解中国文化。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可适当发挥想象,增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear D

60、avid,_Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,LiHua九、读后续写67阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文.A little boy almost thought of himself as the unluckiest child in the world because poliomyelitis(小儿麻痹症) made him unable to walk like normal people. He seldom played with his classmates, and when the te


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