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我们在这里,召开私营企业家联谊会,借此机会,我代表成都市渝中工商局、渝中区私营企业协会,祝各位领导新年快乐、工作愉快、身体健康,祝各位企业家事业兴旺题型三补全对话贵阳五年中考命题规律及趋势补全对话是考查学生英语的运用及交际能力。交际性、口语化是其特征,也可以认为是口试考查的替代题目之一,它通常涉及看病、问路、打电话、邀约、购物、借东西、家中待客等话题,也有就日常生活中常见情景设定对话的考题。在特定的情景中,交际运用的语言常有一定模式,要求应试者熟练掌握在不同情景中的常用语。这一题型一般在中考中占5%10%。年份题型题量分值2016六选五搭配型;六选五选择型5题;5题5分;5分2015六选五搭配型;六选五选择型5题;5题5分;5分2014六选五搭配型;七选五选择型5题;5题5分;5分2013六选五搭配型;七选五选择型5题;5题5分;5分2012六选五搭配型;七选五选择型5题;5题5分;5分综合分析贵阳市近5年情景交际题可知,其特点如下:1考查方式上共有以下两种题型,一种是从右栏中找出左栏各句的答语,每小题1分,共5分;一种是从所给的选项中选择句子完成对话,每小题1分,共5分。由以上的介绍可以看出,贵阳市对于情景交际的考查主要集中在这两种题型的运用,而每小题的分值不是很高这说明这类题目的难度不是很大。2话题注重考查如何运用英语解决问题,主要体现在社会交往(问候、告别、道歉、祝愿、祝贺、打电话、看医生、谈论天气、问路、就餐、谈论爱好、购物等)中的人的态度(同意或不同意;喜欢或不喜欢;肯定或不肯定;可能或不可能;能够或不能够等)或表示人的一种情感(高兴、惊奇、忧虑、安慰、满意、遗憾、同情等),以及上面所有这些内容的应答语。3考点预测:首先,情景交际的题型会保持一定的稳定性,继续延续几年来一贯的形式,复习时要有一定的针对性,运用恰当的方法答题。其次,将加大运用英语解决实际生活中的问题考查,而不是对某些交际用语固定搭配的记忆能力的简单考查,这要求我们多积累的同时要善于思考。再次,生活中学生所感兴趣的话题都可能成为考试的内容。解题方法与技巧类型一:选择型【解题策略】1做好此类题,首先要对所提供的语言材料能够充分地理解与掌握。如对对话双方的身份、职业、年龄、性别、意图及交际活动的时间、地点、场景等要有准确的了解。2选择句子补全对话注重语境,答语的依据往往隐藏在问句中,而问句的依据往往隐藏在答语中,因此,解答此类题目,一定要注意具体语境,联系上、下文,捕捉语境暗示的信息,结合习惯表达方式,准确理解题干的含义。3选择句子补全对话一般要求从57个选项中选出五个句子补全对话,个别选项迷惑性极强,因此需要根据题设情景反复推敲,瞻前顾后,通盘考虑。4检查整篇对话,看看上下文是否通顺、连贯,表达方式是否合乎习惯。发现不妥之处,立即纠正。类型二:搭配型【解题策略】这种题的特点是采用由,栏或A,B栏两部分组成的形式,分别在两栏中给出一定数量的上下句,两栏句子数量可以相等,也可略有差异,要求从右栏中找出与左栏相对应的句子。这类题目不仅检测考生的英语理解能力,更主要检测考生英语交际的运用能力。解答时,要首先分辨题干句所表示的交流功能项目。这类题不一定按顺序去做,可以先把日常交际用语中语境明显的对应句找出来。解答对话配对题时,可从以下几个方面思考:1浏览左栏,注意句式,明确功能。先运用浏览法把左栏各句从头到尾审读一遍,根据句式和内容,明确这些句子各属于哪一种功能交际项目。2审读右栏,左右搭配,对号入座。审视右栏的选项,了解答语的内容后,根据左栏每一问句的内容和功能项目,对右栏各选项进行逐一分析,通过比较分析,找出意义上和习惯表达上都正确的对应答案。3默读问答,认真推敲,逐一复核。做完配对选择后要把搭配好的问答逐一诵读两遍,认真推敲,检查是否符合情景问答,选项有否重复,如果不对等配对题,还要检查剩余的选项数目是否正确。解答此题时应注意下面几点:首先,解题时应先做容易的和有把握的;其次在考试中考生应对已选出的选项做出记号;最后不仅要避免答非所问的交际反应失误,还要注意一些特定的习惯表达法以及恰当的礼貌用语。(2014贵阳中考)A:How was your day off,Larry?Did you have a good time?B:Oh,no!1._A:Really?What happened?B:Well,we went camping and the weather was terrible.2._A:Oh,thats too bad.B:Ugh!Because the weather was so bad,we went for a drive.3._It was really boring.A:Sounds terrible,Larry.B:How about your day off,Tony?A:It was terrible!I studied very hard for my math test last week.4._When I woke up,it was already 12 oclock.I got up and went to my friend Daves house,but he wasnt there.5._B:So what did you do then?A:I helped my mom and dad clean the yard.B:Sounds like a busy day off!ABut I dont like driving.BThere were many people there.CIt was quite awful.DHe was at the beach!EI felt really excited.FSo I slept late.GIt rained and rained all day long.1C【解析】上句问:“你玩得痛快吗?” 后面回答:“不。” 说明玩得不痛快,选项C中的awful(糟糕的;极坏的)跟问句意思相反,考虑到对问句回答是否定回答,故选C。2G【解析】上句:“我们去野营,天气很糟糕。” 下句:“那太坏了。” 综合考虑应选G,一整天不停地下雨。3A【解析】下句说:“真的很无聊。” 下雨开车去干什么很无聊呢,只有不喜欢开车了,故选答案A。4F【解析】下句说:“当我醒来时已经12点了。” 上句说:“我为上周的数学测试很努力地学习。” 说明托尼熬夜,肯定是睡觉晚了,故选F。5D【解析】上句说:“我起床去我的朋友Dave家,但他不在那儿。” 他在哪儿呢?只有选D,他在海滩。2017备考猜押类型一A(2015贵阳中考)A:Hi,Molly.Wheres your brother Larry?I thought he was joining us.B:Hi.Kathy.Im sorry.1._B_He is working late tonight.A:Oh,Larrys working late again?B:Yeah,he is.A:I seeI really dont think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to work at night.2._D_B:Oh,I disagree with you.Teenage boys never get tired.A:Well,maybe.3._F_B:Thats true.He needs time to do homework.A:And you know,MollyHe should really cut his hair.B:Oh,I dont know.4._A_A:Yes,I do.It doesnt look clean.And I think he should stop wearing that silly earring.B:HmmI disagree.I kind of like it.It looks cool!A:You know another thing that worries me?5._E_B:Yeah,I know.I think he shouldnt work on weekends.A:Thats right.He needs to spend time with friends.ADo you think its too long? BLarry cant join us after all.CI think teenagers should go out.DYoung people need to sleep.ELarry doesnt seem to have many friends.FBut Larry shouldnt work every night.B(2013贵阳中考)A:Hey,Judy.Dont forget to turn off the lights.1._A_B:Oh!I know.I usually do that.I was just in a hurry.How come you are interested in the environment,Jack?A:I always have been.I just read a book about it,and there are so many things we can do.B:Like what?A:Well,you should turn off the shower when you are washing your hair.B:2._C_A:You wouldnt?B:No,I have very short hair.I am only in the shower for a few minutes.A:3._E_B:What else does it say?A:It says you should take your own bags when you go shopping.B:Oh,that is not difficult.4._F_What else?A:Hmm.Here is a good one.It says people should stop riding in cars and start riding bikes.B:Oh,Ill never do that.Can you see me riding twenty minutes to and from school every day?A:Well,I think the environment is really important.5._G_B:Yes,and you also live close to school!AIt saves electricity.BWhat can we do for that?COh,Ill never do that.DI wash my hair every day.EWell,every minute helps.FI can do that.GBesides,I like riding my bike.C(2012贵阳中考)A:You look worried,Paul.B:I am,Ms.Gao.Im having trouble in learning English.A:You said you liked English.1._G_B:I cant get the pronunciation right.A:Well,listening can help.2._B_You can listen to them at home and repeat the sentences that are difficult for you.B:Thats a good idea.But what about all the new words?3._E_A:You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home.You can even study in the train on the way to school.B:That might really help!And sometimes I just dont understand what people are saying.A:Why dont you join an English club to practice speaking English?4._F_B:Maybe I will go.The only other problem I have is that I dont get much writing practice.A:Maybe you should find a pen pal.B:5._C_Thanks,Ms. Gao.ADo you learn English by watching videos?BWhy dont you borrow the teachers tapes?CThat sounds like a fun way to practice writing.DI really have learnt a lot from you,Ms.Gao.EI forget a lot of new words.FThe English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.GWhats the problem?D(2016贵阳中考)A:Good morning, Mr.Li.B:1._D_ Well, today is our last class together.A:That makes me sad, Mr.Li.Your classes have been great.B:Im very glad to hear that.2._F_What do you hope to do in the future,Zhu Hui?A:I want to be an English teacher, but I hope to get into a good senior high school first.B:I am sure you can.3._E_A:Yes, last year. I want to do much better this vacation. So Im going to improve my English in order to teach kids in the future.B:Thats an excellent plan, you should go for it.4._A_A:Thanks a lot. Oh, this weekend were celebrating the end of junior high school.5._C_And wed like you to come.B:Id love to! Ill bring a big graduation cake.AI believe in you.BWell miss you. CWere having a party.DGood morning, everyone!EI remember you won a prize.FBut the future will be exciting, too.E(2014黔西南中考)A: Welcome to I COOL, YOU COOL, madam. How can I help you?B:1._E_A:This way, please. These are the latest fashion.2._G_ B:It looks cool. But I dont like bright green. A:Weve got many colors:pink, grey, dark red and yellow.3._A_B:Pink. Could you show me the light pink one?A:4._C_ And its very thick. B:I like it.5._D_A:It was 100 dollars but now it is only 50 dollars.B:Thats a great price. Ill take it. AWhats your favorite color?BHow much is the bright green one? CCertainly! Its very beautiful, isnt it?DHow much does it cost?EI want to buy a coat.FYes, I think its my size.GWhat do you think of this one?F(2014山西中考)(Kitty and Mark meet outside the school gate after school)Kitty:Hi, Mark. Bens birthday is coming. Im planning a surprise party for him this Saturday.1._C_Mark:Sure, Kitty. Im free. What are we going to do at the party?Kitty:2._G_ Well also have a barbecue. Someone will bring Ben to the party without telling him.Mark:Really? You mean he doesnt know the party at all?Kitty:3._B_ Weve also prepared some gifts for him.Mark:Sounds great. Im looking forward to it.4._D_Kitty:Its in my house. You can come earlier. See you then.Mark:OK.5._A_ASee you.BYes,thats right.CWill you help me?DWhere is the party?EIm sure youll like it.FShall we buy some fruit?GWere going to play some games.G(2014天津中考)A:Hi, Tom! You look very happy today.B:Oh, yes. Guess what? My best friend Ben is coming.A:Oh, really?1._C_B:Tomorrow. I cant wait to see him.A:2._A_B:For two weeks.A:3._E_B:He is really friendly. Im sure you will like him when you see him.A:What does he look like?B:4._F_A:Could you introduce him to me?B:5._B_AHow long will he stay?BOf course.CWhen is he coming?DWhat is it?EWhat is he like?FHe is tall and strong.GHow often does he visit you?H(2014南昌中考)Kate:Good morning, Jack.1._E_Jack:Oh no!Kate:What do you mean“Oh no”?Jack:I think I left it on the kitchen table! I was hurrying because I was late.Kate:2._G_Jack:Im very sorry! Kate:Well, it doesnt matter.3._C_But can you bring it tomorrow?Jack:Yes, OK. Im sorry! Kate:Its all right. See you tomorrowOh,Jack,whats the matter?4._F_Jack:Well,I remember your book isnt at home. I think I left it on the bus! Kate:Oh,my god!5._A_AYou lost it!BYou look strange.CI can share with Judy in class.DBiology is my favorite subject. EHave you got my biology book?FDo you think it is in your schoolbag?GBut I have got a biology lesson this afternoon!类型二A(2014贵阳中考)(B)1.How long does it take you to get to school?(D)2.Would you like coffee or tea,Cindy?(E)3.Could you please clean your room?(F)4.When is your birthday,Emma?(A)5.Whats this in English,Victor?AIts a backpack.BAbout half an hour.CThank you all the same.DCoffee,please.EOK.Ill do it right now.FIts December 19th.B(2012贵阳中考)(B)1.Nice to meet you!(F)2.Thank you for your help, Jane.(D)3.What do you think of soap operas?(C)4.I will go to Kunming for summer vacation.(A)5.I want to join the chess club. AOh, can you


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