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command 的第三人称单数command 的第三人称单数:commandscommand 的用法:command 的第三人称单数 1:command 的基本意思是“具有指挥权的人或神等下令命令某人做某事”,作“指挥,统率”解时,可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。作及物动词接人为宾语时,是下级和三军的下级军官以及全体士兵; 接物为宾语时,可以是船舶、舰艇,制空权、制海权等。此外,宾语还可以是人的自身控制、脾气与激情,金钱、服务的自由使用与支配等。command 的第三人称单数 2:command 用作动词是正式用语,表示“命令,要求”时,一般不用作进行时; 其后可接名词或代词作宾语,接带动词不定式的复合结构和 that 从句时,从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟式,即“(should+)动词原形” 。command 第三人称单数例句:1. yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the red sea.也门完全控制着红海南端的海峡。2. you have to type in commands, such as “help“ and “print“你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”.3. lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause.立陶宛的事业仍然拥有相当的国际支持。4. they built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人.5. we could hear he was bellowing commands to his troops.我们听见他正向他的兵士大声发布命令.6. the captain of a ship commands all the officers and men.舰长统率舰上的全体官兵.7. the trouble - ridden middle east commands the attention of the world.中东是举世瞩目的多事地区.8. a man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others.为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩.9. food commands a higher price when it is scarce.食物(供应)不足时,售价较高.10. the officer issued peremptory commands.军官发出了不容许辩驳的命令.11. the hill commands a fine view.从这座山上可以俯瞰到周围的一片美景.12. the ancient castle commands the town.这座古堡俯瞰全城.13. the children tuned out their mothers commands.孩子们不听妈妈的吩咐.14. the hill commands a fine distant view.从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景.15. far and wide his eye commands.他的眼睛能眺望得又远又广.command 的第三人称单数:commandscommand 的用法:command 的第三人称单数 1:command 的基本意思是“具有指挥权的人或神等下令命令某人做某事”,作“指挥,统率”解时,可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。作及物动词接人为宾语时,是下级和三军的下级军官以及全体士兵; 接物为宾语时,可以是船舶、舰艇,制空权、制海权等。此外,宾语还可以是人的自身控制、脾气与激情,金钱、服务的自由使用与支配等。command 的第三人称单数 2:command 用作动词是正式用语,表示“命令,要求”时,一般不用作进行时; 其后可接名词或代词作宾语,接带动词不定式的复合结构和 that 从句时,从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟式,即“(should+)动词原形” 。command 第三人称单数例句:1. yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the red sea.也门完全控制着红海南端的海峡。2. you have to type in commands, such as “help“ and “print“你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”.3. lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause.立陶宛的事业仍然拥有相当的国际支持。4. they built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人.5. we could hear he was bellowing commands to his troops.我们听见他正向他的兵士大声发布命令.6. the captain of a ship commands all the officers and men.舰长统率舰上的全体官兵.7. the trouble - ridden middle east commands the attention of the world.中东是举世瞩目的多事地区.8. a man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others.为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩.9. food commands a higher price when it is scarce.食物(供应)不足时,售价较高.10. the officer issued peremptory commands.军官发出了不容许辩驳的命令.11. the hill commands a fine view.从这座山上可以俯瞰到周围的一片美景.12. the ancient castle commands the town.这座古堡俯瞰全城.13. the children tuned out their mothers commands.孩子们不听妈妈的吩咐.14. the hill commands a fine distant view.从这座山上可以眺望美丽的远景.15. far and wide his eye commands.他的眼睛能眺望得又远又广.command 的第三人称单数:commandscommand 的用法:command 的第三人称单数 1:command 的基本意思是“具有指挥权的人或神等下令命令某人做某事”,作“指挥,统率”解时,可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。作及物动词接人为宾语时,是下级和三军的下级军官以及全体士兵; 接物为宾语时,可以是船舶、舰艇,制空权、制海权等。此外,宾语还可以是人的自身控制、脾气与激情,金钱、服务的自由使用与支配等。command 的第三人称单数 2:command 用作动词是正式用语,表示“命令,要求”时,一般不用作进行时; 其后可接名词或代词作宾语,接带动词不定式的复合结构和 that 从句时,从句中的谓语动词应用虚拟式,即“(should+)动词原形” 。command 第三人称单数例句:1. yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the red sea.也门完全控制着红海南端的海峡。2. you have to type in commands, such as “help“ and “print“你必须输入命令,例如“帮助”或“打印”.3. lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause.立陶宛的事业仍然拥有相当的国际支持。4. they built a robot capable of understanding spoken commands.他们制造了一个能懂口头指令的机器人.5. we could hear he was bellowing commands to his troops.我们听见他正向他的兵士大声发布命令.6. the captain of a ship commands all the officers and men.舰长统率舰上的全体官兵.7. the trouble - ridden middle east commands the attention of the world.中东是举世瞩目的多事地区.8. a man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others.为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩.9. food commands a higher price when it is scarce.食物(供应)不足时,售价较高.10. the officer issued peremptory commands.军官发出了不容许辩驳的命令.11. the hill commands a fine view.从这座山上可以俯瞰到周围的一片美景.12. th


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