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away. one-third of the nation felt it .a huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses,roads and canals.steam burst from holes in the ground. hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. in fifteen terrible seconds a large lay in ruins.the suffering of the people was extreme. tow-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.thounds of families were killed and many chidren were left without parents. the number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.but how could the survivors believe it was natural?everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. all of the citys hospitals,75%of its factories and buildings and 90%of its homes were gone. bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. no wind, however,could below they away. two dams and most of the bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling. the railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel. tens of thousands of cows would never give milk again. half a million pigs and millions of chickens were dead. sand now filled the wells instead of water. people were shocked. then later that afternoon,another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook tangshan. some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins. more buildings fell down. water,food, and eletricity were hard to get. people began to wongder how long the disater would last. all hope was not lost. soon after the quakes, the army sent 150,000 soliders to tangshan to help the rescue workers. hundreds of thousands of people were helped. the army organized teams to dig out those were trapped and to bury the dead. to the north of the city, most of the 10,000 miners were rescued from the coal mines there. workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. fresh water was taken to the city by train,truck and plane. slowly, the city began to breathe again. a safe home it is sad but that people die in earthquakes from falling furniture and bricks. earthquake safety is very important and there is more to it than just keeping buildings from falling down. so if your home is in an earthquake area,you should prepare carefully before the earthquake comes. first, make sure you buy a house which is earthquake safe. all pipes should be fixed to the wall and all walls should be especially thick and strong. you also have to make sure that there are bolts underneath your house. they are one of the most important ways of protecting a house. make sure the building has no breaken windows and is well repaired. second ,look at the objects in your house. those in the living room,which are the most likely to hurt us, are computers, televisions and lamps. they can be tied to tables or them so they wont easily move around. the kitchen, which is also very dangerous, must have strong doors on all the cupboards. this is the place where many small things are stored that might fall down. the water heater should have a case round it too. windows are special problem. when they break, glass can cause many accidents,. it is better to use safety glass if you can, especially for pictures. always remember:” it is better to be safe than sorry.” the story of an eyewitnessby jack london never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. san francisco is gone. nothing is left of it but memories and some houses far from the centre of the city. its buniness are gone. the factories,hotelsand palace are all gone too. within an hour after the earthquake, the smoke of sanfrancios fires could been seen 160 kilometres away. the sun is red in the dark sky. there was no stopping the fires. there was no way to organize or communicate. the steel railway tracks were now useless. and the great pipes for carrying water under the streets had burst. all of the ways man had made to keep the city safe were gone in the thirty second the earth moved. out at sea it was calm. no wind came up. yet from every direction-east,weast,north,andsouth,strong winds blew upon the unlucky city. man himself had to make ruins of the citys best buildings so that they would not be a danger to those in the streets. a list of buildings undesteryed was now only a few addresses. a list of the brave men and the women would fill a library. a list of all those killed will never be made. amazing as it may seem, wednesday night was a quiet night. there were no crowds. the policemen saidnothing; even their horses were quit. there were no shouts or people doing crazy things. in all those terrible hours i saw not one woman who cried, not one man who was excited. before the fires, through the night, thousands and thousands of people who had lost their homes left for safety. some were covered in blankets. sometimes whole families put everything they owned and could save into wagons. they helped one another climb the high hills around the city. never in all sanfrsncios histroy were her people so kind as on that terrible night.unit 5elias storymy name is elias. i am a poor worker in southafrica. the time when i first met nelson mandela was a very difficult period of my life. i was twelve years old. it was in 1952 and mandela was the black lawyer to whom i went for advice. he offered guidance to poor black people on their legal problems. he was generous with his time, for which i was grateful.i needed his help because i had very little education. i began school at six. the school where i studied for only two years was three kilometers away. i had to leave because my family could not continue to pay the school fees and the bus fare. i could not read or write well. after trying hard, i got a job in a gold mine. however, this was a time when one had to got to have a passbook to live in johannesburg. sadly i did not have it because i was not born there, and i worried about whether i would become out of work.the day when nelson mandela helped me was one of my happiest. he told me how to get the correct papers so i could stay in johannesburg. i became more hopeful about my future. i never forgot how kind mandela was. when he organized the anc youth league, i joined it as soon as i could. he said:“ the last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress,until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.”it was the truth. black people could not vote or choose their leaders. they could not get the jobs they wanted. the parts of town in which they had to live were decided by white people. the places outside the towns where they were sent to live were the poorest parts of south africa. no one could grow food there,. in fact as nelson mandela said:“ we were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government. we chose to attack the laws. we first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.”as a matter of fact, i do not like violence but in 1963 i helped him blow up some government buildings. it was very dangerous because if i was caught i could be put in prison. but i was very happy to help because i knew it would help us achieve our dream of making black and white people equal.the rest of elias storyyou cannot imagine how the name of robben island made us afraid. it was a prison from which no one escaped. there i spent the hardest time of my life. but when i got there nelson mandela was also there and he helped me. mr mandela began a school for those of us who had little learning. we read books under our blankets and used anything we could find to make candles to see the words. i became a good student. i wanted to study边境地区专项转移支付资金项目可行性研究报告项 目 名 称: 睦伦-下者梅-中坝乡村公路建设项目 申 报 单 位(盖章): 木央镇人民政府 联 系 人: 周 靖 电 话:传 真:编 写 时 间: 二0一二年二月二十三日 主管 部 门: 目 录第1章 总论.4 一、项目与项目单位概况.4 二、项目路线的主要控制点.6 三、项目主要建设条件.6 四、问题与建议.6第二章 项目建设的必要性分析.7 一、公路现状.7 二、项目建设的必要性.7 三、项目所在地自然及经济条件.9第三章 项目实施组织方式.10 一、项目实施地点及范围.10 二、项目组织形式.10 三、建设内容及技术方案.10 四、管理措施.11第四章 项目实施计划.12 一、施工要求.12 二、施工计划.12第五章 投资估算及资金筹措.12 一、编制说明.13 二、投资估算.13 三、资金筹措.15四、资金使用计划.15第六章 承担本项目的技术指导人员主要简况15第七章 环境影响分析.15 一、项目所在地区环境现状.15 二、建设对环境的影响.16 三、环境保护措施.16第八章 效益分析.16 一、社会效益分析.16 二、经济效益分析.17 三、生态效益分析.18 四、综合效益分析.18第九章 工程验收及养护.19第一章 总论一、项目与项目单位概况(一)项目基本情况1、项目名称睦伦村委会至下者梅村委会-里达中坝村小组公路新铺弹石路面工程项目。简称睦中公路。2、立项背景木央镇坐落在富宁县城西南部的中越边境线上,国境线长17公里,镇政府驻地距县城46公里,漂富、富田公路穿境而过。全镇国土面积577.8平方公里,全镇辖18个村委会396个村小组,居住着汉、壮、苗、瑶、彝、仡佬六种民族11208户51103人,耕地面积44836亩,人均耕地面积0.87亩。经济林果主要有核桃、油茶等,现已种植有核桃14.2万亩、油茶2万亩、茶叶3000亩、花椒6000亩。境内矿产资源丰富,主要有煤、铁、铅锌等矿产资源。目前全镇共有煤矿企业1家,采石厂3家,砖厂3家,电站6个,加油站2个, 8座小二型水库。全镇已通公路377个村小组,已通电396个村小组,农民人均产粮335公斤,农民人均有粮320公斤,农民人均纯收入2486元。睦中公路是连接木央镇睦伦、下者梅2个村委会的重要通道,也是睦伦、下者梅与里达连通的重要通道,承担着巨大的交通运输任务。该路改建后,将大大提高路面等级,提高公路荷载能力,彻底解决晴通雨阻和群众出行难、运输难问题。不仅对该地区的商品流通、社会发展和经济建设以及沿线群众脱贫致富等各方面将起到积极的促进作用,而且对木央与里达两镇商品的流通、文化的交流等也起到积极的作用。3、建设目标根据交通部公路工程技术标准(jtgb012003)中关于公路等级选用等论述,边境地区乡村公路路面硬化工程按部颁山岭重丘区基本级公路标准进行改造,新铺弹石路面,线路全长20公里。(二)项目单位基本情况木央镇人民政府是富宁县政府的下属部门,承担辖区内各项目建设工作。共有干部职工53人,其中:正科级领导3人,副科级领导7人,干部职工43人。机关内设组织办公室、综合办公室、项目办、交通与城乡规划办、农经站、民政所、劳动与社会保障所、安监站、统计办、扶贫办、农合办等办公室。近年来,在县委、县政府的正确领导下,镇党委、政府认真带领全镇干部职工、全镇各族人民群众,发扬“穷则思变,先行一步,后来居上”的富宁精神,扎实苦干、开拓进取、与时俱进,在公路建设、新农村建设及其它基础设施建设方面做了大量工作,并取得了较好成绩,多次受到上级表彰和社会的好评。木央镇人民政府有能力有信心组织实施好该工程。 二、项目路线的主要控制点睦中公路起点于睦伦村委会睦伦街一村小组,途经秧田湾、转山保、下者梅、上龙哈、下叭恩、龙业等11个村组,止于里达镇中坝村小组。三、项目主要建设条件睦中公路属山岭重丘基本级公路,沿线资源丰富,筑路材料分布均匀,除钢材、水泥需要远距调运外,其余砂石料均可就地采备。沿线村寨密集,农村劳动力比较充足,民风朴实,多年来,“若要富,先修路”已成为广大人民群众的共识,人们已充分认识到交通基础设施建设在经济建设中的重要性,对改善和提高公路路面等级的愿望十分强烈,沿线施工用电也极为方便。四、问题与建议(一)睦中公路是木央镇连接里达镇的一条重要通道,公路途经村寨多,受益群众广,应尽快立项安排资金开工建设。(二)该路承担着农副产品外运以及过往旅客的运输,在施工中应做好保通工作,确保沿线群众生产生活运输正常运转。(三)睦中公路途经村寨多,在施工中应重点考虑公路排水系统的处理方案。第二章 项目建设的必要性分析一、公路现状睦伦至中坝公路是上世纪90年代由木央镇政府发动群众投工投劳建成的公路。当时由于资金投入严重不足,大部分路段没有严格按设计标准施工,防护工程和排水设施不配套,部分路基宽度达不到4.5米。加之多年来,由于养护资金短缺,管理工作跟不上,加上多年洪水的冲刷,致使公路部分路基上垮下塌,边沟阻塞,路面毁坏十分严重。目前,整条公路路况较差,晴通雨阻,达不到规定的公路标准。随着经济社会的不断发展,现有公路已满足不了交通需要,急需进行改造。二、项目建设的必要性(一)该项目的建设是木央镇经济发展的需要。按照省委、省政府提出的建设“国际大通道”的战略要求,在文山州交通“三纵三横”路网规划的基础上,结合我镇经济发展的需要,遵循具有超前性、指导性和可操作性的基本原则下,提出了该项目建议书,利用边境地区财政专项转移支付项目,实施边境乡村公路建设,全面推进社会主义新农村建设,以交通设施建设促进我镇经济持续、快速、健康发展和社会全面进步。(二)该项目建设是解决群众出行难的有效途径。根据党中央提出在新世纪新阶段,发展要有新思路,改革要有新突破,开放要有新局面的总体要求下,我镇按照“大通道”建设,全面提高农村公路路面等级要求,大力实施农村公路通畅和通达工程,项目建成后将改变农村公路晴通雨阻的现状,进一步解决群众出行难问题。(三)该项目建设是交通发展的必然趋势。项目建成后将是当地群众脱贫致富和经济腾飞的重要里程碑,随着社会经济不断发展,人民已深刻体会到“要致富,先修路”的重要性,该项目的建设,必将大大激发人民群众艰苦奋斗早日脱贫奔小康的积极性,对社会主义新农村建设、维护边疆少数民族团结和巩固祖国边防具有重要的政治意义和战略意义。(四)该项目建设是改善群众生存环境、提高人民生活质量的保证。 项目建成后,将大大改善沿线村寨交通条件,促进与外界的政治经济文化交流,加快农村产业结构调整和镇村一体化建设步伐,解决农村剩余劳动力,为小城镇建设创造了一定的条件,对改善群众生存环境,提高生活质量提供了交通保障。三、项目所在地自然及经济条件(一)地形项目区属石山区,四面崇山峻岭,属喀斯特地形。整个项目区地势较高,平均海拔1100m以上。拟建路线能够把睦伦、下者梅、田坝、木兄坪、木树、中坝六个村委会连接成一片,贯通了与里达中坝的交通路线,建设路面标高平均在800m至950m之间,全长20公里,路基宽4.5m,行车道宽3.5m。(二)水文、气候、地质该地区属滇东南丘陵中山温和气候,四季分明,雨量充沛,年平均降水量1320mm,平均气温17.5极端最高气温30,极端最低气温-10,无霜期175天。项目区沿线大量分布花岗岩、石灰岩、平板岩与泥土混合工程地质条件好,就地取材简易。(三)筑路材料及运输条件项目沿线资源丰富,筑路材料分布均匀,除钢材、水泥需要远距调运外,其余均可就地取材。其材料运输以农用车运输为主,直接送往工程工地。(四)经济条件富宁县属国家级贫困县,基础设施滞后,财政十分困难。项目所在地木央镇以农业生产为主,主要经济特征见下表。2010年木央镇经济情况表(一)名称人口(人)农业人口(人)国土面积(平方公里)现价农业总产值(万元)现价工业总产值(万元)木央镇5110348899577.817310191382010年木央镇经济情况表(二)名称财政收入(万元)财政支出(万元)乡镇企业总产值(万元)农民人均纯收入(元)备注木央镇7708467612482486第三章 项目实施组织方式一、项目实施地点及范围富宁县木央镇睦伦村委会、下者梅村委会。二、项目组织形式按照国家公路工程建设有关要求,在上级主管部门的直接领导下,认真实行“业主负责制、招投标制、施工监理制”。成立建设指挥部,统一组织、部署、监查,协调好建设、设计、施工、监理单位依照合同条款和各方职责,既分工又合作,齐心协力,创造良好的施工环境。尊重科学、尊重人才,严格管理,对项目管理技术进行岗前重点培训,坚持持证上岗制度。引进信誉好,施工能力强的高素质队伍,充分利用新技术、新工艺,并通过监理、中心实验室和质检站把好关。三、建设内容及技术方案(一)建设内容项目原则上沿原有路面铺设弹石路面,对部分不能满足基本级公路标准的路基进行改造,增做部分桥涵及排水防护工程,以上项目共计新铺设弹石路面总长20公里。(二)技术方案根据交通运输量的需要,该路改建工程按部颁公路工程技术标准(jtgb012003)规定的山岭重丘区基本级公路标准进行设计。公路等级:基本级;设计交通量:150辆/日;计算行车速度:15公里/小时(受限路段10公里/小时);路基宽度:4.5米;路面宽度:3.5米;平曲线极限最小半径:15米(受限路段10米);最大纵坡;9%;停车视距:20米;设计荷载:公路级。四、管理措施(一)技术管理建立健全项目管理制度,严格执行国家公路基本建设程序,实施项目法人负责制,项目法人依照国家有关规定对环境保护措施、工程质量、施工安全进行严格管理,严把质量关,确保项目保质保量完成,发挥出应有的经济和社会效益。(二)资金管理实行资金专户存储,统一管理,建立健全财务管理制度,切实加强资金的跟踪、检查监督,把资金管理贯穿于事前、事中、事后的全过程,在资金的使用上,任何人不得以任何理由截留和挪用,更不得改变资金使用方向,确保有限的资金全部投入公路建设,用出实效。第四章 项目实施计划一、施工要求公木公路改建实行一次性实施,总工期为12个月,设计及监理工作采用委托的方式,委托具有相应资质的单位完成,施工单位必须进行公开招标,加强管理,严格把好质量关,确保工程按质、按量、按时完成。二、施工计划2012年5月1日前完成“工程建设可研报告”,5月15日前报请上级有关部门审批。2012年6月前完成一阶段施工图设计并报请上级有关部门审批,同时,成立木央镇公路建设指挥部并开展相关工作。2012年6月底完成施工准备工作。2012年7开工建设,2013年7月底竣工,总工期12个月。第五章 投资估算及资金筹措一、编制说明投资估算按交通部部公路发1996611号公路工程估算指标及公路基本建设工程投资估算编制办法进行编制,并按云南省交通厅云交基建1997373号云南省公路工程概算、预算编制办法补充规定的四级公路标准计取人工费和各项费率。自采材料、机械台班、外购材料价格按交通部公路工程概算、预算定额、公路工程机械台班费用定额及云南省交通厅公路工程定额暂定技字20011号云南省公路工程外购材料预算供应指导价执行。材料运费按云交财1990285号关于整顿公路汽车货运价格的通知规定,加上工地运输计算而得。工程数量估算根据实地勘察及调查资料进行编制。二、投资估算睦中公路全长20公里,估算总投资1085.32万元,平均每公里投资52.916万元。其中土方工程223万元,路基192万元,路面工程558.12万元,涵洞工程36万元,垱土墙工程8.4万元,排水工程40.8万元。睦中公路建设工程概算表表 1 单位:元编号工程或名称单位数量单价合计1土方工程22300001.1土方开挖m1020002020400001.2土方回填m23000102300002路基工程19200002.1碎石m13000405200002.2砂m400080320000水泥t240045010800003路面工程55812003.1砂m372004014880003.2级配碎石m816002722032003.3水泥t420045018900004涵洞m30012003600005垱土墙m400210840006排水设施m680060408000五总投资10583200睦中公路建设工程概算表表 2 单位:元编号工程或名称单位数量单价合计1土方工程1250001.1土方开挖km/m5100201020001.2土方回填km/m230010230002路基工程960002.1碎石km/m65040260002.2砂km/m2008016000水泥km/t120450540003路面工程2790603.1砂km/m186040744003.2级配碎石km/m4080271101603.3水泥km/t210450945004涵洞m151200180005垱土墙km/m2021042006排水设施km/m3406020400五总投资542660三、资金筹措木央镇基础设施滞后,经济基础薄弱,自然优势尚未转化为经济优势,地方财政十分贫困,群众贫困度深,贫困面大,公路建设资金需要上级全额补助,以上项目申请国家补助资金1085.32万元。四、资金使用计划公木公路估算总投资1085.32万元,2011年计划使用资金500万元,2012年计划使用资金500万元,2013年计划使用资金85.32万元,完成全部投资建设。第六章 承担本项目技术指导人员主要简况单位姓 名性别学历职务职称所学专业备注木央镇人民政府周靖男本科镇长行政管理木央镇人民政府李朝宏男大学副镇长行政管理木央镇人民政府刘仕明男大学办公室主任金融管理木央镇人民政府龚国成男大专项目办助理监理员施工员项目管理土木工程第七章 环境影响分析一、项目所在地区环境现状公棚至木兄坪公路全长20公里,大部分为沿老路改建,根据交通量预测及资金情况,路基宽按4.5米、路面宽按3.5米设计。本路线在富宁县境内,公路走向为从西到东。属石山区,植被覆盖率较低。二、建设对环境的影响本段公路大部分为沿老路改建,小部分为改扩建。路基改扩建对自然环境不会造成大的影响。三、环境保护措施(一)要保证原有老路及村村道路“边施工,边通车”。(二)合理地调配沿线土石方,并注意绿化,加强做好防护工程,尽量减少水土流失。(三)合理安排施工计划,严格控制爆破工艺,禁止使用大爆破工艺,以减少山体和植被的破坏。防止乱砍乱伐,保护好原有树木,采取生态和工程措施稳定边坡。(四)与环保部门做好协调工作,听取他们的意见,争取把沿线环保工作做得更。第八章 效益分析一、社会效益分析(一)该路建成后,将有助于边疆稳定、民族团结,促进边境地区经济文化交流,激发广大人民群众“建设家乡,发展家乡”的热情,促进乡风文明,树立社会主义新风尚。(二)该路建成后,将提高路面等级,改善沿线村寨的交通运输条件,增强过载能力和提高通行速度,进一步缓解群众“行路难”等问题。(三)该路建成后,有利于提升木央镇作为富宁县城乡结合部的带动、辐射作用,加快推进社会主义新农村建设,更新农民观念,增加农民收入,缩短城乡差距,统筹城乡发展。二、经济效益分析(一)木央镇自然资源极为丰富,公路沿线适宜种植核桃、东瓜树、油茶等经济林木,项目建成后,有利于发展种植业,使资源优势转化为商品优势,最终形成经济效益,加快脱贫步伐,促进农村经济快速健康发展,同时设项目的实施,对带动当地群众脱贫致富也具有十分重要的现实意义。该项目沿线广大群众都有多年的开挖炸石和铺筑公路的丰富经验,在建设过程中,施工单位可利用沿线广大群众劳务完成一部分路基土石方、挡土墙支砌等分项工程,可从工程建设中获得部分劳务报酬增加经济收入。(二)项目建成后,将极大改善当地招商引资的硬件环境,为发展林产业、加工业、物流等产业提供良好条件,促进区域经济快速发展。(三)公路建设项目实施后,将提高路面等级,极大地改善沿线村寨的交通运输条件,增强过载能力和提高通行速度,客货汽车行驶时间必将缩短,减少车辆磨损和燃油消耗,降低了运输成本,为贫困山区人民尽快脱贫致富奠定良好的基础。(四)公路建设项目的实施,有利于富宁县进行产业结构的调整和退耕还林项目的实施,增加农民经济收入将起到积极的促进作用。三、生态效益分析该区域通过加强交通基础设施建设,农业生产条件得到改善,农业发展后劲不断增强,可大力发展生态林和经济林,对保护区域内水土,防止流失,维护生态环境将起到积极的作用。同时,公路进行改建后,过往车辆造成的尘土等将大大减少,减少了对环境的污染。四、综合效益分析项目建成后,受益地区覆盖睦伦、下者梅、田坝、木兄坪等6个村委会49个村小组1757户10000余人,将给沿线群众生产生活带来诸多便利,改善沿线村寨的交通运输条件,优化公路网络结构和招商引资环境,促进公路沿线农副产品财源建设生产基地的开发。既能解决山区广大群众“出行难、行路难”等实际问题,又可加大与外界的交流,使沿线群众解放思想,更新观念,提高发展经济的主动性和积极性,从而加快边境地区和边远山区群众脱贫致富步伐,维护民族地区的团结和社会稳定。同时,沿线农副土特产品及周边厂矿企业产品可通过该路运输,销往外地,充分发挥经济效益,缩小与经济发达地区的差距,推进小康社会建设。综上所述,特将公棚至木兄坪公路改建项目上报上级计划部门审定,要求列为2011年建设计划并付诸实施。第九章 工程验收及养护由上级交通主管部门组织人员,按照公路工程验收有关规定和技术标准进行验收。后期养护交由地方政府具体负责。away. one-third of the nation felt it .a huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses,roads and canals.steam burst from holes in the ground. hard hills of rock became rivers of dirt. in fifteen terrible seconds a large lay in ruins.the suffering of the people was extreme. tow-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.thounds of families were killed and many chidren were left without parents. the number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.but how could the survivors believe it was natural?everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. all of the citys hospitals,75%of its factories and buildings and 90%of its homes were gone. bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. no wind, however,could below they away. two dams and most of the bridges also fell or were not safe for travelling. the railway tracks were now useless pieces of steel. tens of thousands of cows would n


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