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写作指导一、书面表达课标要求英语课程标准明确指出中学英语教学的终极目标,就是通过听、说、读、写等诸方面的学习与实践活动,提高学生学科素养和综合运用英语语言的能力。而书面表达就是学生根据自己的领悟与体验,通过书面有效表达的过程。它不仅要求学生熟练掌握词汇、句型语法知识,而且还应具备一定的审题能力、想象能力与表达能力。根据英语课程标准写作的五级要求和中考说明要求,学生应当能就日常生活的各种话题与他人交换信息并陈述自己的意见;能根据提示起草和修改小作文;能与他人合作,解决问题并报告结果,共同完成学习任务。 五级语言技能对学生“写”的能力做了如下要求:1. 能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材;2. 能独立起草短文、短信等,并在老师的指导下进行修改;3. 能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系;4. 能简单描述人物事件;5. 能根据所给图示或表格,写出简单的段落或操作说明。 五级语言知识目标对学生“话题”的掌握做了如下要求:1. 熟悉与学生个人、家庭和学校生活密切相关的话题;2. 熟悉有关日常生活、兴趣爱好、风俗习惯、科学文化等方面的话题。 对学生写作文段要求1. 语言通畅,语句连贯,层次清楚,意思正确,紧扣主题。2. 用词基本恰当,句子结构完整,语法正确,逻辑性强。3. 能正确使用常用的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。4. 书写规范,能正确地使用大小写、字母和标点符号。书面表达题型主要是考查学生能否运用所学词汇、语法和句型,描述所给信息材料的内容,这就要求学生不仅要有比较扎实的语言功底,而且还得熟悉不同文体的基本写作要求,如:记叙文、说明文以及议论文等。除了基本的语言知识以外,还要求学生能灵活地将所学的英语知识进行一定的综合、提炼,运用到具体的写作中,并能就某些实际问题表达自己的观点或看法、说明原因。二、书面表达写作步骤第一步,审题。 审题主题是关键。写文章都不能离开主题。主题是文章所要表达的中心,是文章的灵魂主宰。如果审不清主题,就有可能出现“下笔千言,离题万里”的情况。范文如“My Favorite Sport”这篇文章,中心词是Favorite (最喜爱的)。首先,圈定大范围是Sport (运动);其次,关键还在于Favorite (最喜爱的)。如果只把所有的运动罗列一遍,就不能说是“最喜爱的”,就不切题了。在审清主题的基础上,还需注意要审清文体。第二步,选材。主题是文章的宗旨,主题必须统领材料,材料必须为主题服务,二者是密不可分、相辅相成的关系。既然要选材,就必须有充足的备选材料。只有平时多观察、多学习、多积累,才能保证材料充分、详实。在具备充足的材料的基础上,要学会去粗取精,去伪存真。此外,还要分清主次与详略,做到该详则详,该略则略,详略得当。以记叙文为例,记叙文是以人、事、景、物为反映对象,以叙述、描写为表达方式的文体。写人记事是记叙文的主体,景物的描写往往穿插在写人记事之中。要写一个人,首先得收集有关这个人的种种材料,接着是从材料中收集、归纳出他最突出的一个方面,作为中心。围绕中心进行选择材料,还要根据表达中心意思的需要考虑哪些材料是主要的,要详写;哪些材料是次要的,要略写。除了详略得当外,文章还要有条理,先说什么,后说什么,要有一个合理的顺序。第三步,列提纲。写文章之前列提纲可以使杂乱无章的材料变得井然有序;列提纲可以使你紧扣主题不跑题。列提纲时不必过于详细,可以根据题目要求,考虑你的文章分几段,或者分几个层次,每段的大意是什么,计划好文章的整体结构。提纲有时可以是短语或词组,做到自己明白即可。第四步,写全文。写作时尽量做到一鼓作气,一气呵成。一定要切题,抓住要点。题目要求的内容一定要写进去,以保证内容的完整。写作时要注意语法正确、用词得当、语言地道。书写时要多套用句型,多用短句。可以防止汉语式英语错误的产生。在写不同题材和体裁时,所用的句式、时态及用词均有所不同。第五步,检查修改。好文章是改出来的。要提高英语写作水平,除了准确遣词造句、严谨布局外,文章的修改也是很重要的一步。文章写好后,要经过反复修改润色,才能措辞准确、句子流畅,结构严谨,因此修改文章是提高写作水平的有效方法。一般来说,文章的修改可以从四个方面入手。1. 用词方面。代词的格和指代关系是否应用正确?名词的单复数正确与否?形容词的比较级和最高级用得是否对?副词的位置是否恰当?动词的搭配是否准确?2.句子方面。句型结构是否完整?主谓人称是否一致?时态、语态、语气是否正确?连句运用是否自然恰当?3.段落方面。段落主题句是否概括本段的中心思想?扩展句是否都围绕这一主题,有无赘句?句子之间是否连贯?段落层次是否分明,是否合乎逻辑?4.篇章方面。文章主题是否准确?段落之间过渡是否合理自然?文章的文体及所用的组织方法是否恰当?文章内容是否充实,要点有无遗漏?5.细节方面。单词拼写及大小写字母是否正确?标点的使用是否正确?全文篇幅比例是否恰当?(前松后紧?前紧后松?)第六步,同学互评开阔文章思路;关注典型错误;词句取长补短三、书面表达的写作范围-中考话题(详见附录)中考英语作文8个话题一、介绍人 (自己、家庭、朋友、老师、个人变化、个人感受等)二、介绍地点(旅游等)三、校园生活(春游、校规、科目、学习困难等)四、课外生活 (家庭生活、家务劳动、电影、个人爱好等)五、假期安排 (计划、过去经历等)六、节假日活动 (志愿者活动、过去经历)七、环境、健康 (环保、疾病、食品健康等)八、个人观点建议 (提建议、劝告等)四、书面表达的句式训练简单句:1. 主系表 eg. I am a middle school student. He is fourteen.2. 主谓 eg. I ran fast.3. 主谓宾 eg. We will have dinner together.4. 主谓宾宾补 eg. We keep our classroom clean and tidy.(主谓+固定搭配)简单句+状语短语:1. 时间状语 eg. I am a middle school student now. He is fourteen this year.2. 地点状语 eg. We will have dinner together at home.简单句(主句)+状语从句:1. 时间状语从句 eg. My parents helped me a lot when I was in trouble.2. 条件状语从句 eg. If you have any questions, please write to me. 3. 原因状语从句 eg. I like English best because it is interesting and fun.主句+宾语从句:我认为(我想、我希望)eg. I think he is helpful and great. eg. I believe you will love this city. eg. I hope I can be a volunteer some day.使用定语从句:eg. I love music I can dance to.eg. My parents are the people who I love most.简单句+连词+简单句:1. 并列 eg. I am a middle school student and I study in No. 1 Middle School.2. 转折 eg. I work hard at English but my English is not good enough.3. 因果 eg. He is good at English so I often ask him for help. 五、结合话题写作训练实例审题-中文小段-汉译英-写简单句-连长句-标亮点-文章升华-整体修改例:09年北京市中考英语写作试题(课外生活家务方面)某英文报纸就家务劳动(Housework)话题征文,请你投稿。每个家庭都有许多家务,人人都应该学做过一些。谈谈你经常帮父母做哪些家务,有什么体会,并打算在暑假为家里做什么。提示词语:every family, lots of housework, learn to do, help, parents, be/feel proud of(八上)必会级选用级名词Internet, program, habit, milk, coffee, drink, health, chore, trash, living room, snack, party, Junk food, lifestyle, unhealthy, chip, cola 动词Exercise, try, keep, sweep, foldSurf, laundry, 动词词组Look after, do the dishes, take out the trash, make ones bed, work on, do chores, do the laundry, take care of, sweep the floor, visit my aunt, have a piano lesson Be the same as形容词Active, Less, 副词Hardly, ever, once, twice, maybe, although,句式How often do youWhat do you usually doI sometimes go to the beachMost students do homework every day.Im sorry I have to go to my guitar lesson.Thank you / thanks a lot for your invitation. Im sorry I cant visit you this week. Im really busy.This evening Im going to my cousins birthday party.On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team.简单中文单句翻译:1. 我做家务。(简单句:主谓) I do chores. 2. 我经常做家务。(简单句:主谓+频率状语+地点状语) I do housework at home every day.3. 我一星期洗两次衣服。(简单句:主谓+频率状语) I do the laundry once a week. 4. 我每天叠被子,在我起床后。(主谓+时间状语从句) I make my own bed after I get up at 6:30 every morning.5. 如果我做更多家务,我父母下班后将更轻松。(条件状语从句) If I do more chores, my parents will be relaxed at home after their hard work.6. 我喜欢做家务因为它可以使我爸爸妈妈在家轻松。(原因状语从句) I like / love / enjoy doing housework because it will make my parents relaxed at home. 7. 我希望分担父母的辛苦工作。(宾语从句) I hope I can share my parents hard work.8. 对于我来说最简单的家务-每天只花我10分钟扫地,使我和父母都非常开心。 Spending 10 min on sweeping the floor which is easy for me makes my parents and me very happy.09年北京市中考英语写作试题(课外生活家务方面)某英文报纸就家务劳动(Housework)话题征文,请你投稿。每个家庭都有许多家务,人人都应该学做过一些。谈谈你经常帮父母做哪些家务,有什么体会,并打算在暑假为家里做什么。提示词语:every family, lots of housework, learn to do, help, parents, be/feel proud of环节一:审题(定人称、定时态)人称:第一人称时态:必须使用一般现在时和将来时;穿插过去式或现在完成时环节二:中文小文段每个家庭都有许多家务,人人应该学做一些。我经常帮父母扫地、洗碗。我喜欢帮家长做家务,因为他们工作努力、辛苦,下班后非常累。我希望他们能放松并且高兴。暑假就要到了,我打算学做饭,我相信父母会以我为自豪。环节三:汉译英1. Every family has a lot of housework. 2. We should learn to do some housework. 3. I often help my mom and dad do some. 4. I can sweep the floor and clean the dishes. 5. I love helping my parents with the housework. 6. They work hard every day and are very tired after work. 7. I hope they can relax and be happy at home. 8. The summer vacation is coming, and I am going to learn to cook. 9. I believe my parents will be proud of me.环节四:连长句3+4 I often help my mom and dad do some such as sweeping the floor and cleaning the dishes.5+6 I love helping my parents with housework because they work hard every day and are very tired after work.环节五:标亮点Every family has a lot of housework. In my opinion, teenagers are supposed to learn to do some housework. How about you? I often help my mom and dad do some such as sweeping the floor and cleaning the dishes. I love helping my parents with housework because they work hard every day and are very tired after work. I hope they can relax and be happy at home. The summer vacation is coming, and I am going to learn to cook. I believe my parents with be proud of me.环节六:文章升华Every family has a lot of housework. In my opinion, teenagers are supposed to learn to do some housework. How about you? I often help my mom and dad do some such as sweeping the floor and cleaning the dishes. I love helping my parents with housework because they work hard every day and are very tired after work. As for their daughter, I am eager to share their hard work and want them to share my happiness. So I will try my best to do more housework to make them relaxed and happy at home. The summer vacation is coming, and I am going to learn to cook. I believe my parents with be proud of me. Lets do housework now! Being helpful to our parents is fantastic. 环节七:修改文章附录中考英语作文8个话题一、介绍人 (自己、家庭、朋友、老师、个人变化、个人感受等)二、介绍地点(旅游等)三、校园生活(春游、校规、科目、学习困难等)四、课外生活 (家庭生活、家务劳动、电影、个人爱好等)五、假期安排 (计划、过去经历等)六、节假日活动 (志愿者活动、过去经历)七、环境、健康 (环保、疾病、食品健康等)八、个人观点建议 (提建议、劝告等)教材分册相关话题的词汇归类一、介绍人(自己、家庭、朋友、老师、个人变化、个人感受等)(七上)My favorite actor: U9必会级选用级名词favorite actorcomedy动词动词词组go to movies, go to see Beijing Opera形容词successful, boring副词sn weekends句式I oftenwith sb. I thinkHe really likes(七下)必会级选用级名词Pen pal, shop assistant, doctor, reporter, policeman, waiter, bank clerk, policewoman, nurse, police, man, hair, height, build, captain, person, beard, glasses, look, singer, sex, king, host, 动词Like, dislike, sleep, would, was, were, 动词词组Be like, be from, work as a teacher, be of medium build, be of medium height, look like, wear glasses, 形容词Hungry, smart, kind of, ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy, other, lazy, young, surprised, relaxed, curly, straight, tall, medium, thin, heavy, popular, blonde, good-looking, a little bit, brown, unfriendly, 副词Now, most, always, notany more, in fact, kind of句式My pen pal is from Australia.He lives in Paris.- What do you do? Im a reporter.- What does he look like? Hes of medium build.(八上)Unit 9, unit 6, 必会级选用级名词Members of the family, university, engineer, pilot, dream, artist, instrument, talent, talent show, success, Achievement, medal, championship, violinist, pianist, programmer, exhibition, resolution, 动词Perform, become, skate, tour, travel, hold, 动词词组Be good at, like to do, take part in, have a yard sale, get good grades, get a part-time job, make more friends, make me laugh,Major in, grow up, 形容词outgoing, calm, serious, tall, long hair, short hair, curly hair, funny, heavy, quiet, talented, loving, creative, kind, well-known, rich, cool, popular, wild, athletic, funny, outstanding, unusual, national, alive, professional, 副词/介词Because of ,over, always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never句式 He has shorter hair than Sam.Hes calmer than Sam.She was born in 1973. She is a great movie star.As you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different.We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair is shorter than hers.However, we both enjoy going to parties.My friend is the same as me. We are both quiet.I like friends who are like / different from me.Its not necessary to be the same.I dont really care. I dont think differences are important in a friendship.She became a movie star when she was 4 years old.You are never too young to start doing things.He began to learn the accordion at the age of four, and he started to learn the piano when he was seven.Some friends have opposite views and interests, and some like the same things(八下)U1必会级选用级名词high school, college, computer programmer, house, apartment, dream job, hair, astronaut, 动词动词词组Live alone, keep a pet, look smart, make a living, get married, dress casually, 形容词Polite, friendly, beautiful, interesting, 副词句式in five years, five years ago, twenty years from now, come true, in the future, (九年级)unit 2 I used to be afraid of dark.必会级选用级名词动词动词词组used to; be terrified of; give up; worry abouttake pride in; pay attention to; 形容词Short; tall; outgoing; funny; shy; serious; friendly; quiet; 副词to ones surprise; 句式I used to be afraid of, but now I ;I used to; People sure change. I didnt use toI really miss the old days.二、介绍地点(旅游等)(七下)必会级选用级名词Canada, France, Japan, the United States. Australia, Singapore, the United Kingdom, country, Sydney, New York, Paris, Toronto, Tokyo, language, Japanese, world, French, Office, post office, library, restaurant, bank, street, pay phone, avenue, center, bridge, neighborhood, garden, district, tour, place, way, taxi, airport, map, shop, hospital, station, direction, New York City, guide, center, corner, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tianan Men Square, Hutong, culture, 动词Visit, arrive, take, visit, 动词词组Think of, take a taxi, turn left, take photos, 形容词International, west, fantastic, awful, delicious, expensive, crowded, cheap, 副词There, left, right, back, outside, 介词Near, across, across from, next to, between, in front of, behind, down, on the right, through, 句式There is a supermarket.Its on Center Street.Its across from the bank.Its next to the post office.Its between the restaurant and the supermarket. Have a good trip. Have a good time. (八上)Unit 12必会级选用级名词Bicycle, subway, car, train, bus stop, train station, minute, kilometer, mile, river, townTheater, cinema, radio station, screen, jeans, service, clothing store, Transportation, north, 动词worry动词词组 get to, be close to, think about, do a survey,Depend on, 形容词Quick, early, trendy, comfortable, easy, worse, worst, loud, lovely, cheap, dull, Funky, positive, negative, dull, 副词/介词By bus, by boat,句式Showtime cinema is the cheapest.Gold theatre has the most comfortable seats.The most popular clothes store is Jasons .It has the best quality clothing.As for radio stations, most people think that Jazz 107.9 FM is really great.We did a survey of our readers and this what we learned.(八下)U1, U6, U9必会级选用级名词train, subway, on vacation, the capital of, history, colorful history, space museum, amusement park, zoo, water park, tour guide, tourist, island, rocket, space station, aquarium, theme park, roller coaster, attraction, province, English-speaking country, flight attendant, population, environment, temperature, 动词travel, Discover, 动词词组take the train, live in, fall in love with, be in style, be welcomed by, take a ride, fly rocket to, be certain, take different routes, end up, 形容词huge, famous, wonderful, foreign, natural, strange, excellent, 副词句式The morethe more, It is because(九年级) unit 7 Where would you like to visit?必会级选用级名词jungle; fall; spotlight; sight; spot; great entertainment; in general; 动词consider; translate; provide; sail; continue; trek; pack; 动词词组Take it easy; provide sb. with sth; offer sb. Sth; Be willing to; dream of; hold on to形容词Beautiful; relaxing; fun; dangerous; interesting; boring; exciting; tiring; peaceful; lively; crowded; expensive; hot; educational; fascinating; thrilling; touristy; lively; convenient; 副词Somewhere warm; 句式I love places where the people are friendly.I hope to see/visitone day/some day.Id like to go somewhere relaxing/interesting.For your next vacation, why not consider visiting?It has/ doesnt haveWe can do lots of outdoor activities.It is convenient to We would like to stay at a place with;Wed like to be away for about three weeks.Theres much to do and see there.Traveling around by taxi can cost a lot of money.三、校园生活(春游、校规、科目、学习困难等)(七上)Life at school U12必会级选用级名词 Math, favorite subject动词动词词组形容词 Busy, interesting, boring, fun, tired, difficultRelaxing, strict副词句式I am really busy.At I have math.Its difficult but interesting.I like/I dont like(七下)必会级选用级名词Beginning, fun, skill, sir, madam, activity, group, unit, team, joke, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, reason, test, geography, yesterday, middle school, suggestion, exam, classmate, report, article, idea, rule, hallway, classroom, Ms, dinning, hall, sports shoes, gym, Dr, in class,动词Pass, relax, star, teach, clean, read, study, describe, improve, stop, remember, say, did, went, stay, have, spend, discuss, said, fight, 动词词组Look for, talk about, do some reading, practice, have to, do ones homework, have fun doing, study for the test, have a party, practice English, help sb. Do, 形容词Cool, following, regular, irregular, present, past, colorful, 副词Never, really, 句式- What are the rules at your school? Dont run in the hallways.- Can we eat in school? Yes, we can. / No, we cant.- What else do you have to do? We have to clean the classroom.(八上)Unit 4, unit 8, unit 12必会级选用级名词Schoolwork, physics, grade, gift, prize, visitor, monitor, umbrella, raincoat, Aquarium, souvenir, autograph, competition, 动词Win, end, drive, 动词词组Go for a drive, sleep late, have a day off, hang out, study for a test, 形容词Better, different, wet 副词Luckily, again句式I take the subway to school and it takes 25 minutes.The early bus takes him to school.The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.In other parts of world, things are different. In China, it depends on where you are.That must be a lot of fun than taking a bus!My favorite subjects are physics.Last weeks talent show was a great success.The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tian and his dog.(八下)U4必会级选用级名词end-of-year exam, report card, semester, disappointing result, senior high school, half the classEnvelop, graduate, dormitory, education, 动词copy, organize动词词组have a really hard time with, be surprised to find, forget to do, start a bad habit, get over it, get mad at sb, be able to do, write in English, break the rule, 形容词hard-working, own副词luckily, 句式notany more, (九年级) Unit 1 How do you study for a test?必会级选用级名词Mistake; secret; speaking skills; writing skilling; grammar; flashcard; vocabulary; pronunciation; challenge; development; 动词memorize; frustrate; add; pronounce; realize; complete; impress; solve; face; 动词词组Make mistakes; laugh at; take notes; look up; work with friends; read the textbook; listen to tapes; ask the teacher for help; study for a test; watch a video; cant understand spoken English; find a pen pal; try ones best; be afraid to; Make flashcards; make vocabulary lists; practice conversations with friends; read aloud to practice; make up; deal with; 形容词unimportant; Frustrating; 副词By (通过方式) by working with friends; easily; slowly; Later on; 句式


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