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1、译林版高中英语选择性必修一UNIT 1 Food mattersFood is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state. Chen Shou国以民为本,民以食为天。 陈寿Reading (P2-3)Comfort food 治愈系食物Whenever I feel lonely, I have a secret recipe that never fails: rice, milk and sugar, cooked low and slow. No matter how bad my mood is, that perfect

2、 combination is always enough to lift my spirits. Sometimes the smell alone can do the trick, not to mention the lovely creamy flavour, which works like a time machine immediately transporting me back to my sunny childhood. With pleasure, I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the

3、warmth of my grandmas flat, listening to her wonderful stories and greedily eating bowl after bowl of her delicious rice pudding. I take my time over every spoonful, gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect marriage of rice and milk. Before I know it, Im happy again.

4、 每当感到孤独,我都有一个屡试不爽的秘方:大米、牛奶和糖,小火慢炖。不论我情绪有多差,这种绝妙的组合都足以令我振作。有时候仅仅闻一闻味儿就能奏效,更不要说那美妙、细腻的口感了,它像一台时间机器,立即将我带回欢乐的童年。欣欣然,我回忆起那些慵懒的周日午后,那时我常常是在外婆温暖的公寓里,一边听她讲着那些精彩的故事,一边一碗接一碗贪婪地吃着她做的美味的大米布丁。我细细品尝每一勺,让丝滑的甜点在我口中翻转,享受米糊和牛奶的完美融合。不知不觉中,我便又开心起来了。My experience with rice pudding illustrates the unique power of “comfo

5、rt food”. In its broadest sense, comfort food refers to any food that makes us feel better. In this article, we will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind. It often makes up for bad feelings by helping us recall happy memories of th

6、e people, things or places we love. 我关于大米布丁的经历说明了“治愈系食物”的独特力量。从广义上说,治愈系食物指的是任何能改善我们心情的食物。在本文里,我们要特别讲一类治愈系食物,它的力量主要在于它所唤起的联想。它常常通过帮我们回忆起所爱之人、所爱之物、所爱之地的快乐往事,来消解不良情绪。Our comfort foods are highly individual. They vary from person to person, depending on our own unique experiences that have shaped our li

7、ves. If we grow up eating certain foods in our family, then those foods tend to be linked with positive emotions. For example, we often connect chicken soup with a happy childhood and its flavour becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care of. When we eat it again, we unlock memories of a t

8、ime when we were loved and looked after, and this cheers us up. 治愈系食物相当个性化。它们由塑造我们人生的独特经历决定,因人而异。如果我们从小在家就吃某些特定的食物,这些食物就很容易与积极的情绪产生关联。比如,我们经常把鸡汤与快乐的童年联系在一起,它的味道与被关爱的感觉相关。当再次喝到鸡汤时,我们解锁记忆,回想起受到疼爱与关怀的时光,这就会让我们的情绪变好。The feeling of happiness and sense of belonging can become particularly important for pe

9、ople who move away from their home country. According to some food experts, there are some aspects of culture that people will lose right away, but with food, there are more opportunities to connect to memory, family and place. It is hardest to give up the food that you grow up with. Of course, each

10、 persons comfort food largely depends on where they come fromfor a Chinese it might be a plate of dumplings with a saucer of vinegar, and for a native of the UK it might be the classic fish and chips, served hot, salty and sour. One mouthful of comfort food takes us back to our cultural roots, givin

11、g us the “taste of home” that we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness. 这种幸福感与归属感对于离开故国的人会变得尤其重要。据一些食物专家所言,文化中的某些方面人们很快会失去,但对于食物,则有更多机会与回忆,与家、与处所关联。从小吃到大的食物最难割舍。当然,每个人的治愈系食物(是什么)很大程度上取决于他们来自何方对一个中国人来说,可能是一盘饺子配上一碟醋;而对一个土生土长的英国人来说,则可能是经典的炸鱼薯条,热腾腾地端上来,咸中带酸。一口治愈系食物带我们回到自己文化的根,带来我们渴望的“家的味道”,

12、一解怀乡之情。Thats certainly true for me. Comfort food tastes good and by building an emotional bond with our happy memories, always makes us feel good. It isnt just a bowl of noodles or chicken soup. Its food for the soul. 对我而言,的确如此。治愈系食物味道可口,通过与我们快乐的回忆之间建立情感联系,它总是让我们心情不错。它不仅仅是一碗面条或鸡汤,它是心灵的食粮。Extended re

13、ading (P11-12)Eating in China 食在中国7 March, Sichuan hot potThe mouth-watering hot pots of Sichuan are as famous overseas as they are in China, and the hot flavour is enough to heat up a cold midwinter evening or to let loose rivers of sweat on a summer afternoon. I gave it my first try last night, to

14、gether with a few local friends. As the soup bubbled slowly over a gas burner in the middle of the table, its surface was covered with a beautiful layer of chillies, Sichuan peppers, spring onions and red oil. Slowly at first, and then faster and faster, we tipped plates of fresh meat, fish and vege

15、tables into the pot. The hot flavour quickened our laughter and conversation, making the meal the perfect way to relax with friends. 3月7日,四川火锅令人垂涎欲滴的四川火锅,闻名海 内外。那火辣的风味足以温暖隆冬的寒夜,或在夏日的午后让人汗流如注。昨晚,我第一次尝试了四川火锅,是与几位当地的朋友一道吃的。桌子正中的煤气炉上,汤缓缓地冒着泡,表面覆盖着一层辣椒、花椒、葱段和红油,甚是好看。我们把一盘盘新鲜的肉、鱼和蔬菜倒进锅里,一开始慢,到后来越来越快。热辣的味道

16、让大家谈笑起来更有兴致,这顿饭成了与友人放松的最佳方式。Sichuan hot pots are perfect for the damp, foggy climate in which they were invented. They are believed to have started off in the late Qing Dynasty as a way for boatmen on the Yangtze River to keep warm during the cold and wet winters. In the beginning, the delicious dis

17、h was made simply by boiling vegetables, chillies and Sichuan peppers in water. Over time, it has expanded to include multiple options of soups, vegetables, meats and sauces, appealing to people of different tastes. What I love best about Sichuan hot pots is that they offer a great opportunity to so

18、cialize with friends since a meal can last for hours. I instantly became a big fan of Sichuan hot pots and Ill soon be back for more!四川火锅非常适合其发源地潮湿多雾的气候。人们认为,火锅始自清末,当时是长江上的船工在湿冷的冬季取暖的一种办法。一开始,美味的火锅只不过是将蔬菜、辣椒和花椒用水煮。后来,火锅的内容逐渐丰富,包括各式汤底以及品种多样的蔬菜、肉和调料,满足人们不同的口味。我最喜欢四川火锅的一点在于,它为朋友间的交往提供了很棒的机会,因为一顿饭能吃上好几个

19、小时。我瞬间成了四川火锅的“铁杆粉丝”,我很快会再回来吃的!12 August, Nanjing salted duckSalted duck is Nanjings most famous food export. Served plain in thin, white slices, the meat is juicy and salty. Each Nanjing salted duck takes several days to prepare, and the process includes salting, drying, boiling and cooling. As I fi

20、nished my first helping on a recent afternoon inNanjing, my host, Chef Zhang, told me a little more about the dish. 8月12日,南京盐水鸭盐水鸭是南京最有名的特色食品。鸭肉简单地切成白白的薄片,多汁带咸。每只盐水鸭都要经过腌、晾、煮、凉等工序,耗费数天制成。前几天下午,我在南京吃完我的第一份盐水鸭后,做东的张大厨给我介绍了一下这道菜。The countryside around Nanjing has been famous for its ducks for centuries

21、; its countless waterways make the area perfect for raising waterbirds. A local history book from the late Qing Dynasty praised salted duck in particular, saying it was without equal. Traditionally, duck is considered to have cooling properties, so it is appropriate for the hot summer months. Nowada

22、ys, people eat salted duck all year round and it is estimated that tens of thousands of ducks are consumed every day in Nanjing! It definitely hit the spot when I tried it, andit has become one of my personal favourites. 南京周边的乡村因为鸭子已经驰名数百年;这一带水网密布,非常适合养殖水禽。一本清末的地方志尤其盛赞盐水鸭,称其无与伦比。传统上鸭肉被认为性凉,所以适宜在炎热的夏

23、季食用。如今,人们一年四季都吃盐水鸭,据估计,南京人每天要吃掉数万只鸭子!我一尝,它正对我胃口,盐水鸭已经成了我最钟爱的美食之一。8 December, Cantonese dim sumIn Guangzhou, morning tea is such an essential part of the daily routine that “Have you had your tea?” has become the local version of “Good morning. ”Though teahouses have been common in China since the Ta

24、ng Dynasty, the Cantonese innovation of the mid-19th century was to serve tea together with a variety of light dishes, or dim sum. The concept took off, and today Guangzhous restaurants stimulate customers appetite with over a thousand offerings, each more delicate and delicious than the last. 12月8日

25、,广东点心在广州,早茶在日常生活中的地位是如此重要,以至于“饮茶未?”(粤语,意为“你吃早茶了吗?”译者注)成了当地人问候早安的方式。虽说茶馆在中国从唐代开始就司空见惯了,但19世纪中叶广东人的创新在于将茶佐以各种小菜或点心。这种观念时兴起来,如今广州的餐厅用一千多道点心刺激着食客的食欲,一道比一道精致、可口。The Cantonese do not hurry over their breakfasts, as I found when I visited a restaurant in Guangzhous old city centre this morning. The emphasi

26、s is rather on conversation about business, family or pleasure, and locals can spend hours together chatting, drinking tea and working their way through the menu. From beef balls to rice noodle rolls, there are various dishes that have been baked, boiled, steamed or fried. A single visit is not enou

27、gh to appreciate everything, and I have a long list of dim sum I still needto try. 广东人用早餐并不慌不忙,正如今天早晨我在广州老城区中心的一家餐馆所见的那样。重点是谈生意、话家常说乐子,当地人可以花上几小时一起谈天、饮茶,慢慢吃遍菜单上所有的点心。从牛丸到肠粉,烤、煮、蒸、炸的菜品各式各样。来一次不足以尝个遍,我列出了一个长长的清单,都是以后要品尝的点心。UNIT 2 The universal languageMusic is the utmost pleasure in life; music is the

28、 clear spring of life; music is the furnace of temperament refinement.Xian Xinghai音乐,是人生最大的快乐;音乐,是生活中的一股清泉;音乐,是陶冶性情的熔炉。冼星海Reading (P16-17)Understanding culture through music 透过音乐来理解文化Hi Lucy, So glad to get your email. I hope everything is fine with you. Last night, I watched a performance of Butter

29、fly Lovers, a beautiful violin concerto composed by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang. Its a piece that really deserves to be heard. 露西,你好!很高兴收到你的电邮。希望你一切都好。昨晚,我观看了一场梁祝的演出,这是由何占豪、陈刚创作的一部动听的小提琴协奏曲。这部作品真的值得一听。The music took me through the twists and turns of a classic story about a young couple torn apart by t

30、heir families. When the two lovers, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, first meet, the music is light and pleasant, as if whispering to the audience. It is followed by a fast and cheerful section which represents their three happy years of school. Then the music gets dramatic with heavier notes and that

31、is when the lovers are separated because Zhus father forces her to marry another man. Angry and sad, Liang falls sick and dies. Zhu weeps bitterly over the loss of her love. Overcome with sorrow, she jumps into his grave. Finally, during the most exciting part, the music takes a softer turn and ends

32、 on a bittersweet note, telling us how the couple transform into butterflies and fly away to be together forever. It is an amazing journey! 乐曲带我进入了一个跌宕起伏的经典故事,讲述的是一对年轻情侣被他们家庭拆散的遭遇。当两个相爱的人,梁山伯与祝英台初次相见时,音乐轻柔愉悦,像是在和观众低声耳语。随后是欢快的一节,代表两人同窗三载的快乐时光。接下来,曲调突然变得沉重,此时这对情侣被拆散,因为祝英台的父亲逼她另嫁他人。梁山伯悲愤交加,染病而亡。祝英台为失挚爱

33、而痛哭。不胜伤悲,她跳进了梁山伯的坟墓。最后,在最激昂的部分,乐曲转而柔缓,以凄美的曲调收尾,它告诉我们,这对情侣化蝶而去,永世不再分离。真是一段美妙的旅程!Butterfly Lovers combines Chinese and Western musical elements: it is played on Western instruments such as the violin, but more significantly, much of the music has its roots in Chinese Yue Opera. This unique combination

34、 has made me realize that music is indeed a universal language. You should definitely listen to Butterfly LoversI bet youll like it! All the best, Alice 梁祝融合了中西方的音乐元素:以西方乐器,譬如小提琴等演奏,但更重要的是,其曲调大多源自中国的越剧。这种独特的交融使我认识到,音乐的确是一种世界语言。你真该听一听梁祝我保证你一定会喜欢它! 祝一切顺利!爱丽丝 Dear Stephen, Life here in Nashville is as

35、interesting as I thought it would be. My host family are big fans of country music, so I can always rely on them to introduce me to some great songs. I love learning about country music and I keep asking them questions about it all the time! 亲爱的斯蒂芬: 在纳什维尔的生活和我之前料想得一样有趣。我(寄宿)的主人家是乡村音乐的“铁杆粉丝”,所以我一直相信他

36、们能给我介绍一些很棒的歌曲。我喜欢了解乡村音乐,一直在请教他们关于乡村音乐的问题。It turns out that country music became popular right here in the south of America in the 1940s and then spread across the nation. It grew out of such music types as the blues and folk music, so the musicians use many similar instruments, such as the guitar. T

37、he tunes are easy to sing, and the lyrics often leave you deep in thought. Most of the songs are about hardship and heartbreak, but also about hope with plenty of humour thrown in for good measure. You can feel an emotional connection between you and the musicians.原来,20 世纪 50 年代乡村音乐正是在美国南部这里流行起来的,随后

38、传遍整个美国。它源于诸如布鲁斯和民谣这样的音乐,所以音乐家们使用很多类似的乐器,比如吉他。乡村音乐的调子朗朗上口,歌词常常发人深省。大部分歌曲唱的是艰难与心碎,但也有希望其中还附加了很多幽默元素。你可以感受到自己与音乐家之间的那种情感的联系。Country music shows the peaceful green fields and simple life of the countryside. Obviously I dont know what its truly like to grow up in rural America, but the masters of country

39、 music, like John Denver, can make you feel like youre there. The simple tunes and beautiful natural images are often verysuggestive ofcountryside surroundings: 乡村音乐展现的是乡村静谧的绿野和质朴的生活。我显然不知道在美国乡村长 大究竟是什么样子,但是乡村音乐的大师们,比如约翰丹佛,能让你觉得身临其境。简单的曲调和唯美的大自然的画面很容易使人联想到乡村的环境:Almost heaven, West Virginia BlueRidge

40、 Mountains, Shenandoah RiverLife is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze (From “Take Me Home, Country Roads” by John Denver) Why dont you try to listen to some great country music? I guarantee youll enjoy it! Best wishes, Harry 西弗吉尼亚,简直就是天堂蓝岭山脉,谢兰多厄河那里生命古

41、老,比树更年长又比群山年轻,像风一样生长 (摘自约翰丹佛乡村路带我回家) 你为什么不试试听几首很棒的乡村音乐?我保证你会喜欢的! 谨致最美好的祝福,哈里 Extended reading (P25-26) Beethoven: a remarkable life贝多芬:非凡的一生 On 7 May 1824, a crowd of music lovers streamed into a theatre in Vienna to hear the first-ever performance of the great Ludwig van Beethovens Symphony No. 9.

42、The crowd immediately recognized that they were hearing something truly special, and they broke into enthusiastic cheers at the end of the symphony. Beethoven, who was almost completely deaf at this point in his life, was unaware of the audiences response until one of the singers turned him around t

43、o face the crowd. Before him, he saw a sea of people all standing, clapping, and waving their hats and handkerchiefs to express their appreciation of his masterwork. 1824年5月7日,一群音乐爱好者涌入维也纳的一座剧院,聆听大作曲家路德维希凡贝多芬第九交响曲的首演。听众很快意识到他们所听绝非凡品,演出结束的那一刻,全场爆发出热情的欢呼。当时贝多芬已近全聋,直到一位领唱扶他转过身来,面向观众,他才发觉反响之热烈。他看见眼前的人山人

44、海全部起立,有的鼓掌,有的挥舞帽子和手帕,表达着对这部杰作的赞赏。Symphony No. 9 was Beethovens last major piece of music in a vast body of works written throughout his remarkable life. As a gifted child, Beethoven was pushed by his father to study music day and night. Not long after, he began to be appreciated for his piano perfor

45、mances. By the time he was a teenager, he had already enjoyed a reputation as a wonderful young musician. Many important figures in the music world, including the brilliant musician Mozart, started making predictions about Beethovens extraordinary future. However, life took a sharp turn. In his late

46、 twenties, Beethoven suffered one of the worst possible twists for a musician: he started to lose his hearing.贝多芬非凡的一生留下了极为丰厚的作品,第九交响曲是他最后一部大型作品。贝多芬幼年即展露才华,在父亲管教下夜以继日地学习音乐。没过多久,他的钢琴演奏已受人赏识。十多岁的时候,他已经是有名的杰出少年音乐家了。不少音乐领域的重要人物,包括才华卓绝的莫扎特,纷纷对他不可限量的前程给出预言。然而,厄运突至,不到三十岁,贝多芬就开始经受对音乐家来说至为残酷的挫折:他的听觉开始衰退了。The

47、 loss of his hearing deeply depressed Beethoven. He was so upset that, at first, he wanted to keep it a secret. In a letter to his brothers, he wrote, “ how could I possibly admit a weakness in the one sense which should be more perfect in me than in others, a sense which I once possessed in the gre

48、atest perfection ” Even in his darkest moments, however, Beethoven never abandoned hope. Despite his hearing loss, he was determined to find a way to continue living a life full of music. He used a variety of hearing aids to try to increase the amount of sound he could take in. When composing music

49、at the piano, he would put one end of a pencil in his mouth and place the other end against the instrument so that he could feel the notes. Although Beethoven was able to continue composing music, it became increasingly difficult for him to perform in public. When Beethoven presented Symphony No. 9

50、in Vienna in 1824, it was his first time on stage in over ten years. 听觉下降令贝多芬深受打击。他痛苦不堪,起初只想尽量隐瞒。他在给弟弟的信中说:“这样一种在我身上本应比别人更加完美的感官,这样一种我曾拥有绝顶禀赋的感官,如今怎能让我承认它有了缺陷”然而,即使在那些最晦暗的时刻,贝多芬都不曾放弃希望。虽然听不清了,但他决心想办法让生活继续充满音乐。他尝试各种各样的助听设备,让自己听到更多的声音。在钢琴上作曲时,他将铅笔的一端含在嘴里,另一端顶住钢琴,这样就能感受到音符。作曲还可以继续,但公开演出对于他而言越来越艰难了。1824

51、年在维也纳指挥这场第九交响曲,是他十多年来第一次登台。 Since that day, Beethovens Symphony No. 9 has become one of the most famous and treasured pieces in the history of classical music. The first movement starts quietly, but all of a sudden the whole orchestra breaks into an energetic theme. You can soon feel the determinati

52、ona quality Beethoven understood well because of his hearing difficulties coursing through the music. The next two movements are full of desperate lows and uplifting highs which perhaps reflect both his suffering and his strong will to fight it. The music moves through technically difficult sections

53、 with ease, showing his genius as a composer. Finally, in the fourth movement, he connects all of the different variations into a joyful chorus. 从此,贝多芬第九交响曲成为古典音乐史上最著名和最受珍视的作品之一。交响曲第一章先是在平静中开始,随后,乐队全体猛然奏出一个强烈的主题。你顿时会感到贯穿整部作品的那种刚毅那种深受听障之苦的贝多芬所熟知的品质。接下来的两个乐章,充满了绝望的低声部和激越的高声部,或许分别反映了作曲家的痛苦和与之抗争的坚强意志。即使

54、技术难度很高的段落,音乐也都从容流过,展现了他作为作曲家的才华。最后,在第四乐章中,他将一系列形态各异的变奏整合为一阕欢乐的合唱。As Beethovens last great work, his Symphony No. 9 was also a grand finale to his lifehe died less than three years after the concert in Vienna, aged 56. For his amazing achievements and for his determination even in his darkest days, B

55、eethoven is regarded as one of the most remarkable musicians who ever lived. 第九交响曲是贝多芬最后一部伟大的作品,也是他的人生绝唱距这场维也纳音乐会举办未满三年,他就去世了,终年五十六岁。他惊人的艺术成就,以及在至暗岁月都不曾动摇的顽强毅力,使他被公认为有史以来最卓越的音乐家之一。UNIT 3 The art of paintingPainting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks. Simonides of Ceos 诗是有声的画,画是无声的诗

56、。 西摩尼得斯Reading (P30-31)First impressions 第一印象3 JuneParis, FranceAs a huge art fan, I knew exactly what I was looking forward to most about my trip to Paris: visiting the Muse dOrsay. Housed in an old railway building, this world-famous art museum features some of the best-known paintings from the Im

57、pressionist movement of the 19th century. 六月三日 法国,巴黎作为一个狂热的艺术迷,我非常清楚自己此次巴黎之旅最期待的是什么:参观奥赛博物馆。这家世界闻名的艺术博物馆设在座古老的铁路建筑里,以19 世纪印象派运动时期一些最著名的画作为特色。As I wandered through the Impressionist gallery, I appreciated masterpieces like The Ballet Class and The Card Players. Even though I had admired them hundreds

58、 of times on my computer screen, nothing could have prepared me for the wonder I felt when I finally laid eyes on the real thing. While it was hard to pick a favourite painting out of so many amazing works, the artists who made the deepest impression on me were two of the greatest Impressionist pain

59、ters, Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir. 漫步于印象派展馆,我欣赏着像舞蹈课和玩纸牌者这样的杰作。尽管我在电脑屏幕上已经欣赏过数百次,但当我终于亲眼见到实物时,还是觉得猝不及防,惊叹不已。虽然从这么多令人称奇的作品中很难选出一幅最喜欢的,但两位伟大的印象派画家给我留下了最深的印象克劳德莫奈和皮埃尔-奥古斯特雷诺阿。I could see from Monets works that he was greatly inspired by nature. In the last three decades of his life he painte

60、d mostly scenes from his garden. One of these scenes is shown in the famous piece Blue Water Lilies, which I studied for quite a while in the gallery. I couldnt believe it when I heard he did around 250 paintings of the same water lily pond, all in different colours and styles. It is amazing that ev


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