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更多企业学院:./Shop/中小企业管理全能版183套讲座+89700份资料./Shop/40.shtml总经理、高层管理49套讲座+16388份资料./Shop/38.shtml中层管理学院46套讲座+6020份资料./Shop/39.shtml国学智慧、易经46套讲座./Shop/41.shtml人力资源学院56套讲座+27123份资料./Shop/44.shtml各阶段员工培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料./Shop/49.shtml员工管理企业学院67套讲座+ 8720份资料./Shop/42.shtml工厂生产管理学院52套讲座+ 13920份资料./Shop/43.shtml财务管理学院53套讲座+ 17945份资料./Shop/45.shtml销售经理学院56套讲座+ 14350份资料./Shop/46.shtml销售人员培训学院72套讲座+ 4879份资料./Shop/47.shtml产品数据管理(PDM)技术课程简介课程代码:AM011课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期产品数据管理(PDM)技术/ Product Data Management362课程简介:本门课程将讲授PDM技术的基本概念、理论方法、系统结构和PDM企业实施案例以及典型PDM系统介绍等相关专题,以满足我国企业信息化工程对大量复合型人才的需求本课程的主要任务是:1、 掌握PDM技术的发展与应用;2、 掌握PDM技术的基本理论和方法;3、 掌握PDM系统体系结构和主要功能;4、 掌握PDM中对象的建模方法和对象模型;5、 了解PDM系统实施方法;6、 了接国内外著名PDM商用系统。本课程是一门实用性和系统性很强的课程,包含了机械工程和工业工程等领域高级技术人员必须掌握的基本知识和内容。课程学习的目的是使学生掌握PDM基本理论知识和方法,为今后从事企业信息化工作,特别是从事产品数字化设计、制造与管理工作打下坚实的理论基础。This course is the basic course on product development, it covers the following topics: Development and applications of PDM technology, Supporting technologies of PDM, Product data management technology, Product development lifecycle management technology, PDM implementation methodology, Introduction to SIPM/PDM. 撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:空天产品结构设计与制造的信息化技术课程简介课程代码: AV466课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期空天产品结构设计与制造的信息化技术/ Information-based Technologies for Space-Product Design and Manufacture362航空航天概论 航空航天制造工程 计算机辅助设计6课程简介:本课程是一门航空航天工程专业本科生的专业课程,目的是让学生掌握航空航天产品结构设计和制造中的计算机辅助设计、有限元分析、NC加工仿真和数控代码生成以及面向航空航天的产品数据管理方法,提高学生处理工程实际问题的能力。This course is facing senior students who want to improve information based capabilities in products designing and manufacturing phrases, such as Computer-Aided Design, Finite Element Modeling and Analysis, NC machining simulation, NC-code generation and Product Data Management. After learning this course, students could more capable in handling engineering problems, especially in the fields of Aerospace and Aeronautics.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:.VB 编程技术课程简介课程代码: CS013课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期VB 编程技术/ Visual Basic Program Technology362C语言程序设计6,7课程简介:本课程包括Visual Basic概述,V B基本编程环境和基本语法,创建基本用户界面和高级用户界面,Visual Basic 标准控件,标准输入与输出,编程规范、代码调试,性能优化、应用程序发布,文件访问与多媒体,数据库程序设计,具体内容如下:Visual Basic概述,Visual Basic基本编程环境,Visual Basic基本语法,创建基本用户界面,Visual Basic 标准控件,标准输入与输出,编程规范、代码调试,性能优化、应用程序发布,高级用户界面,文件访问与多媒体,数据库程序设计等。本课程的主要任务是:1.了解和掌握计算机编程技术的基本原理和技能;2. 能利用VB控件创建良好的用户界面;3. 熟悉Visual Basic的常用语法和语言元素;4. 了解和掌握利用Visual Basic进行程序开发的基本思路和方法;5. 能熟练应用Visual Basic编制一般的程序;6. 能够利用Visual Basic进行基本的应用程序开发。Its the basic course on computer and covers the following topics: Visual Basic Summarize, Visual Basic basis program environment, Visual Basic syntax of basic, Set up User Interface, Visual Basic Control of Standard, Input and Output, Programming criterion and Code debugging, Performance optimize and Application program release, High-level User Interface, Document visit and multimedia, Data-base programmer, and so on. The objectives of this course are: l Get the basic program knowledge to represent computer programming;l Set up well User Interface That use VB control;l Know well Visual Basic in common that use syntax and language element;l In control of basic technique and way to computer programming using VB;l It can be proficient in application generic program using VB. 撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:计算流体力学课程简介课程代码: EM451课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期计算流体力学/ Computational Fluid Dynamics362 高等数学; 线性代数; 流体力学。7课程简介:计算流体力学以理论流体力学和计算数学为基础,其主要任务是研究各种各样的离散方法,把描述流体运动的连续介质数学模型(微分方程)离散成大型的线性代数方程组,从而为流体流动问题的数值模拟提供各种算法。本课程主要涉及的内容有: 1. 有限差分离散的方法,以及有限差分方程的相容性、收敛性和稳定性的概念和分析; 2. 基本模型方程(对流、扩散、对流扩散)的几种常用差分格式及其各种性质的讨论; 3. 多维问题的各种有限差分格式及其代数方程组的迭代算法(TDMA); 4. 非线性问题的认识和讨论,以及离散方程的线性化方法和局部稳定性分析; 5. 初边值问题的讨论,各类流动问题边界条件的处理,以及数值边界条件的提法; 6. 有限差分方程迭代求解的松弛方法,以及求解定常边值问题的时间相关法; 7. 数值计算中虚假物理现象(数值耗散和数值弥散)的认识以及相应对策。通过本课程学习,了解并掌握计算流体力学的基本理论、方法和技巧,以利于学生今后在相关学科领域从事科学研究和工程设计的工作。Based on Theoretical Fluid Mechanics and Computational Mathematics, the main task of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is to study various discretization methods to convert the differential equations governing fluid flows into linear algebraic equations, and so as to provide the algorithms for numerical simulation of fluid flows.By the course the students will understand and master basic theories, methods and skills of Computational Fluid Dynamics that will be helpful in their future professional work concerning scientific research and engineering design in correlative fields.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:计算机集成制造系统课程简介课程代码: ME460课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期计算机集成制造系统/ Computer Integrated Manufacturing System3626,7课程简介:本课程是本科学生的一门选修课,通过该门课程的学习为机械工程和工业工程专业的学生成为既懂经营管理,又掌握设计、制造的专业知识和熟悉信息技术,还有实践经验的高级复合型人才打下良好的基础。满足“信息化带动工业化”的战略中对复合型人才需求。本课程的主要任务是:l 了解信息时代制造业面临的机遇和挑战、我国科技部十五“制造业信息化工程”理解CIMS与企业信息化的关系。l 掌握CIMS的概念、CIMS组成,了解其子系统:设计自动化子系统、制造自动化子系统、经营管理自动化子系统、质量保证子系统、网络与数据库中涉及到的关键技术。l 了解CIMS体系结构,掌握CIMS的系统建模方法,了解系统建模工具。l 理解CIMS实施的意义、实施过程及注意问题;了解CIMS应用工程的特点,掌握CIMS总体设计技术,通过案例分析,学会如何进行具体企业的CIMS总体设计;l 了解数字化设计的内涵与数字化辅助技术的发展趋势,了解并行工程原理、虚拟产品开发技术l 了解PDM的概念、PDM系统的体系结构,PDM系统的了解快速原型技术;理解网络化制造的产生背景、基本概念和定义,掌握网络化制造系统的体系结构;l 了解ERP演变溯源,熟悉和掌握ERP原理和方法。了解ERP系统构成。Its a elective course for senior undergraduates and covers the following topics: Manufacturing Industry in Information era, Introduction to CIMS, CIMS architecture and system modeling methodology, CIMS Application Engineering and Case study, Digital Design technology, Digital Product Management Technology (PDM), Digital Manufacturing Technology, Digital Business Management Technology ( Enterprise Resource Planning ERP).撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:特种加工课程简介课程代码: ME461课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期特种加工/ Nontraditional Machining272 数字电路 模拟电路7课程简介:随着科学技术和工业生产的发展,许多难加工材料不断出现,许多复杂的如大型复杂模具等零件的加工要求越来越高。常规的机械切削加工方法已经无法满足这种加工要求。特种加工就是一门利用电能、化学能、光能、声能、水能来实现零件加工的。它具有以柔克刚的特点,是现代加工业中不可缺少的加工方法。通过本门课各个教学环节培养,使学生对特种加工中各种加工方法的基本原理、设备的主要结构以及它们的实际应用背景有一个全面的了解。With the development of science and technology and industrial production, there are many materials which are very difficult to machine and many moulds which are both large and complicated. The traditional Machining technologies cant meet the needs of machining these materials and moulds. “Nontraditional machining” introduces many machining technologies which machine materials by applying electrical energy, chemical energy, light energy, sonic energy, liquid energy and so on. Nontraditional machining technologies can machine hard materials with soft tools. They are indispensable technologies of modern machining industries. Through studying the course of “Nontraditional Machining”, students can learn the basic principles, equipment structures and practical applications of nontraditional machining.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:成组技术课程简介课程代码: ME462课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期成组技术/ Group Technology272机械制造先进制造技术7课程简介:世界市场已经从传统的相对稳定型市场演变成动态多变型市场。信息时代个性化产品将成为市场需求的主流。同行业之间、跨行业之间的竞争非常激烈,主要表现在产品生命周期缩短、用户需求多样化、大市场和大竞争、交货期成为主要的竞争因素、多品种小批量生产比例增大等方面。成组技术能够为企业提供这种综合快速响应能力,在其基础上,各种先进制造技术才能更好发挥作用。成组技术是充分利用零件的形状相似性和工艺相似性从而达到彻底简化、合理化现行生产系统的目的。它的主要任务是使学生了解成组技术的基本原理、与其他先进制造技术的关系、零件编码技术与分组、成组技术在产品设计/工艺规程设计/机床单元设计/成组夹具等的应用。为学生学习后继课程,从事相关领域的管理、工程技术服务、科学研究以及开拓新技术领域,打下坚实的基础。The market is gradually evolving as dynamic variability from traditional stabilization in the circle of world. The personalized products will be as the main requirements of market in the information age. The drastic competition among the industries characterizes as follows: shortened product life cycle, various custom requirements, great market, great competition, and the main impact factors of delivery time, muti-variety and little-batch. The ability of quick response for the enterprise can be enhanced by Group technology (GT), which is a concept that seeks to take advantage of the design and processing similarities among the parts to be produced. Based on GT, the advantages of various advanced technologies can be taken fully. The main tasks of this course are as follows: enabling students to have a good command of the principle of the GT, the relation of GT and other advanced manufacturing technology, parts coding and classifying. Its application in product design/ processing design/machine tool design/group clamping is briefly introduced. The course established a strong foundation for the students following curriculum, engaging in management, technological service of engineering and scientific research in the relative fields, and exploring new technological fields.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:数控技术课程简介课程代码: ME463课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期数控技术/ Numerical Controlling Technology272制造技术基础课程简介:本课程是机械工程专业本科教学的学科专业选修课。通过本课程的学习,使得学生能够了解数控技术在现代制造业中的重要地位和发展方向,掌握数控技术中几何运动控制和伺服控制Numerical Controlling Technology is a selected course for students whose specialty is mechanical engineering. Through the course study, the students will know importance and developing trend of numerical controlling technology in advanced manufacturing field, master basic theory of geometry motion control and servo control, and study roundly principles and applied technologies of numerical controlling system and serve system.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:系统集成芯片(SOC)设计入门课程简介课程代码: ME464课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期系统集成芯片(SOC)设计入门Introduction to Design of SOC3626,7课程简介:本课程是机械与动力工程学院本科学生的一门选修课,本课程主要内容包括:集成电路工艺、MOS数字电路、硬件描述语言VHDL、基本数字逻辑单元的设计、系统集成芯片(SOC)的层次结构设计、可编程逻辑器件、专用集成电路设计及可测试结构设计等。通过该课程的学习,使得学生熟悉这门微电子最新技术,为今后从事光机电一体化的系统设计、制造以及研究工作打下基础。It covers the following topics: integrate circuit techniques, MOS digital circuit, the concepts and methodologies for designing a system-on-chip, hardware description language VHDL, the design of standard digital logic unit, the Architecture design of SOC, FPGA/CPLD, ASIC and the testable structure design. By learning the course, students can radically be aware of micro-electronics technology and its development, and make the basis for their future research work on optical, mechanical and electronic integration.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:智能传感器系统课程简介课程代码: ME465课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期智能传感器系统/ Technique for Intelligent Sensor362控制理论1控制理论2计算机控制技术第一学期课程简介:本课程是机械学院本科学生的一门选修课。智能传感器系统是一门高度综合与交叉的前沿学科,其涉及微机械与微电子技术、计算机技术、信号处理技术、电路与系统、传感技术、神经网络技术、模糊理论等多种学科。本课程全面介绍了智能传感器(系统)的概念、构成方式及其具有的功能,还详细阐述了制作不同集成度智能传感器的集成化技术和智能化实现方法,以及基于模糊理论的新型智能传感器和已开始应用于工业自动化现场总线控制系统中的智能传感/变送器。此外,还详细介绍了日益发挥重要作用的神经网络技术。通过该课程的学习,可使学生基本熟悉这门技术以及其发展状况,为今后从事光机电一体化与系统设计、制造的研究工作打下基础。Its an elective course for undergraduates in Mechanical School. This is a highly complex and intercrossing advanced subject, which contains a great deal of knowledge of other subjects, such as micro-mechanical and micro-electron technique, computer technique, signal processing technique, circuit system, sensor technique, nerve network technique, fuzzy theory and so on.This course comprehensively introduces the intelligent sensor system, whose concept, way of forming and functions are all included. It also expatiates on the integration technique and the intellectualized implement method of making intelligent sensors at different integration level. Moreover, a new type of intelligent sensor based on the fuzzy theory, the intelligent sensor/transmitter which has started to be applied in the field-bus control system of industrial automation, and the increasingly important technique of neural network are also introduced in this course. By learning this course, students can radically be aware of this technology and its development, and make the basis for their future research work on electromechanization and system design and manufacturing.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:MEMS技术课程简介课程代码: ME466课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期MEMS技术/ MEMS Technology1工程材料2机械设计3测试技术课程简介:MEMS是微机电系统的缩写。MEMS主要包括微型机构、微型传感器、微型执行器和相应的处理电路等几部分。本课程主要针对本院机械电子工程专业的高年级本科生,概要介绍MEMS的基础理论、设计方法、制造工艺及相关装备,具体内容包括:MEMS历史背景、发展现状及应用前景,微机械学中的尺寸效应,微机械制造工艺,微传感器与微执行器,微机电系统等。MEMS是一门日新月异、快速发展的学科,本课程作为入门导论性课程要求学生初步了解和掌握MEMS技术的基本原理和方法,为今后从事相关的微器件研发工作奠定良好的基础。Micro-electromechanical system (MEMS) is a highly miniaturized device or an array of devices combining electrical and mechanical components that is fabricated using integrated circuit (IC) batch-processing techniques; it is mainly composed of the micro-structures, micro-sensors, micro-actuators and related circuits. This course provides an introduction of the techniques involved in MEMS design and fabrication to the senior undergraduate majoring in electromechanical engineering. The detail content includes: historic background of MEMS, micro-machining & micro-fabrication processes, scaling laws in micro-mechanics, micro-sensors & micro-actuators,micro-electromechanical systems, and applications of MEMS. As MEMS is a rapidly developing research field, this course requires the students not only master the basic principles and approaches involved but also get an insight into some sate-of-the-art techniques; this will greatly benefit to their future works in the related fields.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:先进电子制造导论课程简介课程代码: ME467课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期先进电子制造导论/ Introduction to Advanced Electronic Manufacturing362工程材料7课程简介:本课程主要涵盖微电子和微系统封装的现状和发展趋势,微电子和微系统封装的主要形式、主要性能指标及电、热、热力学等方面的设计,微电子和微系统封装的可靠性分析、测试方法和实验方法,微电子和微系统封装的选择原则及封装的主要失效模式与机制等。通过该课程的学习,学生对微电子制造的过程有所了解,使学生对集成电路制造技术的专业基本理论有所认识。为机械电子和机械工程及自动化专业的学生成为具备集成电路制造装备应用、开发的基本技能,成为能适应信息产业发展的复合型和应用型研发人才打下良好的基础。Its an introductory course on the whole process of microelectronic manufacturing. It will cover several topics of microelectronic and micro-system packaging, like the current status and future development of packaging, different packaging types, packaging characteristics specifications and design issues in electronics, thermal, thermodynamics aspects, reliability analysis, testing and experimental methods. By the study of this course, students will get to know the main process of microelectronic manufacturing, the basic theory in integrated circuit fabrication. For students from mechatronics and mechanical automation majors, the knowledge in this course will help them gain some basic skills for later IC manufacturing facilities application and development.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:机器人学导论课程简介课程代码: ME468课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期机器人学导论/ Introduction to Robotics272线性代数机构学自动控制第一学期课程简介:本课程是机械学院本科学生的一门选修课。机器人学是一门高度交叉的前沿学科,机器人技术是集力学、机械学、生物学、人类学、计算机科学与工程、控制论与控制工程学、电子工程学、人工智能、社会学等多学科知识之大成,是一项综合性很强的新技术。课程包括机器人学的起源与发展,机器人的定义,机器人学的数学基础,机器人运动方程的表示与求解,机器人动力学,机器人控制与规划,机器人的现状、未来,国内外机器人技术和市场的发展现状和预测,21世纪机器人技术的发展趋势,我国新世纪机器人学的发展战略等,不同类型机器人的研究发展状况等。通过该课程的学习,使得学生基本熟悉这门技术以及其发展状况,为今后从事光机电一体化与系统设计、制造的研究工作打下基础。Its an elective course for undergraduate students in Mechanical School. The theory of robotics is a highly intercrossing advanced subject, and robotics is a highly integrated new technology, which contains a great deal of knowledge of other subjects, such as mechanics, biology, humanics, computer science and engineering, cybernetics and control engineering, electronic engineering, artificial intelligence, sociology and so on. It contains the following contents: the origin and development of robotics, the definition of robot, the mathematical foundation of robotics, the expressions and solutions of motion equations of robotics, the dynamics of robotics, robot control and layout, the status quo and future of robot, the developing status and forecast on robot technologies and markets in and out of China, the trend of robotics in 21 century, the developing strategies of our countrys robotics in new century, the research and developing status of different kinds of robot.撰写人: 院(系)公章:院(系)教学主管签字(盖章): 时 间:智能化技术课程简介课程代码: ME469课程名称(中英文)学时学分先修课程推荐修读学期智能化技术/ Intelligent Technique362 控制理论1 控制理论2 计算机控制技术第一学期课程简介:本课程是机械学院本科学生的一门选修课。智能控制技术是集机械学、生物学、人类学、计算机科学与工程、控制论与控制工程学、电子工程学、人工智能、社会学等多学科知识之大成,是一项综合性很强的、高度交叉的前沿学科。课程介绍了智能控制的基本知识和常用的智能控制方法,包括知识工程、专家控制系统、模糊控制、人工神经网络控制以及智能控制机器人为背景的多传感器集成与信息融合、智能控制体系结构及柔性装配中的控制技术。通过该课程的学习,可使学生基本熟悉这门技术以及其发展状况,为今后从事光机电一体化与系统设计、制造的研究工作打下基础。Its an elective course for undergraduate students in Mechanical School. The intelligent control technique is a highly complex and intercrossing advanced subject, which contains a great deal of knowledge of other subjects, such as mechanics, biology, humanics, computer science and engineering, cybernetics and control engineering, electronic engineering, artificial intelligence, sociology and so on. The course introduces the basic knowledge and general method of intelligent control. It contains the following contents: the knowledge engineering, the expert control system, the fuzzy control, the artificial nerve network control, and multip


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