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1、Lie to me,season 1, Episode 1: Pilot,Background information about lie to me,别对我撒谎是一部描述心理学的美国电视剧,于2009年1月21日首播于福克斯电视网。卡尔莱曼博士(Tim Roth饰演)和吉莉安福斯特博士(Kelli Williams饰演)利用脸部动作编码系统(Facial Action Coding System)分析被观察者的肢体语言和微表情,进而向他们的客户(包括FBI等美国执法机构或联邦机构)提供被观测者是否撒谎等分析报告。片中的主要故事情节来自美国心理学专家保罗艾克曼博士,其主要研究方向为人类面部表情

2、的辨识、情绪分析与人际欺骗等。,Background information about micro-expression,微表情,是内心流露与掩饰,是心理学名词。人们通过做一些表情把内心感受表达给对方看,在人们做的不同表情之间,或是某个表情里,脸部会“泄露”出其它的信息。“微表情”最短可持续1/25秒,虽然一个下意识的表情可能只持续一瞬间,但这是种烦人的特性,很容易暴露情绪。当面部在做某个表情时,这些持续时间极短的表情会突然一闪而过,而且有时表达相反的情绪。,useful sentence 棘手的事 这案子很棘手啊。 4. I prayed for her soul. pray: 祈祷 so

3、ul: 灵魂 我愿她安息。,useful sentence & phrases,5. Its a frigging carnival act. frigging carnival: =frigging carnival受诅咒的嘉年华 (随便乱来) 完全随心所欲嘛。 6. T-3B. backup, backup T-3B. backup: 支援 T-3B请求支援。,useful sentence & phrases,7. Youre one of the naturals. natural: 自然的,正常的,(you are one of the naturals & you are a na

4、tural是非常实用的夸奖人的用语,你是一个天才。) 你极具天赋。 8. We are in the world, but not of the world. 我们生在这个世界,但不一定要被同化。,useful sentence & phrases,9. That guys lying his ass off. My ass off (口语) 无实际意义,仅用来加强语气。 Eg: I am laughing my ass off. 这家伙扯的天昏地暗。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,1. Statistically speaking, the aver

5、age person tells three lies per ten minutes conversation. And granted, its just regular people. statistically: 统计学上 conversation: 对话 granted: 但是 regular people: 普通人 average:平均的,一般的,通常的 据统计,一般人在十分钟的谈话中平均说3个谎话。当然,这只是普通人。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,2. Now what you just saw there was a brief ex

6、pression of happiness on his face which he was trying his best to conceal. It lasted for less than a fifth of a second. Its what we call a micro-expression. expression: 表情 conceal: 隐藏 a fifth of a second: = one-fifth of a second五分之一秒 last for:持续 less than:少于,不到 brief:简短的 他的脸上霎那间掠过几分喜悦,他却竭力想要掩饰。这一喜悦持

7、续不到五分之一秒,就是我们所说的微表情。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,3. Classic one-sided shrug. Translation: Ive absolutely no confidence of what I just said. classic:经典的,典型的 shrug: 耸肩 translation:翻译,译文 absolutely: 绝对地 confidence: 自信 典型的单边耸肩。这可以翻译成:我对于我刚才说的话完全没有自信。 The body contradicts the words. Hes lying. 肢体

8、跟语言相矛盾,他在说谎。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,4. Now thats real surprise. Lasts for less than a second when it comes across your face, but if your suspect is surprised for more than a second, hes faking it. Hes lying. come across: 出现 fake: 假造,仿造 真正的惊讶处在你脸上的持续时间只有少于一秒,但是如果你的嫌疑犯表现出惊讶超过一秒,他就在作假。他在撒谎

9、。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,5. One personal tip: You see this micro-expression in your spouses face, your marriage is coming to an end. conceal: 隐藏 scorn: 轻蔑 spouse: 配偶 expression:表情,表现 隐藏的不屑。我稍稍指点一句:如果你们在你们的配偶脸上看到这种细微表情,你们的婚姻也将走到头了。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,6. Scorn. Scorn. Hug

10、e scorn. scorn: 不屑,轻蔑 huge:庞大的,巨大的 不屑,不屑,很明显的不屑。 Shame, shame, and shame. 羞愧,羞愧,还是羞愧。 Contempt. These expressions are universal. contempt: 轻视,轻蔑 universal: 全球性的 轻蔑。这些表情人人都会有。 Emotion looks the same whether youre a suburban housewife or a suicide bomber. emotion:情感,情绪 suburban: 城郊的 housewife:家庭主妇 sui

11、cide: 自杀的 不管你是郊区的主妇还是人肉炸弹,表情都是一样的。 The truth is written on all our faces. truth:事实 真相,尽在我们脸上。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,7. When I asked James about his best race, he broke eye contact in order to remember and answer truthfully. contact:接触,联系 in order to:为了 truthfully:如实地 我问起James的最好成绩,他终止了

12、眼神交流努力回忆并如实回答。 And when I asked him about his run the night of the murder, he never broke eye contact. 但我问起谋杀当晚的跑步情况,他却一直看着我。 He wasnt recalling a memory. He was lying. recall: 回想 并未回忆什么而在撒谎。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,8. -Hutchinson: But I thought most people avoid eye contact when theyre

13、lying. avoid:避免 大部分人撒谎时都避免眼神交流的吧。 -Cal: No, its a myth. myth: 神话【这里指杜撰出来的事】 不,那是误区。 And quite often, they make more eye contact. 他们会经常做更多眼神交流。 They need to watch, see if you believe their lies. believe:相信 他们需要观察,看你是否相信他们的谎言,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,9. Question: Have you ever been to her h

14、ouse? 我问他 你之前去过她家吗? Answer: No, I have never been to her house. 回答 没有,我之前从未去过她家 Rigid repetition like that is typical of a lie. rigid: 严格的 repetition: 重复,反复 typical:典型的 完全照搬的重复回答是典型的谎言。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,10. But when I asked him about his teachers death, what we saw was this: obliq

15、ue eyebrows. oblique: 倾斜的 但当我说起老师的死,我们看到的是这个:眉毛挂下来了。 - Gillian: Sadness. 悲伤。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,11. Men have erectile tissue there. erectile: 可致竖起,即勃起的 tissue: 组织 男人那儿有可致勃起的组织。 Itches when theyre hiding something. itch: 痒 你想要隐瞒什么这儿就痒了。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,12. Thats f

16、antastic. Classic gestural slip. fantastic: 难以相信的,极好的 gestural: 手势的 slip: 下滑 真经典啊,你的动作出卖了你。 Got the slightest head nod yes before you shook your head no. slightest: 很细小的 shook:shake的过去式,摇 在你摇头否认之前,轻轻微微地点了一下头。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,13. When youre lying, its hard to tell a story backward

17、s, because theres no real memory of what happened. memory: 记忆 real:真实的 当人撒谎时,很难把谎言倒叙出来,因为真实的记忆并非如此。 Liars rehearse their stories in order. rehearse: 排练 in order: 按顺序 他们会预先按顺序编好谎言。 They dont think to rehearse them backwards. 但他们从不会倒着想。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,14. In a fake smile, theres n

18、o eye wrinkling. 假笑是没有眼角皱纹的。,Some knowledge of micro-expression.,15. Its a classic physiological flight response. physiological: 生理的 flight response: 应激反应 classic:典型的 这是典型的生理应激反应。 Blood flows from the extremities to the legs so youre ready to run. extremity: 极端(人体血液流过的极端就是手臂) 血液从手臂流向腿部,这样为逃跑做好准备。 Your hands get cold first. 而手会先冷下来。,Liar A: Im glad your spending the holidays with your family. 很高兴能跟你


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