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Error! No text of specified style in document.1华为手机饥饿营销策略研究摘 要中国手机市场日趋饱和,手机行业呈现激烈的竞争格局。华为、小米、OPPO、vivo 等国产手机品牌近几年强势崛起,苹果、三星等国外手机品牌仍然在中国手机市场占据一席之地。激烈的市场竞争下,手机厂商不仅在产品上追求卓越,也在营销方式上突破创新,饥饿营销应运而生,小米手机是国产手机中实施饥饿营销策略的典型代表,并一度占据大量市场份额。华为作为中国最具影响力和最具创新精神的厂商,具有实施饥饿营销的优势,近两年来也注重开发这种新的营销方式。但是,自 2016 年以来饥饿营销策略在部分手机厂商中失效,使该策略的应用引发广泛思考,本文通过梳理有关饥饿营销的研究成果,尤其是有关手机饥饿营销的应用研究,以华为手机为案例,进行全面专业的分析,拓展了理论上对饥饿营销的认识,有利于改进该策略在实践中的应用。本文内容共分为七部分。第一章是绪论,对本文的研究背景、研究思路与方法、研究创新等进行概述。第二章为相关研究概念和文献综述,梳理了前人对饥饿营销的概念内涵和相关研究的学术成果。第三章阐述了华为手机实施饥饿营销策略的现状,包括实施背景、实施手段、表现形式三方面内容。第四章分析华为手机实施饥饿营销的效华为手机饥饿营销策略研究2果,围绕销售业绩、品牌价值、市场开发三个效果分析指标展开论证。第五章运用 SWOT 框架对华为手机饥饿营销策略的优势、劣势、机遇、威胁进行了全面分析。第六章在前文认知的基础上,提出华为手机饥饿营销策略的优化路径,创造性地提出六点改进方案。最后,总结全文。本论文的创新点在于以下三点:第一,前人研究饥饿营销策略更多关注不易形成重复购买的产品,对手机行业和手机产品的饥饿营销策略研究不足,本文拓展了饥饿营销应用研究的范围,丰富了案例库;第二,目前针对华为手机饥饿营销策略的研究几乎是一片空白,本文系统地研究华为手机的饥饿营销问题,为以后的相关研究构建一个全面、科学、有效的案例分析样本;第三,本文创造性地提出饥饿营销的优化问题,对华为手机的营销策略影响深远,对同行业其他公司,甚至其他行业公司的饥饿营销策略应用都具有借鉴意义和参考价值。关键词:华为手机;饥饿营销;SWOT;技术研发Error! No text of specified style in document.3RESEARCH FOR THE HUNGER MARKETING STRATEGY OF HUAWEI MOBILE PHONEABSTRATThe mobile phone market is getting saturated in china, so the mobile phone industry is showing a fierce competitive landscape. In recent years, Huawei, millet, OPPO, vivo and other domestic mobile phone brands strong rise, while Apple, Samsung and other foreign mobile phone brands still occupy a certain market share in the Chinese mobile phone market. In the fierce market competition, mobile phone manufacturers not only have higher requirements on the product, but also a higher demand in the marketing. In this case, hunger marketing came into being. As a typical representative of the domestic mobile phone hungry marketing strategy, millet phone once occupied a large market share. As Chinas most influential and most innovative manufacturers, Huawei has the advantage of the implementation of hunger marketing, and in the past two years, Huawei has also focused on the development of this new marketing approach. However, since 2016, hunger marketing strategy fails in some mobile phone manufacturers. These phenomena make people think widely about the application of the strategy. This paper reviews the research results of hunger marketing, especially on the application of mobile phone hunger marketing. And it takes the Huawei mobile phone as the case, carries on the comprehensive professional analysis, and expands the theory to the hunger marketing understanding. Therefore, this study is helpful to improve the application of the strategy in practice.This paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter summarizes the research background, research ideas and methods, research and innovation. The second chapter sorts out the previous concept of hunger marketing and related research results. The third chapter describes the status quo of Huawei mobile phone marketing strategy. It mainly 华为手机饥饿营销策略研究4includes three aspects: the background of implementation, the means of implementation and the form of expression. The fourth chapter analyzes the effect of hunger marketing in Huawei mobile phone. Here is mainly carried out through the sales performance, brand value, market development of three indicators of analysis. The fifth chapter uses the SWOT framework to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the hunger marketing strategy of Huawei mobile phone. On the basis of the above understanding, the sixth chapter puts forward the optimization path of Huawei mobile phone hunger marketing strategy, and creatively puts forward six suggestions for improvement. Finally, it summarizes the research results of this paper.This innovation is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: first, the previous research on hunger marketing strategy will mainly focus on the more difficult to form repeat purchase products, so the research on marketing strategy of mobile phone and mobile phone industry hunger problems of products. This paper extends the scope of the application of hunger marketing research, enrich the case base; second, the current research on Huawei mobile phone hunger marketing strategy is almost a blank. This paper is a systematic study of hunger marketing of Huawei mobile phone, and it can be constructed after the analysis of the relevant research samples for a comprehensive, scientific and effective case; third, optimize the problem of hunger marketing this paper creatively, and it is the Huawei mobile phone marketing strategy has far-reaching influence. It also has reference value and reference value for other companies in the same industry, and even other companies hunger marketing strategy.KEY WORDS:Huawei mobile phone; hungry marketing; SWOT; research and developmentError! No text of specified style in document.1目 录第一章 绪论 .1一、研究背景 .1二、研究目的与意义 .2(一)研究目的 .2(二)研究意义 .2三、研究思路与方法 .3(一)研究思路 .3(二)研究方法 .3四、研究创新点 .4第二章 相关研究概念和文献综述 .6一、饥饿营销的概念界定 .6二、饥饿营销策略应用研究 .7三、手机饥饿营销策略应用研究 .10第三章 华为手机饥饿营销策略实施现状 .12一、华为手机饥饿营销策略的实施背景 .12(一)华为公司简介 .12(二)华为手机发展历程 .12(三)华为手机实施饥饿营销的基础 .15二、华为手机饥饿营销策略的实施手段 .16(一)多媒体宣传造势 .16华为手机饥饿营销策略研究2(二)突出技术优势 .18(三)高中低三条战线全面“饥饿” .18三、华为手机饥饿营销策略的表现形式 .19(一)网上预约抢购 .19(二)加价销售 .20第四章 华为手机饥饿营销策略效果分析 .22一、效果分析指标选取 .22二、销售业绩 .22三、品牌价值 .23四、市场开发 .25五、总体效果评价 .28第五章 华为手机饥饿营销策略的 SWOT 分析 .29一、华为手机饥饿营销策略的优势 .29(一)控制库存、试探市场 .29(二)延长产品生命周期 .29(三)调控价格,提高利润 .30二、华为手机饥饿营销策略的劣势 .30(一)供货不足还是故意“饥饿” .30(二) “饥饿 ”适用范围有限 .31(三)执行问题 .31三、华为手机饥饿营销策略的机遇 .32(一)来自技术层面的机遇 .32Error! No text of specified style in document.3(二)来自政策层面的机遇 .33(三)来自消费者层面的机遇 .33四、华为手机饥饿营销策略的威胁 .34(一)手机同质化的威胁 .34(二) “黄牛 ”和山寨的威胁 .35(三)消费者的威胁 .36五、SWOT 总结 .36第六章 华为手机饥饿营销策略的优化路径 .38一、减少消费者时间成本 .38二、减少消费者经济成本 .39三、“饥饿”产品既要全面也要重点 .39四、配合多种营销策略共同实现目标 .39五、加强饥饿营销的风险管理 .40六、继续加强技术研发 .41第七章 总结与展望 .42一、研究总结 .42二、研究不足与未来研究方向 .42参考文献 .44Error


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