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Unit 4 Marketing Fundamentals,Jane,4-1,Unit Introduction,Many people believe that marketing is just about advertising or sales. However, marketing is everything a company does to acquire customers and maintain relationship with them. The ultimate goal of marketing is to match a companys products and services with the people who need them, thereby ensure profitability. This unit will present a general complete picture of marketing fundamental. And various aspects of the marketing mix and advertising in marketing will be covered.,4-1,Unit Introduction,In order to help you understand and master the marketing fundamentals, there are 14 tasks and three texts designed for you. After studying this unit, you will be able to be equipped with the general knowledge of marketing and advertising.,Most of the following words are used in the context of marketing fundamentals. When you read, firstly, try to figure out their meanings. 首先,试着猜出他们的意思。 Secondly, pay close attention to words you dont know and look them up in a dictionary. 其次,注意不认识的单词,并在字典中查找出其释义。 Thirdly, review these new words and do Task 1. 第三,复习这些单词并完成Task 1.,4-1,Professional Words & Expressions,product manufacturer market research marketing plan product marketing brand marketing media planning image-building physical evidence people placement target market public relations,n. 产品 n. 制造业者,厂商 市场调查 媒体计划 产品推广 n. 品牌 n. 市场营销 媒体计划 n. 形象塑造 实体环境 n. 人员 n. 放置 目标市场 公共关系,distribution channel generic advertising at no cost marketing effort process drawback product pricing marketing mix charge junk mail sales strategy at regular price,配销渠道 adj. 非商标的 n. 广告;登广告 免费 行销努力 n. 流程 n. 缺点 产品定价 市场营销推广组合 v. 要价 垃圾邮件 推销战略 按正常价,4-1,TASK 1,Select an expression from the words listed above which matches one of the eight definitions given below. If you like, compare the definitions here with others in a dictionary. If there are other words or expressions in the list which you do not know, look them up, too.,4-1,TASK 1,任务: Task1给出了8个定义,从56页的单词中选词填空 Tips: 不懂的查字典 (查字典是很好的学习习惯,对于掌握一个单词的词义和用法都非常有帮助。 对于阅读来说,课后复习主要要做的就是查单词,把不懂的单词都弄懂,最好了解下其英文释义、其用法等等。),4-1,TASK 1,_ it refers to the channel by which a product or service is sold _it is done by providing physical evidence, such as, demonstrations _it can provide a service and the behavior of people,which can be important to customer satisfaction 4. _ men and women who are involved in a particular type of work,Distribution channel,physical evidence,process,people,4-1,TASK 1,_ it is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a want or need in marketing _it refers to tons of junk mails you got everyday . If you didnt check your email box last month and finally you would find that it was full of thousands of rubbish _it refers to practice of commercial selling 8. _ it can make something known generally, especially, in order to sell it,product,junk mail,marketing,advertising,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Pre-reading Text A will concentrate on the introduction of the marketing concept and marketing mix. The standard four Ps and the extended three Ps will be covered in this text. By studying variations of seven elements of marketing mix, you should have the ability to reach multiple consumers within your target market. Now share your experience or ideas with your partners by discussing the following questions.,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Have you ever purchased anything that you dont really need? A. Yes B. No How often do you go shopping? A. Always (100%) B. Often (70%) C. Sometimes (50%) D. Never(0%) In what ways are you easily persuaded into buying something? By_. A. TV commercial B. Newspaper Advertisement C. Quality D. package E. Brochures F. Leaflets G. Price H. After-sales service,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,1 What does the word marketing mean? Marketing is the process of moving people closer to making a decision to purchase, use, follow or conform to someone elses products, services or values. Marketers can use the variables of marketing mix to make a marketing plan.,翻译,营销一词的含义是什么?市场营销是一个不断推进的过程,该过程的目的是促使人们心动到做出各种决定诸如购买他人的各种产品、享用他人提供的各种服务、以及遵循他人的各种价值取向。营销人员运用市场营销推广组合的变量来制定营销推广计划。,ongoing,ongoing 前进的,持续的,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Marketing is the ongoing process of 【moving people closer to making a decision (to purchase, use, follow or conform to someone elses products, services or values) 】.,翻译,市场营销是一个不断推进的过程,该过程的目的是促使人们心动到做出各种决定诸如购买他人的各种产品、享用他人提供的各种服务、以及遵循他人的各种价值取向。,主语,修饰 process,修饰 decision,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,2 There are the standard four marketing mix(4Ps) and the extended three marketing mix(3Ps) in marketing, The former can be defined as the of product, pricing, promotion, and placement or distribution channel that satisfies the demands of the chosen market segment, and the latter are often referred to three elements of people, process and physical evidence.,翻译,在市场营销中有标准的4P市场营销推广组合和扩展的3P市场营销推广组合,前者定义为产品、价格、促销和渠道或分销组合,后者通常指的是人员, 过程和物证三个要素。,blend,blend 混合,satisfy,satisfy vi. 令人满意;令人满足 vt. 满足;说服,使相信;使满意,使高兴 satisfy the demands of (满足的需求) e.g. It is impossible to satisfy all demands. 要满足一切要求是不可能的。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Four Ps (The Standard Marketing Mix) 3 The standard four Ps have to fit closely together, and the key to effective marketing is the ability to adjust each of the four factors in response to the demands of the target market.,翻译,4P(标准的市场营销推广组合) 标准的4Ps必须紧密结合,有效的市场营销的关键是调整四个因素以响应目标市场的需求。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,4 Product means the product management and product marketing aspects of marketing. They deal with the of the actual goods or service, and how it relates to the end-users needs and wants.1,翻译,产品 指的是产品管理和产品推广的各个方面。他们处理具体产品或服务项目所有的详细明确的东西,以及具有这些详细明确东西的产品或服务项目跟消费者的需求之间的关系。,specifications,specification 明确规范,aspect,n. 方面;方向;形势;外貌 e.g. This is only one aspect of the problem. 这只是问题的一个方面。 e.g. This course covers every aspect of American history since World War. 这个课程涉及到二战以来美国历史的各个方面。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,They deal with the specifications of the actual goods or service, and how it relates to the end-users needs and wants.1,翻译,他们处理具体产品或服务项目所有的详细明确的东西,以及具有这些详细明确东西的产品或服务项目跟消费者的需求之间的关系。,deal with 的并列宾语,指代前半句,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,A businesspersons first marketing decision concerns the products or services that will attract customers in the target market. Firstly, he is to determine consumers needs and wants. Secondly, he translates them into desirable products and services.,翻译,商人的首要行销决策与目标市场中吸引顾客的产品和服务有关.首先,他将确定消费者的需求。其次,他把这种需求转化为令人想要的产品和服务。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,A businesspersons first marketing decision concerns the products or services that will attract customers in the target market.,翻译,商人的首要行销决策是与目标市场中吸引顾客的产品和服务相关的.,主语,谓语,宾语,修饰前面的 products or services语,concern,vt. 涉及,关系到;使担心 e.g. What were planning doesnt concern you. 我们正在计划的事与你无关。 n. 关系;关心;关心的事 e.g. I can certainly understand your concern. 我完全可以明白你的担心。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Firstly, he is to determine consumers needs and wants. Secondly, he translates them into desirable products and services.,翻译,首先,他将确定消费者的需求。其次,他把这种需求转化为令人想要的产品和服务。,转化,be to do sth.,be +动词不定式(即be + to do sth.)表示按计划或安排要做的事。 e.g. When are you to leave for home? 你什么时候回家? 这种结构也可用于过去。 was / were to do sth. 表示曾经计划要做的事,但不表明计划是否被执行,或表示“命运(即命中注定要发生的事)”,而非计划; was / were to have done sth.表示未曾实现的计划。 e.g. I felt nervous because I was soon to leave home for the first time. 我感到很紧张,因为我很快就要首次离开家了。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,5 Pricing refers to the process of setting a price for a product. The marketing manager must decide how the company should price its products. Most offer generic products at the lowest price and offer their own commercial brands usually at the highest price.,翻译,价格 指的是给某一产品定价的过程。营销部经理必须决定公司应如何给公司的产品定价.一般的产品出最低价, 商业品牌出最高价。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,6 Promotion includes advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and personal selling, and refers to the various methods of promoting the product, brand, or company. Do you have any idea how to promote the sales of companys product?,翻译,促销 涵盖了广告、促销、公共关系和推销。它指的是为推广产品、品牌、或公司而采用的各种各样的方法手段。你有什么好办法来推销公司产品?,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Company promotes its product through advertising, primarily on television. Department stores also spend heavily on advertising, but they choose newspapers as the most effective medium. Therere many alternatives and the choice may determine the success of a marketing effort.,翻译,公司通过广告,主要是电视来推销产品。百货商店也在广告上花大量的费用,但他们选择报纸作为最有效的媒介。可供选择的媒介有很多,只有选择合适的媒介,行销努力才能成功。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Company promotes its product through advertising, primarily on television.,翻译,公司通过广告,主要是电视来推销产品。,主语,谓语,宾语,方式状语,补语,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Therere many alternatives and the choice may determine the success of a marketing effort.,翻译,可供选择的媒介有很多,只有选择合适的媒介,行销努力才能成功。,表递进,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,7 Placement or distribution channel refers to how the product gets to the customer. The fourth P in the marketing mix has also sometimes been called “place”, referring to “where” a product or service is sold, e.g. in which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people, women and men, etc.). How the manufacturer sends its products to the customers, transportation is the major factor here.,翻译,渠道或分销 指的是产品怎样到达消费者手里。市场营销中第四个P它有时也称为“地点”,指的是某种产品或服务的销售“地点”,即,在哪个地理区域或行业销售、销售给哪部分人(如年轻的成年人、家庭、商人、女士、男士)等。厂商如何将其产品运送到客户手中, 因此,运输在渠道中是主要的因素,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,The fourth P in the marketing mix has also sometimes been called “place”, 【referring to “where” a product or service is sold, e.g. in which geographic region or industry, to which segment (young adults, families, business people, women and men, etc.).】,翻译,市场营销中第四个P它有时也称为“地点”,指的是某种产品或服务的销售“地点”,即,在哪个地理区域或行业销售、销售给哪部分人(如年轻的成年人、家庭、商人、女士、男士)等。,【非限制性定语从句】,并列,对前文作解释,segment,n. 部分;片;块 e.g. orange segments 橙子瓣 e.g. The company dominates this segment of the market. 该公司控制了这一部分市场。 v.分割,切割 e.g. Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class. 市场研究人员常常按年龄和社会阶层划分人口。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,As well as the standard four Ps,services marketing calls upon an extra three Ps.2 Three Ps (The Extended Three Marketing Mix),翻译,除了以上讲的常规的4P外,服务类的营销还需要3P。 3P(扩展的市场营销推广组合),calls upon,号召;要求;拜访 e.g. US Secretary of State calls upon Turkey to help in stabilizing Iraq. 美国国务卿呼吁土耳其帮助伊拉克稳定政局。 e.g. I now call upon the chairman to address the meeting. 现在请主席向大会致辞。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,9 People Any person coming into contact with customers can have an impact on overall satisfaction. Whether as part of a supporting service to a product or involved in a total service, people are particularly important because, in the customers eyes, they are generally inseparable from the total service.,翻译,人员 任何与消费者有接触的人都会影响到消费者的总体满意度。无论是辅助服务中的一分子,还是参与了所有的服务的人员,因为在顾客的眼里他们都与所有的服务密不可分,因此他们尤为重要。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,Whether as part of a supporting service to a product or involved in a total service, people are particularly important because, in the customers eyes, they are generally inseparable from the total service.,翻译,无论是辅助服务中的一分子,还是参与了所有的服务的人员,因为在顾客的眼里他们都与所有的服务密不可分,因此他们尤为重要。,插入语,come into contact with,v. 接触到;联系;开始做某事 e.g. He come into contact with a lot of new idea while work abroad. 在国外工作期间他接触到许多新的思想。 e.g. In her job she often comes into contact with (=meets) lawyers. 她在工作中常与律师接触。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,As a result of this, they must be appropriately trained,well and the right type of person. Fellow customers are also sometimes referred to as under “people”,3 as they too can affect the customers service experience.,翻译,因此,这些人必须接受岗位培训,必须积极主动,而且,必须是符合所在岗位要求的人。有密切关系的消费者有时也被称为“次人员”,因为他们影响整个消费者服务的感受。,motivated,motivated 有动机的,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,10 Process This is the process involved in providing a service and the behavior of people, which can be important to customer satisfaction.4,翻译,过程 指提供一次性服务的过程和公司人员的行为,这两个方面在满足顾客方面很重要。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,11 Physical evidence Unlike a product, a service cannot be experienced before it is delivered, which makes it . This means that possible customers could see greater risk when deciding whether or not to use a service.,翻译,物证 和产品不同,消费者只有享受了服务才能感受到,服务是无形的。这就意味着,潜在的消费者在决定是否享受某种服务时看到的可能是更高的风险。,intangible,intangible 无形的,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,This means that possible customers could see greater risk when deciding whether or not to use a service.,翻译,这就意味着,潜在的消费者在决定是否享受某种服务时看到的可能是更高的风险。,句子主干,定语,deliver,vt. 交付;发表;递送;释放;给予(打击);给接生 e.g. We promise to deliver within 48 hours. 我们承诺在48小时内送到。 vi. 实现;履行;传送;投递 e.g. If you cant deliver improved sales figures, youre fired. 如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,To reduce the feeling of risk, thus improving the chance for success, it is often important to offer possible customers the chance to see what a service would be like . This is done by providing such as case studies or testimonials.,翻译,为了减少消费者承担风险的顾虑、增大成功的机率,让潜在的消费者有机会亲眼看到提供的服务将是什么样的,通常是很重要的。通常的做法是提供实例或鉴定。证书之类的东西。,4-2,Comprehensive Reading,To reduce the feeling of risk, thus improving the chance for success, it is often important to offer possible customers the chance to see what a service would be like .,翻译,为了减少消费者承担风险的顾虑、增大成功的机率,让潜在的消费者有机会亲眼看到提供的服务将是什么样的,通常是很重要的。,thus引导一个表结果的从句,句子主干:To reduce it is,testimonials,n. 证明书;推荐书 e.g. The catalogue is full of testimonials from satisfied customers. 这份商品目录满篇皆是称心顾客的赞辞。 adj. 证明的;褒奖的;表扬的 e.g. At the testimonial dinner everyone flattered him shamelessly. 在纪念筵席上大家都厚颜无耻地奉承他。,4-2,Notes,Notes 1 They deal with the specifications of the actual goods or service, and how it relates to the end-users needs and wants. 他们处理具体产品或服务项目的功能,以及如何将它与消费者的需求联系在一起。 2 As well as the standard four Ps, services marketing calls upon an extra three Ps. 除了以上讲的常规的4Ps外,服务类的营销还需要额外的3Ps。,4-2,Notes,3 Fellow customers are also sometimes referred to as under “people”, as they too can affect the customers service experience. 有密切关系的消费者有时也被称为“under people”,这是因为他们对整个服务消费者的过程也会产生影响。 4 This is the process involved in providing a service and the behavior of people, which can be important to customer satisfaction. 这个过程涉及到提供服务以外的顾客的行为,这些对顾客满意而言也很重要。,4-2,Task 2,Skimming is a very useful technique that will allow you to read selectively, that is, read what is important and skip what is not on your immediate purpose. Now skim Text A again, and decide whether the following statements are True or False.,Reading Tips,跳读 读重要的部分,跳过不重要的或是与你的阅读目的不直接相关的部分。 找关键词,选出答案。,4-2,Task 2,Marketing is the creative process of satisfying customer needs. 2. In popular usage, “marketing” is the promotion of products, especially advertising and branding. However, in professional usage the term has a wider meaning which recognizes that marketing is customer centered.,T,T,4-2,Task 2,The extended three marketing mix is three elements of product, price and people. The standard four marketing mix is four elements of product, price, process and physical evidence. 5. Marketing is a set of activities undertaken to stimulate satisfactory exchanges of goods and services.,F,T,F,4-2,Task 3,Generally speaking, the faster you read within limits, the better youll comprehend. Is it so with you? If it is, what are the limits? For you, optimum comprehension comes at speeds somewhat above your slowest rates. Read Text A for the third time, and pay attention to the reading speed and choose the best answer for each of the followings statements.,Reading Tips,一般来说,在限定时间内读得越快,理解得就越好。 因为你可以纵览整篇文章,把文章放在一个大的框架中理解,读得越慢,就表示你过于专注文章中的难点,而导致“捡了芝麻、丢了西瓜”。 不确定的可以凭直觉。 只要是快速浏览的,对全文有个大致了解,你的第一感觉往往比左想右想后得出的结果更准确。,Task 3,4-2,4-2,Task 3,1. What is the marketing mix? It is _. A. a blend of product, price and promotion B. a blend of promotion and placement C. is another term for marketing D. a combination of product, price, promotion and placement 2. Which of the following can present in the most attractive way in marketing mix? A. promotion B. product C. price D. place,D,A,4-2,Task 3,3. Which of the following is often important to offer possible customers the chance to see what a service would be like by providing such as case studies or testimonials? A. people B physical evidence C. process D. promotion 4. A businesspersons first marketing decision concerns the products or service that will attract customers in the target market. According to the context, the right meaning of the underlined part is _. A. has to do with B. disturbs C. applies to D. has an effect on,B,A,4-2,Task 3,5. As a hot term in todays world marketing should be defined as a means of promoting_. A. physical goods B. non-physical goods C. both A and B D. services or ideas 6. In making the first marketing decision, the most important thing businessperson should do is _. A .to create a target market among small businesses B. to reduce the price of their products C. to find out the costs of raw materials of a new product D. to find out consumers needs and wants,C,D,4-2,Task 3,7. What does 4Ps refer to in marketing mix? A. Product, Promotion, People and Physical Evidence. B. Place, Product, Price and Process. C. Product, Price, Place and Promotion. D. Product, Price, People and Process. 8. Department stores also spend heavily on advertising, but they choose newspapers as the most effective medium. Whats the right meaning of the underlined part? A. little. B. much. C. hardly. D. some.,C,B,4-2,Task 3,The most important thing to effective marketing is _. A. to spend heavily on promotion to facilitate sale B. to produce high-quality products to meet the needs of consumers C. to have first-class products


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