



Unit1 in class第一课时.一、教学内容Unit1 Hello (story time)二教学目标:1、能力目标:1)能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。2)能正确地听、说、读单词 door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down,open,close.3)能在真实的情景中正确运用please. Come in/和日常交际用语Im sorry 2、策略目标:能与别人相互合作,共同完成学习任务。3、情感目标:培养学生学英语的兴趣,运用英语的意识。三、教学重点:能正确理解掌握对话,并能朗读表演。四、教学难点:、能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。、能正确朗读单词door, window ,blackboard , stand up, sit down,open,close. 五、课前准备1、教具:多媒体,3、板书:写好课题 Unit1 In class六、教学过程Step1: Warm up1. Greeting T: The bell is ringing. The teacher is coming. Please be quiet and class is begin.Im Kitty. (Show Hello Kitty) If you say: “Hello , Kitty , I love you!” I will give you a Hello Kitty.Step2 : Presentation1. Teach: stand up/sit downT: Class begins.SS: Stand up.T: (出示板书Stand up .) 带读,做up的动作。Good morning, boys and girls. SS: Good morning, Miss Lv.T: Sit down , please. (出示板书Sit down .) 带读,做down的动作。 Can you read “stand up”/“sit down”? (出示板书read)SS: Practise in pairs.(One student reads, the other acts.)(对在Free talk和Practise in pairs中表现出色的学生,奖励一个苹果贴画。这样既可以激发学生的积极性,又为下面的学习打下伏笔) 2. Teach: open, close, door,window, (1) T: Its winter now . The wind is blowing Hoo, hoo. Its very cold outside. Im cold . Can you close the door /window for me? (learn : close)(2) T: Its too cold . Lets do some exercise. Jump 20 times. Jump 20 times quickly. (调节跳跃的节奏,以来调节课堂气氛) Im so hot now . Can you open the door / window for you?(learn: open) T: Look here, theyre the new words. Lets read the new words.SS: Read after the teacher.T: Ask a student to read the new words and then the other students read after him/her.Step3: Play games.1. Do orders T: Stand up, boys and girls. Sit down, boys. Sit down, girls. Please open the door.Please close the window. SS: Do according to the orders.S1: Say the orders instead of the teacher.Step3: Read and say.1.教授课题 In classT: (出示Mike和Mr Green的头像) Whos he?Theyre our old friends. Boys and girls, were in the classroom. Were in class. Were in the English class. Do you know where our old friends are. Look at the screen, and then answer“Where are they?” (充分运用多媒体课件,展示对话场面,学生在形象生动的语境中听、说、读、练,各种感官都充分调动起来,听、说、读等各种能力都得到提高。) 2. Teach:Im sorry . come in SS: Watch the video about Picture 1, 2 ,3 ,and then answer “Whos late?” 通过听,表演学习Im sorry .come in. (教授并板书)4. Read the dialogues. 5. Read in a role and act.(分为两部分)Picture 12-Practise in pairs and show.Picture34-Practise in groups and show.(利用现代化的教学手段,创设真实的英语环境,帮助学生进行对话的机械操练是英语教学中必不可少的环节。)Step6: Consolidation.T : You all did very well . Weve learnt lots of orders of class.Maybe you can be a teacher now.(播放一段录像,学生准备上课但没有老师)T: Miss Li is ill in the hospital. Heres her teaching plan.课件出示教案Stand up. Sit down, please. Please open the door.Please close the window. SS: Pactise in pairs and show.(课外即是真正的生活,生活情景是现实存在的,无须创设。课堂上充分利用现代化电器创设情境,让学生把所学语言放到真正的生活中去检验、运用,让学生在相互采访中明白所学句型的用武之处。Step7: Homework.&S226;Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.&S226;Have an English lesson to your family and friends. (家庭作业除了布置学生模仿听录音跟读对话外,还布置他们表演对话,培养学生的语感。并让他们运用所学的句型去介绍他们


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