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1,我国经济快速发展下的沥青市场分析 Chinas Asphalt Market Under the Rapid Development of Chinas Economy,2,国内生产总值及增长速度 The Growth of Chinas GDP,3,2006年我国区域经济发展 Regional Economic Growth in 2006,4,“十五”期间公路建设回顾 Review of Road Construction in the Tenth Five-Year,全国累计完成交通建设投资21957亿元,年均增长18.7% ,公路建设完成19505亿元 . The investment in transportation construction reached 2195.7 billion yuan, increased 18.7%, among which 1950.5 billion yuan was used in road construction. 建成高速公路2.47万公里,高速公路总里程达到4.1万公里。十五期间,高速公路里程数:2 万- 3万- 4万 24700 km long highways was built and total mileage reached 41000 km. 高速公路总里程 Total Mileage of Highways 突破3000公里 -山东、广东 Shandong province and Guangdong province made a breakthrough of 3000 km 突破2000公里 -江苏、河南、河北 Jiangsu province, Henan province and Hebei province made a breakthrough of 2000 km 突破1000公里- 14个省 Other 14 provinces made a breakthrough of 1000 km,5,公路建设概况和 “十一五”规划 Overview of Road Construction and The Eleventh Five-Year Plan,根据国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年(20062010年)规划纲要,十一五期间, 优先发展交通运输业。 According to the policy, China will develop transportation priority in the period of eleventh five-year. (1)推进西部大开发.西部地区要加快改革开放步伐,依托中心城市和交通干线,实行重点开发。加强基础设施建设,建成“五纵七横”西部路段和八条省际公路 (1)Boosting Chinas Western Development Program. The western area will accelerate reform and opening up, explore key areas relying on central cities and traffic trunk roads, complete the western part of “Five-Vertical and Seven-Horizontal“ and eight roads linking provinces. (2) 振兴东北地区等老工业基地。加强跨省区公路运输通道等基础设施建设,促进区域经济一体化。 (2) Rebounding northeast area and other old industrial bases in. China will strengthen infrastructure construction, especially the construction of province-crossing highway transport corridors, to promote the integration of regional economy. (3)促进中部地区崛起。构建综合交通运输体系,重点建设干线铁路和公路、区域性机场。 (3)Promoting Mid Chinas rising. China will construct comprehensive traffic and transportation system in mid area and put focus on building main-line railways and highways and regional airports. (4)鼓励东部地区率先发展。 (4)Supporting the eastern region in taking the lead in development.,6,7,“十一五”期间我国新建高速公路里程预测 Prospect of New-Built Expressways in Eleventh Five-Year,8,“十一五”期间东部新建高速公路里程预测 Prospect of New-Built Expressways in Eastern Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,0,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,Km,Beijing,Shanghai,Hebei,Guangdong,Fujian,Shandong,Zhejiang,Jiangsu,Tianjin,“十一五”期间东部地区新建高速公路里程 Mileage of New-Built Expressways in Eastern Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,9,“十一五”期间中部新建高速公路里程预测 Prospect of New-Built Expressways in Mid Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,10,“十一五”期间西部新建高速公路里程预测 Prospect of New-Built Expressways in Western Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,11,“十一五”期间东北新建高速公路里程预测 Prospect of New-Built Expressways in Northeast Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,12,国内沥青市场需求分析 Analysis on the Demand of Domestic Asphalt Market,13,“十一五”期间高速公路沥青需求量预测 Predicting Asphalt Demand of Expressways in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,14,“十一五”期间东部地区高速公路沥青需求量预测 Predicting Asphalt Demand of Expressways in Eastern Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,Beijing,Shanghai,Hebei,Guangdong,Fujian,Shandong,Zhejiang,Jiangsu,Tianjin,15,“十一五”期间西部地区高速公路沥青需求量预测 Predicting Asphalt Demand of Expressways in Western Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,ShanXi,Yunnan,Guangxi,Neimenggu,Sichuan,Chongqing,Gansu,Xinjiang,Guizhou,Qinghai,Ningxia,16,“十一五”期间中部地区高速公路沥青需求量预测 Predicting Asphalt Demand of Expressways in Mid Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,17,“十一五”期间东北地区高速公路沥青需求量预测 Predicting Asphalt Demand of Expressways in Northeast Area in the Period of Eleventh Five-Year,18,沥青供应情况预测 Prospect of Asphalt Supply,19,未来沥青市场发展方向 Orientation for the Development of Asphalt Market,沥青生产 Asphalt Manufacture 沥青应用 Asphalt Application 产品结构 Products Structure 价格趋势 Price Trend 沥青进口 Asphalt Import,20,国内沥青价格预测 Predicting the Price of Domestic Asphalt,中国国内历年沥青价格比较(2004.1-2007.9) Comparison of Domestic Asphalt Price (Jan. 2004 Sep. 2007),0,500,1000,1500,2000,2500,3000,3500,4000,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,June,July,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,Yuan/ton,Months,2004,2005,2006,2007,21,国内沥青价格预测 Predicting the Price of Domestic Asphalt,原油、沥青及国产重油价格对比表(2005-2007.9) Comparison of the price of Crude Oil, Asphalt and Domestic Heavy Oil,0.00,500.00,1000.00,1500.00,2000.00,2500.00,3000.00,3500.00,4000.00,4500.00,5000.00,Jan. 2005,Feb, 2005,Mar. 2005,Apr. 2005,May, 2005,June, 2005,July, 2005,Aug. 2005,Sep, 2005,Oct, 2005,Nov. 2005,Dec, 2005,Jan. 2006,Feb. 2006,Mar. 2006,Apr. 2006,May, 2006,June, 2006,July, 2006,Aug, 2006,Sep. 2006,Oct, 2006,Nov. 2006,Dec. 2006,Jan. 2007,Feb. 2007,Mar, 2007,Apr. 2007,May, 2007,June, 2007,July, 2007,Aug, 2007,Sep, 2007,Time,Yuan/ton,WTI RMB,Domestic Heavy Oil (Shanghai),Asphalt Price,22,沥青进口量预测 Predicting the Import of Asphalt,2005-2007年沥青进口量 Import of Asphalt from 2005 to 2007,0,100000,200000,300000,400000,500000,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,ton,2005,2006,2007,23,进口沥青价格预测 Predicting the price of imported Asphalt,2005年-2007年进口沥青价格 The Price of Imported Asphalt from 2005 to 2007,0,50,100,150,200,250,300,350,400,Jan,Feb,Mar,Apr,May,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Oct,Nov,Dec,US Dollars,2005,2006,2007,24,中国石化沥青销售分公司简介,2004.9.22 正式成立, 公司本部设在上海 经营原则: 统一市场销售 统一对外投标 统一售后服务、 统一产品品牌 统一对外合作 统一开拓市场 主营业务:中国石化“东海”牌沥青产品 分支机构:在镇海炼化、茂名分公司、齐鲁分公司、西安分公司、塔河 分公司、济南分公司、广州分公司、上海石化、洛阳分公司 等9个生产企业及浙江平湖沥青库办事处 员工人数: 近100人,其中研究生以上学历占 15%;大学本科以上学历 人员占76%。 公司网站: (沥青产业网) 经营理念:服务于企业,服务于客户 经过三年多的发展,目前已成为集著名品牌、


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