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.专四语法词汇详解11test eleven不定式不带to的问题1)在情态成语之后,即在would rather/would sooner/would(just) as soon(宁愿),may/might as well(不妨),cannot but/cannot help but之后。例如:you cant help but respect them.since its a fine day we might as well walk.2)在“使役动词+宾语”之后,即在let, have, make之后。例如:let there be an end of this misunderstanding.he wont have us criticize his work.abby made him stay to tea.3)在“感觉动词+宾语”之后,即在see, hear, observe, notice, feel, watch之后。例如:we feel the house shake.i didnt hear you say that.4)在介词except/but之后如果except/but之前有动词do的某种形式,其后通常用不带to的不定式,否则带to。例如:they did nothing except work.theres no choice but to wait.全真模拟试题1. they feel they are justified _ the child because he was not behaving himself.a. to punishb. to be punishing c. in punishingd. punishing2. _ in the first round of the competition, our team took the earliest flight back.a. being knocked outb. having been knocked outc. we were knocked outd. we had been knocked out3. if the door was not forced open, _ that the burglar must have had a key.a. it followsb. it is followedc. following isd. it will be followed4. miss helen always buys _ priced clothes.a. higherb. highc. highestd. highly5. by 1990, production in the area is expected to double _of 1980.a. thatb. itc. oned. what6. i did not choose any of the three offerings, because i found _ satisfactory.a. neither of themb. none of it c. either of them d. none of them7. a pandas primary activity is sleep, _ its waking hours looking for food.a. that it spendsb. for spendingc. and it spendsd. will spend8. the university of california, _ in 1868, is administered by president and governed by a twentyfourmember board of regents.a. foundedb. has been founded c. to have been founded d. was founded9. _ of the play, desire under the elm, introduces the cast of characters and hints at the plot.a. the act firstb. act firstc. first actd. act one10. id rather we _ our lesson now.a. haveb. hadc. should haved. shall have11. their walkingtour through springfield never came _.a. tob. offc. outd. round12. the conflict between romantic _ and harsh reality has been the theme of many great novels.a. fantasiesb. perceptionsc. affairsd. revelations13. bobs work is _ to toms.a. interiorb. inferiorc. exteriord. better14. sunglasses serve to _ eyes from the glare of the sun.a. shieldb. shelterc. defendd. guard15. they bought that piece of land with a _ to building a new shopping center.a. purposeb. reasonc. viewd. goal16. to be _, i couldnt understand what he was driving at.a. modestb. frankc. sincered. trivial17. the exact cause of the killing disease was not known until dr. smith discovered it _.a. by all meansb. by accident c. by handd. by and by18. david found the book _, it provided him with so much information about the subject.a. flatteringb. fabricating c. enlighteningd. perplexing19. he had deceiveda great many people but she _him at once.a. saw throughb. saw offc. saw aboutd. saw into20. its on the top shelf, out of _.a. reachb. touchc. handd. distance21. all the hotels in the town were full up so we stayed in a _village.a. closeb. nearc. nearbyd. neighborhood22. he does not work but he gets a good _ from his investment.a. incomeb. salaryc. waged. earning23. mr. black asked his son olive to buy a _ of bread at the bakers near his school.a. poundb. loafc. bagd. packet24. this detective story may not be _ interesting to keep the child awake.a. inadequatelyb. enoughc. sufficientlyd. amply25. the two pieces of fried steak karl had for dinner gave him a(n)_.a. headacheb. infectionc. soar throatd. upset stomach试题答案与解析 1. c)【句意】他们认为惩罚这个小孩是有理的,因为他行为不当。【难点】be justified in doing意为“做是正当的(有道理的)”。2 b)【句意】由于在第一轮比赛就被淘汰,我们队便乘最早的航班返回了。【难点】现在分词的完成时形式用作原因状语,被动语态是句意的要求,所以选b)。3 a)【句意】如果门不是被撞开的话,那么可以断定,强盗一定是有钥匙。【难点】“it follows that”是一个句型结构,意为“可以断定”。4 d)【句意】海伦小姐总买贵衣服。【难点】higher 不对,因为不存在比较,highest是最高级,在意义上可以,但形容词的最高级要加“the”;high本来是形容词,不能形容“priced”,但副词highly可以与priced构成合成词highlypriced。5 a)【句意】截止1990年,该地区的生产渴望比1980年翻一番。【难点】需要填入的是一个代替production的词,应使用that。不能用it。6 d)【句意】给我的三样东西我都没有选,因为我发现没有一样令人满意。【难点】首先,相对于两件事物来说,只能用either或neither,none是用在有三件或以上事物的情况中的。其次,主句说did not choose,说明都不好,从句应为否定。7 c)【句意】熊猫的基本活动是睡眠,睡醒的时候寻找食物。【难点】填入c) 后结构正确,因为and连接两个并列分句。8 a)【句意】加利福尼亚大学创建于1868年,现由校长和24名董事管理。【难点】founded in 1868作为一个插入成份修饰主语。9 d)【句意】榆树下的恋情这出剧的第一幕介绍了演员阵容并暗示了故事情节。【难点】表示“第一部”有两种方式:一、act one 二、the first act。10 b)【句意】我宁愿我们现在就上课。【难点】虚拟语气,表示对不可能发生的事情的希望,用一般过去时。11b)【句意】他们徒步穿越斯宾菲尔德的活动从未付诸实践。【难点】come off 意为“发生,举行”;come to意为“涉及,谈到”;come out意为“真相大白”; come round意为“迂回而至”。12 a)【句意】浪漫的幻想和残酷的现实是很多小说的主题。【难点】fantasy意为“想象;幻想”;perception意为“感觉,感知”;affair意为“风流韵事”;revelation意为“揭示,展现;显示”。13 b)【句意】鲍勃的工作不如汤姆的。【难点】inferior(to) 意为“次的;次于的”;interior意为“内部的”;exterior意为“外部的;外面的”;better意为“更好的”,后不接to.14 a)【句意】太阳镜能为眼睛遮住眩目的太阳光。【难点】shield意为“保护,保卫”,与from连用;shelter意为“掩蔽;庇护;为提供避难所”;defend意为“防御;保卫”;guard意为“监视;看守”。15 c)【句意】他们购买那块地的目的是建一座新的购物中心。【难点】with a view to doing 意为“为了目的;打算做”;purpose意为“目的,意图”;reason意为“理由,原因”;goal意为“目标,目的”。后三个词不能代替view。16 b)【句意】说实话,我不懂他说的是什么意思。【难点】to be frank 是个习语,意为“开诚布公地说”,作句子的开首语。modest意为“谦虚的”;sincere 意为“诚实的,真挚的”;trivial意为“琐碎的;不重要的”。17 b)【句意】这个致命性疾病的确切原因直到史密斯博士偶然发现之后才真相大白。【难点】by accident意为“偶然”;by all means意为“一定,务必”;by hand 意为“用手;用体力”;by and by意为“不久;过一会儿”。18 c)【句意】大卫发现这本书很富启蒙性,因为这本书上有很多关于这个学科的知识。【难点】enlightening意为“有启迪作用的,使之启蒙的”;flattering意为“谄媚的,奉承的”;fabricating意为“捏造的,伪造的”;perplexing意为“使人困惑的,令人费解的”。19 a)【句意】他骗了很多人,但她一下子就把他看穿了。【难点】see through意为“看穿,识破”;see off 意为“为送行,向告别”;see about意为“料理,办理”;see into意为“调查;领会,了解”。20 a)【句意】东西在最上面的架子上,够不到。【难点】out of reach意为“无法拿到的;力所不及的”。另三项选择不能与out of形成合理搭配。21 c)【句意】城里的所有旅馆都住满了,所以我们住在附近的一个小村里。【难点】nearby意为“在附近的”;close 意为“亲密的,紧密的”;near 意为“接近”,后接to;neighborhood意为“邻里地区”。22 a)【句意】他不工作,而是从投资中得到丰厚的收入。【难点】income意为“收入”;salary 意为“薪水”;wage意为“(以时间计酬的)日薪,周薪”;earning常用作复数形式,意为“所得,收入”。23 b)【句意】布莱克先生让他儿子奥利弗到学校附近的面包店买块面包。【难点】形容面包的量词单位应为loaf, 其它三个词不恰当。24 c)【句意】这个侦探故事的趣味性可能不足以使这个孩子夜不能寐。【难点】sufficiently意为“足够地”,修饰形容词或动词;inadequately意为“不充分地,不恰当地”;enough是形容词,意为“足够的”;amply意为“充裕地,绰绰有余地”。25 d)【句意】卡尔晚饭时吃了两块炸牛排,他感到肠胃不适。【难点】an upset stomach意为“胃肠不舒服”;headache意为“头痛”;infection“感染”;sore throat意为“嗓子痛”。专四语法词汇详解12test twelve虚拟条件句中的一些非常规现象a)省略连词if,把were, had, should移到主语前。例如:were they here now, they would give us some advice.had it not been for your help, we wouldnt have succeeded.b)用介词或介词短语without, but for, in the absence of, under.without the leadership of the party, we could not live a happy life.but for the atmosphere we would die.c)if only结构,表示“但愿”,“要是”,例如:if only i had more time, i could go to watch the performance.if only i knew where he lives.近义词辨析gather, assemble, collect这组词均含有“召集或聚集成小组、一群或团体”的意思。gather指把很分散的或分布很广的东西聚集到一起,或指自发地形成一组。the pupils are gathered into the auditorium.学生们被召集在大礼堂。assemble指人或组织为了某种共同的或特殊的目的集合或聚集在一起。the football fans assembled on the square to celebrate the victory of their team.球迷们聚集在广场上庆祝他们球队的胜利。collect指有选择地进行收集或采集。they collected some precious butterfly specimens on the mountains.他们在山上收集了一些珍贵的蝴蝶标本。全真模拟试题1. public acceptance of rabbit as an economical source of protein dependson _.a. how aggressively do producers market itb. if it marketed aggressivelyc. how aggressively producers market itd. whether or not aggressive marketing2. you mustnt eat these apples _ they are unripe.a. much asb. because ofc. even ifd. in case3. although _ happened in the developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.a. whichb. whatc. howd. it4. it was he in _ we had the greatest faith.a. whob. whosec. whomd. that5. being in no great hurry, _.a.we went the long routeb. the long scenic route was our preferencec. we took the long, scenic routed. our preference was taking the long, scenic route6.neither of the answers _ right.a. wereb. isc. has beend. are7. he is ill, _ i am only a little tired.a. whereasb. on the contraryc. and d. however8. she is rich, and _ is more, very beautiful.a. whob. thatc. whatd. which9. say _you like, it is your father that made you _ you are.a. that ;thatb. that;whatc. what ;thatd. what ;what10. _ you made your bed,_you must lie on it.a.because;sob.for;andc. once ;andd. as ;so11. if reading is to accomplish anything more than _time, it must be active.a. wastingb. spendingc. passingd.idling12. the _ from the airport was really tiring because it was situated far from the city.a. flightb. travelc. crossingd. journey13. kenyas tsavo game park _ susan much of the wildlife park she had visited in new jersey.a. evokedb. recalledc. remindedd. remembered14. did you notice the _ on the doctors face when he heard that kita had found the pearl of the world.a. appearanceb. expressionc. descriptiond. illusion15. they plan to _ the rundown house in a years time.a. reviveb. renovatec. replaced. remove16. the supply of silver in the mine had _, causing great concern among the people of the town.a. increasedb. extendedc. devaluedd. diminished17. the lawyer thought that piece of evidence was _early in the investigation, but it turned out to be vital in convicting the criminal.a. unchangeableb. unsuitablec. insignificantd. important18. the once beautiful flowers in the vase had _.a. witheredb.wastedc. wateredd. wrinkled19. this has been the _ of the frontier on the american mind.a. impactb. inputc. effortd. recognition20. because of its incredibly _ natural resources, the united states appeared to be a “land of plenty”.a. optionalb. abundantc. maximumd. leading21. the most important of these leaders was martin luther king, a black minister with a great gift for _ his people.a. excitingb. cheeringc. inspiringd. offering22. material abundance has been the life blood which has _americans in their basic beliefs and values.a. contributedb. providedc. favoredd. sustained23. i _ a letter to an internet service that distributes journalists questions to more than 850 institutions.a. assignedb. attachedc. dispatchedd.detached24. some colleges are statesupported, others are privately _, and still others are supported by religious organizations.a. entitledb. endeavored c. ensuredd. endowed25. in addition, there are specialized public schools for the _, and for those with other special needs, as well as accelerated and enriched courses for gifted students.a. indulgedb. handicappedc. kidnapped d. invalid试题答案与解析 1. c)【句意】公众能否将兔肉接受为比较经济的蛋白质来源要看生产者如何去销售。【难点】depend on 后面加一个从句,从句语序应为陈述语序。2 d)【句意】这些苹果你千万不要吃,可能没熟。【难点】in case意为“如果,万一,若”,适合本句逻辑关系。3 b)【句意】虽然发生在发达国家的事情听起来像科幻小说,但也可能发生在世界上其它地区。【难点】what引导的从句作为主语,同时,what又是从句的主语。4 c)【句意】我们最信任的就是他。【难点】用来代替“he”的是“who”,who前面有介词的时候要改为宾格whom。5 c)【句意】由于我们用不着着急,我们选择了那条长而风景优美的路线。【难点】a)错,因为没有go route 的搭配。b)错,主语应该是being in no great hurry 的主语we。d)错,原因同b)。6 b)【句意】两个答案都不正确。【难点】neither意为“二者无一”,后接单数谓语动词。7 a)【句意】他病了,而我只是有点儿累。【难点】whereas连接两个句子,又含有转折的意思。8 c)【句意】她很有钱,而且很漂亮。【难点】what is more是习惯用语,意为“另外,而且”。9 d)【句意】不管怎么说,因为你父亲你才有今天。【难点】say what you like 意为“不管怎么说”。10 d)【句意】是你铺的床,你就要躺在上面(自作自受)。【难点】asso意为“像那样,也就”。11 c)【句意】如果读书不是为了消磨时间而是为了获取知识,那么你必须积极去读。【难点】pass意为“消磨”;waste意为“浪费”;spend意为“花费”;idle意为“虚度”,与away连用。12 d)【句意】机场离城市太远,所以从机场回来这段路使人非常疲劳。【难点】journey意为“行程,路程”;flight意为“飞行;航班”; travel意为“(长途)旅行,旅游”;crossing意为“横越,横渡”。13 c)【句意】肯尼亚的查沃野生动物保护区使苏珊想起了她在新泽西参观过的野生动物园。【难点】remind意为“使想起”,常与of连用;evoke意为“使人想起”,但不与of连用;recall意为“记得,回想起”;remember和recall类似,意为“记得,回想起”。14 b)【句意】当博士听说基塔发现了世界上最大的珍珠时,你注意到他那时脸上的表情了吗?【难点】expression 意为“表情,表现力”;appearance意为“外观,外表”;description 意为“描写,描述”;illusion意为“错觉,幻觉;假象”。15 b)【句意】他们计划在一年时间内翻修这所旧房子。【难点】renovate意为“修复;整修一新”;revive意为“使复兴,振兴”;replace意为“放回,把放回原处”; remove意为“移开,挪开,拿走”。16 d)【句意】矿里白银的供应量下降,这引起城里人的极大关心。【难点】diminish 意为“下降,减少”;increase 意为“增加,增强”;extend意为“延展”;devalue意为“(货币)贬值”。17 c)【句意】在调查初期律师认为这项证据不是很重要,但后来证明,这项证据在控告罪犯时起了至关重要作用。【难点】insignificant意为“不重要的”;unsuitable 意为“不合适的,不适当的”;unchangeable 意为“不可改变的,不变的”;important意为“重要的,重大的”。18 a)【句意】花瓶里曾漂亮一时的花枯萎了。【难点】wither意为“枯萎了,凋谢了”;waste意为“浪费”;water意为“浇水”;wrinkle意为“生皱纹”。19 a)【句意】这一直是边疆对美国人心理的影响。【难点】impact意为“冲击,影响”,后接介词on;input意为“输入”;effort意为“努力”;recognition意为“认出”。20 b)【句意】因其拥有富足得令人难以置信的自然资源,美国似乎是“天府之国”。【难点】abundant 意为“丰富的,充足的,大量的”;optional意为“可自由选择的,任意的”;maximum意为“最大限度的;最高的”;leading意为“主要的,最重要的”。21 c)【句意】这些领导中最重要的是马丁路德金。他是个极富鼓动才能的黑人牧师。【难点】inspire意为“激励,鼓舞”;excite意为“使兴奋,刺激”;cheer意为“提起精神,激励(人高兴起来)”;offer意为“提供”。22 d)【句意】物质丰富一直是使美国人坚持其信仰和价值观念的生命线。【难点】sustain意为“维持(生命、活力等),使持续”;contribute意为“捐(款),捐助”;provide意为“提供”;favor 意为“支持,赞同”。23 c)【句意】我给一个能将记者的问题发往850多个机构的因特网站发了一封信。【难点】dispatch意为“发送,派遣”;assign意为“分配;指派;指定”;attach意为“贴上;附上,使(人)属于”;detach意为“拆开,分开”。24 d)【句意】有些大学是州立的,有些是私立的,还有一些是宗教组织资助兴办的。【难点】endow意为“资助,向捐钱”;entitle意为“给权力;给资格”,常与to连用;endeavor意为“努力,尽力;尝试”;ensure意为“保证,担保”。25 b)【句意】另外,还有为残疾人开办的特殊公共学校,还有为有其他特殊需要的人开办的学校,还有为天才学生开设的快班课程和拓展课程。【难点】handicapped意为“有生理缺陷的,智力低下的”,the handicapped意为“残疾人”。indulge意为“放任,纵容,娇养”;kidnap意为“诱拐,绑架”;invalid意为“无效的,作废的”。专四语法词汇详解13test thirteen引起倒装的前置状语当句首状语为否定词或带否定意义的词语时,一般引起局部倒装。这些词语常见的有:never, not for one minute, no longer, on no account, no more, nowhere else, at no time, hardly, scarcely, rarely, not for nothing等。例如:never have i found him in such a good mood.句首状语若由“only+副词”、“only+介词词组”、“only+状语分句”构成,也可引起局部倒装。例如:only yesterday did he find out that his watch was missing.以关联连词not only(but also)和so(.that)开头的句子,通常引起局部倒装。例如:so small was the mark that i could hardly see it.近义词辨析gaze, glare, gape, peer, stare这组词均含有“注意地或专注地看”的意思。gaze指长时间目不转晴地看或凝视,常用于表达惊奇、羡慕或心不在焉的心情。we gazed at the rough sea lost in thought.我们凝视波涛汹涌的大海,陷入沉思。glare指怒目而视,敌视或仇视。people glared at the man who had assassinated their premier.人们愤怒地瞪着刺杀了他们总理的凶手。gape指目瞪口呆地凝视,常有发呆的意味。tourists gaped at the animal keeper feeding meat to the lions.游客们目不转晴地看着饲养员给狮子喂肉。peer指眯起眼睛窥视。the detective peered into the room through his binoculars.侦探用望远镜向屋内窥视。stare指睁大眼睛看,带有好奇、猜疑或傲慢等含义。the girl stared at the beggar instead of giving him some money.小女孩冷冷地盯着乞丐,没给他钱。全真模拟试题 1. any steam engine gives us an example of _ into work.a.heats having turnedb. heats turning c. heats having been turnedd. heat being turned2. essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of_ reality.a. what it is conceived b. that is conceivedc. that is being conceivedd. what is conceived to be3. not until a monkey is several years old _ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.a.it does beginb. when it begins c. does it begind. before it begins4. television will be used to enable customers to shop from the comfort of their homes by simply ordering via the tv screen, payment_ by direct debit of their credit cards.a. making itb. is madec. being maded. will be made5. a woman has to be _ a man to go half as far.a. twice as good as b. as twice good asc. twice good asd. twice so good as 6. hardly had we got on the bus _ it began to rain.a. whenb. sincec. butd. before7. im sorry i cant go with you, but i wish you _.a. a good timeb. have a good timec. to have a good timed. will have a good time8. many a time _ them not to do so.a. we have warnedb. do we have warnedc. have we warned d. warned we have9. they have produced _.a. 10 more pianos this month than last monthb. 10 pianos more this monththan last monthc. 10 pianos this month as many as last monthd. 10 as many pianos this month as last month10. he was hungry and ordered two _ of fish.a. sharesb. partsc. portionsd. sections11. the best students are _ special scholarships.a. awardedb. rewardedc. forwardedd. honored12. she stood up and _ in strong language.a. opposedb. reckonedc. objectedd. shouted13. after becoming paralysed, jane had to get used to the loss of_.she hated having to depend on others for things she once did for herself.a. authorityb. autonomyc. attractiond. dependence14. having poor handwriting is not much of a _ in an age of typewriters and computers.a. differenceb. possibilityc. convention d. liability15. the _ grades are generally considered to be kindergarten through third grade.a. primitiveb. primaryc. promisingd. proceeding16. the meal was excellent; the pears were particularly_.a. flavoredb. deliciousc. tastefuld. gracious17. his parents give him many expensive toys as some form of _for his lameness and inability to play active games.a. remedyb. compensationc. treatmentd. comfort18. to what extent will future scientific discoveries make possible the _ of the human life span.a. increase b. expansionc. growth d. prolongation19. she was at the _ of her career when she was badly injured in the car accident.a. bloomb. peakc. excessd. extreme20. should the _ of patriotism be controlled by reason?a. sentimentb. affectionc. emotiond. passion21._ going through to new york yesterday to attend his sons wedding, dr. knapp flew to chicago for a flower show.a. on the contraryb. in spite ofc. instead ofd. because of22._ to the question of refreshments, i should think orange juice and potato


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