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1. have a discussion讨论 2. pack sth into the suitcase把某物装进箱子 3. search the Internet上网查询 4. see sb off为某人送行 5. a five-day tour为期五天的旅行 6. drop out of school辍学,相关短语,7.live a.life过着的生活 8.pay the tuition fees支付学费 9.win the first prize获得一等奖,10. be thought highly of 受到高度赞扬 11. come to a conclusion that. 得出结论如下 12. take great pains to do sth不遗余力地做某事,13. set a good example to us为我们树 立了一个好榜样 14. be impressed by. 对印象深刻; 为所感动 15. devote ones spare time to helping others 利用业余时间帮助他人,1. Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell.我们正在上语文课, 老师突然滑倒了。 2. We were about to set off when it began to rain. 我们正要出发, 这时天下起雨来了。,相关句式,3. I had just lain down when the telephone rang. 我刚刚躺下, 这时电话铃响了。 4. Hardly had he finished his speech when the audience started cheering. 他一演讲完 观众就欢呼起来。(同义句式: no sooner. than. /as soon as.),5. Upon arrival, we began to work immediately.一到达, 我们就开始工作。 6. On hearing the bell, students ran into the classroom as quickly as they could.一听到铃声, 学生都尽快跑进教室。,1. 记叙事件的写作一般按照事件发展的顺序来写作。 2. 由于活动往往有很多环节, 考生可以用一些与时间相关的副词如then, later, next, afterwards, soon after that等或一些时间状语从句After, before.等把要点合理连贯地连接在一起。,3. 若试题要求考生写自己的感受, 考生不能只是用I am very happy等简单句, 而是尽量用复合句来充分表达自己的观点。另外, 记叙文多涉及情感相关的用词, 考生平时可以多积累这样的单词或短语, 如an unforgettable experience, to my joy/delight, be satisfied/ content with等等。,(2008年深圳一模) 假设你参加了你校组织的“关爱生命 携手艾滋儿童”的活动。 写作内容 请你写一篇英文日记,叙述活动情况, 内容包括:,写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。注意: 日记的开头已写好。 评分标准 句子结构准确,信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。 December 1st 2007SaturdayFine,例题导写 认真审题。因为是日记, 所以用第一人称; 叙述已发生的事应该用一般过去时, 感受则用一般过去时或者一般现在时都可以。 信息重组。第一个句子为总起, 描述自己何时何地参加了何种活动。由于是记叙事件, 接下去可以按照时间发展顺序进行信息点的划分。第二句是出发时间, 出发地点和路程。活动的内容比较多, 可以用两句话分别表述。最后一句就是活动的感受。,句1:(1) 组织活动:_ 句2:(2) 志愿者:_ 句3:(3) 红十字会医院: _,词汇整理 翻译或完成下列词汇或短语。,the Red Cross Hospital,organize an activity,volunteer,(4) 同亲切交谈: _ (5) 牵手跳舞: _ 句4: (6) 赠送礼物: _ (7) 拍照:_,take photos of sb,have close chats with sb.,dance happily together,present gifts,难句翻译 翻译下列每组句子并合并成一 句。 句2: (1) 8:30 启程, 在校门口集中, 开始车程。 (1) We volunteers gathered at the school gate and started our bike trip. (2) 花了一个半小时自行车车程。 (2) It took us about one hour and a half.,合并: We volunteers gathered at the school gate and started our bike trip, which took us about one hour and a half.,参考范文 December 1st 2007 Saturday Fine Today is the World Aids Day, so our school organized an activity called “Take care of our lives, hand in hand with Aids children”. At 8:30 a.m. , we volunteers gathered at the school gate and started our bike trip, which took us about one hour and a half.,Soon after we got to the Red Cross Hospital, where most Aids children are staying, we began to have close chats with them to see how their life is going, and then we danced happily together. Having got to know them so well, we presented our gifts, took lots of photos and ate lunch together before we came back. I feel very great to see the Aids children so happy when they are not ignored and taken good care of.,能力提高 1. 作文填空 请考生将括号中的中文翻译成英文完成此篇作文。 I (1) _ (参加)a fantastic English talent show in Peoples Park on Dec. 25, 2009. Middle school students from all over Guangzhou (2)_ (表演了各种各样的节目), like English songs, English short plays and English stories.,performed all kinds of programs,participated in / took part in / joined in,(3) _ _ (这场表演的目的在于)encourage students to introduce Guangzhou and the 2010 Asian Games in English and to arouse students interest in English as well. I was very excited because I was the leading actor/actress in an English short play at the show. Though I was(4) _(一点点紧张) at the beginning, later on I felt relaxed and the performance was a great success.,a little bit nervous,The purpose / aim of this show is to或This show aims / is aimed to / is meant to / is intended to,2. 翻译句子 请根据括号中的提示将下列中文句子翻译成英文。 (1) 我觉得, 帮助那些急切渴望我们帮助和关心的小孩, 是我们应有的职责。(feel it+ 名词+ to do, give a hand to sb., be in need of/desire for/be dying for),(1)I feel it our responsibility to give a hand to those children who are greatly in need of our help and care.,(2) 我觉得这次活动很有意义, 我学会了怎 样与人沟通, 并意识到帮助他人的重要性和 感受到与之带来的乐趣。(meaningful, communicate with.),(2) I find the activity meaningful, for I have leant how to communicate with others, realized the importance of helping others and enjoyed the fun brought by my active participation.,假设你参加了深圳大运会的志愿者活动, 回来以后感触良多。请你根据以下信息, 写一篇英文日记, 叙述活动情况。 写作内容,写作要求 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 评分标准 句子结构准确, 信息内容完整, 篇章结构连贯。 参考词汇: 深圳大运会 Shenzhen Universiade 运动村 Village 运动场地 court,参考范文 August 24th 2011 Wednesday Fine I found it a great honor to work as a volunteer in the Shenzhen Universiade from August 12th to 23rd. Shenzhen recruited more than 1.27 million people from home and abroad to provide services, including about 2500 volunteers from universities in Shenzhen who were providing services to the 50, 000 people staying in the Village.,I worked in the equipment department, responsible for moving all the equipment to the court and then carry it back. I was required to work from 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., but I volunteered to work all the day from 6:30 in the morning to 19:30 in the evening because of the job requirement. It was very tiring and I felt exhausted but it was worth it, because I was proud to have done what I could for this great event.,这是一篇关于活动感受的日记类写作。在内容方面, 考生在写作中应该注重情感态度的表达, 使日记更具有真实感, 如范文中的第一句“I found it a great honor to work.”和最后 “because I was proud to have done what I could for this great event都表达了作者的情感态度。,精华点评,在词汇运用方面, 考生可以有意识地使用高中所学到的一些词汇或短语来代替初中所学的词汇, 如表达“来自世界各地”, 范文使用了from home and abroad而不是all over the world; 表示疲倦, 范文使用了exhausted而不是用tired。,在句型方面, 考生要熟练地运用非谓语动词作伴随状语和定语从句等复合句,使文章的句式更多样化, 如范文的第二句就使用了including作伴随状语, 以及在伴随状语中带有一个who引导的定语从句。,假设你们班同学听说你和家人上周末去了广州南沙参观沙雕后都对此很感兴趣,邀请你在课堂上介绍这次参观活动。请你根据以下内容, 写一篇短文, 向你的同班同学讲述此次旅游经历及感受。 写作内容,写作要求 1. 只能用5个句子表达全部内容; 2. 文章开头已给出, 不计入总句数。 评分标准 句子结构准确, 信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。(注:因篇幅限制, 以下写作要求、评分标准、例题导写和能力提高等栏目可能被省略, 但教师课件中仍会保留) Last weekend, I enjoyed a wonderful trip to Nansha with my family.,参考范文 Last weekend, I enjoyed a wonderful trip to Nansha with my family. We set out at 9:00 a.m. and arrived at 10 a.m. On arriving, we couldnt wait to enjoy the exhibition of sand statues there, which was hosted by the local government of Nansha. The statues were


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