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专题29 提纲类作文1.【2017年安徽】 书面表达。假如你是李华,你们学校将举行“弘扬中华传统文化戏曲进校园”展演活动,你打算邀请你的美国朋友Mike参加。请你根据以下提示用英文给他写一封电子邮件。1. 时间:7月1日下午2点;2. 地点:学校操场;3. 内容:文化展览、节目表演等。提示词:戏曲opera n. 表演performance n.注意:1. 词数80100; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Mike,I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture. _ Yours,Li Hua【答案】One possible version:Dear Mike, Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【解析】写作亮点:这篇短文内容涵盖了题目要求的所有要点,表达准确,意思连贯,符合逻辑。文章脉络清晰,自然流畅,首先通过分享好消息来引出展演及展演时间,进而介绍展演地点及展演内容最后提出邀请。同时文章还使用了一些常用的句式和短语,这为文章增色不少。在学习中注意积累,掌握一些常用句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:提纲类作文。2.【2017年山东青岛】书面表达。某英语杂志社对部分中学生的周末活动做了问卷调查(结果如图),请你写一篇英语短文 参加征文活动。内容包括:1. 简要描述调查结果。2. 谈一谈中学生应该如何度过一个有意义的周末(至少两条)。要求:1. 词数:80-100。开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。We did a survey about middle school students weekend activities. Here are the results. 【答案】We did a survey about middle school students weekend activities. Here are the results. We found that about fourty percent of the students often do their homework on weekends. And the number of the students who play computer games on weekends is about thirty-five percents of the students. Only fifteen percents of the students like reading and about ten percent do other things. As students, It is our duty to study hard. but we must learn to relax on weekends so that we can learn better nexk weekdays. Although it is fun to relax by using the Internet but spending too much time on computer games is not good for students. I think the best way to relax is through exercise. It is healthy for our mind and body. I also think we should do more reading because it can open our eyes to the world. If so, I think our weekends will be more meaningful.【解析】考点:提纲类作文。3.【2017年山东德州】书面表达。假如你叫张明,你的外国朋友John发来邮件,请你介绍中国的传统节日。请根据表格内容提示及要求给他写一封80100词的回信。FestivalsTimeFoodActivitiesMeanings1The Lantern FestivalIn January or FebruaryyuanxiaoWatch lantern shows and dragon dancesPray for health and happiness for the whole year2The Mid-Autumn FestivalIn the middle of autumnmooncakesWatch the moon; Tell the story of ChangeCelebrate harvest; get together with the family3参考词汇:pray for祈求; harvest丰收要求: 1. 描述节日1和节日2,并自主选择节日3进行介绍,包括节日名称、时间、美食、活动方式及意义等; 2.语言通顺,要点齐全,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范; 3.文中不得出现真实的姓名和学校名称; 4.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。FromZhang MingToJohnSubjectAn introduction of Chinese festivalsDear John,Glad to receive you email. You asked me about festivals in China. Let me introduce some important ones to you.First of all, I want to introduce the Lantern Festival. It comes in January or February._Can you tell me something about the festivals in your country? Im looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,Zhang Ming【答案】One possible version:Dear John,Glad to receive your email. You asked me about festivals in China. Let me introduce some important ones to you.First of all, I want to introduce the Lantern Festival. It comes in January or February. On that day, we eat yuanxiao, go to watch lantern shows and dragon dances to pray for health and happiness for the whole year.The Mid-Autumn Festival is in the middle of autumn. It is a time for the family to get together and celebrate harvest. At night, the whole family eat delicious mooncakes and tell the story of Change while watching the big bright moon.The Spring Festival is the most important for us Chinese. Its the beginning of a new year. We usually eat dumplings, meat and some other nice food. To welcome the new year, we do some cleaning, buy new clothes, set off fireworks and visit our relatives. Everyone, young or old, has a happy smile on their faces.Can you tell me something about the festivals in your country? Im looking forward to hearing from you.Yours,Zhang Ming【解析】试题分析:这是一篇表格作文。根据提示,可知主要介绍三个节日:元宵节、中秋节、及自己选择的一个考点:提纲类作文。4.【2017年山东泰安】写作。如今,很多城市出现了一种绿色出行方式共享单车(bike-sharing),它因环保、便捷而备受青睐,但同时也引发了一些问题。请你根据提示以“Bike-sharing”为题写一篇英语短文,表达自己的看法和建议。要点提示:AdvantagesBe convenient, less pollution, reduce the traffic pressure(减缓交通压力)Take exerciseProblems Throw away, damage(毁损), be stolenAdvice Civilized(文明的), follow the rules, take good care of注意:1. 短文应包括以上要点,可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名及地名;3. 词数:80-100(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Bike-sharing Today, as a greener means of transportation, bike-sharing is becoming more and more popular in many cities. _【答案】One possible version:Today, as a greener means of transportation, bike-sharing is becoming more and more popular in many cities. Its known that it has many advantages. So its enjoyed by lots of people.First of all, its very convenient for people to go somewhere. Also, it helps to reduce the traffic pressure. There will be less pollution because of bike-sharing. Besides, bike-sharing helps people take more exercise. In this way, its helpful to peoples health.However, it also brings some problems. For example, some people throw them away after using bikes. Even some people damage them, and some bikes are stolen.In my opinion, everyone should try to be civilized and follow the rules of using bikes. As long as we take good care of bikes, it will make our life better and better, and our environment will be more beautiful.【解析】 problems. For example, In my opinion,等。考点:提纲作文。5.【2017年山东枣庄】 书面表达。把书面表达答案写在答题卡第七节的横线上。Write a review of the following story in about 90 words. The review has to include the following points:1. The name of your review.2. The idea(s) of your review.3. The reason(s) for your idea(s).4. Something you decide after you consider all the information in the story.“ Cock-a-doodle-doo!” cried the cock(公鸡). He stood in the farm-yard and cried aloud, so that all people might hear him. “Cock-a-diidke-doo! How useful I am, for I always get up first. And I cry about as soon as the sun rises to make all people in the house wake.”“Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!”cried the hen from the yard. She was walking about with three pretty little chickens, and trying to find some food for them. “Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! Im more useful than you. Almost every day I lay a nice fresh egg for my masters (男主人)breakfast. Then think how useful I am to my mistress(女主人). How many nice things does she make with my eggs for the children? She could not get on well without eggs.”【答案】The Use of the Cock and the henThe cock is useful.He always gets up first and cries,“Cock-a-diidke-doo!”to wake all people in the house up.The hen is useful too.On the one hand,she tries to find food for pretty little chickens;on the other hand,she lays a nice fresh egg for her masters breakfast.Her mistress makes many things with her eggs for the children.She could get on well with eggs.In a word,both the cock and the hen are useful.It is wrong of them to see their own use only instead of seeing each others use. 【解析】考点:提纲作文。6.【2017年浙江金华】书面表达。假如你应邀参加一个国际读书会,并将分享自己读过的一本好书。请根据下列表格中的要点,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你要分享的书。Key points(要点)Words and expressions for reference(参考词汇)What the name isThe Old Man and the SeaWho wrote itErnest Hemingway, AmericaWhat it is aboutFisherman,Fight against fish and natureWhy I like itMeaningful, never give up,Well-known sentence: “Man is not made for defeat(失败).”, Interesting, helpful, Well-known sentence: 注意:(1)可选择使用所给的书名及内容,也可另选书籍; (2)短文内容可适当增加; (3)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名; (4)词数:80100; (5)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。 短文首句:The book Id like to share with you is The Old Man and the Sea.【答案】The book Id like to share with you is The Old and the Sea, written by an American writer Ernest Hemingway. This book tells about a fisherman who is lucky enough to catch a huge fish at sea, but finds it hard to take it home. On the way back, he has to fight against the fish, and the sea as well.What I like most about the book is that the fisherman never gives up when meeting with difficulties. I still remember the well-known from the book: Man is not made for defeat. This tells us that nothing seems terrible as long as we have a strong will and a brave heart.【解析】复杂的语法结构和句型。 写作亮点:这篇短文结构合理,行文流畅,内容丰富,其中长句,复合句的运用非常熟练,为文章添彩。如:定语从句This book tells about a fisherman who is lucky enough to catch a huge fish at sea,;表语从句What I like most about the book is that the fisherman never gives up when meeting with difficulties.;宾语从句I still remember the well-known from the book: Man is not made for defeat.等。考点:提纲作文。7.【2017年浙江丽水】假设你是Li Ming, 你的笔友Lisa想了解在毕业之际, 你将为母校做些什么有意义的事.从下表所列的五项内容中, 至少选择两项, 用英语给Lisa写一封电子邮件.Do something for My SchoolVolunteer to do (clean up the school, )Give something away (such as books, )Give suggestions (organize more activities, )Make the school more beautiful (plant trees,)Write to younger schoolmates (how to use time,)注意:(1)文中必须包括所选内容括号内的提示, 并适当发挥; (2)文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息; (3)词数:80-100; (4)短文开头供选择使用.不计入总词数.Hello Lisa, How is it going? Its time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school. _ Li Ming【答案】 Hello Lisa, How is it going? Its time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school. Here are my plans that l would like to share with you. First of all, I will volunteer to do some cleaning with my classmates, such as cleaning the windows and sweeping the floors. To keep our school clean, we will ask our schoolmates not to litter at school. Also, I will give away my favorite books to the school library so that our younger schoolmates can read more good books. And I will call on more schoolmates to do so.Its really hard for me to say goodbye. I wish my school to have a better future. (98 words)Li MingPossible version 2 Hello Lisa, How is it going? Its time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school. Here are my plans Id like to share with you. First of all, I plan to write a letter to the younger schoolmates, telling them to value the people around and get along well with them. And l will share my success and failure in study, too. Also, I will give some suggestions on ho w to make our school better. More trees and flowers must be planted. More after-class activities should be organized so that our schoolmates can join in them to relax. I hope all of our younger schoolmates can live and study happily in our school.(98 words) Li Ming【解析】意总结,牢记一些固定句式及短语,写作时就可以适当引用,使文章的表达更有逻辑性,更富有条理.考点:提纲作文。8. 【2017年浙江绍兴】书面表达。76.某英语教育网站正在开展主题为“How can a teenager have a successful life?”的讨论,为此你采访了一些同学(结果见下表)。请据上经用英语写一篇短文参与讨论,并阐述你的观点。同学主要观点你的观点l 努力学习l 尊重父母l 服务社会l 计划未来(至少两条)注意:(1)短文必须包括表中所有内容,可适当增加细节;(2)你的观点至少两条;(3)词数:80100;(4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。参考词汇:尊重respect短文首句:I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.【答案】I have recently done a survey about how a teenager can have a successful life.Most students believe its necessary to study hard. After all, study plays a key role in their life. They also agree they should respect their parents, who look after them every day. Besides, theyre ready to serve the society and in their opinion its really meaningful. Whats more, they think each teenager is supposed to make a good plan for future.From my point of view, we need to make some good friends so that we can learn from each other. Also, we must be active and exercise more to keep healthy because its important to a successful life.【解析】语法,不能是汉语式的句子,要使用一些高级词汇及句式。 写作亮点:短文用了一些短语和句式,如:do a survey about sth关于某事做调查;respect their parents,尊敬他们的父母;look after照顾;make a good plan for sth为某事做一个好的计划;make some good friends交一些好朋友;keep healthy保持健康。用了宾语从句,如:Most students believe its necessary to study hard. Whats more, they think ea


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