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新概念英语第四册单词汇总打印版Tag内容描述:<p>1、新概念英语第四册单词汇总(790个) fossil man a.化石人 recount v.叙述 saga n.英雄故事 legend n.传说,传奇 migration n.迁移,移居 anthropologist n.人类学家 archaeologist n.考古学家 ancestor n.祖先 Polynesian a.波利尼西亚(中太平洋之一群岛)的 Indonesia n.印度尼西亚 f。</p><p>2、精品教育Lesson 1fossil man a.化石人recount rikaunt v.叙述saga sa:g n.英雄故事legend lednd n.传说,传奇migration maigrein n.迁移,移居anthropologist nrpldist n.人类学家archaeol。</p><p>3、Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人 We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the word where even now peop。</p><p>4、新概念英语第四册 Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人 We can read of things that happened 5 000 years ago in the Near East where people first learned to write But there are some parts of the word wh。</p><p>5、新概念第四册fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil f3sla.化石的fossil。</p><p>6、可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有!精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式Lesson 1 Finding fossil man 发现化石人 We can read of things that happened 5,000 years ago in the Near East, where people first learned to write. But there are some parts of the word where even now people cannot write. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas - legends handed down from one gen。</p><p>7、1 新新概概念念第第一一册册单单词词表表 LessonLesson 1 1 1 excuse ik skju z v 原谅 2 me mi mi pron 我 宾格 3 yes jes ad 是的 4 is iz s z z v be 动词现在时第三人称单 数 5 this is pron 这 6 your j j j r j r 你的 你们的 7 handbag h ndb g n 女用 手提。</p><p>8、新概念英语3-单词(打印版) Lesson 1 puma pju:m n.美洲狮 spot spt v.看出,发现 evidence evidns n.证据 accumulate kju:mjuleit v.积累,积聚 oblige blaid v.使感到必须 hunt hnt n.追猎;寻找;v.打猎 blackberry blkbri n.黑莓 human hju:mn 人类 corner k。</p><p>9、Lesson 1 1 excuse ikskju:z v.原谅 2 me mi:, mi pron.我(宾格) 3 yes jes ad.是的 4 is iz, s, z, z v.be动词现在时第三人称单数 5 this is pron.这 6 your j:, j:, jr, j:r 你的,你们的 7。</p><p>10、新概念第一册单词表 Lesson 1 1 excuse ikskju z v 原谅 2 me mi mi pron 我 宾格 3 yes jes ad 是的 4 is iz s z z v be动词现在时第三人称单数 5 this is pron 这 6 your j j j r j r 你的 你们的 7 handbag hndbg。</p><p>11、Lesson 1 1 private praivit a 私人的 2 conversation k nv sei n n 谈话 3 theatre i t n 剧场 戏院 4 seat si t n 座位 5 play plei n 戏 6 loudly laudli ad 大声地 7 angry gri a 生气的 8 angrily grili ad 生气地 9 attention ten n。</p>
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