



科普版小学英语第六册Lesson 4 There is a horse under the tree教学设计一、 教学内容本课着重学习there be 句型的肯定句的用法。语言结构:Whats under the tree? Theres a horse under the tree. There are some birds in the tree.二、 教学目标1. 掌握单词front 和词组in front of2. 理解、掌握there be 句型的肯定句的用法,并能用替换词造句。3. 学生能熟练掌握本课语言结构并能拓展运用。三、 教学重点及难点理解、掌握there be句型的肯定句的用法并能拓展运用。四、 教法、学法设计利用实物创设情景,先从复习已掌握的表示地点的介词短语入手,自然引出对新的词组“in front of ”的学习;接着渐进式的引导学生逐步理解和领悟there be 句型的含义以及肯定句的句型结构。再通过多媒体教学为学生提供了一个直观有效的情境和语境,让学生自觉参与到会话中来,将课文内容改编成一首歌谣的教学形式更加激发了学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,最后引导学生运用新知来描述教室,以及自己所画的图画,真正做到学以致用。五、 教学过程Step 1 Organizations of the classroom组织教学学生唱英文歌曲Step 2 Revision复习Put a Mei Yangyang in/on/near/under/behind/by the box,let Ss say like this:Mei Yangyang is in/on/near/under/behind/by the box.利用实物创设情景,先让学生们复习已掌握的表示方位的介词短语,为呈现新知做好过渡与铺垫。Step 3 Presentation 呈现1. Present the new phrase “ in front of ”Put the Mei Yangyang in front of the box,then asks:“Where is it now ?”Helps students to understand its meaning and make phrases like this : in front of the box/ruler/book .2. Present the key sentence “There is a .”Show a tree on the screen and asks:“Whats on the screen ?”Helps students answer like this:“There is a tree on the screen.”Then shows a horse under the and a house behind the tree,let students say “There is.”by themselves. After that,writes the key sentence on blackboard,let Ss practice more and make clear with the two words “horse”and “house”.3. Present the key sentence “There are some.”Continues to show a bird on the blackboard and ask:Whats in the tree? Then shows two birds on the screen,lead in another key sentence “There are some birds in the tree.”naturally ,helps students understand the difference between“There is.”and “There are .”and can point it out by themselves. At last,let students make a further practice with “There are.”利用多媒体教学,引导学生边看,边说,边理解,让学生自己领悟到there be 句型的含义以及结构特点,有效的训练学生的思维并为接下来的课文学习和操练环节打下基础。Step 4 Present “Lets talk”and practice”课文呈现与操练1) Look at the pictures on the screen,ask and answer with students first.Then asks them to do this in pairs,make sure they can use “there be”well.2) Listen to dialogue,then listen again and fill in the blanks.Check answers with the whole class.3) Chant通过听,说,读,写,唱等多种操练形式,充分调动学生多种器官进一步熟悉重点句型,学生们的参与热情高涨,在轻松愉快的氛围中学习。Step 5 Consolidation & Extension 巩固与拓展 Asks students to talk about their classroom,their school,and their pictures,encourages students to express something in their daily life by using “there be ” 引导学生利用所学的句型谈论他们熟悉的场所,有效培养学生的发散思维,学会在生活中运用语言。Step 6 Assign homework 布置作业 Write something about your own room.Step 7 Assessment 评价 水果篮内的水果在有效评价学生活动的同时还巧妙的与本课句型相互辉映,受到好的教学效果。 教学反思这学期,我开始尝试研究情教学法在小学英语教学中的应用。并有幸参与的精品课展示,我所执教的是科普版小学英语第六册Lesson 4 There is a horse under the thee。这节课我主要从以下5个方面来准备的,以下是我的教学反思。1. 重趣味。教英语的最好的方法就是能引起学生学习英语兴趣的那种方法。教学这节课时,我时时把握这一点从课前的歌曲,到大家喜爱的美羊羊,以及课件上的卡通图片,每一部的设计都是从关注学生的学习兴趣出发,特别是把主题句改变成学生喜爱的chant,让学生读起来朗朗上口,这些都收到了好的教学效果。2、重情景。人类思维活动是借助语言进行的。人类思想的交流也是通过由语言来实现的。语境不同运用语言的语法也有不同。There be 句型表示某地有某物,所以在教学时,特别是课件制作上面,我特别注重地点和方位的设计,让学生能清楚的理解掌握There be 句型的用法 。3、重迁移。在教学中我提倡“新旧贯通”或叫“相互迁移”。其实这也是一个很好的学习方法。如教学时我先主动出示图片教学,在学生对课文的主题句已经掌握了的时候,我要求学生们利用身边的事物造句,随后让学生拿出自己画好的图画,用There be 句型向大家展示,这样真正做到了“新旧贯通”“相互迁移”。4、重运用。学习英语的目的是为


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