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unit 8listen 1. popular 2. uniform 3. started 4. salesman 5. strong 6. gold 7. young 8. helped to make jeans popular with teenagers 9. but teenagers loved him and started to dress like him 10.their clothes showed their independence think about it1. every february 14, across the country, candies, fl owers, especially roses, which symbolize love, and other gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of st. valentine. giving valentines day greeting cards is also one of the activities of this day.3. with the coming of globalization, some english holidays or festivals are becoming more and more popular all over the world. they are celebrated by some non-english speaking countries. for instance, in some big cities in china more and more people, especially the young celebrate foreign holidays, such as valentines day and christmas. a possible reason might be that young people easily accept new things and valentines day is a romantic holiday. in addition love is global and universal, and many people enjoy celebrating this holiday to express their affection or emotions to those they love.霍尔马克的亚洲情人节 情人节赠送贺卡从表面上看是美国的做法,但这种现象也正在亚洲生根发芽。然而, 亚洲顾客在购买情人节卡片时,他们常常选择带有英语原文的卡片,哪怕他们一句英语也不会说。 霍尔马克问候贺卡在全世界人人皆知。自1910年乔伊斯c霍尔根据他储藏在床底下的贺卡式样生产贺卡至今,总部设在堪萨斯城的卡片生产公司已经发展成为拥有3.5 亿美元资产的企业。90多年后的今天,霍尔马克已成为一家全球化公司,并且把向亚洲扩展作为它战略决策的主要部分。 仅仅在亚洲,这家总部在堪萨斯城的公司就于1994年在日本收购了一家公司,又于1998年在香港和新加坡,1999年在上海开办了多个富有创造性的机构。霍尔马克公司的代表指出,亚洲已成为一个重点区域。香港和新加坡正从分销中心变成投资中心。 单就美国而言,情人节人们67%的活动是赠送情人卡。根据霍尔马克公司的说法,2000年的情人节美国人购买情人卡花去了3.6亿美元。尽管美国的市场很大,但在亚洲销售1 330种不同类型的情人节卡片的潜力就更大。 根据霍尔马克卡片的销售量似乎可以看出,中国、日本、韩国的具有浪漫色彩的消费者的数量正在上升。这一现象并不令人吃惊,因为霍尔马克贺卡已成为一种绝妙的克服情感拘谨的好方法,而情感拘谨在亚洲许多国家仍然很普遍。 既作唐璜式的风流才子,又不失脸面。东方国家的人们由于文化的准则与浪漫的爱情常常陷入两难的境地,那就是: 你怎样才能告诉一个女孩你喜欢她,但又不至于使自己丢面子呢?比如在中国,由于文化准则的缘故,中国男性大概永远不会被误认为是莎士比亚笔下的罗密欧,而西方的风流韵事也绝不会成为中国男人茶余饭后的话题。因此,怎么克服这种两难窘境?为了避免文化习俗上的失误,中国的唐?璜们购买情人卡送给他们的心上人。这样,他可以通过卡片上事先印制好的文字来表达他的感情,而用不着当面说一些令人尴尬的甜言蜜语。在日本和韩国,文化准则又稍有不同。总的来讲,日本和韩国男人对自己的感情和浪漫情趣较少抑制。评价日本男人在生活的各个方面是如何易动感情的,只需回忆一下一个日本和韩国的高层首席执行官在国家电视台的摄像镜头前,泪流满面地为公司的不良运作和破产而道歉的新闻特写的情景就足够了。 在日本和韩国,女人要比男人更加克制自己的感情。因此,为了用恰当的方式表白自己的爱情,女性往往喜欢送霍尔马克卡给她们爱慕的对象。但是,假如你认为应该把霍尔马克卡片上的英文翻译成亚洲各国的语言,以便使情人们能相互交换爱慕的话语,对此你可得三思而行。 谈情说爱是世界相通的,不需要任何语言技巧。由于在亚洲出售的大多数霍尔马克卡片是在当地国家生产的,因此,把卡片的英文译成当地文字似乎是很自然的。为了适应全世界消费者的需要,霍尔马克用30种不同的语言印制贺卡。因此,霍尔马克卡片正在使用汉语和日语印制,并计划扩大语言范围,如印地语、古吉拉特语和泰米尔语。然而,对顾客的调查却发现,这种努力没有真正的必要。英语就是一种时髦语言。如果你真的想给你的中国女友或日本男友留下深刻的印象,不要给他们送日语或汉语贺卡。这是让人扫兴的事。与霍尔马克(卡片)公司的预料相反,亚洲的情人们更喜欢给他们的心上人送英文贺卡,哪怕他们基本不懂或根本不懂英文。送英文贺卡是一件很时髦的事。在了解了这一文化偏爱后,霍尔马克(卡片)公司作出了快速反应。尽管中国和日本的当代罗密欧与朱丽叶们现在能够买到汉语和日语的贺卡,霍尔马克(卡片)公司还是确保供应大量的英文贺卡。这样,既展现了顾客的时髦的世界性的品位,同时又能向他们的心上人表达至关重要的爱恋信息。二. 1. chinese men can express their emotions without worrying about being culturally improper.2. emotionally inhabited women in japan and korea can display affection in a suitable manner.3. cards are printed in 30 different languages, but this is not really necessary.4. hallmark reacted quickly to young peoples preference to buy english-language cards.三.1. because the number of romantic consumers in asia is rising and the potential market for hallmark cards is great.2. because people in asia are often restricted by cultural norms and they are more emotionally inhibited than westerners. besides, they are afraid of losing face if they are rejected.3. because using a nice english card to convey ones love is a fashion everywhere in the world.4. valentines day is more and more popular in china, especially with young people in cities who always like new things and follow the fashions5. japanese and korean men are less restrained or inhibited by cultural norms than chinese men in the way tender emotions are expressed.四. potential created distribution consumers overcome express affection global fashionable impressive 五. 1. rescue 2. fancy 3. potential 4. dilemma 5. restricted 6. descendant 7. affections 8. samples 9. were assessed 10. version 六. 1. has taken root 2. turned out 3. in person 4. ran into 5. prefer to 七. synonyms1. potential; possibility 2. overcome; get the better of 3. dilemma; unsatisfactory alternatives4. accommodate; adapt 5. reveal; make known 6. inhibit; restrainantonyms 1. hip; old-fashioned 2. descendant; forefather 八.1. no matter what difficulties we come across, we should try our best to overcome them.2. respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional chinese virtue.3. today, people from all walks of life are trying to acquire more knowledge to keep pace with the development of the times.4. children have a fancy for cartoons.5. given that they are lacking in experience / inexperienced / green hand, they have done a good job.九.1. she ran into a dilemma when she had to make a choice between family and her career2. but while i admit that the problems are difficult, i dont agree that they cant be solved.3. since he had committed such a serious crime, it seemed natural that he should be severely punished4. if you really want to impress your boss, you should have some original ideas.5. this is not surprising, given that they have made painstaking effort to overcome the difficulties.十. tim: wujin, do you think the pursuit of globalization is a positive development?wujin: i believe that the development of a global community is a positive step to world peace. if all the countries in theworld work together, then we can eliminate world hunger; we can help poor countries develop their industry more efficiently and we can create a healthy balance of power in world affairs.tim: im a bit surprised at your answer. i dont have such an optimistic view of global collectivism. what about eachindividual ethnic group? wont they feel as though they have been stripped of their rights and autonomy if all theworld superpowers dictate a global government?wujin: no, i think global cooperation will benefit each of the worlds ethnic groups, and their ethnicity will be valued.tim: im not so sure that globalization wont lead to further anarchy in the world. for instance, the freedom that peoplehave in the united states is not valued the world over. what will happen to that freedom?wujin: some of it may have to be sacrificed for the global good.tim: wujin, that will never happen. people all over the world believe in the inalienable rights of their own. if these rightsare taken from people, particularly americans, then there will be a revolt.wujin: why dont you take a world view and consider the global community?tim: but i believe that all people will cooperate and follow something as long as their beliefs are valued. americansvalue freedom. other ethnic groups value religious practices or traditions. im not sure that a global governmentwill value all of these ideals.wujin: im not advocating a global, one-world government. that isnt feasible. however, i am suggesting that there mustbe more global cooperation.tim: i agree. we can make the world a better place if we take our eyes solely off ourselves and consider the needs ofothers in the world. also, we can encourage businesses to become more global in an effort to promote globalcooperation and peace. however, we must be careful that each people group has its own interests valued.wujin: i agree. we dont have to rewrite the history of the world all at once. we can take steps towards global cooperationone step at a time.十一. on globalizationin the process of globalization, many foreign things have entered into our lives and have changed our lives and this has made the world become smaller and smaller. for example, we can watch foreign movies, enjoy foreign food, wear fashionable foreign clothes, and even use high-tech products imported from advanced countries. some people even celebrate foreign festivals and adopt a foreign lifestyle or foreign ideas. wherever you go, you may find things that are familiar to you in your hometown or homeland. people in many parts of the world are watching the same films, and the same song is popular at the same time all over the world. even the style of architecture has become identical, especially in cosmopolitan cities. you may find some similar features in their city buildings.there are different ideas about globalization. those who are in favor of globalization take a positive and optimistic attitude towards it. what they value most is the good effects of globalization and the various benefits it brings about. however, there are also some people who strongly dislike the idea and the practice of globalization. they place more emphasis on the bad or negative effects of globalization.in my opinion, every coin has two sides. we should take a realistic attitude towards globalization. on the one hand, globalization of the economy and to some extent, the globalization of culture may bring some advantages. it may promote the development of less developed areas, improve peoples living standard and enrich their local culture, and also give people more chances to know about other cultures which are quite different from their own. on the other hand, globalization may bring about some disadvantages or negative effects. for example, the world may lose its cultural diversity because of the dominance of one culture, and some cultures could lose their cultural identities and peculiar characteristics. thus, its appropriate for us to take a balanced attitude towards globalization.passage b think about it1. first, being exposed to another culture, kids can stay open to new possibilities. second, having the capability to talk to diverse people they can build bridges to new relationships. another advantage is that kids grow up with several languages would have more flexible and divergent thinking. thereare also potential economic advantages. with a second or third language, they would gain more opportunities in their career and life.2. they would develop an appreciation for other cultures and an innate acceptance of cultural differences, which is one of the keys to succeed in the global society.如何培养有全球意识的孩子 放学时间,8岁的快乐罗杰斯和同班同学站在校园里,似乎对身旁的嘈杂已经免疫。尽管她的父母和幼小的妹妹还在外面等着,但她还是磨蹭着,只顾着跟同学说话。希尔顿?奥古斯塔?帕克?罗杰斯,外号快乐,是个泰然自若且早熟的金发女孩。照理说她现在应该在美国富裕的郊区或者大城市里的私人学校里才对,但眼下她正在新加坡这所名叫南阳小学的精英双语学校里读书。她在这里属于少数族裔。她那如同达科塔?范宁一般的金发在茫茫一片黑色头发的海洋里熠熠发亮。正当同龄的美国孩子正在饱餐享用垃圾电视和暑期电影为他们提供的幼稚节目的时候,快乐却在完全用中文细心地结交朋友和完成学校作业。这正是她父母漂洋过海跨越半个地球搬家来到这里的原因。她在一家新加坡餐馆里口里嚼着意大利番茄牛肉面用英语说:会说流利的中文将会使我更优秀,更精灵。美国父母才刚从虎妈带来的焦虑冲击中恢复过来(噢,糟糕,我小孩已经7岁了,她还不会弹肖邦的任何曲子),现在又来了个快乐的父亲吉姆?罗杰斯(身价数百万的投资人和作家),他带来的新玩意又让他们再添烦恼。只培养孩子勇敢、好奇、勤奋和有同情心已经不够了。只是引领孩子去从事合适的运动,找到合适的家庭教师,合适的实习岗位,再策划他们进入一所合适的(至少是一所不错的)大学也已经不够了。2007年,罗杰斯带着太太佩吉?罗杰斯及快乐 离开纽约上西区来到新加坡定居(翌年次女碧兰?安德森?帕克?罗杰斯,也叫宝贝碧出生)。罗杰斯认为,真正关心自己子女的父母必须思考这样一个问题:我们是不是竭尽全力在培育有全球意识的孩子?吉姆?罗杰斯说:我做的事跟多年来其他父母做的一样,我在为孩子们的未来作准备,为21世纪作准备。依照我对世界的认识来尽可能好地为他们作准备。罗杰斯深信未来属于亚洲。在最近的有线电视节目里,他大力兜售中国的产品。他还说:现在有钱人在东方,而借债的在西方。我宁愿跟债主而不是跟欠债人待在一起。如今,美国人普遍认为:快速发展的全球化,涉及经济和商业,政治和冲突,还有时尚、技术和音乐,都是对美国繁荣的极大未来威胁。而应对这些挑战的重担明显地落到了我们孩子的肩上。这一观点还说,如果他们不能现在就去学习了解外国人,学习他们的语言,认识他们的国土,并达到驾轻就熟的程度,美国在世界上的竞争优势地位就会不断遭到削弱,还会危及到这些孩子及其后代的未来的生计。不只是罗杰斯抱有这样的看法,美国教育部长阿恩?邓肯在2010年春天纽约亚裔协会会议上也说:在全球化经济中,随着世界的经济、社会、人员交往的空前频繁,国内与国际事务间的界线越发模糊。我担心的问题是,在这个相互紧密联系的世界里,我们的国家正冒着与与其他国家和文化的贡献断绝联系的风险。吉姆?罗杰斯看到了美国在衰落,他的解决办法是让自己浸润到正在崛起的国家和文化中。他说:我们自认是世界领袖,但我们不是。我不喜欢这么说,因为我是美国人,我投票选举,我缴税。但是我们的知识水平不是很高,而这一点恐怕会伤害我们。 在罗杰斯家的有5个卧室的平房里没有一台电视。相反,那里有十几个地球仪让你查看,有地图让你面对去思索,还有只和孩子们讲汉语普通话的保姆和佣人各一人,有自行车骑,有一台新购置的卡拉ok机,为的是让女孩子们学习唱中文歌曲。约30来年前,甚至还远在托马斯?杰佛逊时期,只有某种特殊家庭的特殊的孩子才会出国,因为那是当时的潮流;要成为一个有文化修养的人,去欧洲旅居就如同了解莫扎特和伦勃朗的作品一样重要。关键当然是要去参观那些伟大的博物馆,还要去呼吸那里的空气去学习用另一种语言交谈,去适应另一个地方的生活节奏。当然海明威这么做过,还有本杰明?富兰克林和约翰尼?德普。这也是帕米拉?沃尔夫所走过的路,她刚和她的先生和孩子从居住了一年的巴塞罗那回到了纽约。她让自己十几岁的孩子们进入当地的一所国际学校学习。在那里,孩子们与来自全世界各地的孩子交上了朋友,并学会了说流利的西班牙语。她的孩子能具有全球视野,不仅是因为他们的外语水平好,还因为初到一个陌生的地方,谁也不认识,就迫使他们具有很强的适应能力。这就等于逼迫你离开自己的安乐窝, 沃尔夫说,这会培养出善于理解他人的孩子。当然,我和其他人一样,对分数和学业也很重视,但你需要有适应能力去了解他人并同情他们。十二. 1.d, 2.c, 3.a, 4.b, 5.d十三.1. to point out that there are still many american parents who havent realized the fierce competition their children might face in the 21st century.2. they are worried about losing ground to strict parents in raising successful kids.3. the threat of rapid globalization to american prosperity.4. he doesnt want to appear anti-american.5. to be resilient and have sympathy for other people.十四. 1. perspective 2. lingered 3. affluent 4. converse 5. pondering 6. compassionate 7. navigate 8. resilient 9. prosperity 10. blurred 十五. 1. in jeopardy 2. immune to 3. a sea of 4. immerse herself in 5. rest on 十六. 1. in 2. in 3. toward 4. to 5. between 6. from 7. to 8. in 9. for 10. from 十七. 无论你是喜欢还是厌恶,好莱坞都把这个世界联系了起来。全球各个角落的人都看美国大片,许多好莱坞的电影都被译成了他们的母语。从曼谷到布宜诺斯艾利斯,外墙上都装饰着好莱坞影星们的相同面孔,熠熠生辉。各地的八卦杂志都在谈论他们的艳史和周期性的精神崩溃。这种迷恋在世界各地的孩子们中间更为深刻。孩子们当然喜欢看电影,而且一遍又一遍的反复观看他们最喜欢的影片。很快,他们就熟记于心。在一个全球化的世界里,这是一种教授孩子们学习多种外语的绝妙的途径,同时也能寓教于乐。十八.1. success is limited when its achieved at the cost of the total quality of an experience.2. we are afraid of failure because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes a creative, growing experience.3. part of the blame for todays situation must be placed on parents.十九.1. 过去的一段时间,人们广泛认为婴儿,还有其他生物,学习某种行为是因为这种行为会给他们带来“奖赏”。我们没有理由怀疑这种观点的正确性。2. 2002年世界杯赛很久以后,失望的球迷们仍然在咒骂那些颇有争议的裁判的判决。正是这些判决断送了他们所支持的球队的胜利。3. 在贝思医院,每一位病人都被指派一名责任护士,责任护士全程护理病人,并且对病人从病史到情绪的变化进行全面的记录。4. 反之,有几项重要的研究表明, 很早就能流畅阅读的孩子,即那些在迈入课堂前就已学会了阅读的孩子中,绝大多数从来没有人教过他们如何阅读。他们是由于接触到书籍和有机会阅读而逐渐学会读书的。5. 在纽约西奈山医院的威廉迪蒙特博士,目前正在主持一个实验项目研究做梦的作用,他在报告中说,定时打断做梦,受试者会产生情绪紊乱现象:如高血压、焦虑、易怒以及注意力难以集中等。6. 为了确定睡眠不足带来的后果,研究者让实验对象经历一系列的心理和行为测试,比如要求他们做加法运算或者回忆几分钟前刚刚给他们读过的一段文章。7. 任何一个向前看20年的人也不可能预见到,仅仅一项芯片的发明及其在个人电脑、数字通信和工厂机器人等方面的运用会使我们的世界发生如此巨大的变化。二十. how to be a globally qualified talentglobalization helps the world to get linked together economically and culturally. in such a globalized world, no one can escape the impact of economic and cultural globalization. there will be numerous opportunities and challenges, and how to adapt oneself to new situations and how to be a globally qualified talent has become an urgent problem we have to think about in order to meet the new challenges and succeed in the fierce international competition.basically, i think three qualities are essential for a globally qualified talent. first, it is the quality of adaptability and flexibility, that is, the ability to adapt to new circumstances and situations and to respond flexibly to different novel ideas and viewpoints. second is cultural toughness, which means the ability to succeed in an alien culture. last but not the least is self-esteem, self-confidence, and mental well-being. only with these qualities can one be qualified to come onto the international stage to play ones role.beyond that, we must work hard to acquire as much knowledge as possible to lay a solid foundation for our future career. its important for us to possess outstanding qualities and rich knowledge. with them we are likely to win and succeed in the competition.二一. sentence outlinetopic: statusthesis (central idea): status is a marvelous human invention that enables us to get along with one another and to determine where we fit in society.outline:i. status is a marvelous human invention that can help us behave appropriately in relation to other people.ii. status varies with the people we encounter, and changes throughout life.a. we can adapt our status to the requirement of various situations without effort.b. we fit our actions to those of other people based on a constant mental process of appraisal and interpretation.iii. the range of social positions are limited and predetermined.a. a status has been compared to ready-made clothes.b. we can only choose our status from among those provided by society.acknowledgements my deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. she


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