已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Impromptu speech topics range from topic issues of video clips and cartoon pictures to general statement, quotations, and questions similar to the writing tests ones in TOEFL or IELTS. The ffolllowiing aree sttudeent impprommptuu sppeecch ssamppless. RReadd orr liisteen tto iit ccareefullly andd suu

2、mmaarizze tthe wayys oof ccompposiing efffecttivee immproompttu sspeeech.Videoo toopicc isssueeHas tthe Intternnet narrrowwed or inccreaasedd thhe ddisttancce bbetwweenn peeoplle? Whyy? Bu Yanng 220022 (决决赛2分分钟) OK. Imm goonnaa fiirstt teell youu a stoory. Laast yeaar, I wwas worrkinng ffor a mmedii

3、a ccomppanyy. WWhenneveer II chheckk myy e-maiil iin tthe offficee, II geet aa loot oof ee-maailss frrom alll arrounnd tthe worrld. I gett e-maiils froom ppeopple whoo liive on thee ottherr siide of thee gllobee, ffromm thhe ootheer ssidee off thhe eeartth, butt I alsso gget e-mmaills ffromm peeopll

4、e wwhos jjustt siittiing on thee ottherr siide of my offficee. II brringg upp thhis exaamplle bbecaausee I bellievve iit sshowws wwelll thhe aadvaantaagess annd ddisaadvaantaagess thhe IInteerneet sservves as a ttooll foor ppeopple commmunnicaatinng. Of couursee, iif ttwo peooplee arre vveryy diista

5、ant awaay ffromm onne aanottherr, wwhenn thhey aree veery farr awway froom oone anootheer, e-mmaill iss a verry iimpoortaant powwerfful toool. Thee Innterrnett seervees aas aa veery goood ppoweerfuul ttooll. IIf yyou neeed tto ttelll thhe ootheer ppersson sommethhingg, yyou jusst ttypee inn woordss

6、annd wwritte aan ee-maail. Annd tthenn, wwithhin seccondds, thee e-maiil iis ssentt too thhe ootheer ssidee off thhe eeartth. Thaatss, oof ccourrse, veery powwerfful. Buut wwhenn peeoplle aare sitttinng sso cclosse, theey aare livvingg soo cllosee too onne aanottherr, iitss noot aa laargee diistaanc

7、ee, wwe sshouuldnnt usee Innterrnett soo muuch as a ccommmuniicattingg toool. Taake my exaamplle tthatt I menntioonedd eaarliier, emmplooyerrs, theey hhavee too seend e-mmaills bbackk annd ffortth eevenn whhen theey aare sitttinng iin tthe samme ooffiice, whhen theey aare supppossed to wallk jjustt

8、a feww sttepss awway andd teell thee ottherr peersoon wwhatt thhey wouuld likke tto ttelll thhem. Buut ttheyy, iinstteadd, ssendd e-maiils. Annd wwe hhavee too chheckk thhe ee-maail eveery noww annd tthenn beecauuse eveery fivve mminuutess orr evveryy teen mminuutess wee geet iinfoormaatioon tto tte

9、lll uss whhat we aree suuppoosedd too doo. OOf ccourrse, whhat thiis wwilll leead us to is loww effficcienncy wheen yyou aree woorkiing, allso nott coonceentrrateed wwhenn yoou aare worrkinng. It alsso lleadds tto aa coommuuniccatiion breeakddownn. Cartooon toppic isssueWhat do youu thhinkk off coos

10、meeticc suurgeery? Is iit aa goood thiing or a bbad thiing?Hu Minnxiaa 20003 (决赛赛1分钟钟) Its aan iinteeresstinng ttopiic, isnnt iit? Heree fiirsttly, I woouldd liike to deffinee coosmeeticc suurgeery. By ccosmmetiic ssurggeryy, wwe eexclludee thhosee whho aare sevvereely injjureed oor bburnned andd ha

11、ave to recceivve mmediicall trreattmennts. We oonlyy reeferr too thhosee whho aare phyysiccal heaalthhy aand jusst wwantt too loook bettterr byy deelibberaatelly sseekkingg thhingg. FFirsst, to be natturaal iis bbeauutifful,. We sshouuld cheerissh wwhatt haas bbeenn giivenn too uss annd wwe sshouuld

12、 vallue ourr unniquueneess. Justt immagiine, iff evveryy maan iin tthe worrld loooks likke DDaviid BBeckkhamm, aand if eveery womman loooks likke PPrinncesss DDianna, whaat aa hoorriiblee woorldd itt woouldd bee! AAnd ssecoondlly, I woouldd saay, to be heaalthhy iis tto bbe bbeauutifful. How prooper

13、rly we cann slleepp, wwe ccan eatt, aand howw muuch exeerciisess wee doo, aand alsso wwhatt kiind of liffe sstylle wwe llivee iss moore impporttantt thhan surrgerriess. Thaank youu.Generral staatemmenttGod nneveer mmadee ann orrdinnaryy huumann beeingg. Yuu Lii 20005 (半决决赛3分分钟) Thaank youu alll. In

14、thee Olld TTesttameent of Holly BBiblle, Chaapteer NNumbber 1 tthe Gennesiis, we aree toold thaat GGod madde AAdamm inn hiis oown imaage, annd eendoowedd wiith himm thhe oomniipottencce, thee pootenntiaalitty oof tthatt diivinnityy inn teem. And ffromm thhe bbarbbariic aand priimittivee sttagee too

15、a noww prrospperoous soccietty, andd frrom thee abbysss off daarknnesss annd iignoorannce to thee diis, we seee a lott off peeoplle wwithh inntellliggencce, andd frrom thaat kkindd off daarknnesss too a noww thhe nnighht ddodgges witth llighhts, Good hhas seeen uus tthrooughh alll tthe viccisssituud

16、ess off liife. But in thee 211st ccentturyy, wwilll good sstilll eendoow wwithh uss suuperrpowwer, wiill godd sttilll seee uus tthrooughh, wwhatt wiill follloww? BBut I thhinkk good hhas deffiniitelly ggavee uss seevenn giiftss. Firstt annd fforeemosst iis ppasssionn. Passsionn iss thhe rreall poowe

17、rr annd ddrivve ffor us to froom, forr uss too seee uus tthrooughh annd wwitnnesss uss foorm thee veery earrly agee too ouur mmatuuritty. Seconnd iis hhumoor. Humoor ggavee uss poowerr too laaughh ovver alll thhe sset baccks andd faailuuress soo thhat we cann drraw a llessson froom tthemm. The tthir

18、rd iis fforttituude. As iis ffounnd oout in mouuntaain cliimbeer wwho hadd weeathhereed tthe stoorm andd seee tthe beaautiifull skky wwithh thhe eexpoosurre tto tthe majjesttic loook aarouund himm unnfettterred by thaat kkindd off coonfiinemmentts, youu meean, yoou kknoww whhat kinnd oof fforttituud

19、e youu haave. The ffourrth is poiise. Poisse iis tthe reaadinnesss too accceppt aany chaangee, tto, so youu wiill nott geet pperpplexxed andd diistuurbeed bby tthe fasst cchanngess inn soocieety, thhe ppacee wee wiill be cattch up witth. The ffiftth iis sstylle. Styyle meaans youu haave nott onnly b

20、eeen aa maanuffactturiing powwer houuse, buut yyou havve tthatt diimennsioon oof lliteeratturee, tthatt kiind of weaalthh, oof sspriing of menntall weealtth. The ssixtth iis iindiividduallityy. Thatts wwhy we aree maakinng tthiss sppeecch. So wwe aare diffferrentt. AAnd thaats wwhatt maakess mee exx

21、traaorddinaary, maade me exttra-orddinaary. The sseveenthh iss paassiion. Rigght, yoou ggot passsioon aagaiin. Becaausee paassiion in twiice as impporttancce aas mmuchh ass annythhingg ellse. Withhoutt paassiion, Im sstanndinng hheree I woouldd liike, maake a sspeeech likke aautoomattion. And iin rr

22、etrrosppectt, wwe ssee manny mmoviing stooriees, froom zzeroo too heero, frrom undderddog to supper achhievverss, ffromm Ciindeerellla to fabbuloous-loook qqueeen. And thaat iis ggod jusst iimittatiing to us connfidde iin aa liittlle sstorry tthatt, “Heyy, gguyss, yyoure nott ann orrdinnaryy huumann

23、 beeingg beecauuse youu arre tthe imaage of me.” And I thhinkk bllesssed witth tthatt diivinnityy, wwe ccan makke aany mirraclle aa reealiity. Thaank youu veery mucch.Quotaatioon No onne hhas eveer bbecoome pooor bby ggiviing. AAnnee Frrankk Yaan sshu, 20006 (半半决赛33分钟)Thankk yoou, hosstesss! Ladiees

24、 aand genntleemenn, tto sstarrt mmy sspeeech, I wannt tto aask youu a verry ssimpple queestiion firrst. Hoow tto bbecoome ricch, to robb a bannk , orr too maarryy a verry rrichh woomann, oor tthatt wee caan bbuy lottterry sso tthatt wee sttandd a chaancee too beecomme rrichh ovvernnighht? Butt thhe

25、cchannce is verry ssmalll.Ladiees aand genntleemenn, II woouldd liike to shaare witth yyou my opiinioons on thiis ttopiic, andd teell youu thhe ssecrret of howw too beecomme rrichh. WWe ccan beccomee riich by givvingg. BBut eveerybbodyy maay nnot accceptt myy iddeass inn thhis wayy. SSomee off thhem

26、 mayy thhinkk wee beecomme ppoorr byy giivinng.But lladiies andd geentllemeen, we shoouldd alll kknoww thhat eveen tthouugh eveeryoone of us livve aa diiffeerennt llifee, eeverry oone of us aree booundd too goo frrom poiint A tto ppoinnt BB. SSo wwhatt iss poointt A? Poointt A is thee crradlle, andd

27、 poointt B is thee grravee. II doo beelieeve thaat lliviing in thiis wworlld wwell onlly nneedd addequuatee foood andd a desscennt bbed to sleeep. Thhat is whaat wwe rreallly neeed tto llivee a reaallyy coomfoortaablee liife. Wee doont nneedd soo muuch monney. Whhat usee? RRemeembeer tthe greeat phi

28、ilossophher of Doaagennes, thhe ffathher of cynniciism. Hee toold us thaat wworlldlyy poosseessiionss woouldd noot mmakee uss riich butt maake us falll iintoo thhe cconsstannt wworrry oof llosiing theem. Laddiess annd ggenttlemmen, Frranccis Baccon tolld uss, “If monney nott bee ouur sservvantt, iit

29、 wwilll bee ouur mmastter.” Soo, ggiviing willl nnot makke uus ppoorr, bbut havvingg muuch monney andd too bee a milllioonaiire sommetiimess iss noot tthe reaal ssensse oof bbeinng rrichh.And ssecoondlly wwe ccan beccomee riich by givvingg. JJustt how? Wee haave to tallk aabouut wwhatt iss reeallly

30、iimpoortaant in onees llifee. AAs II beelieeve perrsonnal friienddshiips andd allso expperiiencce aare impporttantt inn onnes llifee. II beelieeve friienddshiip iis llikee a seeed. Youu fiirstt puut tthemm inn a nurrturringg sooil so thaat iit ccan groow aand it takkes timme aand watteriing andd dee

31、vottionn too waait thee seeed to groow iintoo a spllenddid sheelteerinng pprimme. Andd wee haave to devvotee too ouur ffrieendsshipp soo thhat we knoow oour friiendds bbettter. Whhen we aree jooyfuul, wheen wwe ssuccceedd, wwe ccan shaare ourr suucceess andd ouur jjoy witth oour friienss. TThosse jj

32、oyss wiill be mulltipplieed aand beccomee moore joyys. Howw riich youu arre! And aalsoo peersoonall exxperrienncess arre vveryy immporrtannt tto mmakee onne rrichh. WWe ccan beccomee riich in thiis wway by givvingg. TThommas Ediisonn haas iinveenteed tthouusannds of greeat invventtionns iin tthiss w

33、oorldd, ggreaatlyy acccelleraatinng tthe humman hisstorry aand civviliizattionn. HHow mucch aand howw maany hass hee giivenn uss? HHe nneveer bbecaame pooor. Hiss grreatt exxperriennce hass ennricchedd hiis llifee ass weell as mannkinnds lliveesLadiees aand genntleemenn, II waant to sayy onne ssentt

34、encce aand quootedd Heeminngwaay ooncee saaid. “Kinndneess is a hhardd thhingg too giive awaay. It alwwayss reeturrns to thee giiverr.” Leet uus hholdd thhis nottionn annd tthiss faaithh inn ouur hhearrt, andd yoou wwilll alll bbecoome milllioonaiiress annd bbilllionnairres.Thankk yoou!Cartooon Picc

35、turreWe arre llookkingg foor aa feew ggoodd peeoplle tto tteacch oour kidds hheree! DDo aany of youu haave a tteacchinng ccerttifiicatte? Waang Jinng (半决赛赛3分钟钟)Well, thhis piccturre iis rreallly thooughht-pprovvokiing, annd tthiss maakess mee thhinkk abboutt twwo qquesstioons: whhat is thee reeal ce

36、rrtifficaate forr a goood tteaccherr? AAnd in ourr soocieety, whhat kinnd oof tteaccherrs ddo wwe nneedd?Well, ass foor tthe firrst poiint, I wannt tto ddefiine a ggoodd teeachher in my minnd. I tthinnk aa goood teaacheer sshouuld be, fiirstt annd fforeemosst, a ggoodd thhinkker. Yoou ssee, Wiilliia

37、m Shaakesspeaare, Abbrahham Linncolln aand Bennjammin Fraankllin aree sttanddingg inn thhe ccrowwd. Theey ddont hhavee a teaachiing cerrtifficaate, buut wwithh thheirr inndeppenddentt thhinkkingg, aas wwelll ass grreatt viirtuue, theey aare infflueenciing thee woorldd coontiinuoouslly. Abrrahaam LLi

38、nccolnn, wwithh hiis eemanncippatiion andd prrocllamaatioon, hass taaughht tthe worrld to resspecct eeachh ottherr deespiite thaat yyou havve ddifffereent skiin ccoloor, eyee coolorr annd ddifffereent nattionnaliitiees. Andd allso, Beenjaaminn Frrankklinn haas kkeptt teelliing us we neeed tto bbe ss

39、troong andd seelf-deppenddentt. TThesse aare greeat thiinkeers andd thhesee arre ggreaat tteaccherrs.And ssecoondlly, a ggoodd teeachher shoouldd bee a teaacheer wwithh deeep lovve ffor othherss. Mottherr Teeressa, ass yyou seee inn thhe mmidddle of thee crrowdd, aas wwelll ass Jeesuss Chhrisst aand

40、 alsso AAnniie SSulllivaan, I tthinnk sshe is mayybe behhindd thhe ccrowwd. Theey aare alll peeoplle cconttinuuoussly suppporrtinng ootheers witth ttheiir ddeepp loove. Mootheer TTereesa fiffty yeaars agoo haas sset up a ccamppaiggn tto hhelpp thhosee peeoplle ssuffferiing froom HHIV/AIDDS. Andd thh

41、e fformmer preesiddentt off Frrancce, Jaccquees CChirrac, coouldd beest conncluude herr liife in herr fuunerral. Hee saaid somme wwordds llikee thhis, “Tonnighht, theeres llesss liightt, llesss loove andd leess commpasssioon iin tthiss woorldd.” Thhesee arre tthe peooplee wiith deeep llovee annd cco

42、nttinuuoussly suppporrtinng ootheers. Thhey sett a morral moddel forr evveryy onne oof uus, teaachiing us to lovve eeachh ottherr annd aalsoo maake thee woorldd moore harrmonniouus. So theese aree thhe bbestt teeachherss inn myy eyyes. Howevver, inn toodayys ssociietyy, eespeeciaallyy in toddays uun

43、ivverssitiies, wee paay ttoo mucch aatteentiion to peooplees ccareeer andd allso peooplees ccareeer skiillss innsteead of loookinng aat tthe exppresssioon, andd thhe eemottionn inn thhe hhearrt oof hhumaan bbeinngs, alll oof tthesse ggreaat vvirttuess. SSo II thhinkk a teaachiing cerrtifficaate mayy

44、 bee soometthinng, butt itts nnot eveery thiing. Wee neeed leaarn froom tthosse ggreaat mmen andd grreatt woomenn abboutt thhe ggreaat vvirttuess, aabouut tthosse ggreaat qquallitiies, soo ass too maake ourrsellvess a quaaliffiedd gllobaal ccitiizenn, ttrusstedd frriennd tto ffulffilll ouur ggoalls.

45、 Cao FFenggHost: Noow iin tthe agee off thhe IInteerneet, reaadinng bbookks ddoess noot sseemm ass immporrtannt aas iit ooncee waas. Do youu thhinkk peeoplle ccan leaarn as mucch oon tthe Intternnet as theey ccan by reaadinng bbookks? Whiich metthodd doo yoou ppreffer?Cao FFengg: TThannk yyou verry

46、mmuchh. AAnd helllo agaain laddiess annd ggenttlemmen. Acctuaallyy, II doontt reeallly aagreee wwithh thhe ffirsst ssenttencce oof tthiss toopicc: “IIn tthe agee off Innterrnett, rreaddingg boookss iss noot aas iimpoortaant as it wass onnce.” Whhy? Whyy iss itt thhe ccasee? WWhy is it thee siituaati

47、oon, laddiess annd ggenttlemmen? Acctuaallyy, IInteerneet oor bbookks aare jusst llikee teea oor ccofffee. Thhey aree siimillar, buut ttheyy arre ddifffereent.Univeersiity stuudennts nowwadaays lovve tto uuse thee Innterrnett too seearcch ffor infformmatiion wheen ttheyy arre wworkkingg wiith theeir

48、 esssayss. LLikee, llastt seemessterr, wwhenn I wass woorkiing witth mmy pphyssicss esssayy, II looggeed iintoo Goooglle aand I ssearrcheed ffor “NEEWTOON” andd alll tthe lawws aand theeoriies of Newwtonn juust popppedd ouut aand I ccan chooosee whhichheveer oone I llikee too usse. Butt whhen I wwal

49、kked intto tthe libbrarry, alll thhe bbookks ccamee ouut aand I hhavee too chhoosse wwhicch oone to reaad. Howw innconnvenniennt!Maybee yoou ccan sayy att thhis mommentt, “OOh, Intternnet is bettterr, bbookks nno uuse.” SSo II haave to usee Innterrnett, rrighht? Butt leetss seee tthe thiingss inn an

50、nothher wayy.I lovve ttravveliing a llot andd I lovve tto bbrinng aa boook witth mme. Andd I lovve tto rreadd myy Daa Viincii Coode wheen II waas hhaviing my triip oon aa buus oor oon aa shhip. Acctuaallyy, wwhenneveer iit iis, wheerevver youu goo, wwhatteveer yyou aree dooingg, yyou cann taake outt

51、 a boook aand reaad iif yyou feeel llikee dooingg soo. NNow whoo wiill bottherr too taake a llapttop andd swwitcch iit oon, andd seearcch ffor thee Innterrnett coonneectiion, annd llookk foor sstorriess too reead. Hoow iincoonveenieentSo att thhis verry mmomeent I tthinnk iitss quuitee daangeerouus

52、ffor me, beecauuse I tthinnk IIm, unnablle tto aanswwer thee quuesttionn inn thhe ttopiic “WWhicch mmethhod do youu prrefeer, Intternnet or boooks?” beccausse II loove thee feeeliing of connjurringg a hunndreed ppagees oof HHarrry PPottter, moore thaan sscroolliing dowwn tthe scrreenn; bbut at thee

53、saame timme II loove thee feeeliing of seaarchhingg thhe tthinngs, thhe sspeeed oof mmy ssearrchiing forr thhinggs oon tthe Intternnet, moore thaan wwasttingg myy tiime in thee liibraary.So inn thhis agee off Innterrnett, iin tthiss agge oof mmodeerniizattionn, iin tthiss agge oof cciviilizzatiion,

54、whhy ddo yyou havve tto fforcce ssomeeonee too chhoosse bbetwweenn Innterrnett annd bbookks? I ppreffer usiing botth oof tthemm. TThannk yyou verry mmuchh.Chen XinngHost: Euuthaanassia is a wway of rellievvingg illl ppeopples ppainn annd ssaviing theem ffromm thhe ttortturees oof ttheiir iillnnesss.

55、 DDo wwe hhavee poowerr too taake peooplees llivees ffor thiis rreasson? Orr shhoulld tthe rigght to diee bee coonsiiderred a “rigght” foor ttermminaallyy illl ppatiientts?“Whenn I am deaad, my deaaresst,Sing no sadd soongss foor mme.Plantt thhou no rosses at my heaad,No shhadyy cyypreess treee.Be t

56、hhe ggreeen ggrasss aabovve mmeWith shoowerrs aand dewwdroop wwet.And, if thoou wwiltt, rremeembeer.And, if thoou wwiltt, fforgget.”For mmanyy, ddeatth iis nnot friightteniing. Foor mmanyy, ddeatth iis bbeauutifful. Foor mmanyy, ssuffferiing froom iincuurabble deaadlyy diiseaasess, ddeatth iis aa lo

57、ongiing. Buut nno mmattter whaat ttheyy thhinkk, wwe ccant mmakee thhe ddeciisioon ffor theem. Deathh iss thheirr owwn bbusiinesss. Wheetheer ffor goood iinteentiion or badd, iif wwe ddeciide to takke aanottherr peersoons llifee, iits mmurdder. Wee taake it forr grrantted thaat ppeopple suffferringg

58、 frrom lonng ttermminaal ddiseeasees, wannt tto ddie. Peerhaaps it migght be so in somme ccasees bbut hoee arre wwe tto ttelll? WWe ccant mmakee deecissionn foor ootheers. Manyy olld ppeopple, suuffeerinng ffromm Allzheeimeers, seeem tto bbe lliviing a mmostt piitiaablee liife to us. Thhey no lonnge

59、rr evven reccognnizee thhe bbeloovedd onnes arooundd thhem. Buut pperhhapss thheyre enjjoyiing theeir liffe, beccausse ttheyy arre nnow cutt offf ffromm anny wworlldlyy afffaiirs andd prrobllemss. TTheyy arre kkindd off reelivvingg thheirr chhilddhoood. Theey aare, peerhaaps, ennjoyyingg itt. WWe cc

60、ant ttermminaate theeir liffe. Some peooplee, ssuffferiing froom ccanccer, seeem to be livvingg moost paiinfuul llifee too uss, wwhatt wiith alll thhesee toortuurinng ttreaatmeentss annd tthe proospeect of deaath in froont of theem. Butt peerhaaps, deeep dowwn iin ttheiir hhearrt, theey wwantt too g


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