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Longing for a New Welfare System,Unit Three,Unit 3,Members,Name: Position: Task:,Yuwen Zhang,Commentator,Text Understanding,Members,Baoping Liu,Name: Position: Task:,Journalist,Pre-reading Activities,Members,Yangyang Wang,Name: Position: Task:,Hostess,Language Points,Members,Name: Position: Task:,Boss Dai,Exercises,Picker,Members,Name: Position: Task:,Liguo Xiao,Summarized,Summary,Members,Name: Position: Task:,Peng Ding,Host,Interview,Members,Name: Position: Task:,Xiang Sun,Director,Translation,Unit Three,Pre-reading Activities,1,Text Understanding,Summary,Language Points,4,3,2,5,Exercises,What is welfare ?,Unit Three,Text Understanding,Lets learn the new words before reading the text.,NEW WORDS,1.Why do politicians and governmet leaders want caseworkers to make it as difficult as possible for people to receive their welfare checks?,Because they want to encourage them to find other way to support themselves.,2.What does Mr.Callahan want the speaker to do?,He wants her to pay to have his wheelchair fixed.,3.Who are entitled to receive welfare money-disabled people,single mothers with children,anyone wihtout a job?why?,Text Understanding,The passage explores the problems of the present welfare system first and then expresses the desire to have a new system. According to the author, a disabled person with spinal cord injuries, he is forced to account for every penny while enduring lectures by the caseworkers. It is hard to have his wheelchair repaired and even harder to make a gradual shift away from welfare. That is why he longs for a new system under which the disabled like him can earn part or all of their own livings.,Main idea of the text ?,Text Understanding,Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:,Para 1-3,Para 4-14,Para 15-17,Text Understanding,Para 1-3,Current situation describing,On one hand, most welfare clients cheat the system for more money. Are there any examples here? (Para.1),All the same, some like me have opted to live a life of honesty. Are there any examples here? (Para.2),On the other, welfare case-workers, like detectives, expect every client to beg. Why? (Para.3),Text Understanding,Para 4-14,Problems with the system,Problem 1: Clients are forced to report anything new to caseworkers. Is there any example here? (Paras. 4 - 8),Problem 2: It is difficult for clients to have their wheel- chairs repaired. Is there any example here? (Paras. 9 - 12),Text Understanding,Problem 4: The law does not encourage clients to make a gradual shift away from welfare.Evidence? (Para.14),Problem 3: If clients make money, as the authors own experience reveals, they have to account for every penny.(Para. 13),Text Understanding,Solution 3:A new system is needed to encourage clients to develop their talents without guilt. (Para.17),Solution 2: The welfare system should help those who are to earn their own livings. How? (Para. 16),Solution 1: There needs to be a lawyer to protect the rights of clients. Example? (Para. 15),Para 15-17,Solutions to the problems,Text Understanding,Summary,Life in a wheelchair is _. Living on welfare is just like sharing a dinner of raw pet food _ the cat. Many welfare clients do not have money to _a decent life. _, lying and cheating the welfare system _ extra money becomes normal. However, some unusual individuals, who have _to live a life of complete honesty, do _the truth to caseworkers and _ any extra income they make. Being honest, however, is not _ its problems. Caseworkers will greatly_ the frequency of their visits and leave _ a small,tough,with,live,As a result,for,made a choice,tell,without,declare,increase,behind,Summary,mountain of paper work _ the client to fill _. The rules say that not a penny is to be _ for. _ a single gift, _ small, is to be unreported. These rules and the natural consequent lying _ tend to transform caseworkers _ being helpers of the poor _ being detectives constantly _ for any forms of cheating.,for,out,unaccounted,Not,no matter how,unfortunately,from,to,searching,Language Points,to long for (Title),经过多年战争后,人们都盼望和平。,People longed for peace after many years of war.,Example,have a desire for; want very much,Language Points,be supposed/expected to (L1),Youre supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the room.,Example,a. be believed to be b. be required to do sth. according to a rule,如果你想离开房间,你应该问老师。,Language Points,raw (L2),raw material/cotton/sugar/silk 原材料/籽棉/粗糖/生丝,Example,a. (of food) not cooked b. (of materials) in its natural state c. (of information) not yet processed,raw meat 生肉,This information is only raw data and will need further analysis. 原始数据,Language Points,bleed (L. 2),2. Hed been wounded in the arm and was bleeding heavily.,Example,a. force sb. to pay a lot of money b. lose blood,1. The west is bleeding poorer countries dry through interest payments on their debts.,西方正通过债务利息榨干贫穷国家的财富。,Language Points,opt to do sth. (L6),What do you opt to do after you graduate from university ?,Example,choose to do sth.,Language Points,to drum up (L. 6),During the season of Christmas each year, traders use their own unique tricks to drum up their business.,每年圣诞节期间,商家们各显神通来招揽生意。,Example,try hard to get support, customers, business, etc.,Language Points,under the table (L. 8),They were charged with taking money under the table.,Example,in a secret way,Language Points,sticky (L. 9),2. Her hands were sticky from the ice cream.,1. a sticky problem / situation,Example,a. difficult or unpleasant b. covered in a substance that sticks to things that touch it c. ( of the weather) hot and damp,3. a sticky, humid afternoon,Language Points,to be entitled to (do) sth. (L. 13),1. Everyone is entitled to (air) his own opinion.,Example,have the right to have or do sth.,2. This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.,Language Points,make a fool of sb. (L. 12),Your brother is making a fool of you.,Example,trick sb. into behaving foolishly,He was drinking and making a fool of himself.,Language Points,liberal (L. 14),2. Her parents are very liberal and allow her a lot of freedom.,1. He liked to think of himself as a liberal.,Example,a. open to new ideas b. generous,3. She is very liberal with her money.,Language Points,to lecture sb. about sth. (L. 29),Hes always lecturing me about the way I dress.,他总说我穿着不得体。,Example,就某事训斥某人,notify,compensation,pension,Exercises,What happens in America when someone becomes disabled and cannot do the kind of work they did in the past? If someone has been injured on the job, they are supposed to _the medical worker, who would certify that there was a problem. Then, they may receive _form the company. If the company provides a(n) _, the person may received money monthly to make up for lost wages.,neglected,receipt,provision,notice,Exercises,The person who has been disabled may also take the company to court if safety was_at the workplace. This usually results in_of a payment to settle the dispute. In addition, all workplace are required to pay money to the government for a program to take care of people disabled on the job. One_in this program requires workplaces where more injuries_to pay more money.,misunderstand,ridiculous,recovery,Exercises,For this reason companies that require heavy physical labor take safety very seriously. Most people _ disability insurance. They think it is _that a person should get paid without working. In fact, this benefit is usually not enough to cover the rent and other bills of those who receive it. Most of the disabled still want to work, but _from the injury and training for other types of employment takes time.,Translation,1.据报道有七八位官员收受贿赂,市长决定亲自调查这件事。(be reported to;look into),Seven or eight officials are reported to have taken bribes and the mayor has decided to look into the affair in p


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