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Foreign Trade English Conversation,外贸英语会话,Contents,Lesson 1 Meeting Lesson 2 Inquiry and Offer Lesson 3 On Price Lesson 4 Order Lesson 5 Terms of Payment Lesson 6 Time of Shipment Lesson 7 Packing Lesson 8 Insurance Lesson 9 Commodity Inspection Lesson 10 Signing and Execution of the Contract Lesson 11 Complaints Claims and Settlements Lesson 12 Arbitration Lesson 13 Trade Forms Lesson 14 Quota Lesson 15 Import License Lesson 16 Registration of Trademarks Lesson 17 In the Restaurant Lesson 18 Airport departure,Introduction,As a significant social activity, negotiation is a means of dealing with human relationships and resolving conflicts and has never been non-exist. On the other hand, as a product of social competition, negotiation has got its different meaning and content with the development of the times.,Generally speaking, negotiation is a bargaining situation in which two or more players have a common interest to cooperate, but at the same time have conflicting interests over exactly how to share. In other words, the player can mutually benefit from reaching an agreement on an outcome from a set of possible outcomes, but have conflicting interests over the set of outcomes.,Lesson 1 Meeting,Part I At the airport 1. Business attire 2. conversation Part II Establishments of Business Relations,Cultural etiquette in negotiation,a. Handshakes are vital in social situations The host or the person with the most authority usually initiates the handshake. Make sure your hand is not sweating. A firm and consistent handshake, not too hard though, often gives a good impression. b. Eye contact is also crucial when meeting people. Eye contact arouses trust and shows respect for the other person. It also shows confidence and good inter-personal skills. c. Proper introductions guarantee a good meeting. Always say the name of the most important person first, and then the name of the person being introduced. For example, “Mrs. Anderson, Id like you to meet my son.” Remember to introduce people in the following order: a. the young to the old b. non-official to official c. junior to senior d. colleague to customer e. female to male,Negotiation Idioms,at stake: something to be lost or gained 关系得失与利害 There was a lot at stake during the negotiation between the nurses and the government. back down: not follow up in a threat 后退 The state government backed down on their threat to stop giving money to the city government.,Lesson 2 Inquiry and offer,In foreign trade, inquiry and offer are two important steps to begin the business. Inquiries are usually made by the buyers without engagement to get information about the goods to be ordered, such as price, catalogues, delivery date and other terms. In response to an inquiry, an offer or quotations may be sent. In making a firm offer, the time of shipment and the mode of payment should be mentioned. In addition, the exact description of the goods should be given, if possible, sample or pattern be sent.,Part I Making an inquiry,Key points a ready market place regular orders latest quotation sheet competitive price sold out keep pace with it sister corporation,Practice,A:我们是机床供销商。我想你方用户对我们一些最新产品会感兴趣的。 B:我们在考虑订购一些特种机床。如果你方产品是我们所要的类型,我们是有兴趣的。 A:我们也接受特定规模制造机床的定单。 B:我能了解一下价格的大概情况吗?能不能给一张报价单? A:当然可以。我们的价格和其他制造商开价比较是十分优惠的。所有价格经我方确认方始有效。 B:我们从欧洲供销商那里经常得到5%的折扣。请问你们给不给折扣? A:假如你方订购数量比较大的话,我方可以考虑。 B:那好,到我们决定订购多少机床的时候再一起商量吧。,A: Were suppliers of machine tools of various types. I think your end users will be interested in some of our new products. B: Were thinking of ordering some special kinds of machine tools. We would be interested in your products if they are of the types we want. A: We also take orders for machine tools made according to specifications. B: May I have an indication of the price? Can I have your price sheet? A: Yes, of course. Our prices compare most favorably with quotations you can get from other manufactures. The prices are subject to our confirmation. B: From European suppliers we usually get a 5% discount. And you? A: If your order is large enough, well consider giving you some discount. B:Fine! Well negotiate after we decide how many machine tools we are going to order from you.,Part II Making an offer,A satisfactory quotation will include the following: a. An expression of thanks for the inquiry in writing. b. Details of prices, discounts and terms of payment. c. A statement or clear indication of what the prices cover (e.g. freight and insurance, etc.) d. An undertaking as to the date of delivery or time of shipment. e. The period for which the quotation is valid.,Useful expressions,a. subject to our final confirmation b. Our offer remainsis goodopenvalidfirm for 3 days. c. indication of a further rise in price d. the margin of profit e. a gesture of goodwill f. in view of our friendly relations,以我们的最后确认为准 我们的报价有效三天。 价格进一步上涨的预兆 利润空间 友好的表示 鉴于彼此的友好关系,Part III Negotiation Idioms,back out: get out of an agreement 退出 The real estate developer backed out of the negotiations for building the new city wall. back to the drawing board: get back to the start 从头开始 The negotiations for the contract failed so we had to go back to the drawing board.,Part IV Negotiation link-Culture,Multicultural differences in greetings: Bow Hugging. Kiss! Hand-shaking Brits prefer a brief but firm handshake. The French- a light grip. Germans will give a firm handshake-“pump” then quick withdrawal. Italian-shake hands, hug and then kiss on both cheeks.,Lesson 3 On Price,Price is one of the most sensitive factors in the negotiation of business. The buyer wants to buy cheap; on the contrary, the seller wants to sell dear. In order to conclude the business, the buyer, when has a disadvantage over the seller, has to accordingly compromise on terms such as lowing the price, allowing discounts and so on. The most important of these are cash, trade, and quantity discount.,Spot bargaining,S:The tag price of the roller-skate is 50.00 a pair, but Ill make it 45.00 for you. What do you think? B: Thats much more than I was prepared to pay. S: How about 43.00? B: I offer you 30.00 a pair. S: Thats too little. Well, Ill come down to 40.00. B: All right. To meet you half way, I go up to 35.00, but not a penny more. Is that acceptable? S: Ok, its agreed.,Part I On Price,a. Our price is different according to the size of the order. b. let me be frankto be frank with you c. leading manufacturer d. be well up to the standard e. be suitable for our requirements f. Business depends very much on your prices. g. take everything into consideration h. compare favorably with i. in reference to,Sentences related to Price,a. How about meeting each other half way with the price gap? b. Dont let us get stuck over the question of price. c. Take it or leave it.(要就要,不要就算了。) d. That will be difficult. But as you have been so accommodating over the question of price, I think we can arrange that.,Four most important terms in relating to discount: Cash discount Trade functional discount Quantity discount Seasonal discounts.,Part II Discount,Useful expressions,a. I can give you a 10% discount off to promote our relations. b. At present the demand for our products still exceeds the supply. c. We might as well call the whole deal off. d. In order to get the business done, we are quite willing to make some concessions.,e. For the sake of friendship,were prepared to offer a discount of 3% if you double the value of your order. f. exceptional case g. Your prices are sky-high. h. If you commit to buy more, then I could consider a larger discount.,Part III Negotiation Idioms,ball is in someones court: be someone elses turn 把球踢到对方 The ball was in the unions court after the company made their final offer. beat around the bush: talk about things without giving a clear answer 绕弯子 The manager spent the meeting beating around the bush and never really said anything important.,Part IV Negotiating skills-Moving into a higher price niche,You can learn to raise the price of your products inconspicuously or price a new product higher initially. To actually INCREASE your income, the following tips will help get on your way:,Realize that there are going to be several people that will reject your higher prices. Know when to call it quits(适可而止)。 Dont get stuck in the middle.,Lesson 4 Order,An order is a request to supply a specified quantity of goods. The essential qualities of an order are accuracy and clarity. An order should include: a) full details of description, quantities and prices and quote article numbers; b) state mode of packing, port of destination and time of shipment; c) confirm the terms of payment as agreed upon in preliminary negotiations.,Useful Expressions,a. If the sales volume is large enough, we will give you larger orders in the future. b. The item is out of stock at the moment. c. best selling itemsbest seller d. If the business terms are satisfactory, Id like to place a trial order for the raincoat so that we may test the market. e. I suggest that you cut down the quantity of your order by half. f. stand the competition,若销售量够大,我们将更多地订购。 这种货品暂时缺货。 畅销货 如果交易条款令人满意的话,我方愿意试订购该雨衣以开发市场。 我建议你方将定单减半。 经得起竞争,Negotiation Idioms,bog down: slow to a stop 停顿;卡壳 The negotiations bogged down when the union said they would not negotiate about the part-time workers. bone of contention: the subject or reason for a fight 争论的焦点 The length of the project was a major bone of contention during the talks between the city and the developer.,Principles for negotiation,When negotiating, its important to have the most information possible, preferably more than the other side. It helps to know where the other sides negotiating power is weak. Here are some suggestions: a. Dont get personal. b. Control your emotions. c. Dont talk out of school(在外面;不要谈及与谈判有关的内容). The wall has ears. d. Dont be afraid to take a risk. e. Dont attribute more strength to the other side than it possesses.,Lesson 5 Terms of Payment,Payment is of great importance in international trade. The final result of business activities is to get the amount of money for goods supplies or services renders. Otherwise, all would be meaningless. So proper terms of payment should be chosen to ensure the payment. 加入一些货币图片,Useful Expressions,a. Now that the price has been settled down, lets move on to the terms of payment. b. In our general (regular) practice, we only accept documents against payment. c. Paying a deposit to the bank will tie up our money. d. It makes no difference to you, but it does a lot to us.,既然我们已经谈好了价格,让我们接着商谈付款方式条款吧。 一般来说,我们只接受付款交单的付款方式。 向银行交付押金将束缚我方资金。 对你们来说没什么不同,对我们却意味着很多。,e. We would prefer you to pay for your imports in US dollars. f. Could you accept the terms of payment by installments for our present transaction? g. with an eye to h. Make sure that the first installment reaches us 15 days before the delivery. i. Many banks in North America carry accounts with the Bank of China.,我们更愿意您用美元支付。 当下的交易,你方能否接受分期付款的方式? 着眼于 确保首批付款于交货前15天到达。 北美的许多银行同中国银行有帐户往来。,Negotiation Idioms,call the shots: be in charge 主持;掌握 During the meeting it looked like the vice-president was calling the shots. card up ones sleeve: another plan or argument saved for later 秘而不宣的备用方案 I thought that the negotiations would be unsuccessful but my boss had another card up his sleeve that we didnt know about.,The need theory in negotiation,In negotiation, how to use the need theory to find, analyze and satisfy each others needs is very crucial for any negotiator to gain over the most possible benefits. One of the key theories about “ people at work” is Masolws “hierarchy of human needs”. Maslow suggests that human beings take actions in order to satisfy essential needs. He classifies human needs under five main headings: a. Physical of Survival Needs (生理的需要) b. Security and Safety Needs (安全的需要) c. Social Needs (情感的需要) d. Ego and Esteem Needs (获得尊重的需要) e. Self- realization Needs (自我实现的需要),Lesson 6 Time of shipment,In a competitive business world, its always fatal to deliver goods quickly and on time, especially those fresh or seasonal commodities. Generally speaking, the time limit governing a shipment is of three categories: a. Shipment with a fixed date b. Shipment with a date in the near future c. Shipment with an indefinite date,Useful Expressions,a. If the shipment cant be made before December, we are not able to catch the season. b. step up production c. considering/in view of/with an eye to your urgent need and our long-standing relationship d. Lets call it a deal. e. To meet your demand, we can manage to advance the shipment by one month.,如不能在12月前装运,我们就无法赶上装运季节了。 加速生产 考虑到/鉴于/着眼于你方急需及我们长期的贸易关系 就这样定了。 为了满足你方需要,我方尽力提前一个月装运。,a. be fully committed b. You have to make the delivery in October, as the commodities must go through complicated customs procedures at our end. c. Transshipment adds to the cost of transportation, then the extra cost should be for you account. d. To stand on the safe side, Id suggest Port Said(塞得港) as an optional port(任意港) in case the goods cant catch the said on-carrier.(第二航程船),任务/计划已满 你方必须十月交货,因为商品在我方要通过复杂的海关检验。 转运增加了运输成本,因此额外的费用应由你方承担。 安全起见,我方建议塞得港为任意港,以防出现商品赶不上上述第二航程船。,Negotiation Idioms,cave in: weaken and be forced to give up 被迫放弃 The company was forced to cave in to the demands of the workers for more money. cover ground: talk about the important facts and details of something 应对所涉及的问题 The number of questions seemed endless and we were unable to cover much ground during the meeting.,Negotiation Links- Preparation for negotiation,Good preparation builds a solid foundation for your negotiation. To contribute to success in your negotiation, your preparation should be aimed at achieving an over-arching objective- that of making sure that you go into your negotiation knowing more than the person you face. Preparation can be divided into four aspects: establishing the target for negotiation; establishing business relations; getting as much information as possible; and making a feasible negotiation plan.,Lesson 7 Packing,Packing plays an important role: In practical business activities, as far as the benefit of the buyer and the seller is concerned, both of them should be familiar with the following items: A: Packing parameters (起限定作用的包装因素) a. Value of the goods (商品的价值) b. Nature of the goods (商品的性质) c. Rules and regulations (规章制度) d. Temperature variation (温差) e. Cost of packing (包装成本) B: Marking of goods,Types of packing,a. Outer packing b. Inner packing c. Neutral packing,Useful Expressions,a. enjoy high prestige b.The design of packing looks nice, but we hope you could make some improvement in color. Children like rich and fresh color. c.Well-decorated packing catches the eyes and can help push sales.,享有盛誉 包装图案很好看,但希望贵方能在颜色上改进一下。孩子们喜欢丰富多采的颜色 良好的包装会惹人注目,有利于促销。,d. As for this shirt, we use a polythene wrapper for each, ready for window display. e. You can rest assured that our packing will be on a par with that of other competitors, if not better. f. We always see to it that our customers are guaranteed economical and sea-worthy packing.,我们用塑料袋对衬衫进行包装,可直接橱窗陈列。 你尽可放心,我们的包装即使不比别人的好,也不相上下。 我们总是注意保证客户拿到 经济实惠、适于海运的包装。,Negotiation Idioms,cut a deal: arrange a deal, make an agreement 达成协议 We were able to cut a deal and left the meeting in a positive mood. drag ones heels: act slowly or reluctantly 拖延时间 The government has been dragging their heels in talks with the union about their new contract.,The attitude of negotiation,By following a few common sense rules we can reduce conflict and turn it into cooperation and reach solution that really work for all the participants. a. Separate the people from the problem 把人和问题区分开来 b. Distinguish between interests and positions 将利益和立场区分开来 c. Consider your BATNA (Beat Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement) 考虑谈判协议的最佳备选方案 d. Silence is gold 沉默是金 e. Pursue fairness 讲求公平 f. Keep a cool head 保持头脑冷静 g. Resiliency 保持弹性,Lesson 8 Insurance,The international trade is subject to many risks. Ships may sink or consignment be damaged in transit, exchange rate may alter, buyers default or government suddenly impose an embargo, and so on. Therefore, in some cases, exporters and importers may possibly suffer from losses or damages. Insurance provides a pool or fund into which the many contribute and out of which the few who suffer loss are compensated.,Related Knowledge,Parties involved Insured Applicant Insurer Insurance Agent Insurance Broker,被保险人 投保人 保险人 保险代理人 保险经纪人,保险当时人,保险代理人 是指代表保险公司招揽和经营保险业务的组织和个人。其行为所产生的权利,义务,后果直接由保险人承担。 保险经纪人 是指基于投保人的利益,为投保人与保险人定立保险合同提供中介服务,并依法收取佣金的单位。,保险涉及费用, 保险单据,Money involved in insurance Insured Amount 保险金额 Premium 保险费 Insurance Documents Insurance Policy or Policy 保险单 Insurance Certificate 保险凭证,Set Phrases in Insurance,cover/insure the goods against +risks 险别 for + insurance amount 投保金额 with + insurer 保险人 cover the insurance effect insurance,on+商品,Negotiation Idioms,drive at: mean 用意 I couldnt understand what the opposing negotiators were driving at. face down: confront boldly and win 直面 The government decided to face down the striking transportation workers. fall through: fail; be ruined 失败,泡汤 The deal for the new machinery fell through and we have to look for another supplier.,Lesson 9 Commodity Inspection,The commodity inspection is the inspection conducted by a third, authorized party that has nothing to do with the seller and the buyer with the purpose of testifying whether the quality, quantity, package, etc. would be the same as those terms appeared in the contract. In the foreign trade, commodity inspection is divided into the legal inspection and entrusted inspection. Since the entrusted inspection is merely done according to the items specified in the contract stipulated by all the parties concerned, and it isnt as important and compulsory as t


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