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they were coming to study at beijing university. we should take them first to their dormitories and then to the student cantee. after an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, i saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. i stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them.the first person to arrive was tony garcia from columbia, closely followed by julia smith from britain. after i met them and then introduced them to each other, i was very surprised. tony approached julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! she stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. i guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. then akira nagata from japan came in smiling, together with george cook from canada. as they were introduced, george reached his hand out to the japanese student. just at that moment, however, akira bowed so his nose touched georges moving hand. they both apologized- another cultural mistake!ahmed aziz, another international student, was from jordan. when we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as i introduced myself. i moved back a bit, but he came closer to ask a question and then shook my hand. when darlene coulon from france came dashing through the door, she recognized tony garcias smiling face. they shook hand and then kissed each other twice on each cheek, since that is the france custom when adults meet people they know. ahmed aziz, on the contrary, simply nodded at the girls. men from middle eastern and other muslim countries will often stand quite close to other men to talk but will usually not touch women.as i get to know more international friends, i learn more about this cultural “body language”. not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. in the same way that people communicate with spoken language, they also express their feelings using unspoken “language” through physical distance, actions or posture. english people, for example, do not usually stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. however, people from places like spain, italy or south american countries approach others closely and are more likely to touch them. most people around the world now greet each other by shaking hands, but some cultures use other greetings as well, such as the japanese, who prefer to bow.these actions are not good or bad, but are simply ways in which cultures have developed. i have seen, however, that cultural customs for body language are very general- not all members of a culture behave in the same way. in general, though, studying international customs can certainly help avoid difficulties in todays world cultural crossroads!showing our feelingsbody language is one of the most powerful s of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language. people around the world show all knds of feelings, wishes and attitudes that they might never speak aloud. it is possible to “read” others around us, even if they do not intend for us to catch their unspoken communication. of course, body language can be misread, but many gestures and actions are universal.the most universal facial expression is, of course, the smile its function is to show happiness and to people at ease. it does not always means that we are truly happy, however. smiles around the world can be false, hiding other feelings like anger, fear or worry. there are unhappy smiles, such as when someone “loses face” and smiles to hide it. however, the general purpose of smiling is to show good feelings.from the time we are babie, we show unhappiness or anger by frowning. in most places around the world, frowning and turning ones back to someone show anger. making a fist and shaking it alomost means that someone is angry and threatening another person.there are many ways around the world to show agreement, but nodding the head up and down s for agreement almost worldwide. most people also understand that shaking the head from side to side means disagreement or refusal.how about showing that i am bored? looking away from people or yawning will, in most cases, make me appear to be uninterested. however, if i turn toward and look at someone or something, people from almost every culture will think that i am interested. if i roll my eyes and turn my head away, i most likely do not believe what i am hearing or do not like it.being respectful to people is subjective, besed on each culture, but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher. in almost every culture, it is not usually good to stand too close to someone of a higher rank. standing at a little distance with open hands will show that i am willing to listen.with so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language. we can ofen be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we understand each others as well as we do!the open hand-a unicersal signwhen meeting people at the airport, most people smile and shake hands with people they meet. we know that smile is usually a sign that people feel friendly and happy, but what if we dont know who the new person is? what if we are not introduced by a friend? what if we are meeting a stranger in a unfamiliar place? sometimes people are dangerous and humans have to find ways to protect themselves. we have to make sure we can trust people we dont know, and we have to show that we are not dangerous. showing our hands means that we are not armed. in many cultures today, the western custom of shaking hands is used. we use our right hand, which is usually strong than the left one. if we are using our hand this way, in cannot be holding a knife or a gun. it shows that we trust the other person, and that the other person can trust us.not all cultures use the handshake, and people in many asian cultures do not always touch another person. the traditional greeting in china was to cover the left hand with the right and bow. japanese people might cover one hand with other and, depending on whom they are greeting, bow slightly or quite low. in india , hindu people join their hands in front of their faces and bow their heads. a muslim will touch his heart, mouth and forehead to show respect. even young people in the west now give each other the “high five”, when they slap each others hands high in the air. they are all keeping their hands busy. in almost all cultures, to smile and show an open right hand means, “welcome, you are safe with me.”unit 5theme parks fun and mor tha funwhich theme park would you like to visit? there are various kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture,science, cartoons, movies or history. some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest roller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture. whichever and whatever you like, there is theme park for you!the theme park you are probably most familiar with is disneyland. it can be found in several parts of the world. it will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, whether travelling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favorite fairy tale or disney cartoon character. as you wander around tha fantasy amusement park, you may see snow white or mickey mouse in a parade or on the street. of course disneyland also has many exciting rides, from giant swinging ships to terrifying free-fall drops. with all these attractions, no wonder tourise is increasing wherever there is a disney land. if you want to have fun and more than fun, come to disneyland!dollywood, in the beautiful smoky mountains in the southeastern usa, is one of the most unique theme parks in the world. dollywood shows and celebrates americas traditional southeastern culture. although dollywood has rides, the parks main attraction is its culture. famous country music groups perform there all year in indoor and outdoor theatres. people come from all over america to see carpenters and other craftsmen make wood, glass and iron objects in the old-fashioned way. bisit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that american southerners made 150 years ago, or take a ride on the only steamengine train still working in the southeast usa. you can even see beautiful bald eagles in the worlds largest bald eagle preserve. and for those who like rides, dollywood has one of the best old wooden toller coasters, thunderhead. it is world-famous for having the most length in the smallest space. come to dollywod to have fun learning all about americas historical southeastern culture!if you want to experience the ancient days and gread deess of english knights and ladies, princes and queens, then englands camelot park is the place for you. every are of the park is modelled after life in the days of king arthur and the knights of the round table. in one place, you can watch magic shows with meilin the wizard. if you want to see fighting with swords or on horseback, then the jousting are is a good place to visit. if you do well there, king arthur may choose you to fight in the big jousting tournament. do you like animals? then visit the farm are, and learn how people in ancient england rantheir farms and took care of their animals. to enter a world of fantasy about ancient england, come to camelot park!futuroscope excitement and learninglast week i took a journey deep into space, to the end of the solar system, and was pulled into a black hole. then i took a trp to brazil and experinced surviving an airplane crash in the jungle. after that, i joined some divers and went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blind creatures that hace seen sunlight. for a break, i took part in some car racing and then skied down some of the most difficult mountains in the world. i ended my travels by meeting face to face with a dinosaur, the terrible t-rex, and survived the experience!i did allthis in one great day at futuroscope. opened in 1987, futuroscope is one of the largest space-age parks in the world. this science and technology-based theme park in france uses the most advanced technology. its 3-d cinemas and giant movie screens provide brand new experiences of the earth and the beyond. visitors can get clost to parts of the world they have never experienced, going to the bottom of the ocean, flying through the jungle or visiting the edges of the solar system. the amazing, up-to-date information together with many opportunities for hands-on learning makes the world come to life in a completely扶持方式:财政补贴项目类型:种养基地(养殖业)2010年内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯市乌审旗饲养肉猪扩建项目可行性研究报告项目建设地点:鄂尔多斯市乌审旗嘎鲁图镇(原嘎鲁图苏木所在地)报告编制时间:2010年1月乌审旗嘎鲁图镇布寨嘎查肉猪养殖项目可行性研究报告项目名称:乌审旗嘎鲁图镇布寨嘎查肉猪养殖项目可行性研究报告项目实施地点:嘎鲁图镇(原嘎鲁图苏木所在地)项目申请人:苏雅拉图目录第一章 项目区概况 1 1.1项目区概况 1第二章 项目建设的可行性和必要性 12.1项目提出的背景 12.2项目经济及社会必要性评价 2第三章:项目建设总体方案设计33.1建设规模 33.2具体建设内容 3第四章经济效益分析及资金来源及筹措54.1经济效益分析54.2资金来源及筹措5第五章结论 5附件1附件2附件3附件3乌审旗嘎鲁图镇布寨嘎查肉猪养殖项目可行性研究报告第一章 项目区概况1.1 项目区概况本项目位于乌审旗政府所在地18公里,有利的自然田间便于发展养殖业,该项目区南邻陕西榆林,西近宁夏,北缘乌海,东依伊旗、东胜、包头。交通四通八达,通讯极为方便。并且随着乌审旗人口的增加和消费水平的提高,对猪肉的需求量越来越大,多种因缘给发展猪肉养殖带来极大的空间。第二章、项目建设的可行性和必要性2.1项目提出的背景近年来,随着人民的生活水平不断的提高,育肥猪养殖已成势头,肉猪的发展迎来了全面发展的黄金时期,由于我国大部分地区在整个肉食品结构中传统上以猪肉为主,其产品因丰富的蛋白质,营养丰富而且美味,深受人们的青睐,市场供不应求,价格稳中有升。据不完全统计,2007年在嘎鲁图镇地区和乌兰陶乐盖销售猪肉达10万多公斤,加之向呼和浩特市、包头、东胜等地销售的猪肉量达20多万公斤,到年底因货源紧缺,呈供不应求趋势,所以,在产品销售方面不会存在任何问题。从市场情况看,只要把握机遇,找准市场,生产出高品质的茶产品,特别是本地区无污染的环境中生产出的猪肉食品,这又是一大优势,具有极大的吸引力。况且中国加入世贸组织以后,更为我市的生猪养殖发展带来无限商机,自2006年起国内市场猪肉价格普遍上涨,并且一涨再涨的现象,就是这种商机初现的说明,这表明,长期困扰我国广大农民养猪低效,猪肉市场长期低迷的不利态势已经过去。根据党的十七大会议精神,大力发展扶持畜牧业向规模化,标准化无公害生态型,科学化要效益,为落实党的十七大会议精神和国务院办关于促进生猪发展稳定市场供应的意见鄂尔多斯市乌审旗嘎鲁图镇建立一个以肉猪养殖的龙头企业,带动农户科学养猪,解决我镇及全旗的菜篮子问题,显得更为重要和必要。2.2项目经济及社会必要性评价鄂尔多斯市乌审旗是个农、牧业向工业转变大旗,全旗总面积11645平方公里。近10万人口,旗人民政府驻嘎鲁图镇。交通运输方便,所以在我镇建立一个肉猪养殖场可以解决部分富余农村劳动力,带动农民搞养殖致富,增加农民收入,嘎鲁图镇人民有传统的养猪习惯,养猪的积极性很高,但由于品种不优良,养殖技术不高,饲养成本高,防疫不到位,大大降低了农民的养殖积极性,较小的养殖规模并没有为农民带来应有的经济效益,因此,加快生猪品种改良,适应市场需求,以带动周边农户发展养殖规模,增加农民收入,解决农村富余劳动力。第三章:项目建设总体方案设计3.1建设规模建设一个年产2000多头肉猪的养猪场,需饲养存栏公猪4头,生产母猪104头,哺乳期仔猪400头,保育猪550头,生长育成猪980头。3.2具体建设内容3.2.1:工厂化养猪场的规划设计主要依据饲养工艺,目前普遍采用以“周”为节拍的全进全出的饲养工艺。根据饲养周期和方法的不同,本养殖场将采取以下流程及特点。3.2.2限位四阶段饲养空怀母猪配种怀孕分娩保育生长育成母猪单体限位饲养4周5周11周工艺特点:怀孕母猪单栏限位密集饲养,便于管理,母猪不争吃打斗,减少应激和流产,比怀孕母猪小群栏饲节约建筑面积。分娩栏按6周设计。分娩母猪提前1周进入分娩栏,分娩哺乳4周断奶,出栏后空栏1周对栏舍清洁消毒,有利于卫生防疫。保育栏按6周设计,饲养5周,空栏1周清洁消毒。3.2.3:生产流程本养猪厂以“周”为生产节率,全进全出,采用工厂化流水作业均衡生产方式,全过程分为四个生产环节,按下列工艺流程图形进行:a:待配母猪阶段在配种舍内饲养空怀,后备,断奶母猪及公猪进行配种,每周配种的母猪头,保证每周有53头母猪分娩。妊辰母猪在妊辰母猪舍内定栏饲养,在临产前一周转入产房。b:母猪产仔阶段母猪按预产期进入分娩舍产仔,在分娩舍内四周(临产出一周,哺乳三周),仔猪平均21天断奶。母猪断奶当天转入配种舍(先在运动场饲养3天),仔猪原栏饲养7天后转入保育舍,如有母猪产仔少,哺乳能力差等特殊情况,可将仔猪寄养过哺并窝,这样不担负哺乳的母猪可提前转回配种舍等待配种。c:仔猪保育阶段断奶7天后强弱分群,仔猪平均两窝并一栏,转入仔猪保育舍培育至8周龄转群,仔猪在保育舍内饲养四周。d:肥猪饲养阶段8周龄仔周由保育舍转入肥猪舍饲养15周,预计饲养至23周龄左右,体重达100公斤出栏上市。3.2.4:防疫措施遵守兽医临床技术操作规程,建立良好的卫生防疫制度,适时进行免疫程序,搞好消毒工作,进行预防用药及保健措施。3.3 拟定如下项目:1、 架电2公里,增加变压器1个,投资8万元;2、 平整土地90亩,投资9万元;3、 打井:深井3个,投资7.5万元,饮水井4个,投资0.8万元,合计8.3万元;4、 饲料库:7间260平米,每平方米造价0.1万元,投资26万元;5、 棚圈:45间990平方米,每平方米250元,投资24.75万元;6、 产床、保育箱10个,每个0.2万元,投资2万元;7、 搅拌机1个投资4万元;8、 自动料箱35个,每个250元,投资0.875万元;9、 节水灌溉:2.5万元;10、 网围栏:2万元;11、 刚材:2万元;12、 自动饮水设备:2万元;13、 购种猪104头:每头0.4万元,其中公猪4头,每头0.6万元,投资42.6万元; 合计:134.025万元第四章经济效益分析及资金来源及筹措4.1.经济效益分析总产值:100头母猪总产值:每头产子20个,共计2000只;育肥猪期为180天,每头猪500斤饲料费,每斤1元2角,5001.62000=160万元;、1年半可收回成本。4.2.资金来源及筹措项目总投资134万元。申请扶持资金100万元,自筹34万元。第五章结论综上所述,该项目经受市场风险能力强,在解决我市生猪种源的同时,能带来较好的经济收入,以维持自身的良性循环发展,把母猪的生长期出过在项目实施第三年即能收回投资。更主要的是能为社会和市场提供必需的良种猪,带动一方农民致富,加快我旗品种改良步伐,推进全旗优质肉猪生产,其经济效益、社会效益、生态效益较好,项目可行。附件1:母猪舍示意图附件2:公猪舍附件3:育肥猪猪圈建筑俯视图附件4:2010年国家农业综合开发产业化经营项目申报指南国家农业综合开发产业化经营项目是财政部门支持农业、农村经济发展的一项重要举措,由县(市)、地(市)农业综合开发办事机构负责推荐,省级农业综合开发办事机构负责评估、审定,国家农业综合开发办公室负责政策指导和抽查。为更好地体现公开、公平、公正原则和在更大范围内择优选项,鼓励符合条件的项目单位积极申报农业综合开发产业化经营项目,按照国家农业综合开发资金和项目管理办法(财政部令第29号)的有关规定,现发布2010年国家农业综合开发产业化经营项目申报指南如下: 一、指导思想和目标任务 以党中央、国务院关于扶持农业产业化经营的方针政策为指导,以壮大龙头企业和农民专业合作社、促进农民持续增收为目标,扶持具有明显竞争优势和辐射带动作用的产业化经营项目,促进优势农产品基地建设和农产品加工业结构升级,提高农业生产的专业化、规模化、集约化和标准化水平,逐步形成优势突出和特色鲜明的主导产业,推进现代农业产业体系建设。 二、扶持范围和重点 农业综合开发产业化经营项目扶持范围包括:经济林及设施农业种植、畜禽水产养殖等种植养殖基地项目;粮油、果蔬、畜禽等农产品加工项目;农产品储藏保鲜、产地批发市场等流通设施项目。项目安排原则上限于农业综合开发县。 2010年农业综合开发产业化经营重点扶持的产业包括:专用小麦、专用玉米、优质水稻、高油大豆、“双低”油菜、“双高”糖料、棉花、名优经济林、蔬菜、茶叶、名优花卉、蚕桑、畜牧、淡水水产等。 2010年农业综合开发产业化经营严格限制的项目包括:中成药加工、粮食酿酒工业、木材深加工、纺织工业,深海养殖及捕捞项目,列入中国国家重点保护野生动植物名录和有关野生动植物保护国际公约附录的加工流通项目。 2010年农业综合开发产业化经营不予扶持的项目包括:原料主要来源自营基地、不能有效带动农民增收的项目,国家政策明令禁止的项目。 三、扶持对象 对农民增收带动作用强的农业产业化龙头企业(含省级农发办事机构审定的龙头企业)和农民专业合作社。 四、立项条件 (一)项目应具备的条件 1.种植养殖基地项目应具备的条件 -符合国家产业政策、行业发展规划和法律法规; -辐射带动能力强,项目直接带动农户300户以上; -资源优势突出,区域特色明显,竞争能力强; -规范生产,品质优良,符合农产品质量安全要求; -产加销各环节联系紧密,产品80%以上有销售合同; -项目用地手续合法、符合规划、合理节约; -符合环境保护和可持续发展要求; -投资估算合理,自筹资金来源有保障,筹资方案可行。 2.农产品加工、流通设施项目应具备的条件 -符合国家产业政策、行业发展规划和法律法规; -辐射带动能力强,与农民建立了稳定的利益联结机制,直接带动农户500户以上,加工项目向农户采购的原料占所需原料的70%以上,流通设施项目涉及的农产品,80%以上来自当地农户; -资源优势突出,原材料供应有保障,有利于培育当地优势主导产业; -开发产品科技含量高,达到相关标准,竞争优势明显,市场潜力大,销售方案切实可行; -技术方案先进可行,技术依托可靠,工艺路线合理; -设备方案先进,与技术方案、工艺路线匹配; -项目用地手续齐备、符合规划、合理节约; -低耗节能,符合环境保护和可持续发展要求; -投资估算合理,自筹资金来源有保障,筹资方案可行; -预期效益好,有较强的抗风险能力。 (二)项目单位应具备的条件 1.龙头企业 -具有独立的企业法人资格,经营期两年以上; -经营业绩良好,连续两年盈利,具有良好的发展前景; -具有一定的经营规模和经济实力,有较强的自筹资金能力。2008年固定资产净值500万元以上,净资产300万元以上、且不低于申请财政补助资金总额的3倍; -近两年资产负债率低于65%,银行信用等级a级以上(含a级,未向银行贷款的除外); -财务规范、管理严格,资产优良,不欠税、不欠工资、不欠社会保险金; -建立了符合市场经济要求的经营管理机制,能保证项目按计划建成和财政资金规范、安全、有效运行; -与农民以多种形式,形成联结紧密、科学合理的利益共同体。 2.农民专业合作社 -2007年底前登记注册,并于2009年底前转为在工商部门依法登记,取得法人资格; -农民专业合作社通过社员以货币出资、非货币出资等形式入股,成为经济实体; -2008、2009年至少1年不亏损,净资产不低于申请财政补助资金总额; -产权明晰,运行机制合理,章程规范,管理制度完善,财务独立核算,盈余返还; -以产品和服务为纽带,农民自发组织; -农民社员80户以上且至少占社员总数的90%。 (三)项目单位法人代表应具备的条件 1.法人代表具有良好的社会形象和诚信记录; 2.法人代表的知识结构、能力等满足项目建设和经营管理的需要。 五、扶持方式 2009年农业综合开发产业化经营项目采取财政补助和贷款贴息两种扶持方式: (一)财政补助方式 1.投资规模根据项目实际需要和财力可能确定,其中,重点项目的年度中央财政补助资金不高于200万元、不低于100万元(含),一般项目的年度中央财政补助资金不高于100万元、不低于50万元(农民专业合作社不低于30万元)。地方财政按政策规定相应落实配套资金。 重点项目和一般项目的中央财政补助资金比例为6:4。 2.龙头企业申报的产业化经营项目,财政补助资金总额不高于项目建设总投资的30%,企业自筹资金不低于70;农民专业合作社申报的产业化经营项目,财政补助资金总额可达到项目建设总投资的50。 3.财政补助扶持方式主要适用于示范带动作用强、以产品为纽带、在工商部门注册、有一定联结农户和生产基地规模、组织结构健全的农民专业合作社;示范带动作用强、开展技术改造创新、产品结构升级、污染物治理等成长型农业产业化龙头企业。 在同等条件下,对合作社申报的项目优先予以扶持。 4.财政补助资金使用范围 (1)种植基地项目:经济林及设施农业种植基地所需的灌排设施、土地平整、农用道路、输变电设备及温室大棚,品种改良、种苗繁育设施,质量检测设施,新品种、新技术的引进、示范及培训等。 (2)养殖基地项目:基础设施,疫病防疫设施,废弃物处理及隔离环保设施,质量检测设施,新品种、新技术的引进、示范及培训等。 (3)农产品加工项目:生产车间、加工设备及配套的供水、供电、道路设施,质量检验设施,废弃物处理等环保设施,卫生防疫及动植物检疫设施,引进新品种、新技术,对农户进行培训等。 (4)流通设施项目:农副产品市场信息平台设施,交易场所、仓储、保鲜冷藏设施,产品质量检测设施,卫生防疫与动植物检疫设施,废弃物配套处理设施等。 原则上按不超过财政补助资金的3用于项目可行性研究、初步设计或实施方案、环境评估费等项目前期费用。 (二)贷款贴息方式 1.贷款贴息扶持对象重点为实力较强、规模较大、示范带动作用显著的加工龙头企业。 2.2010年中央财政贴息资金原则上60%用于固定资产贷款贴息,40%用于粮棉油糖肉大宗农产品加工流动资金贷款贴息。 3.2010年固定资产贷款贴息范围为2008年1月1日以后立项,在2009会计年度发生并支付的利息;中央财政原则上对落实单笔固定资产贷款500万元以上、6000万元以下的部分予以贴息;固定资产贷款贴息期限最长不超过3年。 4.2010年流动资金贷款贴息范围为2009年1月1日至2009年12月31日期间发生并支付的利息;中央财政原则上对落实单笔流动资金贷款100万元以上、且累计达到500万元以上、6000万元以下的部分予以贴息;流动资金贷款贴息期限为实际贷款期限,最长不超过1年。 5.对于同时申请固定资产和流动资金贷款贴息的项目,中央财政贴息的贷款额度上限合计为6000万元。 6.贴息率根据同期人民银行同档次贷款基准利率和项目对贴息资金需求等情况确定。 同一项目单位只能申报一种扶持方式。 六、申报程序及相关要求 (一)项目单位须于2009年12月底前向所在地农发办事机构申报项目;越级申报、逾期申报,概不受理。 (二)项目单位向所在地农发办事机构申报财政补助项目,应提供以下材料:项目可行性研究报告(含电子版),由社会中介机构出具的近两年企业财务审计报告,银行信用等级证明,土地使用批准文件,环保部门审批意见等;项目单位申报贷款贴息项目,应提供以下材料:银行贷款合同、贷款到位凭证、贷款银行出具的利息结算清单、银行贷款项目评估报告或调查报告等。 (三)同一项目单位上一年度已得到农发资金扶持、拟在2010年申请连续扶持的,在申报材料中,须详细说明项目单位现状、实施项目能力、上一年项目与拟申报项目的关系等;同一项目上一年度已得到农发资金扶持、拟在2010年申请连续扶持的,在申报材料中,须全面总结上期项目建设、运行、效益情况及资金管理、使用情况,分析上期项目与拟申报项目的关系等。同一项目单位或同一项目,需同时说明2009


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