外研版高考英语一轮复习必修3 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+关于偶像的作文:理性的崇拜_第1页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修3 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+关于偶像的作文:理性的崇拜_第2页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修3 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+关于偶像的作文:理性的崇拜_第3页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修3 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+关于偶像的作文:理性的崇拜_第4页
外研版高考英语一轮复习必修3 3 Module3知能演练(含答案)+关于偶像的作文:理性的崇拜_第5页
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外研版高考英语一轮复习必修33Module3知能演练(含答案)+关于偶像的作文:理性的崇拜 阅读理解A(2018x西赣中南五校联考)In its early history,Chicago had floods frequently,especially in the spring,making the streets so muddy that people,horses and carts got stuck.An old joke that was popular at the time went like this:A man is stuck up to his waist in a muddy Chicago street.Asked if he needs help,he replies,“No,thanks.Ive got a good horse under me.”The city planner decided to build an underground drainage(排水) system,but there simply wasnt enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level.The only two options were to lower the Chicago River or raise the city.An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt.This raised the level of the citys streets by as much as 12 feet.This of course created a new problem:dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago.Building owners were faced with a choice:either change the first floors of their buildings into basements,and the second stories into mainfloors,or hoist(吊起) the entire buildings to meet the new street level.Small woodframe buildings could be lifted fairly easily.But what about large,heavy structures like the Tremont Hotel, which was a sixstory brick building?Thats where George Pullman came in.He had developed some housemoving skills successfully.To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel,Pullman would place thousands of jackscrews(螺旋千斤顶) beneath the buildings foundation.One man was assigned to operate each section of roughly 10 jackscrews.At Pullmans sign each man turned his jackscrews by the same amount at the same time,thereby raising the building slowly and evenly.Astonishingly,the Tremont Hotel stayed open during the entire operation,and many of its guests didnt even notice anything was happening.Some people like to say that every problem has a solution. But in Chicagos early history, every engineering solution seemed to create a new problem.Now that Chicagos waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River,the citys next step was to clean the polluted river.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了芝加哥为了应对洪水泛滥的问题而实行了一些解决方案的故事。1The author mentions the joke in Paragraph 1 to show_Ahorses were fairly useful in ChicagoBChicagos streets were extremely muddyCChicago was very dangerous in the springDthe Chicago people were particularly humorousB解析:推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“In its early history,Chicago had floods frequently,especially in the spring,making the streets so muddy that people,horses and carts got stuck.”可推知,作者提及这个笑话是为了表明芝加哥的街道非常泥泞,故选B。2The city planners were convinced by Ellis Chesbrough to_Aget rid of the street dirtBlower the Chicago RiverCfight against heavy floodsDbuild the pipes above groundD解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt.”可知,Ellis Chesbrough 让城市规划者相信在地上建管道才能解决洪水泛滥所带来的问题,故选D。3What can we conclude about the moving operation of the Tremont Hotel?AIt went on smoothly as intended.BIt interrupted the business of the hotel.CIt involved Pullman in turning ten jackscrews.DIt separated the building from its foundation.A解析:细节理解题。根据第五段内容可推知,用螺旋千斤顶把the Tremont Hotel升高的事项进展顺利,故选A。4The passage is mainly about the early Chicagos_Apopular lifestyles and their influencesBenvironmental disasters and their causesCengineering problems and their solutionsDsuccessful businessmen and their achievementsC解析:主旨大意题。结合全文可知,本文主要讲的是早期芝加哥如何应对洪水泛滥的问题的故事,故选C。B(2018x博模拟)When Columbus “sailed the ocean blue in 1492” he wasnt looking for America.He was searching for a route from Spain to China;America just got in the way.The Spanish were after the riches of Asia:silk,dates,spices.Until later adventurers discovered how to sail to the Far East,trade with China depended on the Silk Road.The trade between China and Europe brought huge wealth,so the Spanish had a strong desire to find a new way to the East.Eventually a way appeared;as sea traffic developed from the 17th Century onwards,the overland route diminishedNow China is seeking to revive(复兴) the Silk Road and is preparing to invest 4 trillion pounds in new roads,rail links,oil pipelines and other basic facilities.It is hoped that goods can be shipped westwards by land far more quickly and economically than by sea.But the plan is also to attract more tourists.Actually,China does pretty well for tourists already;its the worlds fourth most visited country.Two citiesBeijing and Shanghaipossess the tourism business,with significant interest in destinations such as Xian and Chengdu.While Beijing is modern,cities such as Lanzhou and Dunhuang have one foot planted firmly in old China.Other places featured include Xian,the former capital of China,where you can come face to face with the Terracotta Army built to protect Chinas first emperor in the afterlife.From Lanzhou tour members take the train to Jiayuguan,Chinas western gateway and a key location on the Silk Road.There is also a fourday coach journey along the original Silk Route through the Xinjiang region to Kashgar.Along the way,at Kurla,you can visit the ruins of the Iron Fortress.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文。在古代,丝绸之路促进了东西方商品和文化的交流,后来没落了。但是最近几年,中国复兴丝绸之路的计划使它又焕发了活力、魅力。5What does the underlined word“diminished” in Paragraph 2 mean?ADiscovered.BDisappeared.CDisturbed. DDisplayed.B解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段最后两句中的“the Spanish had a strong desire to find a new way to the East.Eventually a way appeared;as sea traffic developed from the 17th Century onwards”可知,当时西班牙人找到了一条更快、更方便的通往中国的海路,因此随着海上贸易的发展,那条陆地上的丝绸之路逐渐废弃、消失不见了。由此可推断出,“diminish”应意为“消失”。故选B。6What is the purpose of reviving the Silk Road?ATo rebuild the ruins of the Iron Fortress.BTo construct new roads and other basic structures.CTo make transportation westwards faster and cheaper.DTo draw more inland tourists attention to the western gateway.C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二句可知,这是为了更快、更便宜地将商品输送至西方。故选C。7What can we learn about the Silk Road?AIt is nothing but a trade route.BIt may destroy some cities ancient style.CIt attracts foreign investment of 4 trillion.DIt promotes the tourism industry of China.D解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第一句可知,复兴丝绸之路也是为了吸引更多的游客,促进中国旅游业的发展。故选D。8What is the best title for the text?AThe Charming of the Silk RoadBThe Function of the Silk RoadCThe Origin of the Silk RoadDThe Future of the Silk RoadA解析:标题归纳题。根据文章内容可判断出,本文主要讲述的是:在最近几年,丝绸之路又焕发出了魅力和活力,它不仅方便了商品的运输,而且促进了中国旅游业的发展。A项体现了本文的主题,适合用作标题。故选A。 完形填空(2018x西考前适应性测试)My father, Danny Thomas, was a famous comedian, singer, actor, and producer with many fans. When I was a child I _1_ him. Once, my father made a(n) _2_ with Margaret OBrien and he often took me to the set. I also wanted to be a movie star. Ten years later, at age seventeen, I got my _3_I played the lead in Gigi. However, the _4_ of finally being a real actress was painfully shortlived. All the interviews and all the reviews _5_ my father.Would I be as good as my father? Would I be as popular? I was extremely _6_I loved my father, but my _7_ was just him.“Daddy,” I began, “please dont be _8_ when I tell you this. I want to change my _9_. I love you but I dont want to be a Thomas anymore.”I tried not to _10_ during the long silence. And then he said, “I raised you to be a thoroughbred(优秀的赛马). When thoroughbreds run, they wear blinders to keep their eyes focused straight _11_ with no disturbance, no other horses. They hear the crowd but they dont _12_. They just run their own race. Thats what you have to do. Dont listen to anyone _13_ you to me or to anyone else. You just run your own race.”The next night _14_ the crowd filed into the theater, the stage manager _15_ me a white box with a red ribbon. I opened it up and inside was a pair of old horse blinders with a little note that _16_, “Run your own race, Baby.”Run your own race, Baby. Dad could have said it a dozen other ways:“Be _17_”; “Dont be influenced by others.” But it wouldnt have been the same. He chose the right words at the right time. And all _18_ my life, Ive been able to come to the point by asking myself, “Am I running my race or _19_ elses?”I thank my father for all his words that continue to live in my _20_【解题导语】作者通过自己的经历让我们明白一个人生哲理:走好自己的路,让别人说去吧。1A.hated BadoredCfeared DavoidedB解析:根据上文中提及的was a famous comedian, singer, actor, and producer with many fans可知,作者的父亲是一个著名的喜剧家、歌手、演员及制作人,而且有许多粉丝,因此,作者小时候很崇拜(adored)他。故选B项。hate意为“厌恶;憎恨”;fear意为“害怕;恐惧”;avoid意为“避免”。2A.movie BalbumCrecord DinterviewA解析:根据下文中的I also wanted to be a movie star.可知,此处指作者的父亲跟玛格丽特奥布赖恩一起拍电影(movie),他经常把作者带到拍摄现场。故选A项。album意为“相册;唱片”;record意为“记录”;interview意为“采访;面试”。3A.position BawardCdegree DchanceD解析:根据下文中的I played the lead in Gigi.可知,作者也想成为一名电影明星,而她在电影琪琪中饰演主角,说明作者在17岁时得到了一次机会(chance)。故选D项。position意为“职位;位置”;award意为“荣誉;奖励”;degree意为“程度;学位”。4A.affection BanxietyCexcitement DbitternessC解析:联系上文及常识可知,作者实现了当演员的梦想,心情一定是激动的。affection意为“感情;喜爱;感染”;anxiety意为“忧虑;担忧”;excitement意为“兴奋;激动”;bitterness意为“痛苦;悲痛;怨恨”。故选C项。句意为:然而痛苦的是,最终成为真正的女演员的激动并未持续很久。5A.focused on Brelied onCappealed to Dattended toA解析:根据下文中的Would I be as good as my father?及从上文可知作者的父亲很有名,所以记者都想从作者身上得到关于她父亲的各种相关信息。也就是说,所有的采访和评论的焦点都围绕着父亲。focus on意为“集中于”,故选A项。rely on意为“依靠;信赖”;appeal to意为“上诉;申诉;对有吸引力;呼吁;恳求”;attend to意为“注意;致力于;关心;照料;护理”。6A.calm BupsetCtouched DguiltyB解析:根据上文可推知,作者本来因为成为真正的演员而感到兴奋,但是几乎没有人关心她自己的努力,只关心她父亲的情况,所以她很心烦(upset)。故选B项。calm意为“冷静的”;touched意为“感动的”;guilty意为“内疚的;有罪的”。7A.belief BlimitCmodel DproblemD解析:作者由于外人都聚焦于父亲而无人关心她的努力而很苦恼,因此,此处指作者爱她的父亲,但她的问题(problem)就是他。故选D项。belief意为“信仰;信条”;limit意为“限制;局限”;model意为“模型;典型;模范”。8A.puzzled BinjuredChurt DconfusedC解析:根据上文可知,作者因为她的父亲而心烦意乱,再结合下文内容,作者想改名字可知,她不想父亲因此受到伤害。puzzled意为“困惑的”;injured意为“受伤的”;hurt意为“受伤的”,可指身心受到伤害;confused意为“困惑的”。故选C项。9A.role BnameCschool DmajorB解析:根据下一句可知,作者不想再用托马斯这个姓了,因此,她想改掉名字(name)。故选B项。role意为“角色”;school意为“学校”;major意为“专业”。10A.cry BsmileCscream DlaughA解析:根据语境,作者说出会让父亲受伤的话,自己肯定也不舒服。cry意为“哭泣”;smile意为“微笑”;scream意为“尖叫”;laugh意为“笑;嘲笑”。故选A项。句意为:在一阵长久的沉默中,我努力不去哭泣。11A.ahead BaroundCabout DasideA解析:当赛马奔跑时,它们会戴着眼罩遮住自己的眼睛,以便把注意力集中在前方(ahead),不受任何干扰,也不看其他的马。故选A项。12A.hesitate BmoveCshout DlistenD解析:根据上文中的hear及but表转折可知,它们听到马群的声音,但是它们不去听,hear与listen相对应。故选D项。hesitate意为“犹豫;迟疑”;move意为“移动”;shout意为“呼喊”。13A.leading BcomparingCtying DintroducingB解析:从上文可知作者不能忍受媒体总是拿她跟她的父亲比较,还因此想改名,她的父亲劝她不要受他人评价的影响。结合下文“.You just run your own race.”可知,不要在意任何人把她跟父亲比较。lead意为“领导;带领”;compare意为“比较”;tie意为“系;打结;与打成平局”;introduce意为“介绍;引进”。故选B项。14A.until BthoughCas DsinceC解析:句意为:第二天晚上,在观众排队进入影院的时候,舞台经理递给我一个系着一条红丝带的白色盒子。根据句意可知,设空处表示“当的时候”,引导时间状语从句。故选C项。until意为“直到”;though意为“尽管”;since意为“自从;既然;由于”,均不符合语境。15A.delivered BhandedCdropped DpressedB解析:根据下文中的I opened it up可知,此处指舞台经理递给(handed)作者一个盒子。故选B项。deliver意为“邮寄;发表;接生”;drop意为“放弃;下降”;press意为“压;挤;推;施加压力”。16A.wrote BshowedCprinted DreadD解析:设空后的“Run your own race, Baby.”是纸条上写的内容。write意为“写”;show意为“显示;说明”;print意为“印刷;打印”。此处指纸条上“写着”,应用read。故选D项。17A.grateful BmodestCindependent DconsiderateC解析:句意为:爸爸本来可以用许多其他方式说出这句话:“要独立(independent)”;“不要被其他人影响”。据上文可知,父亲的意思就是要独立,故选C项。grateful意为“感激的”;modest意为“谦虚的;谦逊的;适度的;端庄的”;considerate意为“考虑周到的;体贴的”,均不符合语境。18A.toward BbeyondCthrough DbehindC解析:句意为:在我整个(through)人生中,我已经能直奔主题扪心自问:“我现在是在参加自己的比赛还是其他人的呢?”all through后接时间表示“整个”。toward意为“朝;向”;beyond意为“超出”;behind意为“在后面”,均不符合语境。故选C项。19A.somebody Beveryon


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