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Body in hell, Soul in heaven,_Riding on the national highway G318,图片来自骑行吧,并感谢龙婷MM的照片授权,Are you tired of daily life ?,Or exhausted?,Or just want to do sth.,sth. Different to enrich your simple life ?,Sth. Seems to be crazy but Deserved to retrospect in ur old age ?,IF SO, you need to think about something.,Sth. Seems to be crazy but Deserved to retrospect in ur old age ?,Something like this!,A travel!,A long journey by bicycle,That dream of Lhasa,Why bicycle travel ?,Because its fashion, low-carbon,well ,Thats bullshit,Then, Why bicycle travel?,Because of it, you can immerse yourself in the real beauty of the nature, which is not touchable behind the car window or in crowds.,Because of it, you can find out the real society you living in. when ride a long way, you can communicate with different people that belong to various social classes, which is not available in campus or office.,Let me show you the travel,The bicycle travel on the road G318 from Chengdu to Lhasa,First ,a quick view of this journey,Its about 2166 km long, the following pic. Shows the destination, the start point & the rest point. It cost about 25 days.,Riding to Lhasa is very HOT! At least 200 people each day start off, in June, July & August . But only about 50 people will continue to ride after 折多山。 This journey only belongs to Warriors,What you will enjoy on the way? Why its “soul in heaven” As follows,The sea of stars,The beauty just appears to the naked eye,格桑花 kelsang,Its really a place like heaven ,Charming, isnt it ?,Well, too much picturesif you want more, just turn to,Next, the meaning of the first half of that proverb “Body in hell”,Its a Challenge of strength, also a tough test to your will pwer,Lord knows how many slops is waiting for you,Well, its a joke. That rarely happen. Most of the l


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