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浙江省普通高校招生模拟考试英语试题(六)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:Im so tired after last night.I think Im too old to stay out until two oclock in the morning!W:Oh,I left an hour before you did.And Im super exhausted,too!But Rachel was the last one to leave.I think she stayed for three more hours after you.1.When did the woman go home? A.At one oclock.B.At two oclock.C.At five oclock.答案AW:What time is your appointment,sir?M:It was supposed to be at 3:45,but I tried to email Dr.Livingston and ask for an earlier time.W:Let me call Dr.Livingston.Just have a seat,and Ill be back in a minute.2.What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Call the doctor.B.Send the doctor an email.C.Wait for her to return.答案CW:Look at what you are eating.Are you trying to lose weight?M:No.This is a special kind of soup.Its quite healthy.I also had a pretty big dinner last night,so I dont need to eat too much.3.What are the speakers talking about?A.What to cook.B.What the man is eating.C.Where to have dinner.答案BW:Why are you carrying an umbrella?It isnt supposed to rain today or anything.M:Yeah,I know.My skin is very sensitive to sunlight,and its supposed to get into the upper 90s today.And to be honest,I think it looks fashionable too!4.Why does the woman have an umbrella?A.She thinks it will rain.B.She only wants to be fashionable.C.She doesnt want to get sunburned.答案CM:Do you have anything closer to the window,by any chance?Wed love to look out onto the water.W:No,Im sorry.Fridays are one of our busiest nights for dinner.If you want,you could wait at the bar for a better table to open up.5.Where does the conversation take place?A.At a restaurant.B.At a dance club.C.At a theater.答案A第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。W:Welcome to our garage sale!Please let me know if you have any question.M:OK.So,are you guys moving or something?Is that why youre selling all your old stuff?W:No.But we just decided that our basement was getting too full.M:Most of this stuff is in great shape.Why are you getting rid of it?W:Its better if someone can actually use it.Were trying to get a bit better organized,and it all starts with the extra stuff that we dont really need.6.Where are the speakers?A.On the street.B.In a shop.C.In a garage.答案C7.Why is the woman selling her things?A.She wants to buy new stuff.B.She wants to be more organized.C.She is moving away.答案B听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。W:I really need a new phone.M:You can say that again!Youre always dropping that thing on the ground.The screen is cracked all over the place.W:Well,all I really need it for is making calls.Its not like I can do a ton of online stuff with this phone!M:Why dont you just buy a new one?W:Smartphones are very expensive.M:There are basic smartphones that are only a couple hundred dollars.I think Samsung and LG both make discounted models.Lets go online to see what theyve got at the moment.W:OK,but we should probably use your computer for that.8.What does the woman mostly use her phone for?A.Sending text messages.B.Surfing the Internet.C.Making phone calls.答案C9.What will the woman probably do next?A.Fix her phone.B.Use the mans computer.C.Borrow the mans phone.答案B听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。W:Im so stressed out right now!I wish I could just take a vacation.M:Well,why dont you?W:I cant just leave whenever I want.M:You know,I was listening to a song on the radio the other day,and the words of the song were pretty cool.They went:“If youre tired,then sleep.If youre hungry,then eat.If you need money,then make some.If you need a vacation,then take one.”W:Wow,I guess its easy for a bunch of rich musicians to say something like that,but I live in the real world!M:I think the point is to keep things simple.Maybe if you did that,you wouldnt be so anxious all the time.W:You always seem so calm and relaxed,Marco.Whats your secret?M:First,I need to enjoy what I do for a living.I probably dont make as much as many people do,but money isnt everything.Its certainly not more important than happiness.I also work out every day,even if its just a walk.But mostly,its about taking time for myself.10.What does the woman want to do?A.Take a holiday.B.Find another job.C.Get something to eat.答案A11.According to the man,what is the main point of the song?A.Money isnt the most important thing.B.You should live in the real world.C.Dont make life too complicated(复杂的).答案C12.What does the man do every day?A.He listens to music.B.He exercises.C.He goes to bed early.答案B听第9段材料,回答第 13至16题。M:Did you go into town for Fleet Week?W:Im not even sure what that is.M:Oh,thats right,youre not from San Francisco.Fleet Week happens during a particular weekend in October every year.A lot of navy boats come to the area,and there are tons of activities that teach people about military history.There are also special art exhibits and musical performances,and everything is free of charge.W:Whats the point of all that?M:Well,its a way to connect with San Franciscos history as a military center,but its mainly an excuse to have fun in the streets when the weather is nice.W:It sounds kind of boring,to be honest.M:Its not!Everyone dresses up in their best clothes,and you can see a lot of sailors and pilots walking around in their uniforms.The main attraction is a performance by the Blue Angels,a group of four airplanes that do tricks in the air and spell out messages in the sky.People come from all over the country to see the Blue Angels.W:That sounds kind of cool,actually.M:My favorite part is when the sun goes down.All the bars and restaurants are full of people,and people sing and dance in the streets.Its a big party for an entire weekend.W:Well,youll have to take me next year.Ill make sure to put it on my calendar starting in October.M:You got it!13.When does Fleet Week take place?A.During the month of September.B.During a weekend in October.C.Over an entire week in October.答案B14.What is an important part of Fleet Week?A.Activities related to military history.B.Dance performances.C.Tours of navy boats.答案A15.What are the Blue Angels?A.A famous musical group.B.A special group of sailors.C.A group of airplanes.答案C16.What is probably TRUE about the man?A.He likes to go to bars and restaurants.B.He is not from San Francisco.C.He wont be around for Fleet Week next year.答案A听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。Thank you all for coming to this special hiring event.We have carefully selected the most well-known companies for todays gathering.There are more than 220 businesses here today,and weve been told that there are more than 1 100 job openings that theyre looking to fill!There are almost two thousand of you here,so not everyone will leave with a job offer,but that doesnt mean you should lose hope if you dont get one.And keep in mind that not all companies will be making their decisions today.Here is some advice.First,make sure you have plenty of copies of your rsum.If you need to make more copies,you can use the machines in the main hall.You should also make sure that you look your best,so take a moment to freshen up in the restrooms located on the second floor.Youre trying to make a good first impression,and you may not get more than a couple of minutes to do it,so practice what you want to get across to these companies.Dont wait for them to ask you all the questions.Tell them why youd be a good fit.The most confident people tend to be the ones who get hired.All right,folks,were going to open the door in five minutes.Good luck!17.What does the speaker say about the event?A.All jobs will be filled today.B.Not everyone will be offered a job.C.Over one thousand companies are here today.答案B18.Where are the copy machines located?A.In the main hall.B.On the second floor.C.Near the restrooms.答案A19.What is the speakers final advice?A.Look your best.B.Be confident.C.Ask a lot of questions.答案B20.When will the event begin?A.In five minutes.B.In fifteen minutes.C.In fifty minutes.答案A第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2018浙江温州适应性测试)This activity will melt away the pounds,build your body and leave you on an emotional high.Yet the form of exercise,the fitness trend of the year,does not require gym membership or a personal trainer.All you need to do is walk.“Walking is a refreshing alternative to complicated aerobic (有氧的) routines and overpriced gym membership,” says personal trainer Lucy Knight,author of a new book on the exercise.It is free,enjoyable and already a part of everyday life.All you need to do is correct your technique,walk faster and for longer and you will lose weight.There is much evidence of the benefits of walking.Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh recently discovered that overweight people who walked briskly (快) for 30 to 60 minutes a day lost weight even if they didnt change any other lifestyle habits.Another American study found that people who walked for at least four hours a week gained less weight than couch potatoes as they got older.Researchers at the University of Massachusetts medical school found that people who walked every day had 25 percent fewer colds than those who sat a lot.Best of all,walking makes you feel good about yourself.“For people suffering from depression,walking three to four times a week for 30 minutes has been shown to lift their mood,” says Knight.But how to walk your way to weight loss and wellness?Health experts recommend that we should walk 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy.Actually you would probably need to walk at least 16,000 steps a day to lose weight.Your workout plans depend on your level of fitness.You should aim to progress by increasing your walking time by five minutes every two weeks,and walk a bit faster.“In just three months,the results should speak for themselves,” says Knight.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了最新流行的锻炼方式“快走(brisk walking)”给身体健康带来的好处以及“快走”的锻炼方式。21.What is the latest fitness trend according to the passage?A.Brisk walking.B.Losing weight.C.Working out in a gym.D.Exercising with a personal trainer.答案A解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段内容可知,最新流行的锻炼方式不是加入健身俱乐部,也不是聘请私人教练,而是“走路”。故选A项。22.Studies and researches are mentioned in the passage to show walking .A.is gaining increasing popularityB.benefits people in different aspectsC.is an enjoyable way to lose weightD.involves different groups of people答案B解析推理判断题。根据文章第三段内容可知,该段中提到的“studies”及“researches”都是为了阐述walking给健康带来的好处。故选B项。23.It can be learned from the last paragraph that .A.10,000 steps a day is needed for weight lossB.the effect of walking is noticeable over timeC.your fitness level depends on your health expertsD.changing the walking time every day is necessary答案B解析推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中的“In just three months,the results should speak for themselves”可知,走路的锻炼效果在仅仅三个月后就会很明显地表现出来。故选B项。speak for themselves在此意为“不言而喻”。BOne morning I jumped into the swimming pool and the words “eighty-four degrees” popped into my mind.I knew that the temperature of the water was 84 degrees Fahrenheit.Just to confirm my impression,I dropped a thermometer(温度计) into the water.Sure enough,it was 84 degrees.Over the next few days,as the temperature in the pool changed,I continued to “guess” the water temperature accurately.I then realized I had become something of a “human thermometer”.I was not born with this ability.I trained myself to do it,entirely by accident.Swimming is one of my favorite activities.Each morning from late April through early October,I swim laps in my backyard pool.I didnt really develop any special ability.Every healthy person is able to sense warmth and cold.What I did was connect those sensations to specific numbers.Over time,with daily reinforcement(加强),it made me into an amazing human thermometer.It certainly wont get me a show on “Americas Got Talent”,but it does earn me a little respect at the beach or at pool parties.Whats most interesting to me is the way it came about.I did not try to learn how to be a human thermometer.Yet as a result of my consistent actions,day after day,it did indeed happen.And that made me wonder what else I was training myself to do that I didnt even realize.I started writing articles for The Daily Motivator back in 1995 because I understood the power of positive reinforcement on a daily basis.The messages are short and simple and not particularly shocking.I take Sundays off,but other than that I have never missed a single day of writing a new,original daily message in 21 years.This actually makes a real difference to me.Not overnight,but over time.【语篇导读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,话题是日常生活类。作者通过讲述自己成为“人体温度计”的过程和坚持为The Daily Motivator写作的经历向读者传达了他对持之以恒的看法。24.What happened to the author after he became a “human thermometer”?A.He was respected at pool parties.B.He could sense warmth and cold.C.He developed some new abilities.D.He attended “Americas Got Talent”.答案A解析细节理解题。由第二段的最后一句可知,作者成为“人体温度计”后,在海边或者在泳池派对上,人们对他另眼相看。25.Whats the authors attitude towards his work?A.Careless.B.Devoted.C.Creative.D.Irresponsible.答案B解析推理判断题。由最后一段的倒数第三句可知,作者21年来除了星期日从未间断为The Daily Motivator写作;由此可推知,他对待工作的态度是专注投入的。26.From the text,we can conclude that .A.writing makes an exact manB.everything must have a beginningC.consistent actions can make a differenceD.we should put our heart into the smallest acts答案C解析推理判断题。由第三段的“Yet as a result of my consistent actions,day after day,it did indeed happen.”和最后一段的“I understood the power of positive reinforcement on a daily basis.This actually makes a real difference to me.Not overnight,but over time.”可推知,作者向读者传达了“始终如一的行为会起作用”这种观点。CA third of primary schoolchildren in China are suffering from psychological ill-health as a result of classroom stress and parental pressure,according to a study published on Tuesday.The problem is so bad that urgent measures are needed.The study,led by British and Chinese researchers,warns.The investigation surveyed 2,191 pupils aged 9 to 12 in 9 schools in urban and rural Zhejiang.81 percent of the youngsters said they worried “a lot” about exams,63 percent feared being punished by their teacher,44 percent had been physically bullied at least sometimeswith boys likelier to be victims than girlsand 73 percent had been physically punished by their parents.Most of the children complained they struggled to cope with the amount of homework they were assigned.Over one-third reported headaches or abdominal painspsychosomatic symptoms of stressat least once a week.The most stressed children reported incidence of aches or pains of four times a week.The investigation,led by Therese Hesketh,a professor at University College London (UCL)Centre for International Health and Development,pointed at extreme competitiveness in Chinas education system,from the onset of primary school.“The competitive and punitive educational environment leads to high levels of stress and psychosomatic symptoms,”the professor says.“Measures to reduce unnecessary stress on children in schools should be introduced urgently.”The “urban” setting for the study was Hangzhou,the provincial capital of Zhejiang,while the “rural” setting was a poor county in Quzhou prefecture,in the west of the province.The study highlights some of the complexities that,it says,explain the demands for academic excellence and intolerance of failure.One factor is the countrys dramatic rise in prosperity,which has created “previously unheard-off possibilities for upward mobility” and in turn stoked pressures on children to do well at school.Other reasons are Chinas one-child policy and the Confucian traditions of respect for parents and elders,filial piety,obedience and discipline.“The aspirations of many parents,who had limited educational opportunities themselves are now invested in their only children,”it says.【语篇导读】三分之一的中国小学生压力过大,这大概是一个社会现象,因为家长不想让他们的孩子输在起跑线上,正是这种压力造成了小学生的心理问题。27.What mainly caused schoolchildren to suffer from psychological ill-health?A.Competitiveness in education system.B.Classroom stress and parental pressure.C.Physical punishment from their parents.D.Endless homework from school teachers.答案B解析细节理解题。从文章第一段“.as a result of classroom stress and parental pressure.”可以找出答案。经调查表明,三分之一的中国小学生由于学校及家长的压力,在不同程度上存在心理问题。B项是造成小学生心理问题的主要原因。28.The underlined part “to cope with” in Para.5 most probably means .A.to fit inB.to adapt toC.to deal withD.to get along with答案C解析词义猜测题。根据第五段可知,大部分孩子都抱怨,他们都拼命地处理布置给他们的作业。结合后面的“the amount of homework”,可猜测出该题答案,cope with相当于deal with,意为“处理,对付”。29.From the passage,we can infer that .A.more and more schoolchildren will drop out of school soonB.homework and examinations will be cancelled at all schoolsC.parents and teachers will give up educating the schoolchildrenD.too much stress does great harm to schoolchildren physically and mentally答案D解析推理判断题。阅读全文,可以推测出太多的压力会给孩子的身心健康造成严重的危害。30.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Children in China sickened by school pressure.B.Measures to reduce unnecessary stress on children.C.The investigation led by University College London.D.Extreme competitiveness in Chinas education system.答案A解析主旨大意题。这是一份调查报告。其主题是学校的压力给孩子造成心理问题。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(2018浙江温州一模)Some Advice for FreshmenAs you enter a university,you turn to a new page where life is quite different from before.31 As far as I can see,there are several aspects


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