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Welcome to Fengyan Middle School,安家业,2012.4.27,2012年中考英语交流,中考英语书面表应对技巧,Do you want to have your own car?,someday If you have a car ,will you be happy?,Nowadays more and more cars come into our families.,So there are many cars on the street.,So we are very happy that it has greatly improved our life.,So many cars,happy,Improve our life,What happened?,Heavy traffic,But unlickily,So there is heavy traffic on the road.,So many cars,what else can so many cars cause?,1.lost their lives/ was killed,2.get hurt,Traffic accidents,So every year many people lose their lives and get hurt in the traffic accidents.,What should we do as middle school students?,obey the traffic rules,What traffic rules do you know?,Keep on the right of the road,we keep on the right of the road when we walk or ride bike on.,dont drive too fast,Please slow down!,dangerous!,walk cross the crosswalk/ zebra-cross,walk on the sidewalk,dangerous!,Crosswalk/ zebra-cross,sidewalk,Before we go across the street ,make sure there is a crosswalk and walk on the sidewalk.,dangerous!,Before we cross the road, we must stop and look both ways look left, look right and look left again.,What else will you do before you go across the road?,We must never play or run after each other on the street.,We must not play soccer on the street.,Dont drive after drinking,So we must advise our parents not to drive after drinking.,【2011年中考作文】越来越多的汽车进入我们的家庭生活,改变了我们的生活,但是同时也带来了很多的问题,如塞车和车祸。给家庭和社会带来了极大的危害。作为中学生,我们应该怎么做呢? 请写一篇有关交通安全的短文。(80词左右) 内容包含: 遵守交通规则,如走人行道、过斑马线。 别在街上或马路上玩耍和踢球。 劝说父母不能酒后驾车。 你可以增加内容,让短文通顺过渡自然。 参考词:人行道 sidewalk 斑马线 zebra-crossing crosswalk 第一段已给出,不计入总词数。,1. so many cars,1.improve our lives,2.heavy traffic,3.traffic accidents,2.What should we do as middle school students?,obey the traffic rules,1.Keep on the right of the road,2.dont drive too fast,3.walk on the sidewalk/crosswalk,4.We must not play or run after each other on the street.,5.We must not play soccer on the street.,1.lose their lives,2.get hurt,3.Whats more, we must advise our parents not to drive after drinking.,With more and more cars coming into our families, we are happy that it has greatly improved our life. But unluckily, it has also brought many problems. Such as heavy traffic and traffic accidents.,Of course , we must know about the traffic rules and at the same time obey them. First ,we keep on the right of the road when we walk on or ride bike. And we mustnt drive too fast. Second, we go across the street ,make sure there is a zebra-cross/crosswalk. before we cross the road, we must stop and look both ways look left, look right and look left again ,make sure the road is clear or not dangerous. And walk on the sidewalk. finally, we mustnt play on the street, such as playing soccer, running after each other. besides, we should tell the children not to do like this. whats more, we should advise our parents not to drive after drinking. Its dangerous to drive a car after drinking. In a word, if everyone obeys the rules, we will be much safer on the roads.,Every year many people lose their lives and get hurt in the traffic accidents. As middle school students, what should we do to make the roads safe?,Sum up,认真审题。归纳出你要写的文章的要点(即提纲),并提炼出每段的一句具有概括性的句子,具有可读性,抓住或吸引读者。注:要涉及完文章所要求的要点。,2.理顺要点,构成框架。通过每个要点进行层层剖析,得出几个关键词,围绕这几个关键词,进行展开写作。,3.连词成句,连句成篇。在句子的表达中,一定要用英语的思维来写,切忌将汉语翻译英文,易出现汉语式英语,这就要求我们要充分利用好教材,注重积累学过的句子。在这过程中,要避难就易。要小词大用,借花献佛,尽量使用简单句,不追求文采,避免重复,巧妙使用某些词或短语来使上下句连贯或上下文过渡自然。,4.修改文章。,5.书写规范。,homework,近段时间,社会上对学校是否应该强制学生穿校服展开了激烈的讨论,褒贬不一.于是本期城市镜报在学校中广泛征稿,希望听到来自学生的心声.请你就征稿要求进行投稿.穿校服的利是:展现良好的纪律,穿著校服可加强学生的纪律性。穿校服整体上看来较为整齐外,还可时刻提醒学生,让他们认清自己的身份,不断留意自己的言行举止,除此之外,穿校服,在学生之间没有攀比的现象。所以中学生穿著校服上学,不是没有其好处的啊!有些人却说, 有很多中学生认为穿校服很不方便,觉得穿便服比穿校服较好看,所以,他们都会不约而同的说中学生不应穿校服上学。但我却不同意这种看法,我觉得中学生是应该穿校服上学的。 请写一篇100词左右的短文。 参考词汇: School uniform 校服 discipline纪律 unity联合一致,团结,Outline:,1. Wearing school uniforms can show the students neat looks.,2. Wearing school uniform can show good discipline.,3. Wearing school uniforms makes students know what they are all the time. And pay mo


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