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Shakespeare 莎士比亚 简介,Group 1,Personnel: 人员介绍:,We talk about their own understanding of Shakespeare! 大家讲讲自己所了解的 莎士比亚吧!,1“ Romeo and Juliet“ 罗密欧与朱丽叶 2“ the merchant of Venice“威尼斯商人 3“ Hamlet“3哈姆雷特 So what? Following our group to know Shakespeare! 那么还有哪些呢? 跟随我们小组来了解莎翁吧!,Shakespeare (1564 1616) the Great Renaissance dramatist, poet, European Renaissance humanism literature synthesizer. 莎士比亚(W. William Shakespeare;15641616)英国文艺复兴时期伟大的剧作家、诗人,欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义文学的集大成者。,Life(生平),Shakespeare was born in Britain in April 23, 1564central Warwick County along the Evan River in Stratford, a wealthy families. 莎士比亚于1564年4月23日生于英国中部瓦维克郡埃文河畔斯特拉特福的一位富裕的市民家庭。,莎士比亚故居,Youth in a local Teaching Latin“ literary school“ study, master the writing skills and rich knowledge, but because his father went bankrupt, failing to graduate go alone on the road to earn a living. He worked as a butchers apprentice, has taught in rural schools, also worked in various other occupation, which makes him grow a lot of social experience. 少年时代曾在当地的一所主要教授拉丁文的“文学学校”学习,掌握了写作的基本技巧与较丰富的知识,但因他的父亲破产,未能毕业就走上独自谋生之路。他当过肉店学徒,也曾在乡村学校教过书,还干过其他各种职业,这使他增长了许多社会阅历。,After 20 years of age to London, first in the theater when the groom. A handyman, after entering the theatre as an actor, director and screenwriter, become the theatre began around 1588shareholders; writing, first is adapted for the previous script, soon began to independent creation. 20岁后到伦敦,先在剧院当马夫杂役,后入剧团,做过演员导演编剧,并成为剧院股东;1588年前后开始写作,先是改编前人的剧本,不久即开始独立创作。,At the time of the opera Oxford, Cambridge background,“ the University wits “ who control, a famous dramatist ever with contemptuous tone to write articles mocking Shakespeare such a“ vulgar,“ civilian“ upstart crow“ to the“ noble genius“ contest! But Shakespeare later won the college student groups, including the majority of the audience support and love and esteem, students in school amateur performances of some of Shakespeares plays, such as“ Hamlet“,“ the comedy of errors.“. 当时的剧坛为牛津、剑桥背景的“大学才子”们所把持,一个成名的剧作家曾以轻蔑的语气写文章嘲笑莎士比亚这样一个“粗俗的平民”、“暴发户式的乌鸦”竟敢同“高尚的天才”一比高低!但莎士比亚后来却赢得了包括大学生团体在内的广大观众的拥护和爱戴,学生们曾在学校业余演出过莎士比亚的一些剧本,如哈姆雷特、错误的喜剧。,The success of writing, so that Shakespeare won the show mulberry management for Lord, Lord became his protector. Shakespeare in the early 90s had his two poem“ Venus and Adonis“,“ the rape of Lucrece“ dedicated to the Lord, who also wrote the sonnet lord. 写作的成功,使莎士比亚赢得了骚桑普顿勋爵的眷顾,勋爵成了他的保护人。莎士比亚在90年代初曾把他写的两首长诗维纳斯与阿都尼、鲁克丽丝受辱记献给勋爵,也曾为勋爵写过一些十四行诗。,With the help of Lord, Shakespeare into the aristocratic culture salon, causing him to society with observation and understanding, expanded his vision of life, for he created to provide a rich source of. 借助勋爵的关系,莎士比亚走进了贵族的文化沙龙,使他对上流社会有了观察和了解的机会,扩大了他的生活视野,为他日后的创作提供了丰富的源泉。,From 1594 onwards, he belongs to the theatre by the palace minister asylum, called“ in the Lord Chamberlains men“. 从1594年起,他所属的剧团受王宫大臣的庇护,称为“宫内大臣剧团”。,莎士比亚葬地,In 1603, the accession of James I, his troupe called “ the king offered Theatre“, he and the group of actors was appointed Royal retainers, therefore theater in addition to regular touring, often during performances, Shakespeare screenplay and renowned community. In April 23, 1616 Shakespeare in their fifty-two birthday and died in three one churches, st 1603年,詹姆士一世继位,他的剧团改称“国王供奉剧团”,他和团中演员被任命为御前侍从,因此剧团除了经常的巡回演出外,也常常在宫廷中演出,莎士比亚创作的剧本进而蜚声社会各界。1616年4月23日莎士比亚在其五十二岁生日前后不幸去世,葬于圣三一教堂。,A literary creation (创作),Shakespeare in about 1590 1612of the total20years wrote thirty-seven plays ( such as plus and Fletcher wrote“ two of your kiss“ is the thirty-eight ), he also wrote two long poem“ Venus and Adonis“,“ the rape of Lucrece“ and one hundred and fifty-four sonnets. 莎士比亚在约15901612的20余年内共写了三十七部戏剧(如加上与弗莱彻合写的两位贵亲则是三十八部),还写有二首长诗维纳斯与阿多尼斯、鲁克丽丝受辱记和一百五十四首十四行诗。,More than his plays based on historical records, novels, folklore and the old opera and other existing materials, a reflection of the feudal society to capitalist society, the historical reality of the transition, to promote the emerging bourgeoisie humanitarianism thought and point of view of human nature. 他的戏剧多取材于历史记载、小说、民间传说和老戏等已有的材料,反映了封建社会向资本主义社会过渡的历史现实,宣扬了新兴资产阶级的人道主义思想和人性论观点。,Due to a wide range of experiences of ancient drama, English medieval drama and the emerging European culture and art, a profound observations of life, social understanding, grasp the pulse of the times, so that Shakespeare was able to create a large number of true to life likeness characters, depicting broad, resplendent with variegated coloration in the view of social life, and make a tragicomedy, full of poetic and imagine, combining unified contradiction in change and rich life philosophy and critical spirit characteristics known. Generally divided into three periods. 由于一方面广泛借鉴古代戏剧、英国中世纪戏剧以及欧洲新兴的文化艺术,一方面深刻观察人生,了解社会,掌握时代的脉搏,故使莎士比亚得以塑造出众多栩栩如生的人物形象,描绘广阔的、五光十色的社会生活图景,并使之以悲喜交融、富于诗意和想象、寓统一于矛盾变化之中以及富有人生哲理和批判精神等特点著称。一般划分为三个时期。,The first period (1590 1600) 第一时期,In order to writing historical drama, comedy, a9historical drama,10 comedies and2 tragedies. 以写作历史剧、喜剧为主,有9部历史剧、10部喜剧和2部悲剧。 9 historical drama“ John king“ was written in early thirteenth Century British history, the other8 is the content of the interface of the two Episode 4:“ Henry VI“, the“ Charlie III, and“;“ Richard II“,“ Henry IV“ ( referred to as the most successful historical drama ) on the“ V“, with Henry. These historical drama summary of British history more than 100 years of unrest, created a series of positive, negative image of monarchy, reflecting Shakespeare against the feudal rule, support the centralization of power, condemned the tyrant and tyranny, enlightened monarchs were top-down reform requirements, the establishment of a harmonious society between humanistic political and moral ideal. 9部历史剧中除约翰王是写 13 世纪初英国历史外 ,其他8部是内容相衔接的两个4部曲 : 亨利六世上 、中、下篇与查理三世;理查二世、亨利四世(被称为最成功的历史剧)上、下篇与亨利五世。这些历史剧概括了英国历史上百余年间的动乱,塑造了一系列正、反面君主形象,反映了莎士比亚反对封建割据,拥护中央集权,谴责暴君暴政,要求开明君主进行自上而下改革,建立和谐社会关系的人文主义政治与道德理想。,The 10comedy“ comedy of errors“,“ the taming of the Shrew“,“ the two gent“,“ love in vain“,“ A Midsummer Nights dream“,“ the merchant of Venice“,“ the Merry Wives of Windsor“,“ make trouble out of nothing“,“ to the satisfaction of all“ and“ Twelfth Night“ to love, friendship, mostly marriage as the theme, the protagonist is a few humane wisdom and virtue of young men and women, through their freedom, happiness struggle, progress, sing good new fresh air, but also gently to expose and ridicule the old things decay and ugly, such as asceticism virtual correction, puritanical hypocrisy and usurers avaricious and mean wait for. 10部喜剧错误的喜剧、驯悍记、维洛那二绅士、爱的徒劳、仲夏夜之梦、威尼斯商人、温莎的风流娘儿们、无事生非、皆大欢喜和第十二夜大都以爱情、友谊、婚姻为主题,主人公多是一些具有人文主义智慧与美德的青年男女,通过他们争取自由、幸福的斗争,歌颂进步、美好的新人新风,同时也温和地揭露和嘲讽旧事物的衰朽和丑恶,如禁欲主义的虚矫、清教徒的伪善和高利贷者的贪鄙等。,This period drama the basic mood is optimistic, bright, full of humanistic ideal to solve social contradictions, confidence, that is written in this period the tragicomedy“ Romeo and Juliet“, was filled with the comedy atmosphere. Although the hero died sentimentalism, but the ideals of love over death, in exchange for a reconciliation of feudal. 这一时期戏剧创作的基本情调是乐观、明朗的,充满着以人文主义理想解决社会矛盾的信心,以致写在这一时期的悲喜剧罗密欧和朱丽叶中,也洋溢着喜剧气氛。尽管主人公殉情而死,但爱的理想战胜死亡,换来了封建世仇的和解。,The second period (1601 1607) 第二时期,In tragedy, written 3 Department of the Rome opera,5 tragedies and 3“ dark comedy“ or“ problem plays“. 以悲剧为主 ,写了3部罗马剧、5部悲剧和3部“阴暗的喜剧”或“问题剧”。 Rome drama“ Julius Caesar“,“ Anthony and Cleopatra Petra“ and“ Cory“ is based on Plutarch lanus Rome“ Greek heroes“ historical drama. 罗马剧尤利乌斯凯撒、安东尼和克莉奥佩特拉和科里奥拉努斯是取材于普鲁塔克希腊罗马英雄传 的历史剧。,Four tragedies“ Hamlet,“ Othello“,“ King“,“ Mike white“ and“ tragedy Timon of Athens“ marks of the era, the life of the deep thinking, strive to create the new era of tragic hero. 四大悲剧哈姆雷特、奥赛罗 、 李尔王 、麦克白和悲剧雅典的泰门标志着作者对时代、人生的深入思考,着力塑造了这样一些新时代的悲剧主人公 。,The tragic character waking up from a medieval prison and ignorance, in modern dawn shines, aspiring to develop or improve themselves, but can not overcome the limitations of their own age and, finally in the same environment and inner strength disparity between the hostile forces in the struggle, the inevitable failure and sacrifice. Hamlet avenged the death of his father and found with“ all time out of joint“, decided to take up the responsibility of“ reforming the course“, the result is just great ambitions, powerless. King Lear in power to bring him glory, pride, self-confidence in the nature, get crazy, fantasy to make right divided country to prove himself become a king and do an ordinary person, can be the same or greater, and suffered a painful ordeal. 这些悲剧人物从中世纪的禁锢和蒙昧中醒来,在近代黎明照耀下,雄心勃勃地想要发展或完善自己,但又不能克服时代和自身的局限,终于在同环境和内心敌对势力的力量悬殊斗争中,遭到不可避免的失败和牺牲。 哈姆雷特为报父仇而发现与“整个时代脱榫”了,决定担起“重整乾坤”的责任,结果是空怀大志,无力回天。 李尔王在权势给他带来的尊荣 、自豪 、 自信中迷失本性 ,丧失理智,幻想以让权分国来证明自己不当国王而做一个普通人,也能同样或更加伟大,因而经受了一番痛苦的磨难。,Mike Bai Ben is a real hero, disposition has the goodness and beauty side, just because of the temptation and ambition, reduced to a “ from the bloody to bloody“, Aohuiwuji sinner. Othello honest honest, trust and vengeful, in communication at the mercy of the suicide, for the pursuit of its perfection itself. Instead by evil. These characters tragedy, announced deeply in the period of capital primitive accumulation has begun to appear the social evils and bourgeois egoism, the performance of the humanist ideal and reality the irreconcilable contradiction between, highly summarized significance. 麦克白本是有功的英雄,性格中有善和美的一面,只因王位的诱惑和野心的驱使,沦为“从血腥到血腥”、懊悔无及的罪人。 奥赛罗正直淳朴,相信人而又嫉恶如仇,在奸人摆布下杀妻自戕,为追求至善至美反遭恶报。 这些人物的悲剧,深刻地揭示了在资本原始积累时期已开始出现的种种社会罪恶和资产阶级的利己主义,表现了人文主义理想与残酷现实之间矛盾的不可调和,具有高度的概括意义。,Since this period plays the depth of thought and the realistic depth increase, make“ Troilus and Cressida“,“ married“ and“ requite like for like“ and“ comedy“ also reveals the dark side, enveloped the treachery, the intrigues of the evil shadow, so called “ problem plays“ or“ dark comedy“. 由于这一时期剧作思想深度和现实主义深度的增强,使特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达、终成眷属和一报还一报等“喜剧”也显露出阴暗的一面,笼罩着背信弃义、尔虞我诈的罪恶阴影,因而被称为“问题剧”或“阴暗的喜剧”。,The third period (1608 1613) 第三时期,Inclined to compromise and the illusion of tragedy and comedy or drama. 倾向于妥协和幻想的悲喜剧或传奇剧。 The main work is a4comedy and tragedy or melodrama“ crown prince Chris“,“ Xin Lin“,“ winters tale“,“ the storm“. 主要作品是4部悲喜剧或传奇剧泰尔亲王里克里斯、辛白林、冬天的故事、暴风雨。,Many of these works were written, reunion, framing,. Although still adhere to the ideals of humanism, the dark reality has been exposed, but contradictory settlement mainly rely on magic, fantasy, the lucky chance coincidence and accident, and to promote forgiveness, tolerance, compromise, and talks. 这些作品多写失散、团聚、诬陷、昭雪。尽管仍然坚持人文主义理想,对黑暗现实有所揭露,但矛盾的解决主要靠魔法、幻想、机缘巧合和偶然事件,并以宣扬宽恕、容忍、妥协、和解告终。,The works of this period are often through the mythical fantasy, with the help of supernatural power to solve the contradiction between the ideal and reality; works through forgiveness, reconciliation, not the joy, nor the metaphase and gloomy, but full of beautiful life fantasy, romantic exotic. “ The storm“ (1611) is the most representative of this period style, known as“ written in poetry“. 这一时期的作品往往通过神话式的幻想,借助超自然的力量来解决理想与现实之间的矛盾;作品贯串着宽恕、和解的精神,没有前期的欢乐,也没有中期的阴郁,而是充满美丽的生活幻想,浪漫情调浓郁。暴风雨(1611)最能代表这一时期的风格,被称为“用诗歌写的遗嘱”。,Tragedy(悲剧) Four great tragedies(四大悲剧): Macbeth (麦克白) King Lear (李尔王) Hamlet (哈姆雷特) Othello (奥赛罗) Romeo and Juliet (罗密欧与朱丽叶) Titus Andronicus (泰特斯安特洛尼克斯) Julius Caesar (裘力斯凯撒) Antony and Cleopatra (安东尼与克莉奥佩屈拉) Coriolanus (科利奥兰纳斯) Troilus and Cressida (特洛埃围城记) Timon of Athens (雅典的泰门),Comedy(喜剧): Four Great Comedies(四大喜剧): As You Like It(皆大欢喜) Twelfth Night or What You Will(第十二夜) The Merchant of Venice(威尼斯商人) A Midsummer Nights Dream(仲夏夜之梦) Much Ado About Nothing(无事生非) Measure for Measure(一报还一报) The Tempest(暴风雨) Taming of the Shrew(驯悍记) The Merry Wives of Windsor( 温莎的风流娘们) Loves Labours Lost(爱的徒劳) The Two Gentlemen of Verona(维洛那二绅士) Pericles Prince of Tyre(泰尔亲王佩力克尔斯) Cymbeline (辛白林) The Winters Tale (冬天的故事) The Comedy of Errors (错中错) Alls Well That Ends Well (终成眷属),The Sonnets(十四行诗) A Lovers Complaint(爱人的怨诉又译:情女怨) The Rape of Lucrece(鲁克丽丝失贞记) Venus and Adonis(维纳斯和阿多尼斯) The Passionate Pilgrim(热情的朝圣者又译:激情飘泊者) The Phoenix and the Turtle (凤凰和斑鸠),HAMLET哈姆雷特,ROMEO&JULIET罗密欧与朱丽叶,MERCHANT of VENICE 威尼斯商人,Shakespeares literary position (莎士比亚文学地位) In his works, the bourgeois humanism thought is behaved most adequately, also the highest art. He works for the bourgeoisie emerged as the most powerful public opinion preparation. 在他的作品里,资产阶级人文主义思想表现得最为充分,艺术性也最高。他的作品为资产阶级的兴起作了最有力的舆论准备 。 In poetry creation, he changed the format in Italy, according to the four, four, four two arrangement, each poem can better embody the introduction, emotional and train of thought turns and change. He likes from life and nature, from the country, city, court, stage, court, battlefield, merchants cabinet, churches looking for vivid images and metaphors. He used his control, polysemy, repetition, alliteration, pause, the length of tone scattered to foil content, enhanced music. The sonnet form in the foreign developed under the pen of Shakespeare. 在诗歌的创作中,他改变了意大利的格式,按四、四、四二编排,每首诗更能体现起承转合,情感和思路曲折而有变化。他喜欢从生活和大自然中,从乡村、城市、法庭、舞台、宫廷、战场、商人的柜房、教堂等场所寻找生动的形象和比喻。他常用对照、多义词、重复、停顿、头韵、长短音的错落来烘托内容,增强音乐性。十四行诗这一外来形式在莎士比亚笔下得到了发展。,Shakespeare is a great master of language, he absorbed the peoples language, ancient and modern literary language essence, in his mature works can be handy, and then the local mood anastomosis, according to the characters and plot, and poetry, and prose. Early language be gorgeous, late maturity, but always lively and full of image. Many of his phrases win universal praise, become a part of British National language. 莎士比亚是一位杰出的语言大师,他吸收了人民语言、古代和当代文学语言的精华,在他的成熟作品中能做到得心应手,与人物当时当地的心情吻合,按人物性格和剧情需要,时而诗体,时而散文。早期语言流于华丽,后期日趋成熟,但始终生动而富于形象性。他的许多词句脍炙人口,成为英国全民语言的一部分。,During this period, Shakespeare wrote nine historical subjects to British historical drama, the prevailing historical plays in the highest achievement. 这一时期,莎士比亚写过九部以英国历史为题材的历史剧,在当时盛行的历史剧中成就最高。 Shakespeares history plays reflect the emerging bourgeoisie request Shakespeares history plays with epic grand scale, although the UK is a past history, wrote in Renaissance England society and was a problem concerned by the people, and had distinctive national features. 莎士比亚的历史剧反映了新兴资产阶级的要求 莎士比亚的历史剧具有史诗的宏大规模,虽然讲的是英国过去的历史,却写出了文艺复兴时期的英国社会和当时人们所关心的问题,并具有鲜明的民族特点。 Shakespeare on real life deeply and widely observed and his era s exploration, laid the foundation of his realism. 莎士比亚对现实生活的深入而广泛的观察以及对他所处的那个时代的悉心探索,奠定了他的现实主义的深厚基础。,The Shakespeare story: Once, I had asked about Shakespeare wrote many research


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