2014年全国职称英语考试 通关必备利器 综合类A级教材 牛津英语同义词字典版 保30分.doc_第1页
2014年全国职称英语考试 通关必备利器 综合类A级教材 牛津英语同义词字典版 保30分.doc_第2页
2014年全国职称英语考试 通关必备利器 综合类A级教材 牛津英语同义词字典版 保30分.doc_第3页
2014年全国职称英语考试 通关必备利器 综合类A级教材 牛津英语同义词字典版 保30分.doc_第4页
2014年全国职称英语考试 通关必备利器 综合类A级教材 牛津英语同义词字典版 保30分.doc_第5页
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microscopicmess351school lunchresearch has shown that over half the children in britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in the middle of the day. in britain schools have to provide meals at lunchtime. children can choose to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen.one shocking finding of this research is that school meals are much healthier than lunches prepared by parents. there are strict standards for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one portion of fruit and one of vegetables, as well as meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bars. children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunch time.the research will provide a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in britain has increased in the last decade. unfortunately, the government cannot criticise parents, but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk, fruit and vegetables. small changes in their childrens diet can_affect their future health. children can easily develop bad eating_habits at this age, and parents are the only ones who can prevent it.a powerful influencethere can be no doubt at all that the internet has made a huge difference1 to our lives. parents are worried that children spend too much time playing on the internet, hardly ever doing anything else in their spare time. naturally, parents are curious to find out why the internet is so attractive, and they want to know if it can be harmful for their children. should parents worry if their children are spending that much time staring at their computers?obviously,if children are bent over their computers for hours, absorbed in some game, instead of doing their homework, then something is wrong. parents and children could decide how much use the child should_make of the internet, and the child should give his or her word that it wont interfere with homework. if the child is not holding to this arrangement, the parent can take more drastic steps dealing with a childs use of the internet is not much different from negotiating any other sort of bargain about behaviour.any parent who is_seriously alarmed about a childs behaviour should make an appointment to discuss the matter with a teacher. spending time in front of the screen does not necessarily affect a childs performance at school. even if a child is absolutely crazy about using the internet, he or she is probably just going through a phase, and in a few months there will be something else to worry about!the old gatein the middle ages the vast majority of european cities had walls around them. this was partly for defensive reasons but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded as undesirable, like people with contagious diseases. the old city of london gates were all demolished by the end of the 18th century. the last of londons gates was removed a century ago, but by a stroke of luck, it was never destroyed.this gate is, in actual fact, not called a gate at all; its name is temple bar, and it marked the boundary between the old city of london and westminster. in 1878 the council of london took the bar down, numbered the stones and put the gate in storage because its design was unfashionable it was expensive to maintain and it was blocking the traffic.the temple bar trust was set up in the 1970s with the intention of returning the gate home. the aim of the trust is the preservation of the nations architectural heritage. transporting the gate will mean physically pulling it down, stone by stone, removing and rebuilding it near st pauls cathedral. most of the facade of the gate will probably be replaced, though there is a good chance that the basic structure will be sound. the hardest job of all, however, will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood on top of the gate.family historyin an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being attracted to the idea of looking back into the past. one way they can do this is by investigating their own family history. they can try to find out more about where their families came from and what they did. this is now a fast-growing hobby, especially in countries with a fairly short history, like australia and the united states.it is one thing to spend some time going through a book on family history and to take the decision to investigate your own familys past. it is quite another to carry out the research work successfully. it is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and_cause yourself many problems which could have been avoided with a little forward planning.if your own family stories tell you that you are connected with a famous character, whether hero or criminal, do not let this idea take over your research. just treat it as an interesting possibility. a simple system for collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with; a more complex one may only get in your way. the most important thing, though, is to get started. who knows what you might find?helen and martinwith a thoughtful sigh, helen turned away from the window and walked back to her favourite armchair. would her brother never arrive? for a brief moment, she wondered if she really cared that much.over the years helen had given up waiting for martin to take an interest in her. her feelings for him had gradually weakened until now, as she sat waiting for him, she experienced no more than a sisters curiosity to see what had become of her brother.almost without warning, martin had lost his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in new york as a key figure in the us office. somehow the two of them hadnt bothered to keep in touch and, left alone, helen had slowly found her confidence in her own judgement growing. ignoring the wishes of her parents, she had left university halfway through her course and now, to the astonishment of the whole family, she was gaining a fast-growing reputation in the pages of respected art magazines and was actually earning enough to live on from her paintings.of course, she took no pleasure in martins sudden misfortune, but she couldnt help looking forward to her brothers arrival with quiet satisfaction at what she had achieved.to have and have not逃亡it had been boring hanging about 在宾馆里闲待一个下午是很无聊的。巡回乐团道具管理组的成员在用美元玩儿游戏,把纸币折成纸飞机的形状然后看谁飞得最远。因为没有什么事情可以做,我加入了他们并且赢了五局,之后我找了个机会带着我赢的钱退出了游戏。尽管天色看起来不是很好,我还是决定出去走一走。我向前走到了街道另一边的一个小店里。与其他的小店不同,它没有吸引眼球的名字和主要经营的项目,取而代之的是普通的霓虹灯,里面则是吸引人的强光。奇怪的是并没有什么影子映射在窗户上。我并没有因为这个而停住脚步,我走了进去。我屏住呼吸,不知道看哪里也不知道从哪里开始看。一面墙上挂着三个手工缝制的美国壁毯,十分美丽,可能是新做的。我穿过易拉罐和散落的小玩意儿还有古董家具,在我面前的一面墙上挂着一个崭新的1957年的straocaster吉他。一张五十美元的卡插在琴弦上。我的手抚摸着放唱片的架子,读着标题。这里还有很多的“我可以帮助你吗?”她吓了我一跳。我没有看见在柜台后面的女人。她看我的方式如此居高临下,这一时让我很紧张像是被一种磁场或是电场紧紧包裹住。很难避开那个眼神。但是尽管很不舒服,我还是觉得那种被直视的感觉很美妙,那种感觉对我来说不陌生,对她来说也不陌生。除了愉悦以外她的神情还流露出慈爱和怜悯。我猜不出她的年龄。尽管她的眼神充满了友善她使我想起了我的祖母。我能感觉到她是一个不喜欢与人争吵的人。最后我开口说话,“我真的只是看看”,私下里却在好奇有多少东西能够塞进汽车。她转身离开到后面的屋子,示意我应该跟随其后,但这并非是第一个房间,房间的灯光也让我感觉很特别,灯光来自天花板上的油灯,使一切都笼罩在巨大的阴影之下。这里没有罕见的电吉他,没有古老的项链,没有鲜花装饰的手绘盒子。很明显它是陈旧的用来存放垃圾和那些平淡无奇的旧文献的。我发现了一些旧书,那些金字已经退去使题目很难辨认。 “它们看起来很有趣。”我迟疑地说。“要想了解上面所写你必须有相似的经历。”她清楚地说。她察觉到我的脸上充满了疑惑可是却没有再说什么。她伸出手拿了一本小书然后递给了我。“这是目前我能够给你的最好的书”,她笑着说道,“如果你要用它”。我打开书发现全部是一片空白,但依然给了她向我要的几美元,当我察觉到美元依然是纸飞机的形状时不免有些尴尬。我把书放到包里,谢过她并离开了。in my pocket, thanked her and left1.why did the writer want to leave the hotel?-to have a change of scene.2.what attracted the writer to the shop?-the light coming from inside.3.the writer found the stock in the front of the shop -of top quality4.what was unusual about the way the woman looked at him?-she seemed to know him well.5.the writer disliked the back room because -he saw nothing he really likedgoing her own way选择她自己的路when she was twelve, maria made 当她12岁的时候,玛利亚做出了她人生道路的第一个重要决定。她决定继续读书。对于大多数来自中产阶级家庭的女孩子来说,小学毕业就都选择待在家里,尽管有一些参加了教会办的女子精修学校。在那她们学习一些音乐、艺术、针线活,以及如何礼貌交谈。这些并不是玛利亚所感兴趣的或者可以说也不是她妈妈感兴趣的。此时,她对待学习更加认真。她不停地读书,她走到哪里就把书带到哪里。有一次她甚至把数学书带到了剧院里,设法在黑暗中学习。马利亚知道她想要继续正规学习。她想要到公立高中去学习,很少有女孩子这样做。在当时的意大利,有两种形式的高中,一种是“传统”学校,另一种是“技术类”学校。在传统学校中,学生们都依照一种非常传统的教学方式学习,包含拉丁语、希腊语及文学课,还有意大利的文学与历史。极少数能继续学习的女孩们也大多选择这类学校。但是玛利亚打算去技术类学校。技术类学校比传统学校要现代得多,他们提供的课程有现代语言 数学、自然科学,以及会计学。包括玛利亚父亲在内的大部分人都认为,女孩子是不可能弄明白这些科目的。另外,他们也认为女孩子不适合学习这些。玛利亚并不在乎适合与否。数学和自然科学是她最感兴趣的学科。但是在她报名之前她必须争得她父亲的同意。最后在她母亲的帮助下她成功了,尽管过去很多年她的家庭关系依然很紧张。她的父亲一直地反对她的计划,而她的母亲却帮助她。1883年,玛利亚13岁的时候考取了罗马的“regia scuola tecnica michelangelo buonarroti”学校。她在这个学校的经历对我们来说难以想象。尽管课程包括现代学科,而教学方式却是十分传统的。学习包括记忆长长的词条和事件,然后向老师复述。学生们不会以任何的方式被提问或是自己思考。老师非常苛刻,课堂纪律十分严格,未达标准或者不守纪律的学生会被给予严厉的惩罚。failed to achieve or were disobedient1.maria wanted to attend -technical high school2.in those days, most italian girls -did not go to high school3.you can infer from this passage that -only boys usually attended technical schools4.marias father probably -had very traditional views about women5.high school teachers in italy in those days were -quite strictlife as a movie extra 群众演员的人生ordinary people have always been attracted 人们常常被电影和电影演员吸引,接近他们的方式之一就是当群众演员。虽然你见过群众演员,但可能从没注意过他们=群众演员就是主角在餐厅对话时在后面坐着的人,是主角举行婚礼时在现场的客人,是“坏人”被警察追捕的时候过马路的行人。虽然群众演员通常没有台词,但他们的存在使整个场景更真实。当群众演员看上去很有意思,你可以看到电影背后的情景。但是不要忘记群众演员是一个职业,而这个职业常常意味着无事可做。第一次当群众演员的人常常会感到震惊:原来拍电影这么缓慢。电影成品中的场景会播放的很快,但在拍摄的时候,屏幕上几分钟的镜头可能需要拍一整天。对群众演员来说主要的要求就是要有耐心等待。可能告知你早晨五六点钟一工作,但你要一直等导演准备好你要出演的一幕,可能一等就是几个小时。说不定还会出现技术问题,那就要等更长的时间,导演说“开始”之后,你开始演你的第一场戏,要是导演不满意,你就要重演一遍。实际上,一追又一遍地重复是常有的事。在拍摄现场,你可能一演就是几个小时。有时还要一直待在很热或很冷的环境中。工作可能会持续到晚上十一二点。报酬也不是那么理想很可能刚超过最低工资线,你还要从中拿出约10%给向你提供工作的中介。究竟哪些人会想当群众演员呢?虽然工作时间长而报酬又低,但还是有很多人乐意申请这份工作。有些人是真心喜欢这份工作,他们喜欢出现在电影中,也乐意同其他群众演员交流。这些人中大部分都是时间比较灵活的人,这样他们就能腾出时间来演戏。他们有可能是学生、服务生、家庭主妇、退休人员或者是失业的演员。一部分找不到工作的演员希望群众演员的工作能够帮助他们找到一份正式的演出工作。但是希望很渺茫。电影业里的人大都对群众演员和正式演员有严格的区分,通常不会考虑让群众演员出演大角色。下次看电影的时候,别总是盯着影星,也看一下做背景的人,问问你自己:他们是谁?为什么在这里?在生活中他们做些什么呢?也许在人群中,就有人过着跟你相似的生活。someone in the crowd who is just like you1.what is true about movie extras?-they often have to wait around onmovie sets and do nothing.2.what might surprise movie extras the first time they do the job?-it can take hours to do a scenethat is only a few minutes long in the movie.3.why do most people work as movie extras?-they want to be on a movie set.4.what are the job requirements for being a movie extra?-you must be willing to repeat ascene many times.5.it can be inferred from the passage that -being a movie extra can be boringpop music in africa非洲的流行音乐young musicians in african countries 非洲国家的年轻音乐家们创造了一种流行音乐的新形式。音调与旋律不仅有传统的非洲因素也有当下十分流行的各种形式,比如嘻哈、说唱打击乐、摇滚、爵士或者是瑞格舞。这样就使这种音乐让世界各地的听者都觉得很熟悉,而它又是典型的非洲音乐。这种音乐在另一方面也有所不同:很多音乐有着严肃的主题,与当今非洲重要的社会问题和政治问题相关。eric wainaina是这些非洲音乐家的其中之一。他成长于肯尼亚内罗毕的一个音乐世家。少年时期他就听美国的流行音乐,之后就读于波士顿berklee college学习音乐。现在他在肯尼亚发了一张cd。他最红的歌曲是“land of a little something”,这首歌是有关肯尼亚行贿受贿问题的。他希望人们听他的歌曲然后思考如何让肯尼亚变成更好的居住地。另一个写有关严肃主题音乐的音乐家是来自坦桑尼亚的witness mwaijaga。她的个人经历让她能够切身体会非洲妇女所受的苦难。她1 5岁的时候失去了家,但是比起和她一样无家可归的年轻人来说她很幸运。她可以靠写歌和在街头卖唱维持生计。在她1 8岁的时候,她成为一个明星。她用嘻哈和说唱的风格写歌,歌曲的内容是坦桑尼亚的各种问题,特别是艾滋病和女性权利的缺失。来自塞内加尔的baaba maal也认为流行音乐不仅仅是为了娱乐。他在塞内加尔说过,故事的讲述者往往是重要的人物。在过去,他们是人民历史的书写者。他认为写歌者也拥有同样的责任。他们必须写他们周围的世界,帮助人民明白如何使它变得更好。事实上,歌词的内容十分重要。他倡导在非洲要和平与协作,同时也包括妇女权利、热爱家庭和保护环境。南美最流行的音乐家之一是brenda fassie.她可以与美国流行巨星麦当娜媲美,因为她的舞台表现力震撼人心。但是她也喜欢让人深思。20世纪80年代她因为一首有关反对种族隔离的单曲而一炮走红。现在种族隔离已经终止了,她的歌曲有关于南美政治和文化的其他方面。她使用传统的非洲语言与一种新的流行形式库威多来歌唱。近些年,非洲以外的人们都开始听这些年轻音乐家的歌曲。通过音乐,年青一代的音乐家使非洲与世界其他的地方相连接,同时也影响着世界的其他地方。influencing the rest of the world.1.this passage is about how african pop music is -more serious than most pop music2.for people outside of africa, african pop music is -both familiar and different3.the musicians mentioned in this passage all -write about serious problems4.eric wainaina -studied music in boston5.witness mwaijaga writes about the problems of women partly because -she has had a difficult life herselfwhy so many children为什么有这么多的孩子in many of the developing countries 非洲和亚洲的很多发展中国家,人口增长迅速。原因很简单:这些国家的女人生育率很高每个女人平均有三个到七个孩子。这些女人大部分都很穷,没有足够的食物和资源来照顾家庭。为什么她们要有这么多孩子呢?为什么她们不限制家庭的大小呢?答案是大多数时候她们没办法选择。这有很多原因。其中之一是经济原因。传统的农业经济中,家庭成员数目多是十分有利的。孩子多意味着田里的劳动力多且有人给父母养老。在工业经济国家中情况就不同了。多数孩子不帮助家里,而是增加家庭开销。因此,工业化极大降低了生育率。这是意大利的一个例子,意大利最近几年工业化发展十分迅速。在20世纪前叶,意大利是个贫穷的农业国家,有着很高的生育率。第二次世界大战之后,意大利的现代化和工业化十分迅速。世纪之末其生育率降到世界最低,平均每个女人1.3个孩子。然而经济并不是唯一重要的影响出生率的因素。以沙特阿拉伯为例,那里并没有以农业为基础的经济,而且是人均收入最高的国家之一。然而还是有很高的生育率(7.0)。而像墨西哥和印度尼西亚,主要是农业经济的穷国,但他们的人口还在不断地下降。很明显有其他的因素。最重要的就是妇女的状况。高的生育率往往与妇女缺乏教育与社会地位低下相关。这就能解释沙特阿拉伯的出生率为什么如此之高。传统的文化使妇女缺乏教育或者不能独立,并且在外生存的技能很少。相反,墨西哥、泰国、印度尼西亚的生育率就低。他们的政府给妇女提供更多的教育和机会。另一个重要的因素是计划生育。女人们也许想限制家庭的大小,但是她们没有办法。一些倡导计划生育的政府为她们提供有效而且不贵的方式,生育率下降。比如新加坡、斯里兰卡、印度和印度尼西亚、泰国、墨西哥、巴西。在这些国家妇女被提供健康和计划生育的帮助。这些趋势表明有效的控制人口的方案并不依赖于良好的经济状况。如果是致力于帮助妇女适应她们的需求那么就是有效的。事实上只有这样,才能有机会取得成功。does it have any real chance of success1.in a traditional agricultural economy, a large family -can be an advantage2.when countries become industrialized, -the birth rate generally goes down3.according to this passage, italy today is an example of an -industrialized country with a low birth rate4.saudi arabia is mentioned in the passage because it shows that -factors other than the economy influence birth rate5.in mexico, thailand, and indonesia, the government -has tried to improve the condition of womeneat to live为了活着吃饭a meager diet may give you health 节食可能使你健康长寿,但并不好玩节食可能不是非做不可的事。即使上了年纪再节食,我们仍然有可能在很大程度上保持青春活力。stephen spindler和他在加利福尼亚大学河滨分校的同事们已经发现,一只高龄老鼠只要连续四周限制它进食,它的某些肝脏基因就会变得和衰老前一样充满活力。老鼠的肝部基因恢复活力不会逆转老鼠在其他方面的老化,但却有助于肝脏代谢药物或除去毒素。spindler的团队正常饲养三只老鼠直到它们死亡,而另外三只老鼠只喂饲料正常定量的一半。另外三只老鼠在34个月大的时候相当于人的70岁,从正常饲养转到半量饲养一个月。研究者检查了这些老鼠肝脏的11000个基因的活动,发现正常饲养的老鼠随着年龄的增长有46条肝脏基因会发生变化。这种变化与炎症和身体组织无限激增相关这大概对老鼠的健康来说是个坏消息。在那些终生节食的老鼠中,这46条肝脏基因中的27条继续像年轻的基因一样活动。但最惊人的发现是那些上了年纪才开始节食的老鼠也能70%的基因变化中受益。华盛顿附近的国家老年协会的huber warner说:“这是这些影响迅速起作用的第一个迹象。”还没有人知道热量限制是否在人身上和在老鼠身上一样起作用,但是spindler怀有希望。他说:“有吸引人的证据表明它能起作用。”如果它确实能在人身上起作用,那就有足够的理由使肝脏焕发青春。当我们变老时,我们的身体对药物的新陈代谢就不那么高效。spindler说短期的节食足以使药物充分发挥药效。但是spindler不能肯定节食是否值得。他说:“老鼠们病少了,活的更长,但是它们感到饥饿。即便明白节食的作用,仍旧很难在饭馆里说我只能吃一半。”spindler希望在不久的将来,我们不必节食。他的公司,加利福尼亚寿命遗传学所,正在寻找有热量控制作用的药物。have the effects of calorie restriction.1.according to the passage,which of the following is not true?-we have to begin dieting from childhood.2.why does the author mention an elderly mouse in paragraph 2?-to illustrate the effect of meager food on mice.3.what can be inferred about completely normally fed mice mentioned in the passage?-they are more likely to suffer from inflammation.4.according to the author, which of the following most interested the researchers?-the mice that started dieting in old age.5.according to the last two paragraphs, spindler believes that -dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long lifenew us plan for disease prevention美国疾病预防新政策urging americans to take responsibility 周二,健康及人道服务部秘书托米汤姆森发起了一项耗资1500万美元的计划,大力推进社区在预防诸如心脏病、癌症及糖尿病等慢性病上发挥更大能量,以鼓励美国人对自己的健康负责。这一行动强调了慢性病造成美国国人死亡的主要原因的代价,概括了预防疾病的途径,包括改善饮食和增加锻炼。卫生与公共服务部在报告中指出,“今天,在美国70%的死亡、绝大多数重病、残疾及健康医疗是由慢性病造成的,绝大多数医疗费用也花在慢性病的治疗上。”原因往往是行为上的吸烟、不良的饮食习惯以及缺乏锻炼。“我确信通过增进健康来预防疾病是一项利在将来的精明之举。”汤姆森在发起该倡议的会议上说。“我们当前的健康医疗体系不是为应付治疗那些基本上可以通过改变生活方式来预防的疾病的费用不断上涨而设立的。”汤姆森说道,全国心脏病和中风将在2003年将要耗资3510亿美元。“男性和女性死亡的主要病因都基本上可以预防,但是作为一个国家,我们却尚未采取必要措施使人们生活得更为健康长寿。”他说道。调拨1 500万美元给社区来推动预防工作,促使变化,细微到修建人行道,鼓励人们多多步行。每天锻炼,比如走步,能够预防以及治疗心脏病和糖尿病,且能预防癌症和中风。这批款项也将拨给社区组织、诊所及营养师,鼓励他们合作,教育有患糖尿病风险的人们如何进行预防,鼓励人们多做早期癌症筛查。美国癌症学会估计,所有类型癌症的一半可用早期癌症筛查测出,包括针对宫颈癌的巴氏试验、针对乳腺癌的乳房x线照片、结肠镜检查以及前列腺检查。如果所有这些癌症都能够由早期筛查测出,该组织估计癌症存活率将上升到95%for cancer would rise to 95 percent.1.which of the following is not true of chronic diseases in the us?-they often result in unhealthy lifestyles.2.the author mentions all the following as ways of disease prevention except -higher survival rate for cancer3.the article indicates that more money spent on disease prevention will mean -much less money needed for disease treatment4.the $15 million program is aimed at -promoting disease prevention5.early cancer screening can help reduce significantly -cancer death ratethe operation of international airlines国际航空公司的经营international airlines have rediscovered 国际航空公司重新发现,商务游客经常定期乘坐国际航班,这甚至成为他们工作的一部分。这并不一定意味着国际航空公司曾经忽视了商务乘客。相反,汉莎航空公司和瑞士航空公司声称他们总是尽量满足商务人士阶层的乘客。但是许多航空公司被指责说过去太注重由运载量吸引乘客,造成老顾客的流失。公司经常为了数量而非质量进行调整。主要航线的经营本质上是要找到合适的乘客组合。航空公司可以让低价位机票乘客乘坐宽机身飞机的后舱,不能忘记前舱需要让机票价位较高者乘坐。两家主要的廉价航空公司的倒闭并不是巧合。但是低票价需要总是满机以使班机在经济方面可以生存,在最近的萧条期运载量并没有增长。容量过剩和残酷的竞争引起票价下降,迫使一些航空公司倒闭,把许多别的公司推到倒闭的边缘。在这种严峻的背景下,航空公司不断转向商务游客以提高利润率就不足为奇了。他们付出了大量的时间和精力去满足他们对座位的要求,并将他们与普通游客相区分。在优先取舍的列表上还有准时性,经理们的时间是宝贵的。客机服务是航班为了争取商务人士注意力的又一个领域。免费的饮品、耳机和可口的食物都是很有诱惑力的因素。另外一个发展是强调座位的安排。老乘客对座位的倾斜度很精通因为这会影响前后座之间的间隙。一等舱提供倾斜式,这样在长时间的旅程中,乘客能得到一个良好睡眠。实践证明,卧椅很受乘客们的喜爱,它将会在所有飞机的前仓被普遍应用。航空公司还试图改善地面服务。商务人员休息室变得很寻常了,这样乘客们等待航班的时间可以变得更好过一些。行李处理服务也改善了。不过遗憾的是,在加快烦琐的入境通关手续方面,航空公司能做的很有限。各大洲各阶层的乘客们只能继续厌烦沮丧了。尽管航空公司的目的是从它们的竞争对手中吸引商务乘客,航空公司将尽力改变这类乘客的坏习惯预定昂贵的机票却没有乘坐。这种现象在欧洲尤为广泛,商务人士常常同时在几个航班预定返程机票。journeys home one on several flights.1.according to the passage, in operating airlines it is essential to -cater to the need of passengers sitting, at both ends of the jets2.the following are all mentioned as reasons why the airlines are having a hard time except that -the tourist industry is experiencing an all-time low3.the improvements the airlines attempt at include all the following except -showing more movies during the long flights4.there is not much the airlines can do when it comes to -speeding up customs procedure5.which of the following is a bad habit of the executive passengers that frustrates the airlines?-they do not travel on the flight they have booked.sauna桑拿浴ceremonial bathing has existed for仪式性的沐浴已经有几千年的历史,并且有多种形式,其中的一种就是桑拿浴。芬兰人完善了蒸汽浴,也就是桑拿浴。它可以在一个封闭的房间里将水浇在滚烫的石头上,或是一种干热浴。日本人、希腊人、土耳其人、俄国人以及美洲土著人在他们的沐浴传统中都有发汗浴这一形式。用于热浴发汗的方式是古罗马优先使用的,而哥伦布发现美洲大陆前的美洲人则使用发汗小屋。最早的桑拿浴很有可能是在地下山洞里。由于当时还没有掌握烟囱技术,山洞里总是充满着火焰引起的浓烟。人们在火槽里生火,加热山洞的四壁。当墙壁达到一定的温度时,将浓烟排出洞外,这使得墙壁还能保持几个小时的高温。今天,有一些人认为有烟的桑拿浴,“烟熏桑拿”,才是真正的桑拿体验,而所有的桑拿浴都应该


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