



7A Unit 1 This is me!参考教案Study Skills教学目标1. 培养学生在各种情境中说英语的习惯。2. 能使用日常用语做提示,提要求并对所提出的要求做出回应。教学内容四会内容词汇:rubberborrowsaystartbegin词组:in English句型:Do you have a pen? Can I borrow your pen? Im sorry. I dont have one. Excuse me. How do you say that in English?其他内容词汇:understand词组:the answer to start a role-play教学准备1. 实物2. 录音机3. 写有题目的小纸条教学步骤Step I 呈现1. 假装拿笔来运算,却发现笔是坏的,向学生借笔:T:Excuse me. Do you have a pen?S: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 板书并带读至熟练。2. 假装解题过程中出错,要用橡皮:Excuse me. Can I borrow your rubber? 引导学生回答:Yes, you can. / Yes, here you are. / Im sorry. I dont have one. 板书并带读至熟练。3. 告诉学生这是向别人借东西时常说的话:If you need to borrow something from your classmate, you may say these sentences.4. 学生两人一组合作表演对话:Ok. Its your turn to practise now. Work in pairs. Borrow something you need from your partner.Step II 呈现1. 复习上一节课Speak up中的内容以导入新课:Daniel and Sandy are talking about their favourite football player. Now, who wants to play the role of Daniel? Who wants to play the role of Sandy? Lets start a role-play.教师乘机引导:If you want to start a role-play, you can say: Ill start/begin now.板书句型,带读至熟练。2. 请若干学生上台表演,在邀请时要求学生使用新学句子回答:Do you want to start a role-play? 学生回答:Yes. Ill bigin/start now.Step III 呈现1. 出示一支钢笔:Whats this in English? 学生回答:Its a pen. 转换提问方式:Excuse me. How do you say this in English? 引导学生作同样的回答,板书并带读至熟练。2. 分别出示不同实物。让学生两人一组回答:If you dont know how to say something in English, please ask your partner. Now work in pairs.3. 出示一块橡皮:Excuse me. How do you say it in English? 如果学生表示茫然,教师此时加以引导:If you dont know the answer to something, you can say: Im sorry. I dont know. Do you understand?4. 继续呈现橡皮并板书 rubber,让学生跟读数遍,然后再问:Now how do you say that in English? 学生齐答:Its a rubber.Step IV 呈现1. 以鼓励赞扬的语气肯定学生刚才的学习。放一首英语歌曲让学生轻松一下:Boys and girls, you did a good job. Now lets listen to an English song and have a break.2. 歌曲结束:The song is very beautiful, but what does the song mean? Do you understand the song? 引导学生回答:No, I dont understand. 板书并教学此短语。3. 告诉学生在不明白某些事时,我们说这句话:If you dont understand something, you may say: I dont understand.4. 展示写着题目和答案的纸条,例如:Post 等于1234, 那么top等于多少?(p=1, o=2, s=3, t=4, 答案市421)问学生:Do you understand? 鼓励学生回答:Yes, I do. 或者 Sorry, I dont understand.5. 为了活跃课堂气氛,教师可提供更多类似的题目供学生练习使用。Step V 练习1. 词汇和短语练习。用所给词的正确形式填空:1. Can you _ (play) with us ?(play)2. I dont know how _ (start) a role-play.(to start)3. _ you _ (watch) TV in the evening?(Do, watch)4. Do you have a _ (rubber) in your pencil case?(rubber)5. The question is too difficult. I _ (not understand) it.(do not/dont understand)2. 复习板书内容,教师总结:Today we have learnt some useful expressions in English. I hope you will practise saying these sentences in and out of class.Step VI 家庭作业1. 记忆所学词汇、短语。2. 加强日常用语的使用。阅读下列情景,并回答问题:1. 当你遇到不会读的单词时,你如何向同学和老师询问? (Excuse me. How do you say that in English?)2. 你的朋友帮你分析难题,你却没听懂,你怎么对他说? (I dont understand.)3. 英语课上,老师请学生开展对话表演活动。你想参加,该如何说? (Ill start/begin now.)4. 到了学校突然发


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