



Unit 15 Learning-Lesson2.单词填空A用所给单词的适当形式填空1At a _(conserve)estimate,the holiday will cost about 1500.2Half the workers were given different _(assign)3I have no doubt that the man is guilty and deserves _(punish)4The gift should be something the _(receive)will like.5Rachel,you must have _(understand)her!Ellie would never say something like that.B选择正确的形容词完成下列句子6A lot of teachers were good,but Farley was _.7Tom?I havent the _ idea where he is.8Joe was a _ man who rarely raised his voice.9It may be necessary to identify _ methods of achieving your goals.10I do agree with his ideas to a _ extent.单项填空1She _ to live alone far from people.AselectedBchoseCpicked Delected2To such an extent _ go on with his empty speech that some of us began to leave.Adid he Bhe would Cwould he Dhe did3The No.1 Department Store has a good _ because it has never cheated customers.Aname Bfame Creputation Drecognition.用各句后面括号内的单词完成句子。1她那严肃的表情反映出她的真实感受。(reflect)_2那个法官的严厉但公正是出了名的。(reputation)_3在某种程度上,那是我自己的错。(extent)_4我在为一家电视台执行任务。(assignment)_5你一定是误会我了。(misunderstand)_.短文填空:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。You need the right collegeWhats out there?How can you learn all of Americas colleges?How do you find the best match the best college for you?Big or small,conservative or liberal,private or public_1_Researches are essential for making a good college decision._2_ Dont easily believe what others say,such as “Someone told me that Colorado College is too small” and “Someone told me that Michigan is too big”Every college has something for someone._3_ Just because you have heard the name of a college does not mean it will be a good place for you.Just because you have not heard the name of a college doesnt mean that you will not like it._4_ That means in these colleges you can fit in with the other students,find the level of education you need and feel good on campus.Researching the colleges means finding several colleges where you really want to go.One quick way to research the colleges is to take a virtual(虚拟的)tour of the college on your computer._5_ you can check out hundreds of colleges on these two websites.When you find one that sounds like a place you would like to be,check out its website and learn more.Make a list of 20 colleges and then choose a short list of 10.1AThere is no college that is wonderful for everyone.BHere are the two top websites to get you started.CGet your parents involved in the decisionmaking process.DThat means collecting information from many sources.EDont spend too much time doing your research.FThere are many things to consider.GThere are many colleges where you will be happy.参考答案.A1答案:conservative2答案:assignments3答案:punishment4答案:receiver5答案:misunderstoodB6答案:outstanding7答案:slightest8答案:mild9答案:alternative10答案:certain.1解析:四个选项中的动词都可表示“选择”,但只有choose后可接不定式作宾语。答案:B2解析:“to such an extent that”表示“到了如此地步,以致”,to such an extent置于句首时句子用部分倒装语序;又因主从句时态需呼应,所以用一般过去时。答案:A3解析:name意为“名字,名称”;fame意为“好名声”,本身已表示“好”的含义,不用再被good修饰;reputation意为“名声”,为中性词,可以指好的名声或不好的名声;recognition意为“认识,认出”。根据题意可知,reputation符合题意。答案:C.1答案:Her serious look reflected how she really felt.2答案:The judge has a reputation


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