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1、Chapter Three,Cultural Value Orientation,Define the term of value. Understand how values form the core of culture. Be aware of the basic values of our own and of other cultures.,Learning Objectives,2012/8/18,2,Dou Weilin: Introduction to ICC,I. Lead-in,Watch the following two ads of Haire in USA and

2、 Japan. Answer the following questions? 1. What are the central ideas that are reflected in the two ads? 2. Why are there such differences?,Levels of Culture,Symbols,Heroes,Rituals,Values,II. The Nature of Value,II. The Nature of Value,Values are social principles, goals, or standards accepted by pe

3、rsons in a culture. A value can be defined as a conception, explicit or implicit, distinctive of an individual or characteristic of a group, of the desirable which influences the selection from available modes, means, and ends of action. (Klucnhohn) 价值观是“个人或群体所特有的一种显型或隐型的认为什么是可取的观念,这一观念影响人们从现有的种种行动模

4、式、方式和目的中做出选择。”,What Do Values Encompass,2012/8/18,6,Dou Weilin: Introduction to ICC,How to find out peoples values?,From peoples behavior pattern, because values are closely related to behavior patterns. From what people say about themselves. From myths, tales of heroes and rituals, because they gen

5、erally reveal what is believed to be important in a certain culture. From folk tales, proverbs, sayings, etc.,Exercise,Now study the following proverbs and decide what value(s) they represent. 1. The early bird catches the worm. 2. God helps those who help themselves. 3. Time is money. 4. My home is

6、 my castle. 5. Think three times before you take action. 6. Modesty makes you progress; conceitedness makes you lag behind.,action,independence,efficiency,privacy,caution,modesty,Values, the innermost “skin of the onion”, lie at the core of a culture. They are invisible and most likely neglected. An

7、d values are the deepest manifestation of culture and the most difficult to understand by an outsider. Without the knowledge of a cultures value structure, the communicative behavior of that culture will be difficult to understand. Values establish standards and guidelines that define appropriate be

8、havior in a culture.,II. The Nature of Value,III . Studies of Cultural Orientations,How can we compare one culture with another to find out their similarities and differences?,Culture patterns,A. Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks Value Orientation,B.Hofstedes Dimensions of Cultural Variability,C. Edward T H

9、alls Context - Culture Theory,Human Nature,Man-nature,Time,Activity,Social Relationship,Individualism Vs Collectivism,Uncertainty Avoidance,Power Distance,Masculinity Vs Femininity,High-Context,Low-Context,A. Model by Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck(克鲁克洪-施特罗特贝克),(Kluckhohn and Strodtbecks Value Orientation

10、s),Five basic questions that need answering at the root of any culture: 1 What is the human innate nature? 2 What is the relation between man to nature? 3 What is the orientation toward time? 4 What is the value placed on activity? 5 What is the relationship of people to each other?,1 = Human nature

11、 orientation 人性取向 2 = Man-nature orientation 人天取向 3 = Time orientation 时间取向 4 = Activity orientation 行为取向 5 = Social orientation 人际取向,Questions for Discussion,1. Human Nature (1) What is the Chinese peoples view in this orientation? (2)What attitude do western People have towards Human nature?,1. Hu

12、man Nature,Basically evil but perfectible Mixture of good and evil Basically good but corruptible,Innately Good vs. Innately Evil,Chinese view: innately good,To explore and cultivate the innately good elements; stress on kindheartedness and love; stress on introspection and personality perfection; r

13、ites (礼) as the tool to standardize peoples social communication.,Innately Good vs. Innately Evil,Chinese view: innately good 明朝大哲学家王阳明说:“至善者性也,性元无一毫之恶,故曰至善。止之,是复其本然而已。”(这里的复其本然,是指止于至善。) 荀子劝学:“君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。” 释名:“礼,体也。言得事之体也”。 论语:“不学礼,无以立”。,Innately Good vs. Innately Evil,American view: innate

14、ly evil Original Sin 罪感文化。 The traditional Western belief about human nature is that human beings are basically evil. All humans have been born with original sin.,evil but perfectible,2. Relationship with Nature,(3) What is the Chinese peoples view in this orientation? Give some examples to illustra

15、te. (4) Who has this orientation that man is subjugated to Nature? (5) Why do the Westerners think that Human is the master of the Nature?,Cooperation view is widespread and is associated with Asians. This orientation affirms that people should, in every possible way, live in harmony with nature. eg

16、. 智者乐水,仁者乐山 (孔子) 天地与我并生,万物与我为一 (庄子) 静念园林好,人间良可辞 (陶渊明),2. Relationship with Nature,Cultures that maintain human beings are subject to nature hold that the most powerful forces of life are out of their control. Whether the force be a god, fate, or magic, a person cannot overcome it and must therefore

17、learn to accept it. This orientation is found in India and The Native American culture.,2. Relationship with Nature,The orientation to conquer and direct nature is characteristic of western approach, which has a long tradition of valuing technology and science over the nature. There is a belief that

18、 it is the intention of God to make the Earth human beings private domain. This orientation also include astronauts conquer of space, economists structuring the market,2. Relationship with Nature,3. Sense of Time,(6) What are the features of the past-oriented culture? (7) What are the features of th

19、e future-oriented culture?,Past-orientated cultures believe strongly in the significance of prior events. History, established religions, and traditions are extremely important. The past is the guide for making decisions and determining truth. (China, Japan, Great Britain ),3. Sense of Time,Chinese

20、culture: past-oriented,East people: circular pattern History is a mirror. (以史为鉴,鉴往知来) Confucius: worship the rites of the Zhou Dynasty the study of Confucian classics in China personal communication: respect elders; experience-oriented; stress of social norms,Present-oriented cultures hold that the

21、moment has the most significance. For these cultures, enjoyment comes in the present. People of the Philippines, Mexico, and Latin American unusually have these beliefs.,3. Sense of Time,Future-oriented cultures (United States) emphasize the future and expect it to be nicer than the present. What is

22、 coming next holds greatest attraction. This does not mean that Americans have no regard for the past or no thought for the present, but it is certainly true that most of them, in thought or actions, do not want to be left behind. Americans view of the future makes them optimistic. If at first you d

23、ont succeed, try, try, and try again.,3. Sense of Time,Brain Storm: U.S.A presents a quite “agreesive character” in many international affairs. How can you explain this from the perspective of their sense of time?,4. Activity,(8) What do you think of Chinas activity orientation? (9) What are the fea

24、tures of doing orientation?,4. Activity,Activity orientation is the way a culture views activity. Being Orientation Growing Orientation Doing Orientation,In being oriented cultures, people are satisfied with what they have, and family background is more important than what they accomplish. Their act

25、ions express who they are. People behave in the way appropriate to their positions. 本然取向:让一切依本性而行,不娇柔,不做作,本能与情感的运行,好似行云流水。这是一种无为的取向,毫无沾染物质之欲望。,4. Activity,Doing orientation describes activity in which accomplishments are measurable by standards external to the acting agent. This orientation places h

26、igh value on doing and action. 行动取向:“坐而言,不如起而行。”,4. Activity,Growing orientations often correlate with cultures that value a spiritual life more than a material one. This idea is that no one will be the same tomorrow as today. 成为取向:介于两者之间,行动或努力的目的是在提升自我,达到一种内心高度的成就与满足感,而不在乎物质上的回报。,4. Activity,Chines

27、e being orientation vs. American doing orientation,Chinese culture: spirit-oriented (being-oriented),Taoist ideas keep the harmonious relation with the nature; follow the nature; being submissive; lay emphasis on introspection 老子:“我无为,而民自化;我好静,而民自正;我无事,而民自富;我无欲,而民自朴”。 无为才能无不为。,君子喻于义,小人喻于利。(论语里仁篇第四 T

28、he Master said, “A gentleman takes as much trouble to discover what is right as lesser men take to discover what will pay.),Confucius,Mencius,生,我所欲也,义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。 Life is what I want; righteousness is also what I want. If I cannot have both, I would rather take righteousness than life.,菜根谭

29、洪应明(明) : 文章恰好,人品本然。文章做到极处,无有他奇,只是恰好;人品做到极处,无有他异,只是本然。,Chinese culture: spirit-oriented (being-oriented),American culture: material wealth orientation (doing-oriented),Just do it! Get things done! Dont just stand there, do something! Impossible is nothing. The word impossible is only in the dictionar

30、y. Well done is better than well said.,American culture: material wealth orientation (doing-oriented) Results: Material wealth has traditionally been a widely accepted measure of social status in the United States. Because Americans rejected the European system of hereditary aristocracy and titles o

31、f nobility, they had to find a substitute for judging social status.,5. Social Relationships:,2012/8/18,44,Dou Weilin: Introduction to ICC,Hierarchy,A hierarchy is an arrangement of objects, people, elements, values, grades, orders, classes, etc., in a ranked.,Social Hierarchy,46,Its not fixed!,offi

32、ce arrengment -Google VS. Baidu,office arrengment -Google VS. Baidu,Hierarchy in Education,Group,People make decisions by consensus. Each peoples social identity comes from their group memberships (dependence, safety, pride, competitiveness with other groups).,Amicus Plato, Amicus Aristotle, sed Mag

33、is Amicus VERITAS “与柏拉图为友,与亚里士多德为友,更要与真理为友。” He who teaches me for one day is my father for life “一日为师终身为父”,Individual,Each person is seen as autonomous and separate. Self is more important than group (valuing self-reliance and independence), e.g. the U. S.,Case study,During the American Civil War,

34、a very hungry young man fell down in front of a farm gate. The farmer gave him food but in return he asked the young man to move a pile of wood in his yard in fact it was not at all necessary to move the wood. When the young man left, the farmer moved the wood back to its original place. Seeing all

35、this, the farmers son was confused.,1. Why did the farmer do that? 2. What values are reflected in this story?,Save face and dignity of the young man,Individualistic value system,Review,Cultural Value Orientation II,Lead in:,The following pictures show some cultural differences between China and Ger

36、many. Look at the pictures and summarize the differences.,Social Relationship,Life Style,Anger,Expression,Self,Party,Kid,Boss,2. Model by G. Hofstede霍夫斯泰德,(Hofstedes Cultural Value System),Hofstedes (霍夫斯泰德)work was one of the earliest attempts to use extensive statistical data to examine cultural va

37、lues. During the 1980s, he surveyed over a hundred thousand workers in multinational organizations in 40 countries. The participants in the study were all managers for IBM. With a huge data base, he finally came up with four cultural dimensions on which cultures differ.,Hofstedes Four Cultural Value

38、 System,Individualism-collectivism (个人主义集体主义) Uncertainty avoidance(不确定性回避) power distance(权力距) masculinity-femininity(刚性柔性),Individualism refers to the doctrine, spelled out in detail by the seventeenth century English philosopher John Locke, that each individual is unique, special, completely diff

39、erent from all other individuals, and “the basic unit of nature.” (Samovar et al. 2000: 62),1. Individualism vs. Collectivism,A. Individualism 个人主义 or 个体主义? Individualism indicates the extent to which a society is a loosely knit social framework in which people are supposed to take care of themselve

40、s and their immediate families. There is more emphasis on “I” than on “we”. USA ranks first in individualism, followed by Australia, Great Britain, Canada, and Netherlands.,1. Individualism vs. Collectivism,I consciousness prevails: Competition rather than cooperation is encouraged; Personal goals t

41、ake precedence over group goals; People tend not to be emotionally dependent on organizations and institutions; Every individual has the right to his or her private property, thoughts, and opinions.,Individualism has nine reflections in American Culture: 1. Personal privacy 2. Self-Reliance 3. Self-

42、expression 4. Independent thinking 5. Personal freedom 6. Independent determination 7. Personal equality 8. Free competition 9. Personal lifestyle,Embodiment in American Culture,American culture: individualism-oriented Some proverbs to show individualism: Do not expect strangers to do for you what y

43、ou can do for yourself. God helps those who help themselves. Pull yourself up by your own boot straps. Do your own thing.,The earliest settlers coming to the American continent wanted to escape from controls of kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and aristocrats, i.e. political con

44、trol, religious control, social identity control. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling noble class, the church, or any other organized authority.,American Individualism,There is,

45、 however, a price to be paid for this individual freedom: self-reliance. “They owe nothing to any man, they expect nothing from any man; they acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone, and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands.” (Tocquevill

46、e) Most Americans believe that they must be self-reliant in order to keep their freedom.,American Individualism,Collectivism emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence. It indicates a tight social framework in which people distinguish between in-groups and out-groups ,

47、 expect their in-groups to look after them, and in exchange for that they believe they owe absolute loyalty to the group.,B. Collectivism,Collectivism emphasizes common interests, conformity, cooperation, and interdependence. It indicates a tight social framework in which people distinguish between

48、in-groups and out-groups and expect their in-groups to look after them.,In group and Out-group,In-group includes your immediate family, your extended family, your relatives, your acquaintances, your friends, your classmates, your colleagues etc. people you regard as part of your group, those who are

49、 close to you, who have a closer relation with you. Out-group refers to people who are basically strangers, who only have business relationships with you, who are not close to you.,Chinese culture: collectivism-oriented,(a) group-oriented In China, the interest of family, society and the nation is p

50、rimary whereas the individual interest is secondary. “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”。 One should experience sorrows before the other people feel sorrowful; one should gain happiness after the other people feel happy.,“独木不成林” One tree does not make a forest. “众人拾柴火焰高” The fire burns high when everybody adds wood t

51、o it.,I-less culture: follow the general practice (循规蹈矩); self-restrain (自我压抑); avoid to show ones ability (避免锋芒毕露); shoot the bird which takes the lead (枪打出头鸟),(b) other-oriented (他人取向): Chinese tend to consider others feelings and attitude, and regard it as a pleasure to help others. e.g. “安得广厦千万间

52、,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜,风雨不动安如山!呜呼!何时眼前突兀见此屋,吾庐独破受冻死亦足!” -茅屋为秋风所破歌 己欲立而力人,己欲达而达人,(c) results and impact on communication: Results: mutual reliance; focus on cooperation; highlight “guanxi” (relations); Impact upon communication: be polite; respect others and degrade self (卑己尊人),The Core Values of Chinese Culture

53、,(1)Society and Hierarchy in China (2)Role of Family and Family Life (3)Politeness (4)Face (5)Guanxi (Interpersonal Network) (6)Reciprocity (互惠) (7)Harmony,87,Dou Weilin: Introduction to ICC,Notice: All people and cultures have both individual and collective dispositions.,Ranking of Individualism,Co

54、mparison between models in Chinese and American culture: Lei Feng a large negative score means the country prefers a short-term orientation.,Limitations of Hofstedes model,Because the people Hofstede surveyed were middle managers in large multinational organizations, most of his findings are work re

55、lated. Many important countries and cultures were not included in his study. ( no Arab countries, South Africa representing Africa, no information about mainland China) He emphasizes national culture, so it is not possible to know the layers of culture within nations.,3. Edward T. Halls Model,Human

56、communication is dependent on the context in which it occurs. Communicative contexts include the physical, sociological, and psychological environments. High- and Low-context cultures,High-context Culture:,A high context (HC) communication is one in which most of the information is already in the pe

57、rson, while very little information is coded in the verbal language.,High-Context culture,Meaning is not necessarily contained in words. Meaning is provided by gestures, the use of space, even silence. Status (age, education, family background, sex, title) and an individuals informal friends and ass

58、ociates also convey meaning. High-context cultures change slowly. Examples of high-context cultures include Chinese, Japanese, Middle Easterners, etc.,Low-context Culture:,In low-context messages, the majority of the information is vested in the explicit code.,Low-context cultures,People are less ho

59、mogeneous and detailed explanation about background is needed. Verbal message contains most of the information. Examples of low-context cultures include English, North American, German, etc.,High-Context Cultures Japanese Chinese Korean African American Native American Arab Greek Latin Italian English French American Scandinavian German German-Swiss Low-Context Cultures,High- and Low-context cultures,Discussion: The way to express “I love you”,How high-context and low-context af


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