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unit 11 文法篇文法篇 students will be able to elaborate the local culture and surroundings by either oral or written ways. 基礎英語語法 1.s+v (主詞+完全不及物動詞) 2. s+v+sc (主詞+不完全不及物動詞+主詞補語) 3. s+v+o (主詞+完全不及物動詞+受詞) 4. s+v+o+o (主詞+授與動詞+間接受詞+直接受詞) 5.s+v+o+oc(主詞+完全不及物動詞+受詞+受詞補語) 英語句型總整理 -s = subject 主詞 -v = verb 動詞 vt 及物 transitive verb (complete & incomplete) vi 不及物 intransitive verb (complete & incomplete) -o = object 受詞 do direct object 直接受詞 io indirect object間接受詞 -c = complement 補語 sc subject complement 主詞補語 oc object complement 受詞補語 基本五大句型參考例句 cry (哭) run (跑步) walk(走路) happen (發生) rise (上升) come (來) fight(戰鬥) bloom (開花) talk (說話) crash(毀壞) (1) something terrible happened.一件可怕的事發生了 。 (2) money talks. 金錢萬能。 (3) a baby cries. 一個小嬰兒哭。 (4) i run.我跑步。 (5) flowers bloom.花兒綻放。 s + v 基本五大句型參考例句 appear (出現)look(看來)keep (保持) grow(成長) come(來) remain(維持) go(去) become(變成) be(是) sound(聽來) feel(感覺) fall(倒) smell(聞起來) seem(似乎)turn(轉彎) taste(嚐起來) make(使) get(得到) (1) i am a student. 我是一個學生。 (2)the medicine tastes bitter. 這要吃起來好苦。 (3)the dog keeps barking. 這狗不斷地吠。 (4)time is money.時間就是金錢。 (5)it gets dark.天漸暗了。 s + v + sc 基本五大句型參考例句 cook(煮) hit (打擊) like (喜歡) dislike(不喜歡) carry(帶著) have/has(有) do (做) look at(看著) long for(想要) put on (穿上) give up(放棄) catch (捕捉) (1) the early bird catches the worm.早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 。 (2) weve been longing for peace.我們一直渴望和平。 (3) you cant do it.你們做不到的。 (4) he gives up smoking.他戒菸。 (5) john has two cellular phones. john有兩支手機。 s + v + o 基本五大句型參考例句 give (給予) tell (告訴) show(展現) teach (教授) send (寄送) mail (郵寄) owe (欠) buy (買) lend (借與) (1)ill give you another chance. = ill give another chance to you. 我會再給你一次機會。 (2)he lent me some money. = he lent some money to me. 他借我一些錢。 (3)he has told me the truth. = he has told the truth to me. 他告訴我事實。 s + v + io +do = s + v + 介係詞 (to或for)+io 基本五大句型參考例句 call (打電話) make (使) let(讓) allow (准許) name (命名) prove (證明) declare (揭示) watch (看) feel (感覺) (1)she made me angry.她讓我生氣。 (2)they named their son honey.他們給兒子取名honey。 (3)we call this fruit a papaya.我們叫這水果為木瓜。 (4)i felt the earth shake.我感覺到地震。 (5)she watched me working.她看我做事。 s + v + o + oc 教 材 required course texts: 1.主題式情境英文thematic & situational english賴錦全等著2009 東華b002900101 2.video course-top notch tv 2/ joan saslow, allen ascher 2008 pearson longman optional texts: 1.英語表情達意-讀與說(25k+1cd)two ways of expressions by lili amanda crum, 譯者: 王啥,2007 isbn 9789861840888寂天 2. intelligent business pre-intermidiate course book (with style guide) by johnson, christine,2006 agent: bookman書林isbn 978-0-582-84801-6 3.the power of


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