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,返回,连句成文,名师指导,常用连词,连词填空,看图造句,基本句型,五大基本句型,1.主+谓,2.主+谓+宾,3.主+系+表,4.主+谓+双宾,5.主+谓+宾+补,高考阅卷教师谈英语写作高分策略: 内容充实 行文流畅,英语作文主要是以文章内容、语言、逻辑、字数等作为评分依据。从高考阅卷的情况来看,教师们更多地从整体上把握整篇文章,比较侧重语言文字的运用。那么,英语写作应注意什么问题呢?,首先,要注意审题。考生对写什么(作文内容或要点),怎么写(行文和语言)在头脑里面必须有一个清晰的思路。,其次,考生应该从遣词造句角度多下工夫。,再次,行文连贯是阅卷教师比较看重的一个方面。为了使文章结构严密,增强说服力和感染力,考生应该在句与句之间,恰当地使用一些过渡性词语。,表列举:for example、for instance、that is to say,etc 表补充:besides、in addition、 moreover,etc 表对比:on the one handon the other hand、in spite of,etc 表原因:because of、thanks to、due to、owing to,etc,常见的连接词有:,表结果:therefore、thus、as a result、so,etc 表结论:to conclude、in a word、in brief、to sum up,etc 表转折:however、nevertheless、yet,etc,另外,考生很容易出现句与句之间不使用连接词的错误,这是英语写作中的大忌。我们一定要牢记使用连接词。,连词练习,回目录,In the park,Wet Paint,_Mr. Smith was walking in the park. _ , he felt very tired. He wanted to find something to sit on._ he saw a chair in the distance.,_, he saw a man going to the chair ahead of him, _he began to walk faster.,One day,After a while,Suddenly,To his surprise,so,_, Mr. Smith felt very sorry and didnt know what to say.,_, Mr. Smith caught up with the man._, the man began to walk faster, too._, Mr. Smith was first to get there and sit in the chair. The man ran to Mr. Smith and showed him a board ,which read, ”Wet paint!”,After a few minutes,Seeing this,However,Seeing that,目录,下一页,按钉push-pin,轮胎tire,使漏气puncture,下一页,上一题,1.An old lady was walking in the street.,2.She had a suitcase in her hand.,3.A man came up by bike.,4.The man snatched her case.,5.The lady shouted “help”.,6.She ran after him.,7.A boy came out of school.,8.He saw that.,9.He took out a box of push-pins.,10.He threw them on the road.,11.The bike tires were punctured.,12.The man had to stop.,13.They caught the man.,14.They sent him to the police.,加入连词,返回,One day an old lady was walking slowly in the street with a suitcase in her hand. Suddenly a man riding a bike came up and snatched her case fiercely. The old lady shouted “help” and ran after him, but she couldnt catch up with the bike.,Just then, a boy came out of the school and saw what happened. He immediately took out a box of push-pins and threw them on the road. Just as the boy expected, the bike tires were punctured by the push-pins on t


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