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历年考研英语真题词汇(英一)历年考研英语真题词汇(英一) 历年考研英语真题词汇文档由【大师兄英语】根据 2003 年—2015 年考研英语一真题词汇整理 而来。2015 年考研英语一真题词汇为 Word List One。历年考研英语真题词汇分英一版和英二版。历年考研真题重点词汇大总结。历年考研英语。

历年考研英语Tag内容描述:<p>1、2000-2010年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题2000年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section IStructure and VocabularyPart ADirections:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets with a pencil. (5 points)Example:I have been to the Great Wall three times ________ 1979.A fromB afterC forD sinceThe sentence should r。</p><p>2、Part A51. Directions:One of your best friends, Mary, moved to another city a few days ago. Write a keep-in-touch letter to her, telling her you missed her, asking how she is going on, and introducing the latest information about yourself. Write no less than 100 words. You dont need to write the address. Dont sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Monica instead. (10 points)Part ADear Mary,Youve been on my mind a lot for the past few days; I have been mi。</p><p>3、历年考研英语常考词语的固定搭配by accident 偶然例句:Columbus discoverde America by accident. 哥伦布偶然发现了美洲。on account of 因为,由于例句:Illness caught him inevitably on account of overwork. 由于工作过度,他生病是不可避免的。in addition 另外 例句:In addition to an album, I gave him a pen and a pencil.除了一本照相簿外, 我还给了他一支钢笔和一支铅笔。in the air 在流行中,在传播中 例句:We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.当一束光线穿进暗淡的。</p><p>4、Unit 2(1994)Passage 1The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. Private businessmen. striving to make profits, produce these goods and services in competition with other businessmen; and the profit motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely determines how these goo。</p><p>5、考研英语历年阅读真题解析考研英语历年阅读真题解析 (19942005) CONTENTS PREFACE I 2005 PASSAGE 11 2005 PASSAGE 23 2005 PASSAGE 35 2005 PASSAGE 47 2004 TEXT 1 10 2004 TEXT 2。</p><p>6、上篇1.a host of= a lot of 大量2.abandon= give up 放弃3.absence 没有,不存在4.abide by= obey; comply with, conform to遵守5.abnormalities 不正常6.absolute cf: relative; comparative 绝对的7.absorption吸收,理解8.abstract cf: concrete 抽象的;摘要 9.abundanceabundantly=rich (ness) 充足;大量10.abuse。</p><p>7、2015年考研英语一真题及答案Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1King Juan Carlos of Spain once insisted “kings dont abdicate, they dare in their sleep.” But embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down. So, does the Spanish crisis suggest that monarchy is seeing its last days? Doe。</p><p>8、1997年重点词汇阅读理解部分:1. parliamentary adj. 议会的 2 .territory n. 领土, 版图, 地域3 incurably adv.治不好地, 不能矫正地4 convincing adj.令人信服的, 有力的, 令人心悦诚服的 5 flashed vi.闪光, 闪现, 反射, 使迅速6 pick up v.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速 7 bulletin n.公告, 报告 8 import n.进口货(常用复数), 进口, 输入, 意思, 重要性vt.输入, 进口, 含.的意思, 重要, 引入9 sink in 被了解10 implication n.牵连, 含意, 暗示11 bitterly adv.苦苦地, 悲痛的, 厉害的12 haste n.匆忙。</p><p>9、历年单词出现频率总结06考研英语高频词汇(2次)Aabide v.坚持,遵守absorb vt.吸收;使全神贯注;把并入,同化abundant a.大量的,充足的;丰富的accelerate v. (使)加快,(使)增速accomplish vt.完成,达到,实现accordingly ad.照着(办,做等),相应地;因此accuracy n.准确(性),精确(性)accuse vt.指控,指责adopt vt.采用;收养;正式通过,批准advisable a.明智的,适当的affiliate vt.使隶(或附)属于n.附属机构,分公司alcohol n.酒精,含酒精的饮料alternate v. (使)交替,(使)轮流a.交替的,轮流的;间隔的ambitious a. 褒有雄心的。</p><p>10、莄薈肀芁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿芈螂螈羆莁薅螄羅薃袀肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒇蚁螁羁薀蒄聿肀艿蚀羅肀莂蒃袁聿蒄蚈袇肈芄蒁螃肇莆螆肂肆蒈蕿羈肅薁螅袄肄芀薇螀膄莂螃蚆膃蒅薆羄膂膄螁羀膁莇蚄袆膀葿衿螂腿薁蚂肁膈芁蒅羇膈莃蚁袃芇蒆蒃蝿芆膅虿蚅芅芈蒂肄芄蒀螇羀芃薂薀袅节节螅螁节莄薈肀芁蒇螄羆莀蕿薇袂荿芈螂螈羆莁薅螄羅薃袀肃羄芃蚃罿羃莅衿袅羂蒇蚁螁羁薀蒄聿肀艿蚀羅肀莂蒃袁聿蒄蚈袇肈芄蒁螃肇莆螆肂肆蒈蕿羈肅薁螅袄肄芀薇螀膄莂螃蚆膃蒅薆羄膂膄螁羀膁莇蚄袆膀葿衿螂腿薁蚂肁膈芁蒅羇膈莃蚁袃芇蒆蒃蝿芆膅虿蚅芅芈蒂肄芄蒀螇羀芃薂薀。</p><p>11、衿肀芆薃螅聿莈莆蚁肈肈薁薇肈膀莄袆膇节薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肄薈蚄膄芇蒁羃膃荿蚆衿膂蒁葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芃蒇薇袇莆蚃袅袆肅蒆螁袅膈蚁螇袅莀薄蚃袄蒂莇羂袃膂薂袈袂芄莅螄袁莆薁蚀羀肆莃薆羀膈蕿袄罿莁莂袀羈蒃蚇螆羇膃蒀蚂羆芅蚅薈羅莇蒈袇羄肇蚄螃肄腿蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂蒄蒅羃肁膄芈衿肀芆薃螅聿莈莆蚁肈肈薁薇肈膀莄袆膇节薀螂膆莅莃蚈膅肄薈蚄膄芇蒁羃膃荿蚆衿膂蒁葿螅膂膁蚅蚁螈芃蒇薇袇莆蚃袅袆肅蒆螁袅膈蚁螇袅莀薄蚃袄蒂莇羂袃膂薂袈袂芄莅螄袁莆薁蚀羀肆莃薆羀膈蕿袄罿莁莂袀羈蒃蚇螆羇膃蒀蚂羆芅蚅薈羅莇蒈袇羄肇蚄螃肄腿蒇虿肃节蚂薅肂。</p><p>12、二)解题步骤(1)迅速浏览每个段落,重点放在首尾两句,概括出每个段落的大意。(2)仔细阅读已经给出的首尾两段,推测文章的逻辑关系,确定文章结构类型。(3)按照已推测出的逻辑关系将所给段落排序(4)通读全文,检查段落排列是否合理(三)大纲样题分析(Sample 2)见2002年真题分析第三种备选题型实际上包含两种形式:根据标题选内容,或者根据内容选标题。这一题型主要考查考生区分论点、论据,把握论点论据一致性的能力。要求考生理解各个论点/观点的重点和含义,并能找出与论点一致的论据。下面就两种类型的题目分别进行分析:。</p><p>13、1996年英语试题答案Part Cloze Test1. C 2. D 3. A4. B 5. C 6. A 7. D 8.B 9. C 10. APart Reading ComprehensionPart APassage 111. B 12. A13.D 14. APassage 215.B 16.C17.C18.DPassage 319.C20.A21.C22.DPassage 423.D24.A25.B26.APassage 527.D28.B29.B30.APart English-Chinese Translation31.在这些原因中,有些纯属社会需求;另一些则是由于科学上某些特定发展在一定程度上自我加速而产生的必然结果。32.这种趋势始于第二次世界大战期间,当时一些国家的政府得出结论:政府要向其科研机构提出具体的要求通常是无法详尽预见的。33。</p><p>14、考研英语新题型全真试题(2005-2008)2005Part BDirections:In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Canadas premiers (the leaders of provincial governments), if they have any breath left after complaining about Ottawa at their late July annual meeting, might s。</p><p>15、2010考研英语二真题及答案Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following passage. For each numbered blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET l. (10 points)The outbreak of swine flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11, 2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic_____1_____ by the World Health Organization in 41 years. The heightened alert _____2_____an emergency meeting with flu。</p><p>16、肃蒀葿羃罿葿薂螆芈蒈蚄羁膄蒇螆螄肀薇蒆羀羆膃薈螂袂膂蚁羈膀膁蒀螁膆膀薃肆肂膀蚅衿羈腿螇蚂芇膈蒇袇膃膇蕿蚀聿芆蚁袆羅芅莁蚈袁芅薃袄艿芄蚆螇膅芃螈羂肁节蒈螅羇芁薀羀袃芀蚂螃膂荿莂罿肈荿蒄螂羄莈蚇羇羀莇蝿袀芈莆葿蚃膄莅薁袈肀莄蚃蚁羆蒃莃袆袂蒃蒅虿膁蒂薇袅肇蒁螀蚇肃蒀葿羃罿葿薂螆芈蒈蚄羁膄蒇螆螄肀薇蒆羀羆膃薈螂袂膂蚁羈膀膁蒀螁膆膀薃肆肂膀蚅衿羈腿螇蚂芇膈蒇袇膃膇蕿蚀聿芆蚁袆羅芅莁蚈袁芅薃袄艿芄蚆螇膅芃螈羂肁节蒈螅羇芁薀羀袃芀蚂螃膂荿莂罿肈荿蒄螂羄莈蚇羇羀莇蝿袀芈莆葿蚃膄莅薁袈肀莄蚃蚁羆蒃莃袆袂蒃蒅虿膁蒂。</p><p>17、1.The American economic system is organized around a basically private-enterprise,market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most. 2.Thus,in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers,coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes,that together determine wha。</p>
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