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考博翻译汉译英 (一)斯蒂芬沃林有话对男人们说多做家务,帮忙带孩子,多花点时间在家里。1.“平等始于家庭,”沃林,这位芬兰的文化与体育部长在联合国妇女地位委员会年度集会的会场外接受采访时如是说。沃林说他希望会有这么一天,没人会再问哪个职位不管是在家庭还是在办公场合适合男性还是女性来做。“负担起更多的家务职责吧,”这是沃林传达给成家男人的信息。这样做的好处远不止仅仅创造出平等的关系,让女性从母亲与家庭主妇的传统角色中解放出来。2.“做父亲的承担的家务越多,离婚就越少,”他说,“二者有直接关系。当然,这与互相尊重和尽量使彼此生活更加轻松也密不可分。” 政府和企业老板们也要保证,当有了孩子后,男人和女人应当有同样的机会待在家里。3. 沃林正在芬兰推广一项计划,他自己称之为“六加六加六”:父母双方分别有六个月的产假,另外还有六个月的假期在两者之间分配。该计划基于冰岛的一种模式:父母双方各有三个月的假,另外还有三个月的假供两者分配。1. “平等始于家庭,”沃林,这位芬兰的文化与体育部长在联合国妇女地位委员会年度集会的会场外接受采访时如是说。 “Equality starts at home,” Wallin, Finlands minister for culture and sports, said in an interview on the sidelines of an annual gathering of the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. 2. “做父亲的承担的家务越多,离婚就越少,”他说,“二者有直接关系。当然,这与互相尊重和尽量使彼此生活更加轻松也密不可分。” “The more the fathers take responsibility for things at home, the less divorces you have,” he said. “Theres a direct correlation. It is, of course, also about respecting each other and trying to make life easier for each other.” 3.沃林正在芬兰推广一项计划,他自己称之为“六加六加六”:父母双方分别有六个月的产假,另外还有六个月的假期在两者之间分配。 He is pushing a Finnish plan that he calls “six plus six plus six,” under which mothers and fathers would get six months of maternity and paternity leave each and another six months to divide among themselves. 汉译英 (二)你觉得全球变暖能让海水上升到足以淹没哈特拉斯角的程度吗?想拿这事儿打个赌吗?1.一家网上赌博公司已经开始接受全球变暖赌注,下注的对象包括海水能否淹没美国东海岸的一些顶级度假胜地。BetU为弗吉尼亚州亨利角在2015年之前被水淹没开出的赔率是200比1,哈特拉斯角在同年之前没入水中的赔率则是300比1。2. 弗吉尼亚滩市海岸工程师菲尔罗赫斯说,别去下这样的注,原因在于美国东海岸的海平面虽然在上升,科学家们却从未预测过近似于赌博公司提供的有关海水上涨的具体高度和日期。罗赫斯说:“(因为赌博公司不可能输)赔率这么高也就不足为奇了。” 罗赫斯的话没能阻止赌徒们去碰运气。3. 据BetU的发言人里德理查兹所说,网上投注开通的头三天就有大约3,000人下了注, 其中大多数赌徒都押了曼哈顿会在2011年新年前夜之前没入水中。理查兹说:“我也搞不懂这是为什么。”1.一家网上赌博公司已经开始接受全球变暖赌注,下注的对象包括海水能否淹没美国东海岸的一些顶级度假胜地。 An online gambling service has started taking bets on global warming, including whether it can submerge some of the East Coasts top vacation spots. 2.别去下这样的注,原因在于美国东海岸的海平面虽然在上升,科学家们却从未预测过近似于赌博公司提供的有关海水上涨的具体高度和日期。 Dont bet on it, says Phil Roehrs, a coastal engineer for the city of Virginia Beach. Roehrs said although sea levels are rising along the East Coast, scientists are not predicting anywhere near the levels and dates provided by the gambling service. 3. 据BetU的发言人里德理查兹所说,网上投注开通的头三天就有大约3,000人下了注, 其中大多数赌徒都押了曼哈顿会在2011年新年前夜之前没入水中。 About 3,000 placed bets during the first three days on online booking, said Reed Richards, a spokesman for BetU.,most of whom have put down money that Manhattan will be submerged before New Years Eve 2011.汉译英 (三)1.安大略的新星化学品公司宣称,一名工人无意中错按了该公司的“停工”开关,这一无心大错将使这家大型塑料厂无法履行一些合同,由此损失的利润将达1,100万美元。当时,正在厂里做工的一名合作公司雇员错误地触发了一个“停工”开关,不光使得生产停顿,还使工厂不得不花两个星期时间来修理设备。“这个开关是用来保障安全的。如果有人发现出了问题,就可以用它来使工厂停止生产,”新星公司发言人格里格威尔金森说,“可是,这一次的情形并不是这样。没有什么安全问题,就是个意外。”由于这次突如其来的停工,新星公司宣布丙烯以及一些其他产品的交货期发生不可抗力延误。“不可抗力”是个法律术语,意思是某个公司因超出其控制范围之外的原因而无法履行合同。2.公司说,生产中断以及由此而来的销量损失将使公司第二季度的利润减少800万美元,第三季度利润减少300万美元。公司已经就该工人错按“停工”键的具体情况展开调查,同时声称当务之急仍是修理设备。3. 威尔金森稍后说,公司已经决定等调查结果出来之后再确定可能的处罚措施。不过,他也说自己对那名工人抱有一定程度的同情。他说:“我想不出他现在是什么感觉,不过,那感觉一定糟糕透顶。”1.安大略的大型化学品公司宣称,一名工人无意中错按了该公司的“停工”开关,这一无心大错将使这家大型塑料厂无法履行一些合同,由此损失的利润将达1,100万美元。 A worker accidentally tripping a shutoff switch at a major Ontario plastics plant will cost Nova Chemicals Corp. $11 million in lost profit, the company said, because it wont be able to fulfill some contracts because of the blunder. 2.公司说,生产中断以及由此而来的销量损失将使公司第二季度的利润减少800万美元,第三季度利润减少300万美元。 The company said the outage and lost sales will shave profits by about $8 million in the second quarter and $3 million in the third. 3. 威尔金森稍后说,公司已经决定等调查结果出来之后再确定可能的处罚措施。 Wilkins said later that the company has decided to await the results of its inquiry before making any decision on potential penalties. 汉译英 (四)热衷度假的人们请注意了:一项关于游客对欧洲城市印象的调查表明,伦敦吃的最糟糕,巴黎被人们过高估计,还有布鲁塞尔堪称最乏味的城市。1. 这项通过“旅行专家”的调查,有近2400人参与,英国首都被评为最脏的欧洲城市,衣着最糟糕的城市,物价也昂贵。巴黎也好不到哪里去,游客说这是座最不友好的城市,物价第二贵。然而,这两受热捧的旅游城市在网上民意调查中也挣回一些面子,分别被誉为食物美味着装养眼以及夜生活丰富,公园舒适且免费之都。2.威尼斯胜出巴黎和罗马,被评为欧洲最浪漫的城市,但却是第三大物价昂贵之城,仅追巴黎和伦敦之后。 想去友好城市的游客们最好选择去都柏林,而注重养生的朋友们会选择丹麦的哥本哈根,它被誉为欧洲最干净的城市。3.布拉格被选为价廉物美的旅游之地,而想饱眼福,养眼球的游客们应该去西班牙的巴塞罗那,但是一定得避开波兰的华沙,这两个城市分别被被誉为有着最佳建筑风景和最煞风景的建筑。哪个城市最呆板乏味呢?游客们的选票投向了比利时首都布鲁塞尔,瑞士的苏黎世紧跟其后,屈居亚军。1. 这项通过“旅行专家”的调查,有近2400人参与,英国首都被评为最脏的欧洲城市,衣着最糟糕的城市,物价也昂贵。 In the poll of nearly 2,400 travelers, by website Tripadvisor ”(), the British capital was voted the dirtiest in Europe, home to the worst-dressed people and the most expensive. 2. 威尼斯胜出巴黎和罗马,被评为欧洲最浪漫的城市,但却是第三大物价昂贵之城,仅追巴黎和伦敦之后。 But both popular destinations redeemed themselves in the online poll, with Paris voted as having the best cuisine and best-dressed people,1 while London was seen as having the best nightlife, best public parks and most free attractions. 3. 布拉格被选为价廉物美的旅游之地,而想饱眼福,养眼球的游客们应该去西班牙的巴塞罗那,但是一定得避开波兰的华沙,这两个城市分别被被誉为有着最佳建筑风景和最煞风景的建筑。 Prague was picked as the best bargain destination, while people seeking visual treats should head for Spains Barcelona, but avoid Warsaw in Poland, which were seen as the cities with the best and worst architecture respectively. 英译汉(一)1.The mammoth 787-billion-U.S. dollar stimulus package was finally passed by the U.S. Congress last Friday, a crucial step forward in Washingtons ambition to revive the faltering economy. The asserted benefit of the bill, however, was overshadowed by the Buy American provisions it included, which barred the use of foreign iron, steel, and manufactured goods in public works projects funded by the plan. The clause easily invited deep concern outside and inside the United States, raising fears of a recurring of protectionism.2. Buy American has become particularly sensitive in a time that the world is facing sagging economy and slumping trade, echoing the Great Depression in the 1930s when a wave of tit-for-tat protectionism choked global trade and prolonged the economic pain. The United States has alleged that the implementation of the bill will strictly abide by its international trade obligations. Analysts pointed out that according to the international government procurement agreement, Canada, the European Union (EU), Japan and a few other countries might be exempted from the provisions. Even so, potential protectionism embedded in the provisions still touched the nerves of these nations and blocs. Canada, with about 40 percent of its steel export going to its southern neighbor the U.S., has repeatedly expressed its deep concern.3. The countrys Prime Minister Stephen Harper said on Feb. 3 that the clause could contravene the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and backtrack on Washingtons international obligations to break down global trade barriers. Harper spoke out again last Friday, after the bill was approved by the Congress, that there were some improvements as this went through the congressional process but obviously all of us remain concerned, and I think (U.S.) President (Barack) Obama.1. The mammoth 787-billion-U.S. dollar stimulus package was finally passed by the U.S. Congress last Friday, a crucial step forward in Washingtons ambition to revive the faltering economy. 美国数额巨大的一揽子刺激计划最终于上周通过审议了,这是华盛顿方面进一步促使美国经济复苏的重大决策。2. Buy American has become particularly sensitive in a time that the world is facing sagging economy and slumping trade, echoing the Great Depression in the 1930s when a wave of tit-for-tat protectionism choked global trade and prolonged the economic pain. “买美国货”的做法在这个经济疲软,贸易萧条的时期变得尤为敏感。这种做法就是二十世纪三十年代针对经济危机而实施贸易保护的翻版,当时的举措阻碍了全球贸易的发展,拖延了对经济创伤的治愈。3. The countrys Prime Minister Stephen Harper said on Feb. 3 that the clause could contravene the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and backtrack on Washingtons international obligations to break down global trade barriers. 三月二日,该国总理斯蒂芬哈伯发表声明说,该法案违反了“北美自由贸易协定”,尔反尔地违背了华盛顿自己签署的所谓“国际义务条款”,从而冲破全球建立的贸易壁垒。英译汉(二)A group of scientists tested banknotes from more than 30 cities in five countries, including the United States, Canada, Brazil and Japan, and found “alarming” evidence of cocaine use in many areas. U.S. and Canadian currency had the highest levels, with an average contamination rate of between 85 and 90 percent, while Japanese currency had the lowest, between 12 and 20 percent contamination. 1. Scientists have known for years that paper money can become contaminated with cocaine during drug deals and directly through drug use, such as snorting cocaine through rolled bills. Contamination can also spread to banknotes not involved in the illicit drug culture, because bills are processed in banks currency-counting machines.2. Study leader Yuegang Zuo of the University of Massachusetts said that the high percentage of contaminated U.S. currency observed in the current study represents nearly a 20 percent jump in comparison to a similar study he conducted two years ago. “To my surprise, were finding more and more cocaine in banknotes. Im not sure why weve seen this apparent increase, but it could be related to the economic downturn, with stressed people turning to cocaine,” Zuo said.Such studies are useful, he noted, because the data can help law enforcement agencies and forensic specialists identify patterns of drug use in a community. The amounts of cocaine found on U.S. bills ranged from 0.006 micrograms (several thousands of times smaller than a single grain of sand) to more than 1,240 micrograms of cocaine per banknote (about 50 grains of sand). 3.The scientists found that larger cities like Baltimore, Boston, and Detroit had among the highest average cocaine levels. Washington, D.C., ranked above the average, with 95 percent of the banknotes sampled contaminated with the drug. The lowest average cocaine levels in U.S. currency appeared on bills collected from Salt Lake City.1. Scientists have known for years that paper money can become contaminated with cocaine during drug deals and directly through drug use, such as snorting cocaine through rolled bills.多年以来科学家就知道纸币很容易被可卡因污染,这种污染是在毒品交易和直接吸毒过程中产生的,比如将纸币卷起以便吸入毒粉。 2. Study leader Yuegang Zuo of the University of Massachusetts said that the high percentage of contaminated U.S. currency observed in the current study represents nearly a 20 percent jump in comparison to a similar study he conducted two years ago.研究组组长,来自马萨诸塞大学的左月刚说所检测过的纸币污染的比例很高,且较两年前他做的同类研究结果上涨了20%。3. The scientists found that larger cities like Baltimore, Boston, and Detroit had among the highest average cocaine levels. Washington, D.C., ranked above the average, with 95 percent of the banknotes sampled contaminated with the drug.科学家发现大一点的城市,比如巴尔的摩,波斯顿和底特律纸币感染可卡因的程度高些。 华盛顿的纸币感染程度为中上等,95%的抽样纸币都受到毒品污染。英译汉(三)1.Copenhagen had long been hyped as the conference where a new set of stringent, binding, verifiable, and internationally enforceable greenhouse gas emissions targets were to be agreed upon for the decades ahead. The targets in the existing 1997 Kyoto Protocolgenerally a 5 percent reduction below 1990 emissions levels for developed countriesare scheduled to expire in 2012. And in any event, global warming activists considered the Kyoto Protocol too weak to save the planet. There were some initial discussions of requiring up to 30 percent cuts by 2020 for developed nations. 2.And with the Bush Administration gone in 2009, many in the international community felt that the path was clear for the Obama Administration to finally include America in these mandatory emissions reductions. Some also hoped that developing nations, especially fast-growing China and India, would give up their exemptions in the Kyoto Protocol and also go along with emissions targets. Emissions growth from these major developing nations will dominate in the decades ahead; thus, a treaty without significant commitments from them would be ineffective in seriously altering the upward trajectory of emissions in the coming decades.None of these things happened at Copenhagen. The final accord contains no tough binding new targetsor even weak ones. 3.All that was left after two weeks of meetings was some vague language to the effect that it would be nice if each country decided on its own to reduce emissions. Equally non-binding promises from developed nations to


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