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上海交通大学2003年博士研究生入学考试试题Part Listening Comprehension (25%)Part Vocabulary (20%) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the One answer that best completes the sentence. Then write your choices on the Answer Sheet.31. The bus moved slowly in the thick fog. We arrived at out almost two hours later.A. designation B. destiny C. destination D. dignity32. The negotiations which the signing of the treaty took place over a number of years.A. preceded B. prescribed C. proceeded D. processed33. Americans are highly , and therefore may find it difficult to become deeply involved with others.A. moving B. mobile C. movable D. motional34. The Untied States and Canada are lands of except for the Indians, who are the only tree natives.A. emigrants B. immigrants C. dwellers D. inhabitants35. There was a noisy at the back of the hall when the speaker began his address.A. interaction B. irritation C. disturbance D. interruption36. The patient is not in good condition, so do not your visit.A. lengthen B. delay C. extend D. prolong37. Violence is just one of the many problems in city life.A. abundant B. inherent C. substantial D. coherent38. Trees that the view of the oncoming traffic should be cut down.A. block B. inhibit C. spoil D. alter39. He gave his work to his friend to , because he found it hard to see his own mistakes.A. adjust B. compile C. revise D. verify40. A considerable amount of time and money has been invested in this system.A. defining B. implying C. reducing D. perfecting41. We were frightened by the of the crowd.A. hospitality B. honesty C. humanity D. hostility42. The presidents remarks in his speech met with a lot of attacks from other countries.A. offensive B. impressive C. permissive D. expressive43. This can help to something that the students may not have comprehended.A. signify B. specify C. testify D. clarify44. He passed hours in the library; he acquired information relative to the subject he was going to expound.A. resulting B. resultative C. resultful D. resulted45. The travel agency has a full program of , if tourists wish to visit local places of interest.A. expeditions B. excursions C. explorations D. propositions46. The Barbie doll comes with a whole range of that you can dress her in.A. outlooks B. outlines C. outskirts D. outfits47. I dont know how to interpret her remark. I think it was deliberately .A. distinct B. ambiguous C. suspicious D. invisible48. Economic theory would predict that a fall in the price of a commodity would lead to an increase in .A. assumption B. resumption C. consumption D. presumption49. As with a human baby, you must be patient, , and understanding of your pets mistakes.A. tolerant B. strict C. obedient D. durable50. To our disappointment, the guide also only has a slight with Italian.A. recognition B. orientation C. acquaintance D. familiarity51. On the first day when a pupil enters school, he is asked to to the school rules.A. concede B. conform C. comply D. confront52. Once the contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.A. principle B. principal C. potential D. primitive53. If you want to go to the concert, youll have to make a , or there will be no tickets.A. reservation B. punctuality C. compliment D. clarity54. I arrive at nine oclock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my morning .A. habit B. custom C. practice D. routine55. David his companys success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.A. attributed B. contributed C. acknowledged D. pledged56. Youve been talking with David all evening when you ought to be with other guests.A. blending B. integrating C. mingling D. incorporating57. I asked my mother if I could go out, and she .A. descended B. contented C. consented D. ascended58. The room is so with furniturethat it is hard to move about.A. muddled B. cluttered C. distributed D. scattered59. Cant you speak more to your parents?A. respectably B. respectingly C. respectively D. respectfully60. Some good luck brought us nothing but trouble.A. seemingly B. satisfactorily C. uniformly D. universally61. He his old car for a new one as soon as he had won the prize.A. replaced B. converted C. exchanged D. interchanged62. He is a very character; he is never relaxed with strangers.A. self-confident B. self-conscious C. self-evident D. self-serving63. Youll find that the community has great changes since you were here last time.A. submitted B. sustained C. perceived D. undergone64. You dont have to yourself. I think you did the right thing putting your mother in a nursing home.A. justify B. hinder C. indulge D. appoint65. If prisoners behave well they are allowed the of visiting their families at the weekend.A. equality B. security C. privilege D. prestige66. Despite his as a trouble-maker, he was promoted to department manger.A. repetition B. repression C. reputation D. representation67. It was obvious that she and her husband were and she wished shed never married him.A. insolvable B. insensible C. inseparable D. incompatible68. The new law allows you to payment if you think a bill is incorrect.A. withhold B. withdraw C. wither D. withstand69. It was a real when Susan came back from her vacation and told us she had married a local waiter.A. comfort B. shock C. attack D. impact70. To celebrate the national day, there was a fireworks display.A. specific B. spectacular C. speculative D. specialisticPart Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: In this part you are going to read six passages. Each of the passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each question there are four choices marked A., B., C. and D. Decide on the best choice according to the passage you read and write your choice on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneLove cant conquer all. So, before couples tie the knot, they should know what theyre getting into. The taboo against couples living together before marriage is decreasing, and more and more people are saying “I do” after theyve spent months, or even years, living together.As much as a person loves another, he or she never really knows what happens behind closed doors unless he or she is standing on the other side. While some people view living together before marriage as immoral, couples are actually expanding the boundaries of their relationship by moving in together. For example, the division of, household responsibilities can be a major issue for newlyweds. By living together, couples can solve imbalances in the distribution of those responsibilities before someone realizes he or she has married a lazy bum.This may seem like a small point, but how many womenand menare out there who never thought they would be the only ones cooking, washing dishes, vacuuming, hopping, scrubbing, disinfecting, cleaning laundry, dusting, etc.?One of the largest problems in marriages is the “m” word: money. If couples live together before marriage, they learn one anothers saving and spending styles. By baring expenses, people learn not only how each person controls the purse strings but how to discuss finance matters with each other. Its important for couples to figure out budget priorities before they are married, and this is difficult to do unless a person has been sharing expenses with his or her partner. If couples dont have their financial sues in order, they are bound to surface; causing trouble in the marriage.Its also difficult to know someone intimately without living with him or her. A special bond forms between people who share their living space, their personal longings, and their lives together. Some things you just dont know until youve lived with someone.While some people believe living together before marriage is inappropriate, like most everything else in this country, it is a choice that everyone should respect. Living together can be a positive experience that will later reinforce a marriage, but it can also be something that ends a relationship. But if a relationship is going to end, its better people discover the hard truth before they marry. Even though two people love each other and enjoy spending time together, the real question is, Can you live together? People might want to find out before they make the serious decision to marry.71. “Tie the knot” in the first line of the first paragraph means .A. getting acquainted with each other B. dating each otherC. living together before marriage D. getting married72. According to the author, though living together .A. a couple can reinforce their loveB. a couple can learn who is better at doing the houseworkC. a couple can save some money for their marriageD. a couple can know each other intimately73. To some people, living together before marriage is unacceptable because .A. it is immoral and inappropriateB. it may end a relationship more quicklyC. it is a shame to the couples parentsD. it will cause many social problems74. Which of the following is not true according to the passage? A. Living together before marriage is now more acceptable than before.B. Little household chores can cause trouble in ones marriage.C. Love is the guarantee of a happy marriage.D. Newly-weds often has many life imbalances to face.75. An important point the author made in this passage is .A. living together before marrage is significant; every couple should try itB.living together before marriage is a choice that should be respectedC. living together is the best way to bridge the gaps between a coupleD. living together is a symbol of the modem form of civilizationPassage TwoThere were two widely divergent influences on the early development of statistical methods. Statistics had a mother who was dedicated to keeping orderly records of governmental units (state and statistics come from the same Latin root, status) and a gentlemanly gambling father who relied on mathematics to increase his skill at playing the odds in games of chance. The influence of the mother on the offspring, statistics, is represented by counting, measuring, describing, tabulating, ordering, and the taking of censusesall of which led to modem descriptive statistics. From the influence of the father came modem inferential statistics, which is based squarely on theories of probability.Descriptive statistics involves tabulating, depicting, and describing collections of data. These data may be either quantitative, such as measures of height, intelligence, or grade levelvariables that are characterized by an underlying continuum or the data may represent qualitative variable, such as *, college major, or personality type.Large masses of data must generally undergo a process of summarization or reduction before they are comprehensible. Descriptive statistics is tool for describing or summarizing or reducing to comprehensible form the properties of an otherwise unwieldy mass of data.Inferential statistics is a formalized body of methods for solving another class of problems that present great difficulties for the unaided human mind. This general class of problems characteristically involves attempts to make predictions using a sample of observations. For example, a school superintendent wishes to determine the proportion of children in a large school system who come to school without breakfast, have been vaccinated for flu, or whatever. Having a little knowledge of statistics, the superintendent would know that it is unnecessary and inefficient to question each child; the proportion for the entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100 children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics of a population from knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population.76. Which of the following are counting and describing associated with? A. Descriptive statisticsB. Unknown variablesC. Qualitative changesD. Inferential statistics77. Why does the author mention the “mother” and “father” in the first paragraph?A. To present the background of statistics in a humorous and understandable wayB. To point out that parents can teach their children statisticsC. To explain that there are different kinds of variablesD. To introduce inferential statistics78. Which of the following is true of descriptive statistics? A. It leads to increased variabilityB. It solves all numerical problemsC. It simplifies unwieldy masses of dataD. It changes qualitative variables to quantitative variables79. What is the purpose of examining a sample of a population? A. To tabulate collections of dataB. To compare different groupsC. To consider all the quantitative variablesD. To predict characteristics of the entire population80. Which of the following might be the best title for this passage? A. How to Use Descriptive StatisticsB. Applications of Inferential StatisticsC. The Development and Use of StatisticsD. The Drawbacks of Descriptive and Inferential StatisticsPassage ThreeThere are so many bad things about women drivers, I dont know where to start. I guess I will get the ball rolling by talking about one of my biggest pet peeves. Why do women have to wait until they are in the car and barreling down the highway at sixty miles an hour before they decide it is time to put on their makeup?Is there a law that I dont know about that says women have to do their makeup in the car because the bathroom isnt good enough for them? I dont know if anyone has ever informed women, but the mirror in the car is not a makeup mirror. The mirror is used for looking at other cars and pedestrians. So please do us all a favor and do your makeup before you leave the house.The next order of business for the men should be to find out whose brilliant idea it was for women to have a phone in the car. This has disaster written all over it. Everyone knows that women cant even walk and chew gum at the same time, so how in the hell are they going to drive and talk on the phone? Why is it that every time you are sitting at a red light the woman in front of you thinks this is a good time to make a phone call? “HELLO LADY THE LIGHT IS GREEN, GET OFF THE PHONE AND GO!” I really think we need to outlaw women using their cell phones while they drive.Another accident waiting to happen is when you get two women in the same car together. How many times have you seen two women just yakking away and the driver isnt paying attention to where she is going? There is either one of two things that happens when two women get in the car together. One: The women are talking and the driver doesnt see the stop sign in front of her, so she runs it. Two: The two women are talking and at the last minute the driver realizes there is her turn, so she stops really quick in front of you and you almost rear-end her. So women please pay more attention to your driving and, for the love of God, use your turn signalsthey arent there for decoration.I know all women out there are yelling at me and saying, “Women are better drivers than guys.” If women were better drivers than men, why do guys drive on dates? Why dont women ever tell the guy, I will come pick you up? Why are almost all truck drivers guys? Why is it when a woman is going to move and she rents a U-Haul van, she always calls a guy to drive it for her? When was the last time you watched a woman win the Indy 500 or Daytona 500? All of these questions just go to prove why guys are the kings of the road.81. In writing this passage, the author sounds very .A. sarcastic B. sympatheticC. serious D. conservative82. Women are bad drivers in all the following ways except .A. They drive too fastB. they often do their makeup in the carC. they use too much cell phone in the carD. they often miss traffic signals when there is another woman in the car83. In Paragraph 4, second line, “yakking away” most probably means .A. driving carelesslyB. talking senselesslyC. laughing loudlyD. sitting in a relaxed manner84. What can we infer from the passage? A. Men dont rent a van to move their homes.B. Women would be happy to drive on dates if they age given the chance.C. Most winners in motor races are men.D. Women think turn signals are for decoration.85. What point does the author want to make with this passage? A. Women should drive more carefully.B. Women shouldnt be drivers.C. Men are better drivers than women.D. Men should be more tolerant of women drivers.Passage Four“When an individual enters a strange culture, he or she is like fish out of water.” New comers feel at times that they do not belong and consequently may feel alienated from the native members of the culture. When this happens, visitors may want to reject everything about the new environment and may glorify and


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