



1、Unit1 Women of achievementI. 单项选择 1. I dont think it is _taking the trouble to explain the question to him. A. worth B. worthy C. worth of D. worthwhile 2. Youd better _ your behaviors in public places, or you are likely to get a ticket. A. watch B. see C. observe D. notice 3. With courage and deter

2、mination, she set out to _ her childhood dream: to become a world famous actress. A. realize B. achieve C. come true D. live 4. Everybody showed great respect to the old doctor, who devoted everything he had to _ the poor conditions of the local hospital. A. improving B. improve C. to improve D. bei

3、ng improved 5. No matter what you have achieved, you have no reasons to _others in your filed. A. look on B. look up to C. look forward to D. look down upon 6. When forbidden to surf the Internet, teenagers often _it, saying that it provides them with colorful entertainments, a convenient means of c

4、ommunication as well as useful information A. argue about B. argue with C. argue for D. argue against7. In the old days, his father was not able to earn enough money to _ his family. A. raise B. bring up C. make D. support 8. The doctors in the medical institute wrote an article, explaining in detai

5、l the steps of how to_ a baby. A. give B. deliver C. have D. give birth to 9. In my opinion, an organization should be set up to study the_ a childs personality and his living environment. A. relation to B. connection with C. link of D. connection between 10. A modest person always _modestly, no mat

6、ter how great he is. A. does B. behaves C. looks D. appears 11. After years of observation in the wild, Jane Goodall was finally able to _ the social system of chimps. A. carry out B. pick out C. look out D. work out 12. It is impossible to_ones goal without working hard. A. achieve B. get C. arrive

7、 D. make 13. Would you _a walk with me after supper? A. care about B. care for C. care with D. care taking 14. It is everyones duty to _the rules of our school. A. watch B. see C. notice D. observe 15. China is developing at such an astonishing _that it takes on a new look every day. A. altitude B.

8、achievement C. direction D. rate 16. How would you like to _your failure in the examination? A. count on B. account for C. count in D. count with 17. What he saw in the remote mountain village _ him to write a book about the country life there. A. encouraged B. increased C. inspired D. engaged 18. N

9、ever before has the _ been faced with such a threat as has happened in the past five decades A. human race B. people C. mankind D. man 19. Fears of being punished in various possible ways kept _her, which worried her a great deal. A. coming to B. crowding in C. crowding in on D. crowded with 20. I s

10、trongly suggest the person that _ out and explain all that has happened. A. was referred to standing B. was referred to stand C. referred to stand D. referred to standing 21. The book, which _ for children under 10 when _, are popular with adult readers. A. intended; written B. was intended; being w

11、ritten C. intended; writing D. was intended; written 22. Whether we can get the money we need for the project or not, we will _ it to the end. A. carry on with B. move on with C. come on with D. take on with 23When he was doing the software project, he _ many problems that he had to solve on his own

12、. A. came up with B. came through C. came across D. came out 24. Ever since I became a first aider twenty years ago, which was totally _, I have been _my life on the go, dealing with cases of emergency. A. in accident; living B. by chance; led C. by chance; lived D. by accident; leading 25. The lect

13、urer _before the audience could _any questions to him. A. moved off; raise B. moved away; come up with C. moved out; bring up D. moved up; put up 完成句子1Only when you learn to respect others,_(别人会尊重你)(respect)2Had I followed your advice to take with my umbrella,I _(就不会淋雨),so now I am running a high fe

14、ver.(catch)3_(他们过着多么艰辛的生活) before they became famous!(What)4_(他被选中)as an actor in the film made the family delighted.(choose)5Not _(收到他的邀请),I didnt go to his wedding party.(receive)6Since the beginning of the vacation,I _(旅游)across the country,and my next stop is Mount Tai.(travel)7The international

15、 agreement,_(计划)to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed yesterday.(intend)8If your order is ready,the Tshirt _(送达你处)as soon as possible.(deliver)9Professor Smith,along with his assistants,_(研究这个项目)day and night to meet the deadline.(work)10.Such poets as Shakespe

16、are are widely read,of whose works,however,some_(难理解)(understand) IV.阅读理解When you are hungry, what will you respond? Have your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? 1 But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your friends or favorite stars So it silently serves your need

17、s and never lets itself grow When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity sets a full stop This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “ What happens next?” or “ Why cant I think?” 2 Why reading but not watching TV? It is because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right f

18、rom childhood Since it develops other aspects of our life, we have to take help from readingWhen you read a book, of course you run your eyes through the lines and your mind tries to explain something to you 3 Now this seed is unknowingly used by you to develop new ideas If it is used many times, th

19、e same seed can give you great help to relate a lot of things, which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!This is nothing but creativity 4 Within no time you can start talking with your friends in English or any other language and never run out of the right wordsSo, friends, do giv

20、e food to your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading.5 Go and get a book!A. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seedB. Why not do some reading while you are hungry?C. Just like your stomach, your mind is also hungryD. Now what are you waiting for?E. Hunger of the mind can be actually solved through wide readingF. Reading can help you make more friends, tooG. Also this makes a significant contribution to your vocabularyV.短文改错First,


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