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1、意向专业与就业解析课程TESOL,职业规划部文科组,Contents,TESOL是什么,1,TESOL与教育学,2,学校对比,3,中美就业简介,4,TESOL简介,正确理解TESOL的含义 TESOL是英文全称“Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages” 的缩写,即教授母语为非英语的英语教学专业, 翻译成中文意思就是“对外英语教学”。TESOL的教学目的就是教授母语为非英语的英语教学的方法和理论,提升英语教学的师资水平。 在全球如果按照英语教学的对象来划分的话可分为两种英语教学模式,一种是以英语作为母语的英语教学,类似于中国的中文教学。 另

2、一种是以英语为非母语的英语教学,类似于中国的对外汉语教学。 TESOL 的教学对象就是针对后者而言, 即对母语为非英语的人的英语教学。因此,参加TESOL学习的人是要求必须有一定的英语水平,通过培训学习进而提高其教学水平, 而非来此进行英文水平的再提高。,TESOL,英语教学的对象依学生的母语可分成两群: 英语是母语的人(如美国人,英国人,加拿大人)和英语非母语的人(如南美洲人,中国人,法国人). TESOL 的对象是第二群. 因为是“对外”,TESOL 的教学方法特别考虑到学生的母语和文化背景. 以中文教学做比喻,教一个在中国长大的孩子中文和教一个在美国长大的孩子中文,方法当然是不一样的.

3、特别要澄清的是: TESOL 的主题是“如何教英语”而不是“如何学英语”. 取得了外语或外文学位的人不一定具备了英语教学的条件.“英语教学”,尤其是“对外英语教学”,是一个专业,有它特别的专业知识.,TESOL的教学对象,英语是母语的人. (如美国人,英国人,加拿大人),英语教学的对象,英语非母语的人 (如南美洲人,中国人,法国人).,TESOL、EFL、ESL、ESOL、ELT,TESOL stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and is probably the most general of these

4、terms. 对外英语教学 EFL stands for English as a Foreign Language (TEFL = Teaching English as a Foreign Language), and refers to teaching English in a place where it is not widely spoken; where it is a foreign language. 英语作为外语 ESL stands for English as a Second Language (TESL = Teaching English as a Second

5、 Language), and usually refers to teaching English to non-native English speakers in a country where English is widely spoken (like the U.S.) ESL是English as a Second Language的缩写,是国际学生进入美国大学必修的语言课程。 ESOL stands for English for Speakers of Other Languages and is usually used to refer to teaching ESL i

6、n K-12 public schools in the U.S. 它是为不是以英语为母语国家的学生准备学习(一般“K12”是指从幼儿园(Kindergarten,通常5-6岁)到十二年级(grade 12,通常17-18岁),这两个年级是美国、澳大利亚及English Canada的免费教育头尾的两个年级。 ELT stands for English Language Teaching.,教育学与TESOL,教育学相对于TESOL的区别 教育学是研究人类教育现象和问题、揭示一般教育规律的一门社会科学。教育学可以是整体也可以是细分。从宏观角度来说,教育学是一个大的概念,它其中包括高等教育学,

7、基础教育学,学前教育学,特殊教育学,比较教育学,成人教育学等等。从微观角度来看,教育学是一门专门研究教育现象,揭示教育规律,指导教育实践的一门学科,具有很强的理论性和实践性。 TESOL是“Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages” 的缩写,中文翻译是“对外英语教学” . TESOL 的教学对象英语非母语国家的人群。 TESOL证书作为一项国际英语教师的职业资格证书,TESOL已经被国际上80多个国家的5000多所学校认可,并在全世界拥有近百个团体会员和14000多名专业人士。在北美、英国、澳大利亚、新西兰等英语国家,大部分学校和语言培训机

8、构都认可TESOL证书。目前,已经有包括中国在内的80多个国家和地区开设了TESOL课程。 这类专业故名思议就是teaching English to speakers in other language,主要学习的会是包括英语教学方式,方法,文化区别以及语言架构等之类课程。 所以在一定程度上, 可以说TESOL属于教育学的一个类别。 美国一些大学TESOL在教育类下面,也有的在英语系下面。,美国TESOL专业排名:,1. 哈佛大学 【Harvard University (MA)】 加州大学伯克利分校 【University of CaliforniaBerkeley】 耶鲁大学 【Yale

9、 University (CT)】 4. 普林斯顿大学 【Princeton University (NJ)】 斯坦福大学 【Stanford University (CA)】 6. 康奈尔大学 【Cornell University (NY)】 芝加哥大学 【University of Chicago】 8. 哥伦比亚大学 【Columbia University (NY)】 约翰霍普金斯大学【Johns Hopkins University (MD)】 10. 加州大学洛杉机分校 【University of CaliforniaLos Angeles】 宾夕法尼亚大学 【Universi

10、ty of Pennsylvania】,.,12. 杜克大学 【Duke University (NC)】 密歇根大学-安娜堡分校 【University of MichiganAnn Arbor】 弗吉尼亚大学 【University of Virginia】 15. 布朗大学 【Brown University (RI)】 16. 新泽西州立罗格斯大学 【Rutgers State UniversityNew Brunswick (NJ)】 加州大学欧文分校 【University of CaliforniaIrvine】 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校 【University of Wiscon

11、sinMadison】 19. 西北大学 【Northwestern University (IL)】 伊利诺伊大学厄本那香槟分校 【University of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign】 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校 【University of North CarolinaChapel Hill】 德州大学奥斯汀分校 【University of TexasAustin】 23. 纽约城市大学 【CUNY Graduate School and University Center】 印地安那大学伯明顿分校 【Indiana UniversityBloomington】

12、纽约大学 【New York University】,学校对比,University of Pennsylvania,Columbia University,Tesol专业对比,University of Pennsylvania,University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学 综合排名:第五名 地理位置:宾夕法尼亚州 宾夕法尼亚大学,是美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的一所男女同校的私立大学,也是美国常春藤盟校成员之一。它于1740年由美国著名科学家和政治家、独立宣言起草人之一本杰明富兰克林创办,当时为一所慈善学校。 宾大现已成为拥有12所学院,几百个系、研究所和研究中心的世界一流

13、研究性大学。在2010年度美国新闻与世界报导杂志对全美大学进行的评估中,宾大被列为第6所美国最好的综合性大学,与加州理工并列。,University of Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学,Graduate School of Education Building 教育学院,学院及专业设置,Graduate School of Education 网址:/ 专业设置:Programs at a Glance Applied Psychology - Human Development Foundations and Practices of

14、 Education Higher Education Language and Literacy in Education Policy, Measurement and Evaluation Teacher Preparation Programs Executive Programs Other Programs Undergraduate Options Non-Degree Options,Which Degree? Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.), Master of Science (M.S.), Master of Philos

15、ophy in Education (M.Phil.Ed.), Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees, along with some certificate and non-degree options.,学位设置,1.Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.) 简介: Interested in advancing your career in education practice or related fields? You may consider

16、 one of our masters of science in education (M.S.Ed.) degrees. At Penn GSE, our M.S.Ed. programs cover a wide range, everything from school counseling, to teacher education, to language and literacy, to education policy - and many other specialties in between. Our 21 programs will give you a foundat

17、ional knowledge of the field of education and prepare you for professional positions in a broad range of organizations. Many will prepare you for professional certification in your field. Most of these programs can be completed in one year of full-time study. Some include research methods course req

18、uirements and/or completion of a mentorship or field placement. The M.S.Ed. requires a minimum of 10 course units.,Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.),Penn GSE offers the M.S.Ed. degree in: Counseling and Mental Health Services 教育咨询和身心健康服务 Education, Culture, the elementary grades (grades 1 thr

19、ough 6 or 8); the middle grades (grades 5 through 8); a secondary-education subject area (usually grades 7 through 12); or a special subject, such as reading or music (usually grades kindergarten through 12).,What is this job like?,Teachers teach children to read, write, do math, and much more. They

20、 use games, videos, computers, and other tools to teach children different subjects. Teachers show students skills. They also explain information. Teachers plan their lessons before they teach, which can take a lot of time. Teachers try to make their lessons easy to understand. They teach things in

21、different ways so that different students can learn in the way that is easiest for them. Teachers might use a chalkboard, a projector, or a computer. They make posters or worksheets before class starts. Teachers plan the schedule for the day. Most teachers have to teach what the principal tells them

22、. Teachers also assign homework and class projects. They often have students work together to do projects. When students are not doing as well as they should, teachers help them. After class, teachers grade papers and projects. They also create tests. They write students report cards. And they meet

23、with parents to try to help their children do better in school. Teachers sometimes go to workshops to learn how to teach better. Some teachers also help with sports or other after-school activities.,How do you get ready?,All teachers in public schools must have a teaching certificate and a license t

24、o teach. Some are licensed to teach preschool through grade 3. Others are licensed to teach grades 1 through 6 or 8. Some are licensed to teach middle school or high school. Some have a license to teach a special subject. You must have a college degree to be a teacher, unless you are teaching a job

25、skill like how to fix cars. You must take classes in education and practice teaching with the help of an experienced teacher. To be a teacher, you must pass tests in reading, writing, and other subjects. And you have to keep learning. In some States, you have to get a masters degree. You also need c

26、omputer training in some States. Teachers must be able to talk to children and be good leaders. The students must trust them. Teachers must be able to make students want to learn. They also should be organized, dependable, patient, and creative.,薪资待遇,How much does this job pay? In May 2008, elementa

27、ry school teachers had average yearly wages of $52,240. Middle school teachers made an average of $52,570 each year, while high school teachers made $54,390 each year. Special education teachers made slightly more than regular teachers. Some teachers earn extra money during the summer by doing other

28、 jobs.,就业前景,How many jobs are there? There were 4.5 million jobs for teachers in 2008. They taught in every State. What about the future? Job opportunities for teachers over the next 10 years will vary from good to excellent, depending on the place where they live and the subject they teach. Some sc

29、hools are having trouble finding enough teachers, especially in cities. Today, many schools are looking for math and science teachers as well as teachers who speak a foreign language and who can teach English as a second language. The number of jobs for teachers is expected to increase faster than t

30、he average for all occupations through 2018. Many teachers will retire, creating more job openings.,Earnings,Median annual wages of kindergarten, elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers ranged from $47,100 to $51,180 in May 2008; the lowest 10 percent earned $30,970 to $34,280; the top 10

31、percent earned $75,190 to $80,970. According to the American Federation of Teachers, beginning teachers with a bachelors degree earned an average of $33,227 in the 2005-2006 school year. In 2008, of the majority of all elementary, middle, and secondary school teachers belonged to unionsmainly the Am

32、erican Federation of Teachers and the National Education Associationthat bargain with school systems over salaries, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Teachers can boost their earnings in a number of ways. In some schools, teachers receive extra pay for coaching sports and working

33、with students in extracurricular activities. Getting a masters degree or national certification often results in a raise in pay, as does acting as a mentor. Some teachers earn extra income during the summer by teaching summer school or performing other jobs in the school system. Although private school teachers generally earn less than public school teachers, they may be given other benefits, such as free or


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